University Faculty Details Page on DU Web-site (PLEASE FILL THIS IN AND Email it to websiteDU@du.ac.in and cc: director@ducc.du.ac.in) Title Prof./Dr./Mr. First Name Abu Bakar Last Abbad Photograph Name Designation Sr. Assistant Professor Department Urdu Address Department of Urdu, Faculty of Arts, University (Campus) of Delhi, Delhi-7 (Residence) 5/18, University Road, University of Delhi, Delhi-7 Phone No (Campus) 91-011-27666061 (Residence)optional 91-011-27666061 Mobile 9810532735 Fax Email bakarabbad@yahoo.co,in Web-Page Education Subject Institution Year Details Ph.D. AMU, ALIGARH 2001 Thesis topic: Theoretical Criticism of Urdu Fiction M.Phil. AMU, ALIGARH 1996 Mumtaz shirin ki Adabi Khidmaat M.A. AMU, ALIGARH 1992 Subjects: Urdu B.A. AMU, ALIGARH 1990 Subjects:Urdu, Arabic and Library Science. Career Profile Organization / Institution Designation Duration Role University of Delhi Assistant Professor Since Teaching and research in Senior Scale 16.6.2005 Aligarh Muslim University, Lecturer From Teaching and research Aligarh 18.11.2002- 2006 Aligarh Muslim University, Lecturer 2000-2002 Teaching and research Aligarh (Temporary) Research Interests / Specialization Research interests: Fiction Criticism, Creative writing, Classic Literature. www.du.ac.in Page 1 Teaching Experience ( Subjects/Courses Taught) Post-graduate: 1. History of Urdu Language & Literature 2. Poetry (Ghazal & Nazm): Wali Dakni, Mirza Ghalib, Asgar, Firaq Gorakhpuri,Josh, Hafeez Jalandhri, 3. Poetry (Qasida/Hajw): Dahr juz Jalwae …by Ghalib, Tazhike rozgar by Sauda 4. Short Stories: Ismat Chugtai, Rajindar Singh Bedi. 5. Journalism: Practical and Theoretical News Writing. M. Phil/ph.D: Research Methodology/ Textual Criticism Paleography: Principle, Techniques & Criteria Honors & Awards 1. U P Urdu Academy Award on “FICTION KI TALASH MEN” 2014 2. Bihar Urdu Academy Award on “FICTION KI TALASH MEN” 2014 3. Delhi Urdu Academy Award on “FICTION KI TALASH MEN” 2014 4. West Bengal Urdu Academy Award on “FICTION KI TALASH MEN” 2014 5. U P Urdu Academy Award on “TANQEED SE PAREY” 2017 . Publications: BOOKS Year of Publication Title Publisher 1. 2017. Tanqeed se parey, ISBN 81-7801880-2, Different articles on poetry criticism, Frid Book Depot.(Pvt.)Ltd,New Delhi-110002. 2. 2015.Taqleed se parey: (Fiction Criticism), ISBN 81-88912-64-6, Book Corporation, Delhi, 3. 2014 Fiction ki Talash Men: (Articles on creative writers), ISBN 978-93-5073-313-4, Educational Publishin House,New Delhi, 4. 2006 Mumtaz Shirin: Naaqid, Kahanikaar (Mumtaz Shirin as Critic and Short-Story Writer), ISBN 81-8223-171-X, Educational Publishin House,New Delhi, 5. Khuli Kitab (Open Book), Hindi Translation of Abdus Sattar Eedhi’s autobiography (Under publication. ) CHAPTERS INCLUDED IN BOOKS 6. 2018, Pandit Brij Narayan Chakbast aur Novek ki tanqeed, Pandit Brij Naraya Chakbast: Hayat aur Shakhsiyat,ed. By Azeez Nabeel, ISBN:9-788193- 219249,Published by Majlis-e-Fakhr-e-Bahrain, barae Frogh-e-Urdu, (Doha, Qatar,) pp. 359-366. 7. 2018, Afsana aur Tanqeed ke baab me chand Zaruri batein, included in Urdu Tanqeed Maqsood-o-Minhaj, ed.by Prof Saheb Ali, ISBN: 978-935262-504-9, Published by Department of Urdu ,University of Mumbai,pp.191-202 www.du.ac.in Page 2 8. 