Produced by × Vol. 25 FALL 2018 Visits focus on exchange programs by Livia Szabo, Church in Hungary, and the Buda- Josai International Center for the pest Business School. Promotion of Art and Science Aiming to discuss further coop- (JICPAS) eration and enhancement of stu- dent, research and faculty ex- This fall, a five-member delega- change, they met with managing tion led by Motoyuki Ono, special members of each institution, along adviser to the Chancellor, visited with faculty members of Japanese our partner schools in Central Eu- studies, and heads of international rope. Among the delegates were relations departments. faculty members of JIU, including Josai has always enjoyed a professor Tomohiko Yoshida, Vice strong relationship with institu- President and Head of Center for tions of higher education in the International Education and asso- Visegrad Four (V4) countries (the ciate professor Attila Kiraly, a Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland member of the Josai Institute for and Slovakia), starting with the Central European Studies. Two signing of the first educational co- members from the JUEC respon- operation agreement in 2007 with sible for international relations the Budapest Business School. rounded out the delegation. Now, there are 19 partner schools During the first week of October, in the region, and in the past 11 the delegates paid official visits to years, Josai University and JIU our partner universities in Poland, have accepted more than 180 stu- the Czech Republic, Slovakia and dents from V4 through intern- Hungary. In Poland, they visited the ships, and more than 590 students University of Warsaw, the University were sent to those four countries of Lodz, and the Polish-Japanese in various forms of student ex- Meeting with the members of University of Warsaw Academy of Information Technol- change. ogy. They went to Masaryk Univer- To reach out to our former ex- and Budapest. A total of 20 former ry, and Mykolas Romeris Univer- ed in actions by both universities sity in the Czech Republic, and Co- change students, the delegates in- and current students showed up sity in Vilnius, Lithuania in the fol- to improve current exchange pro- menius University in Slovakia. In vited past Mizuta Scholarship stu- for pleasant evenings. lowing week, returning to Japan grams, set up new international Hungary, they were hosted by Eot- dents and Josai students currently A fifth member of the delega- on Oct.13. programs and to make those pro- vos Lorand University, Karoli Gas- studying in Central Europe to din- tion visited University of Pecs and Extensive information gathered grams more accessible and attrac- par University of the Reformed ner gatherings in both Warsaw University of Debrecen in Hunga- through those visits will be reflect- tive to all students. school students are taking lectures from JIU instructors at our univer- Sammu mayor seeks further cooperation with JIU sity campus. We believe such edu- cational cooperation is also impor- by JIU Times ulty of Nursing students partici- ba Prefecture and have a positive tant. Do you agree? pate in “public health on-the-job impact on our children’s future. A: It is a wonderful project for JIU Times had the privilege of work” programs for newborn and As an international university high school students, since this speaking with the city of Sammu’s infant health examinations, elderly bonding strongly with the local opportunity will broaden their Mayor, Hiroaki Matsushita. The welfare and other health-related community, JIU is counted on to perspectives and enable them to following is a summary of the in- projects. Sammu Medical Center nurture personnel who will meet think about university at an earlier terview. was the first to offer scholarships the needs of the community stage and provide them with more to support nursing school students through educational activities in information to make choices. Q: Congratulations on being and I hope many students will collaboration with the local com- The topic of “multicultural co- elected mayor of the city of Sam- choose Sammu Medical Center for munity. We would like to further existence” is quite meaningful, mu. You said you wanted to carry their careers. enhance our cooperation with JIU, since young people need skills to on the former mayor’s administra- Sammu’s Matsuo High School which is at the core of our region, survive in the coming global soci- tion. It seems that he believed in has been named a Super Global to develop our community. ety — particularly by improving cooperation and partnership with High School (SGH) and conducts Q: In March, Sri Lanka’s then- language skills to actively partici- Josai International University. global aging research projects, so I Minister of Education Akila Viraj pate in international society and What does the university mean to believe cooperation with JIU in Kariyawasam visited JIU’s Togane understand foreign