DEVELOPMENT VISION AND SECTORAL GOALS OF QUEZON CITY COMPREHENSICE DEVELOPMENT PLAN | 2017—2020 Quezon City is unique and incom- The Green Lung of Metro Ma- parable in many ways. Gifted with the nila biggest land area among the cities in The Knowledge Industry Capi- Metro Manila, it holds the greatest po- tal of the Country tential for more diverse and well- planned urban development. It has The Health and Wellness Center also the widest expanse of parks and in Asia-Pacific open spaces that provides a natural The inhabitants of Quezon City like- setting in an urban environment. wise perceive their city as a high Qual- ity Community for living, working and The city is likewise home to major playing. They dream of their city as hospitals and medical centers, all the affording them a high quality of living, media and entertainment networks, a more prosperous economy, a safer top-ranked institutions of higher learn- and more livable cityscape that in- ing, and key national government spires a good sense of place and civic agencies and offices. pride, and a well-governed constituen- cy. Quezon City has now the fastest Quezon City is envisioned to be a growing ICT industry being the loca- high Quality Community, a highly de- tion of choice of business process out- sirable place ever blessed with – sourcing firms. The City’s population A healthy, educated and secure is generally young, educated and em- citizenry ployable and is the biggest market base A strong, diverse and vibrant in the country. A World Bank study economy noted that “the center of gravity of all A well-linked, balanced and at- commercial activities in the coming tractive cityscape years” is in Quezon City. A clean, green and resilient envi- ronment Given its many assets and compar- A dynamic, sound and participa- tive governance ative advantages, therefore, Quezon City is poised to play a major role in future developments beyond its bor- 3.1 Quezon City Roles Beyond Its ders. A series of workshops conducted Borders in April 2017 among the members of From its very inception Quezon City the duly-constituted City Development has been outward looking. Being the Council reviewed, validated and identi- nation’s one-time capital its very de- fied the following outward-looking vi- sign and layout, its initial infrastruc- sion: Chapter 3: DEVELOPMENT VISION AND SECTORAL GOALS OF QUEZON CITY QUEZON OF GOALS AND SECTORAL VISION DEVELOPMENT 3: Chapter 25 QUEZON CITY tures and investments were oriented University and Miriam College and rec- to serving a much wider constituency reational greens of major institutions than its local inhabitants. Therefore, it such as Camp Aguinaldo, Camp Crame, cannot afford to exist entirely for itself Veterans Memorial Medical Center and even after the national capital has been the privately-owned Capitol Hills Golf expanded into the entire Metro Manila, and Country Club and the QC Sports hence, the National Capital Region Club. Other linear parks of regional (NCR). As a city oriented to the outside importance include easements of pow- world therefore, Quezon City does, or er transmission lines, center islands intends to project an ever widening and tree-lined boulevards and side- spiral of influence first to its immedi- walks provided with planting strips all ate regional context – Metro Manila; with an aggregate area of 57 hectares. then to the country as a whole; and Add to these the aqueduct right-of-way finally, to the growth continent of the with a total area of 65 hectares. These 21st century – Asia and the Pacific. patches of greenery in a vast metropo- lis provide a breathing space for the 3.1.1 The Green Lung of the Me- burgeoning population. These also tropolis provide refuge to various wildlife that This is the unique role of Quezon maintain a normal level of biological City being endowed with the most ex- diversity despite the constant threat of creeping urbanization. tensive expanse of open space and greenery in Mega Manila. In relative Between 2009 and 2016, the follow- terms, open space takes up about one- ing conditions and development were fifth of the total land area of the city. noted in relation to this component. Considering that the city accounts for one-fourth of the metropolitan land Quezon City still has the largest area its share of open space even in share of greenery to total land area, absolute hectarage is unmatched by hence this role of the city is partly any other city. Contributing to this attained. However, a decrease in the green lung of the metropolis are large total area for open space from parks which include the 2,570-hectare 3,265.87 hectares (has) in 2009 to La Mesa Reservoir and its watershed 3,186.23 has in 2013 was observed. and the Quezon Memorial Circle and the Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife The La Mesa