AND IA ULLETIN ....Vol. IV. No. 8 SANDIA CORPORATION, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO . April!!, 1952 C. W. Carnahan Is H. W. Maglidt Conducts Wage Survey Named Fellow of 181 Men And Women from 37 States Engineering Group Join Sandia Corporation In March Of Albuquerque, Publishes Findings "For contributions to frequency Eighty-six men and women from uates : Brown University: Te::cas A H. W. Maglidt,. a Sandia Corpora• student in the Department of Eco• modulation, television, and electronic 36 states other than New Mexico & M, Kansas State, Umvers,1ty of tion employee who is doing graduate nomics of the University. Mr. Mag• · systems engineering ..." So read the came to Albuquerque during March Michigan, Col~r\).do. A & M, Ala• work at the University of New Mex• lidt undertook this ambitious project citation that went with the Fellow to work for Sandia Corporation. In bama Tech, Umvers1ty of New Mex• ico, has played a major part in the in ·connection with a graduate course addition to these folks, 95 people ico, Washington State. conducting compiling and writing of in business research. from New Mexico joined Sandia University of Washington, ~outh "He bore . the responsibility of planning and organizing the p-roject, during the month. Dakota State Colle?e, ':"estmn;ster setting up the job descriptions, forms Further swelling the polJ'ulation of ~ollege, ~enver Umverslt~, Umver- · d · th 31 day period s1ty of Anzona, St. Josephs College, and instructions, training the inter• t h e c1ty unng e - U . · f Okl h T T h viewers and soliciting the coopera• were the 183 children included in mverslty 0 • ~ oma, exas ec · h 148 f T f th up Boston Umvers1ty, College of St. tion of the business firms. t e ami Ies o e gro . Therese, Marietta College, Trinity "He did a considerable part of A report prepared by the Employ- University, University of Minnesota, the interviewing and also edited the ment and ~ersonnel Department University of Colorado, Northwest• returns, made the original calcula• shows that nme of the newcomers ern State College Norwich Univer- tions and prepared the first draft graduated from college in 1952 and 't ' 51 of the manuscript." in all, 43 of them ~ave college ~~uthern Methodist University, The study covered wage rates, degrees. Bachelor of SCienc~ degrees University of Wisconsin, New Mex• hours of work, overtime pay and have been earned by 32, hve have ico A & M, Tulane University, Illi• weekly earnings of work~rs in 28 bachelor of arts .degre~s, two h~ve nois Institute of Technology, Ohio recognized occupations in Albuquer• ~aste.rs degrees m busmess ad_mm- University, University of California, que. Information for the study was 1strat10n, two have master of science University of Virginia, University of secured from interviews with 35 degrees and . two have the degree Cincinnati. cooperating employers who had Doctor of Philosophy. Mr. Carnahan approximately 7,900 people working Following are the home states of for them. Award of the Institute of Radio En• the new arrivals : Year's Best Yarn Mr. Maglidt, who is on leave of gineers presented to C. W. Carnahan, New Mexico .. 95 Michigan .. 2 Wins Top Honors at the recent Institute convention California . .. New York . Mr. Maglidt absence from the Western Electric 5410, 12 2 Company Point Breeze Plant in in New York. Illinois . 9 Washington, For Francis Scott an Occupational Wage Survey of Baltimore, Md., has 15 years expe• Mr. Carnahan has been a member Missouri 00 00 • 7 D.C. 00 00 00 2 Francis C. Scott, 2412, is one of Albuquerque. rience with the Bell System. He is of IRE since 1933 and he was chair• Texas . 7 Wisconsin . 2 those rare men who may be proud The report is one of a Business supervisor of Division 4233, Account• man of the New Mexico Section from Indiana . .. 5 Alabama . 1 of telling the biggest lie of the year. Information Series of the Bureau of ing and Financial Methods Division, 1949 to 1950. He was named to the Oklahoma . 5 Kansas . 1 It's all very legal, respectable and Business Research at the University at Sandia Corporation. Board of Editors in 1947, a position Ohio ..... 5 Minnesota . 1 commendable for Scottie won the and was prepared with the assist• While at the Point Breeze plant he he still holds. In this capacity he fre• Colorado . 4 Mississippi . 1 annual prevaricators' contest at the ance of Ralph L. Edge!, Director of was responsible for the clerical job quently writes reviews of technical New Jersey .. 4 Nebraska .. .. 1 recent Game Protective Association the Bureau. analysis work in th~ Business Methods books for Blast, an IRE publication. Iowa .... ..... 3 Pennsylvania 1 banquet in Albuquerque. A winner of the prize two years The foreword of the publication Organization. He has also worked His experience includes teaching Louisiana .. 3 Utah .... .. .. 