2018, Shahper Rasool sb. Ke ta alluq se chand batein, included in Kuchh bhi naha Badla, by Khan Md Rizwan,ISBN: 978-9386474-69-8,Published by My Books,pp.13- 23 9. 2018, Pesh lafz, included in Ghubar-e-shauq, by Ahmad Sajjad,ISBN: 817801854- 3,Farid Book Depot(Pvt.)Ltd. Delhi.2,pp. 9-20 10. 2017, Paigham Afaqi ki nazmon me shahr,jungal aur insan, included in Paigham Afaqi,ed. by Khan Mohammad Asif,U.P Urdu Akademy,Lucknow, 11. 2017, shahr-e-tanqeed ka naqid-e-kajkulah: Khalilur Rahman Azmi, included in Khalilur Rahman Azmi: ek bazyaft, by Asif Azmi, ISBN9788193219225 , Green pages ,New Delhi, pp. 381-399. 12. 2017,Mahaz chand jumley, included in Sirat-e-Aisha wa Ummahatul momeneen, by Maulana Md Nurul Haq Qasmi, published by Darul Qalam Phulwari shareef,Patna. Pp. 12-14 13. 2017,Bedi, aurat, jins aur nafsiyaat, included in Rajender Singh Bedi Ek Bazyaft,Ed.by Dr Mohd. Akhtar,ISBN:978-93-8331-345-7,Al-Balagh Publication, New Delhi,110025. 14. 2017, Ab jahan aaftab me hum hain, included in Darbhanga mein Urdu Afsana Nigari, by Dr. Mojeer Ahmad Azad, ISBN 978-93-86486-68-4, Published by Educational Publishing House, Delhi, , pp 150-158 15. 2017,Ismat, Afsana aur Naqid, included in Asmat chughtai: Tanisiyat ki pehli Aawaz,publisher Rajasthan Urdu Academy,Jaipur 302004.pp104-115. 16. 2017, Tafheem-e-Ghair aur Urdu Fiction, included in Urdu Adab Me Ghair ka Tsawwur, ed. By Sadiqur Rahman Qidwai, Published by Ghalib Institute, New Dalhi,pp. 143-154 17. 2017, Eik Ghair Rasmi Tehreer included in Eik Dr Ishrat Naheed, ISBN: 978-93- 87539-70-9,Educational Publishing House, New Delhi, pp78-85 18. 2016,Taraqqi pasad afsaney ki pehli naqeeb: Rasheed Jahan, included in Naqd-e- Afsana, Edited by Mansoor Khushtar, ISBN 81-88912-72-7,Published by Book Corporation, Delhi,6 .pp 28-36 19. 2016, Aasman-e-shaeri k eek aur sitarey ki bazyaft, included in Kalam-e-Shams Gulaothvi, by Nadeem mahir, Green Pages, New Delhi, pp42-52., 20. 2016, Pasand-o-napasand ke darmeyan ka murshide kamil, included in Nazar-e- Abul Kalam Qasmi, ISBN 978-93-5073-883-2, Ed. by Moidur Rehman, Educational Publishing House, Delhi, , pp 110-120. 2016 21. 2016,Pandit anand Narayan Mulla: ek Bazyaaft, included in Pndit Anand Narayan Mulla: Hayat-o-kamalaat. ed. byAsif Azmi &Aziz Nabeel, Majlis-e-Fakhr-e-Bahrain, barae Frogh-e-Urdu, (Doha, Qatar,) pp427-444. 2016 22. 2015, Manto ki ek aur Qirat, included in Manto:Taqseem,Hijrat aur Ehtijaj, ISBN 978-93-5073-595-4, Ed. by Ashraf Lone, Educational Publishing House, Delhi, , pp 45-57. 2015., 2015 www.du.ac.in Page 3 23. 2015. Maghrabi Afkar-o-Tasawwur aur Iqbal, included in Allama Iqbal:Hayaat-o- Khidmaat, ISBN 978-93-84286-15-6, by Dr. Nayeem Anis, West Bengal Urdu Academy, Kolkata, Pp 299-309. 2015 24. 2014, Shehzada: Nnafsiyati pechidgi aur Anokhi Takneek ka Afsana, included in Krishn Chndr:Tabsera-va- Tajziya, ISBN 978-93-83309-20-7, ed. Dr.Saleha Zarrin, Rujhan publication, Allahabad, pp186-200. 2014 25. 2013, Dehli College aur science included in Urdu mein sayensi meeras, ISBN 81- 7121-185-2, ed. Dr. Obaidu Rahman, Delhi Urdu Academy, Delhi, pp36-43., 2013 26. 2013, Majaz, Ishq Aashiq aur Mashooq included in Majaz Aur Unka Ahd, ed. Prof. Md Zahid & Dr Qamrul Hoda Faridi, Deptt of Urdu, Muslim University, Aligarh, pp87-95., 2013 27. 