Watershed, as the last nature center with a combined area of remaining forest in Metro Manila, is over 42 hectares. In addition, Quezon composed of variety of ecosystems and habitat to more than 170 spe- City is host to huge university campus- cies of Philippine flora and fauna. To es such as those of the University of the date, 72 endemic tree species have Philippines Diliman, Ateneo de Manila Chapter 3: DEVELOPMENT VISION AND SECTORAL GOALS OF QUEZON CITY QUEZON OF GOALS AND SECTORAL VISION DEVELOPMENT 3: Chapter been planted by a total of 20,000 26 COMPREHENSICE DEVELOPMENT PLAN | 2017—2020 velopment and access of these na- volunteers in 1,344 has. of the wa- ture parks and center. Opportuni- tershed. The 30-hectare La Mesa ties for other green areas are lim- Ecopark Resort’s amenities include ited and the existing green spaces an Orchidarium, Butterfly Garden, are invaded by concrete surfaces; Hanging Bridge, picnic area and eco- natural drainage corridors are tak- trails. en over by residential use, particu- The Quezon Memorial Circle is one larly by informal settler families of the most visited parks in the city (ISFs), lack of fresher concepts in with a recorded number of parks and lack of ample accessibility 1,105,118 visitors from 2006 – mechanisms in the parks and open 2008. The proliferation of an in- spaces especially for the elderly and people with disabilities. creasing number of commercial spaces, if continued and unregulated The city has partially fulfilled the will undermine the function of the role to take the lead in the number park and open space. There is no of green legislations enacted and clear mechanism for encouraging implemented as the current admin- istration has been a pioneer and and recording the number of visi- progressive advocate of solutions tors from different cities. for environmental issues, climate The Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wild- change and sustainable solutions. life Nature Center is the only zoolog- Moreover, it has enacted several laws on environment protection ical and botanical garden located at the southwest of the QMC which such as the Environmental Protec- houses 38 species of trees and tion and Waste Management Code shrubs in 2009 represented by of Quezon City in 2014. It is the first 2,443 trees commonly found in Phil- city in the entire country to imple- ippine forests and has kept various ment a Green Building Ordinance. species of endemic and endangered The city has adopted various good birds, mammals, reptiles and am- green practices such as: the estab- phibians in the open-air Mini-zoo lishment of materials recovery fa- and Wildlife Rescue Center. It fur- cility (MRF) where collected gar- ther serves as venue for public edu- bage are sorted properly; an effec- cation, and training and research tive information campaign on the facility for future veterinarians and practice of 3Rs or Reduce, Reuse, biologists. It also includes other and Recycle; and, a green public amenities like cottages available for transport system has been initiated conferences, meetings, seminars, For Quezon City to maintain this children’s playground, visitor’s cen- role in the metropolis in the long term, ter, a man-made lagoon for fishing, a it shall see to it that: rock garden and a craft village. The city also faces some challenges a)it accounts for the largest share of in the continued maintenance, de- greenery to total land area and main- CITY QUEZON OF GOALS AND SECTORAL VISION DEVELOPMENT 3: Chapter 27 QUEZON CITY tains the most extensive proportion of universities and other institutions of open space and greenery with the con- higher learning. It has been cited also sideration that: the 25% open space as among the top 50 emerging global and greenery will be retained with an outsourcing cities, a definite advantage increment of 1`% - 5% annually; some the city has now attained in the infor- 5% will be allocated to businesses and mation and communication technology vendors; and, convert portions for amusement areas and wellness or fel- (ICT) industry. Moreover, Quezon City lowship programs for citizens of the is home to all national television and city and the metropolis. movie production outfits and universi- ty-based facilities for visual and per- b) its well-tended parks are patron- forming arts. But more than the pas- ized by the metropolitan population sive role of providing sites and venues through a clear public information for the production and application of campaign; development of these areas as eco-tourism areas; and budget allo- knowledge, Quezon City intends to be cation for the maintenance and devel- actively engaged in the promotion, en- opment of these nature parks and cen- hancement and preservation of the ters. sciences and the arts.
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