VOL. 4 - ISSUE 41 :: PAGES 24 :: ` 2/- JANUARY 31, 2015 ROJ SROSH MAH SHEHREVAR fp¡S> kfp¡i$ dpl il¡f¡hf$$ RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MCS/101/2015-17 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM Got MILLK ? Pg. 11 God & Gustad Finale Pg. 16 Dear Mamaiji Pg. 23 Cusrow Baug at Colaba, is one of the old dwellings place in Mumbai, constructed in the A Stalwart Speaks >> Pg. 04 Framed FaceBookfor Life Pg. 13 year 1934. This Baug is home to many Parsi familes. Seth Like: Parsi Times Nusserwanji Hirji Karani Agiary is located in this very Baug. If one is looking for Ervad Yazdi N. TWITTER Aibara, this is the place one can ÀQGKLP https://twitter.com/TheParsiTimes Jiyo Parsi Walks the Walk >> Pg. 06 - 07 Read more >>Pg. 13 SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 2015 02 Editorial RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS Dahanu Agiary Salgreh Dear Readers, On the 11th February (Wednesday) The Dahanu Road Zoroastrian The 27th of January was Holocaust Memorial Day 2015 and I just read a Agiary Trust invites you to celebrate the 75th Salgreh of the Dahanu Agiary with a Jashan at 5 pm followed by a Gambhar. feature on Anne Franks Diary, a book I treasured through my younger years. Gambhar Coupons are available at INR 10/- and can be collected I will never forget a line the young spirited girl wrote… “I know what I want, from Mobed Behram Patel. (Please collect before 31st January). I have a goal, an opinion, I have a Religion and love. Let me be myself and For donations please contact: 02528-222669. WKHQ,DPVDWLV¿HG,NQRZWKDW,¶PDZRPDQDZRPDQZLWKLQZDUGVWUHQJWK v$lpÏ fp¡X$ Tp¡fpõV²$ue“ ArNepfu“u 75du iyc kpgN°¡l and plenty of courage.” v$lpÏ fp¡X$ Tp¡fpõV²$ue“ ArNepfu V²$õV$“u sfa’u b^p ‘pfku, Cfp“u, S>f’p¡õsuAp¡“¡ by^hpf <RXWRRFDQ¿QGZRUGVWKDWPRWLYDWH\RXDQGVWUHQJWKHQ\RXUVSLULWLQWKHQRRNVRI\RXUORFDO sp. 11.2.2015“¡ qv$“¡ ArNepfu“u 75du iyc kpgN°¡l“p âk„N¡ S>i“ A“¡ Nlçbpf“y„ Apd„ÓZ R>¡Æ. kpgN°¡l“p Myipgu“y„ S>i“ kp„S>¡ 5.00 hpÁe¡ A“¡ Ðepfbpv$ Nlçbpf“y„ library. This week Parsi Times features the Dadar Parsee Colony Library and we hope you troop S>dZ ‘ufkhpdp„ Aphi¡. (Nlçbpf“u Ly$‘“ ê$p. 10/- Ap‘u“¡ dp¡b¡v$ bl¡fpd ‘V¡$g kpl¡b down there with the family, switch your phones onto silent mode and get lost in hundreds and ‘pk¡’u sp. 31.01.2015“p ‘l¡g¡ d¡mhu g¡hu.) hundreds of pages of imagination and creativity! Parents give this a try will you! X$p¡“¡i“ Ap‘hp dpV¡$ k„‘L®$ L$fp¡: v$lpÏ ArNepfu V¡$rgap¡“ “„. (02528)222669. )RUWKRVHRI\RXZKRHQMR\RXUYHU\RZQ5HOXFWDQW:ULWHUV¶ZRUNWKHµ*RGDQG*XVWDG¶VHULHV Seth Jeejeebhoy Dadabhoy Agiary Salgreh comes to a close this week with a poignant story. Thanks dear Writer for the spiritual journey you 180th Salgreh of Seth Jeejeebhoy Dadabhoy Agiary will be WRRNXVRQ:HVKDOOEHVWDUWLQJWKHVHULHVLQ*XMDUDWLYHU\VRRQIRULWLVDVWRU\WKDWUHDOO\QHHGV held on Saturday 31st January, 2015 (Roj Sarosh, Mah Sherever) a read. at the Agiary Hall at 11.30 am. All Community members are invited to be a part of this auspicious Jashan Ceremony. 5./D[PDQKDVSDVVHGDZD\+HDOZD\VKDGDZD\RI¿QGLQJKXPRULQHYHQWKHPRVWSDLQIXO and dire situations and tying the Country together with a sketch and a quip. His talent and his gift Seth Nusserwanji Hirji Karani Agiary (Cusrow Baug) Seth Nusserwanji Hirji Karani Agiary (Cusrow Baug) will celebrate to us should never be forgotten. its 168th Salgreh on Tuesday the 3rd of February (Roj Behram, +DYHDZRQGHUIXOZHOOUHDGDQGKDSS\ZHHNHQGIRONV$QG\HVNHHSWKH9DOHQWLQH¶V'D\&RQWHVW Mah Shehrevar 1384 Y.Z.) with a celebration. The Havan Geh will begin at 6:30 a.m. followed by a Jashan by Trustees. The evening HQWULHVÀRRGLQJRXULQER[DQGPDLOER[ programme will begin at 4:45 p.m. with a Jashan by Huma Anjuman Cheers! followed by Humbandagi, a speech, a religious talk and much more. The Trust invites all Parsi/ Irani Zarathushtis to the occasion. Freyan. Seth Nusserwanji Ratanji Tata Agiary 131st Salegrah of Seth Nusserwanji Ratanji Tata Agiary will be celebrated on Tuesday 3rd February 2015 (Roj-Behram, Mah Sherevar, Y.Z. 1384). A Jashan Ceremony will be performed at 7am on behalf of the Trustees of the Agiary and another Jashan at 5pm on behalf of the Panthakis and Mobeds. All Community members are invited to be a part of this auspicious Jashan Ceremony. 16th Anniversary of the Dadgah Saheb at the M. F. Cama Athornan Institute A Jashan ceremony will be held on the occasion of the 16th Anniversary of the Dadgah Saheb at the M. F. Cama Athornan Institute prayer hall on Tuesday 3rd February, 2015 at 5-15 p.m. This will be followed by a contributory Machi. Contributions for the Machi and for the Dadgah Saheb may be given to the Principal at the M.F. Cama Athornan Institute, 12, Cama Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai:- 400058. Complete this easy Crossword of Valentine Clues and eat your heart out at PIZZA EXPRESS with these yummy vouchers! Hurry! 