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In CPN.en ter numb<'fp rinted In AWD, emer number prin1cd below. In CPN.enlcr number printed below, bek>w.Comple te 1hisi nform31-Jon; Comple1e this infom1a!lon RA• Ren1aJl. oca1ion,______ _ _ RA• Renu,Jt .oca1lo11,______ _ Au.a<:h10 COUPONla~ . AtUIIChto COUPONta 1>e. I AWOtAS30100 AIVOIA530100 CPN tUUGC 132 AVIS. CPN tMI/Gt-048 AVIS. I , OffcrExpl res l2/31/94 We try harder .' Offe,-Expl,.. 12/ 31/94 We try harder. · j .--- ·-- ····-- ·····-- ···--- ····-- ·------· ·--·· ··----'--···--·····-...................................______ ___._ __ _····--- ····--·-·"' THE ALABAMALAWYER SEPTEMBER 1994/ 261 The Alabama ~N BRIEF a-w-yer September 1994 Volume 55, Number 6 Published seven times a yea, (the Juoe Issue is a bar ditectory edilion} by the Alabama Stale Bar , ON THE COVER: P.O. Box 4156, Mon.1oome,y. Alabama.36101-4156 . Reginald T. Hamner has retired as Secretary and BxecutiveDirector of lhe Alabama State Bar Phone (205)~!H515 . after 25 years of service.His tenure made him the nation's senior state bar executivein point of RobertA . Huffaker.. ....,, ,_,,, ..................Chait & E&tor Susan Shirock OePeo!a.......................... Vice-Chair & service. Pictured is the Hamner family,left to right, Anne, Chris, Patrick and, seated, Reggie. AssociateEdito, Photo by CrosbyT homlegP hotographyof Tuscaloosa,Alabama Richard F. AJlen............................ Vice-Chair . finance Maroare1M urphy- ,.·--·-· .................Manag lng E<1,1cw B~r d ot Editors INSIDE Tms ISSUE: Raytn()C'ldL J(lflnM)n, J, •• Sirmlng;h.am• Slwtty 0 , Howell, M~t!y • Jt" Kohi , Monlgomory • Fon•Sl Lill:111,,Motlile • A Tribute to Reggie Hamner HOl'l.~ IA!ldclox, Monlgomtty • J,W . Goodlot. Jt•• Moclle • C. Macloocl Fullo,, Columb1,t;, G.a.• G,egory C. Bufta1ow. The Man and the Hour Moblt • Boajamln B. S9n&:UIM9. Ill, Bi1m1r1Gl'\am• Mlam J, Undorwood1 TulQ.lml:u • AnclrowP Caf!'IPbel.BitmlllQl\irn • B.vWilliam B. Hairston.Jr ........................................................................................................................270 Aloi L Hoh$1ord,Jf • "'°"lgornc,ry • N¥1 T, Rogete, Bm,lng. h11m• Jamts G..S&evens. Monloc>m•rt • Robett W ar.Hord , The Cont1tanl Profusional Jt . Montgom«y • Dobcnh Alley Smrd,,,Birmitlgham • Haney B.vWilliam D. S<:ruws. Jr .........................................................................................................................272 L. Franklln, Leed$ • John O SomeMle, 9,tmlngham • MM On.lh,;:an,Moblfe • Robe,t Seller&Smit\ Hunu...ce, Charles A Lifelong Friend Clc,vet.lnd.S1r"*1gl\am • GlendaCodlran. 8lf'tl'ilnQIWlrn • Ll&I Champlgons . Jr .................................................................................................................................. t,tugglns..81,mmgham • o.bra H. Oorc1s1eln, e1,m1norwn• By 273 Pamela L Mable, MotltQOt!Wy, Shetti T Freetnaf\. Bifflllng. A CenUeman from Alabama - • WilomG, Gaatt,._,,, By Cilbo'ft R. Comp/x!/1,Jr., Olt' ..............................................................................................................27 4 8 oerd ol CommluionlNli U.isOfl .....- .................~ SvnuotA. Aumat •, J, ,. e.mingt,am A Sta tesman , a Facilitator, a \lhionary OH~ By Bert H Early .......................................................................................................................................215 8n:loJtG. Holmtt. Mobi• .........- .................,__ ,_,.. , Pt9sldenl Jolvt A. Owetls,Tusc:aJoo&e ..... .....- ......, .... - , Prtsl0or11'oct Rld,;,d S, M.ar*y, Oemopob ..· -·- ·--- ·........ V'.c.p,eslden l Klch' Chanc e Scholaralup Awarded .............................................................................294 !<tilt!8 Norman,.M ontgomtt'f .,,.,,., ,.,.,,.,,.. _,_,_,. Seaetary Board ol Commlulonet1 A Practitioner 's Guide to Setting Aside Default Judgmen ts 111Cira,e, EdwaroP. Turner, Jr., ctunam • 2nd Cirwt, John A. Hlchot$, LlJverne, 3rd cl,cu!t. t)Tln Robenson Jaek$0n,. By GregoryC. Buffa/ow.. ........................................................................................................296 C••Yl°" • -ldl Circult. R.ilph N. Hoobs..Selma • Slh Circuit, JolWlPercy Ollv« . 11,Dade,4e • 611\Citc UII,,PllloOfl No. 1, WAI• Committees and Tu k Forces, 1994-95 .....................................................................303 1• P. Crownover, T~ , 6th OltaM. P".aoeNo . 2. J . eo..igiasMcelvy , Tusealoo=ia• 71hc~ Arlhur F ,=q, rn, AnnlSlon• &u, Citcuh,John S, key, Dec:a:ut • 9th Clr¢W1.W.H Wa1son,FOfl Payn•· 10111Circl.lil. P6aoe No.. 1, S..-.wel tt. President's Page.... ......................................264 Opinions of the General Counsel ..............289 Fra,.... Bmlngt,am , t<kl\ Clrevl't, Plate No. 2, Jell\ff w. facts/Fax Poll ............................................266 CLEOpportu nities ....................................292 Gewi11, Bumingt\am • 10th Circuit, Piace No. 3 . Jame, S. l!C)yd, Birmingham • 10CtiCir~ . Place No. 4, S-1m\lel A, ExecutiveDirector's Report ........... ...........267 Disciplinary Report ...................................313 Rla'OOl'e,.it ., 81"'*'Qllaffl • 100!C'irCllil. ~et No, &. Frodtlictt l lwykend.iill, Ill, 8mlingham • 10th Clrcob, P1ace
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