customs and Sammu? welfare is a possibility. Campus. Did this visit deal with cultures. A: Although JIU’s head office is Q: You mentioned “the most Sammu becoming a host town for located in Togane, JIU is geo- pursue for our residents are im- critical issue is to deal with the de- the Sri Lankan national team for graphically closer to Sammu than proving education, culture and clining population.” University the 2020 Olympics and Paralym- central Togane. Thus, we feel a sports; promoting industry and President Kenji Sugibayashi said, pics? Inside This Issue sense of familiarity with the uni- tourism; dealing with the declin- “JIU aims to become an interna- A: I just returned from a busi- versity. The former mayor partici- ing population; improving welfare, tional university strongly tied to ness trip from Sri Lanka. The for- Scene on Campus pated in various important events medical care and supporting the the local community.” With declin- mer minister of education visited at JIU that I would like to attend as elderly and people with disabili- ing birthrates and an aging society, JIU to further understand Japanese Page 2 well. The university is expected to ties. Sammu has worked together do you agree with his statement of university education, and after ▶▶ foster outstanding human resourc- with JIU on several business proj- “our university and the local com- meeting with Sri Lankan students, Doing business via local NGO es, pass on knowledge and con- ects. munity are in the same boat?” he met with the JIU president and tribute to society. Since the univer- One example is Sammu Chil- A: I am very committed to tak- agreed to strengthen ties between Page 3 sity is like a think tank for the dren’s School, an educational sup- ing measures against the declining both countries through education- neighborhood, JIU’s existence has port facility for elementary and birthrate since this may lead to a al exchanges. Sammu was one of ▶▶ Fall matriculation and graduation an immeasurable value to Sammu junior high school students held decline in regional vitality and I the first cities to be named as host and surrounding areas. during summer, where JIU stu- totally agree with President Sug- town for the Olympics and Para- Page 6 Q: Regarding Sammu’s vision in dents participate as instructors. In ibayashi’s opinion that we are in lympics, which became possible local development, you men- sports, we hosted the Top Athlete the same boat. through the special relationship ▶▶ Voices from exchange tioned eight pillars where we be- sports class and invited a Brazilian Although Sammu’s population Sammu had with Sri Lanka students lieve the university can cooperate soccer club for lessons and an in- is facing a decline, Sammu offers through a foster parent system. in some areas, especially within ternational goodwill match at good child-rearing support. In Q: As part of JIU and Sammu’s JU Corner the faculties of Pharmaceutical Prince Takamado Memorial Sports terms of education, we provide ad- Naruto High School education al- Sciences, Nursing, and Social Park. We have managed to host vanced information and commu- liance for high school-university Page 8 Work Studies. How can JIU further various meaningful projects nications technology education in collaboration courses, lectures on cooperate in a “regional alliance?” thanks to the cooperation of JIU. elementary school, which is ex- “multicultural coexistence” have ▶▶ Sports facility’s renovation A: Among the policies I’d like to In regards to welfare, JIU’s Fac- pected to become the best in Chi- been offered since last year. High 2 Scene on Campus JIU TIMES | FALL 2018 Conducting business via local NGO by Tomoko Hirose, Gawad Kalinga has been rec- International Center for the ognized globally. Antonio Meloto Promotion of Art & Sciences was awarded the Nikkei Asia (JICPAS) Prize for Regional Growth in 2011, along with various other Gawad Kalinga (Tagalog for prizes. “To give care”) is a Philippines- Publisher: Bunshindo Publishing based non-governmental orga- Corp. nization (NGO) that aims to end Price: ¥1,800 (plus sales tax) poverty under the motto, “No one gets left behind.” “The Genius of the Poor: An About the author Englishman’s Life-changing Jour- Thomas Graham was born in ney in the Philippines” is a book London and graduated from the written by Thomas Graham, a University of Leeds. He studied British journalist in his early 30s. in Italy and France, and com- Graham spent one year visiting pleted graduate school in Spain. farms run by NGOs and their as- He then lived in Guatemala and On Oct. 11, 2018, Thomas Graham gave a lecture entitled “From sociated companies in the Phil- South Africa. The British journal- Volunteer Activity to Social Entrepreneurship” at the Tokyo ippines. He then wrote about the ist met Antonio Meloto in Manila Kioicho Campus. people he met and recorded his volunteers.
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