5 Winners will be randomly selected! 123 Across 2. Many people give or send one to friends on Valentine’s Day. 4. Another term for sweets that are given on Valentine’s Day. 45 6 7 9. Sometimes on Valentine’s Day, a secret ________ will give you an 8910anonymous present. 11. If you don’t get any Valentines, you might do this into your pillow. 11 12. Herseys is one kind of this type of candy. 12 13 15. Roses, carnations, and daisies are these. 17. When you really, really like someone, you ____ them. Also you ______ your parents. 19. If you give someone a treat on Valentine’s Day, it usually is this. This word is also used in the expression “______ Heart”, a nickname husbands and wives call each other. 20. This expression is often said on Valentine’s Day: “___ Mine”. 14 Down 15 16 1. The color of hearts on Valentine’s Day. 7KHÀFWLRQDOFKDUDFWHUWKDWVKRRWVDUURZVDWSHRSOH 7KHVHÁRZHUVFRPHLQPDQ\FRORUVEXWXVXDOO\UHGRQHVDUHJLYHQRQ Valentine’s Day. 17 18 5. What cupid shoots at some poor unsuspecting person, that makes them fall in love. 6. If you want to give a friend roses, you would give them this color. 19 Contest closes on 5th Feb. Winners will be picked on 7th Feb. 2015 and will Contest closes on 5th Feb. Winners will be picked Office. Times be contacted by the Parsi Issue on 14th Feb. 2015 V-Day Times Winning entries will feature in Parsi 7. The name of this holiday! 20 8. Doilies are usually made out of this material. CONTEST SPONSERED BY 10. Moms and Dads may want to get away for a _________ dinner or weekend.(mushy, mushy, mushy) 13.One of the shapes used often on Valentine’s Day is ______ (plural). 14. These are made out of paper or material that are lacy. NAME TEAR and SEND to :: Parsi Times, 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai 400 001. Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai 400 001. TEAR and SEND to :: Parsi Vikas Building, 11 Times, 102, 15. The abbreviation for the month that Valentine’s is in. CONTACT NO 16. The man that this holiday is named after is, _______ Valentine. FaceBook Like: Parsi Times ,I\RXJHWÁRZHUVIRU9DOHQWLQH·V'D\\RXZLOOZDQWWRKDYHRQHRI EMAIL ID these to keep them in. TWITTER https://twitter.com/TheParsiTimes SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 2015 03 SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 2015 04 P.T. Specialialal As a teacher, Miss Nergish Bamji was an inspiration to her students. It has been years since she taughtught a class and yet her ex-students of J.J, Girls High School relive the moments at School with her as thoughough they happened yesterday! Parsi Times has had the pleasure of meeting the lovely lady who still sends her 60+ year old studentsudents into a frenzy of excitement on multiple occasions and P.T. Reporter Khushnum sat down with her toto chatchat at a recent event. At the end of the chat, this P.T. Reporter walked away wishing that she had beenen in heherr classroom when Miss Bamji taught. P.T. brings you this exclusive look at a Teacher who still enjoys the love of her School and her students.udents. “A mediocre teacher tells. A good teacher explains. A superiorperior iss Nergish K. Bamji, a teacher demonstrates. A great teacher inspires.” – William WaWardrd Teacher (1940-1952), a Secretaries, and my staff for founder nestled in an oval these childrenhildren Principal (1953-1976) M extending complete cooperation DOFRYH DQG D PDJQLÀFHQW were from a till the 5th standard, but they and a Directress (1976-1992) of at all times.” And then she spiralling staircase left me in poor school, hencefor them, said that they will come for the Sir J. J. Girls’High School at recited her story with Sir J. J. awe.” buying uniforms was not a very inspection in June. There was Fort is an exemplar of a stellar Girls’ High School, “I wanted to Overwhelmed with the feasible idea. So, I got the too little time, and hence, the educationalist who deserves become an archaeologist, but I memories, she continued, material in bulk from Bombay staff and I, decided to hold a standing ovation from the stumbled upon the profession “Sir J.J Girls’ High School was Dyeing. Now the girls could extra classes in the month of Zoroastrian Community. Her of teaching. After completing considered to be a school for the hold their head high, anywhere May for the 5th standard. And zeal and passion for education is my degrees in 1940, my parents poor. When I was appointed as in starched green uniforms and ZH SDVVHG ZLWK Á\LQJ FRORXUV so enticing, even at the age of 97, asked me to apply for the WKHWHDFKHUWKHÀUVWWKLQJWKDW polished black.
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