2013, ,Qazi Abdul Wadood, included in Bihar mein Urdu Taqeeq-0-Tanqeed , ISBN 978-93-5073-100-0,ed.by Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad, , Educational Publishing House, Delhi., 2013 28. 2013,Manto, Aurat aur Mumtaz shireen, included in Saadat Husain:ek sadi, ed.by Prof. Qazi Afzal Husain, Centre of Advanced Study, Deptt. Of Urdu, Aligarh Muslim University, pp281-297, 2013 29. 2011, Faiz ki fiction Tanqeed ,included in Jahan-e-Faiz, ISBN 9788182239456, ed. Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad, Educational Publishing House.Delhi, 2011 30. 2011, Tamseel ka Tanazeya included in Adab ki Tafheem, ed. Dr. Mohd. Mausuf Ahmad, Educational Book House, Aligarh, pp 289-297., 2011 31. 2011, Meray Abbujaan included in Hayaat-e Zafeer, ed. Dr. Saood Alam Qasmi, IFA Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-79, 2011 32. 2010, Iqbal aur Maghribi Tamaddun included in Iqbal ki Asri Ma’nviyat, , ed. Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad, Educational Publishing House, Delhi, 2010, ISBN, 81-8223-674-5 33. 2010, Prem Chand ki Asfana Nigari included in Minhaaj-e- Prem Chand, ed. Dr. Rabia Mushtaq, Educational Publishing House, Delhi. 2010, ISBN 9788182236950, 34. 2010, Urdu Novel ki Tanqeed included in urdu me novel ed. Dr. Rabia Mushtaq, Educational Publishing House, Delhi. 2010 35. 2007, Mumtaz Shieen aur Manto,included in Saadat hasan Manto: ek legend, ed. Dr. Humayun Ashraf, Educational Publishing House, Delhi .ISBN 81-8223-240-6, pp 831-840 36. 2004, Bangal,Bangal ki sarzamin aur yahan ke chand Afsana nigar, included in Azadi ke baad Maghrabi Bangal ka Urdu Adab, ed. Nayeem Anees,The Muslim Institute, Kolkata, pp160-167. 2004 In Indexed/ Peer Reviewed Journals (in outstanding journals) Year of Publication Title www.du.ac.in Page 4 Journal ARTICLES 1. July, 2018,Jag naat ka taj tore sar so…, Ajkalpp.9-12,ISSN:0971-846X,New Delhi. 2. April-June,2018,Allama Iqbal ka tasawwur-e-ittehad,Karwan-e-Adad, pp.33-37,Bhopal. 3. March, 2018, Shahr-e-Tanqeed ka Naqid-e-Kaj Kulah, Fikr-o-Nazar, Aligarh, pp.59-70, ISSN:2347-3401. 4. March, 2018, Sir Syed Ki Talimi jiddo johd aur As,habe qaum, Aiwan-e Urdu, New Delhi, pp. 18-22. Vol. 28, issue:08 ISSN 2321-2888, 5. April,2017, Qadeem Urdu ka Hindustan ki digar zabano aur tehzibon se rishta, pp48- 60, Urdu Nama, ISSN 2320-4885, (Academic Research and Refereed Journal )University of Mumbai, MUMBAI 6. 2017. Paigham Afaqi ki Nazmiya Shaeri, pp133-36,Urdu Urdu (Academic Research and Refereed Journal )Annual magazine, Dept. of Urdu Patna University, Patna, 2017,ISSN:2249-7854, Patna 7. March,2017,Urdu ka awwaleen jiddat pasand shayer: Quli Qutub shah, pp 12-18, SabRas, ISSN:2778-6902, Hyderabad. 8. Jan-Sep. 2017, Bihar ka ek Nadaryaft Heera:Dr Ahmad Sajjad Qasmi, pp217- 221,Darbhanga Times,ISSN:2395-2016, Darbhanga 9. Jan.-March 2017,Urdu Novel ki tehzibi jehaat aur Aham kirdar, pp352-57, Issue: 4, Aabsha (quqrterly) miyanwali, PAKISTAN. 10. Sep. 2016,Momin aur unka Kalam,pp77-85,Fikr-0-Nazar, ISSN:2347-3401, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. 11.
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