1 ago, Scottie was squeezed out of the states, . "The present survey was ini• at the Western Electric plants in physics at Fresno State College for Washington . 3 Virginia ... 1 title a year ago by a ·local member tiated and made possible by the Winston-Salem, N.C:, and Scranton, three years after receiving his B. S. Arizona . 2 West Virginia 1 of the "profession," as he chooses enthusiasm and untiring efforts of Pa. He is a graduate of Johns and M. A. degrees in physics from Following are the colleges from to call it. Mr. H. Wilson Maglidt, a graduate Hopkins University. Stanford University, 16 years in re• which the new employees are grad- The tall tale which won top search and development-two years honors for him this year was about with Television Laboratories, Inc., seven years with Sylvania Electric Sandians Help Start a now-extinct horned owl which he Technical And Scientific Societies shot in the wilds of southwestern Products, Inc., seven years with Zenith 1952-53 Albuquerque Radio Corp.-and a year with Sub• New Mexico. He was wrangling cattle and dropped his rope around marine Signal Co. developing radar Name Don Bliss President of Council Symphony Season the horns of the "Owlus Hornibus fire control systems. Sandians associated with the Albu• Don Bliss, 2532, was recently elected arouse interest in engineering and the New Mexicus" by - mistake. The He joined the Laboratory here in querque Civic Symphony are help• president of the newly-formed Council sciences, coordinating the program• critter took off at 700 miles per 1948. ing make plans for the coming con• of Technical and Scientific Societies. ming and announcements of society hour and from there on the tale cert season. W . R. Luxford, 2331, Tom Muzzey, 3124-1, was named vice meetings, minimizing overlapping of went beyond the bounds of the wild• has informed the Bulletin that sev• president and Ted Church, 5414, is meetings, . fostering public interest in est imagination. eral guest soloists have been arranged secretary-treasurer. technical and scientific affairs, and Sandians Head Scottie, modest in his vict~ry but for next year and will include Guio• The Council, which has been organ- promoting interest of members in civic proud of his success, maintained a izing since last June, is designed to functions. Magicians Club mar Novaes, pianist; Herva Nelli, serious attitude throughout the entire soprano, and Leonard Rose, cellist. recounting of the tale and in a true coordinate the activities of technical There will be no regular meetings, Charlie Dodson, 1923, .was named and scientific societies throughout president of the Albuquerque Ma• There will be six concerts in the "liars" fashion was deeply hurt when instead special meetings will be called • Albuquerque. gicians Club in an election of officers 1952-53 season and those buying sea• the audience took his tale lightly. Each of the societies who are mem• by the board of directors as the need held Apr. 4. Others elected were son tickets may attend the last con• Also p-articipating in the contest bers of the Council has provided a arises. William G. Jenkins 2544, vice presi• cert of the 1951-52 season, May 9, was Corry McDonald, 1210, who free. representative and alternate to .form a The Council constitution states that dent, AI S]'iengeman 4150, secretary• confounded the hunters and fisher• board of directors which will act as any technical or scientific society treasurer and Dean Wise 2126, ser• Season tickets may be secured men present with a story of expe• from Mr.· Luxford for $6 for adults the governing body of the Council. which agrees with the aims of the geant-at-arms. riences bagging game with a bow and $3 for students. The purposes of the Council include Council is eligible for admission into These officers will be installed at a and arrow. providing assistance in guidance for the Council subject to the approval dinner meeting May 2 at the Fran• high school and college students to of the Board of Directors. ciscan Hotel. • BIRDS OF A FEATHER, thE>se representatives of ASME; Willi.un Fears, 1512, ASQC; Karl Zimmer• technical and scientific societies throughout Albu• 'l.lan, 2531, AIEE; Tom Muzzey, 3124-1, Council vice• querque get together to discuss the new Council they president, ISA; Ted Morse, 1530, ISA; and Ed G. have formed to help them coordinate their activities. Miller, 5312, SBRC and IRE. Standing rear are: 5414, L. to R. Ted Church secretary-treasurer of the Harlan Kelsey, 1511, ASQC, (left) and Curt Biggs, EVERYBODY WAS PLEASED when Fran?is S,cott, 2412, won:·, ~h~ Council and representative of IRE; Fred Deiber, 1954, 2122, AlEE. Other Council members not in the pic• Liars Contest at the annual Game Protective Association's banquet in ASTE; Douglas Ballard, .1512, ASM; A.
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