This t ' V' Il ?.' .' 1' ): I 'i' KV I'i.V'.iri , space $$''fs "V is .;.v',-;':;;':,,":- THE ''' ; IWUITIMES ; t for sale ' VOL. X NO. 44 KABUL, THURSDAY,: MAY 13, 1971 (SAUR '23, 1350 S.H.) TRICE AE 4 Royal ;AAAAmAi-;MAA- audience HOUSE COMM ITTE E W W'tllflp f f)Mi4f A . KABUL, .May 13, (Bakhtar). ' The followipg were received , in audience by His Majesty the1 PROBES COMPLAINTS King during the week that end- ed today according to a Royal ; r 1 Protocol Department announce- I E I Iff If ment: ; ; , ON M EDI C N PR C ES Agriculture and Irrigation M- inister Abdul Hakim, Public KABUL, May 13, (Bakhtar) cussecL fuit packing, and cu lpllff Works Eng. Minister Mohammad ... The Commandant of Police and toms charges on exported - fruits Yakoub Lali, Supreme Security Forces Col. Abdul Hakim Court in Kandahar. The Committee Justice Dr. Walid Hoqoqi, Af- Katawazi , ; the meeting attended members said the wfcole pack, the ghan Ambassador to Rome Dr. of the House of the People Com- fruit and the packing is weighed Abdul Zaher, the Afghan Am- mittee on National Defence and and custom duty levied on it. bassador to Cairo Mohammad Mo-u- sa answered the questions of the Thus the exporters pay the samS Shafiq, Afghan on which Ambassador deputies extra time customs duty on fruit and pack- ' - to Jakarta" Mohammad Hassan me of the conscripts in police ing they said. ' Safi, Secretary and security put y the General of services have After a series of discussions the Afghan Red Crescent Society up, and the delaying of their the Committee resolved that the Dr. Abdul Samad Hamed, , ., if the discharging. President of Customs Depart- Deputy Interior Minister Aziz The meeting of the Committee ment in theFinance Ministry tafil Mohammad Alekozai, --Badghis 9 to 12 noon, ' continued from a.m. attend its next meeting to th- Eb-rahi- Governor Mohammad Gul m and taking of the final decision row light on; customs procedure, ' KheL the President pf the on jthe issue under study was and how this discrepancy arises. Mines, and Geology Department ; postponed for. the next meeting. ' The Committe also discussed .- I in the Ministry of Mines and In-- ; The .. committee also fixed a' the regulations governing levy- j. -J. '" i dustries Eng. ;' Mir Mohammad ., . ;i;Aiu-- i ,;-(- date; Wednesday, Saur,. 29, ing and , ,;.u..i cA.-- Sr.'.t next collection of land tax. Hashem Mirzad, the Presid-- ' hear a special .government ap- decided Mahmoud Bulgarian and to It was that the problem AAA President Sultan Ghazi and the envoy signing the air accord. ent of the Afghan Transit Com-- pointed TOmmittee which is to be further deliberated on the in pany Mohammad Sharif.. a't . offer explanations, to the committee future sessions, .tf, .v t ' ion the conscription of 22 meeting: 9.30 Parliamentary The started at in ,, -. v ' niMIIUIIIdlWMfi WHIUUIIU Jf U Til to 44 year olds. '.'.. the morning and continued until The Committee consists of 12 noon. The House Committee on committee meets Chief of Staff Gen. Ghulam Fa-rou- k. Legal and ' Legislative ' Affairs a,r transportation agreement the Deputy; Interior Mi- - yesterday discussed articles 20 opo for ' ; nister, the Deputy r Agriculture and 21 of the law oh judicial KABUL. May 13, (Bakhtalr).- -- KABUL, May 13, (Bakhtar).. .The Royal Government of Afgha '(.-- ,; - """A:. and Irrigation Minister the Co- authority and organisation, and .The Joint Parliamentary Com- - nistan signed an air transportation agreement with Bulgaria yes Se- mentailf patients mmandant of the Police and decided on certain . alternations mitteee met yesterday under the terday at uie. Afghan Air Authority building. ,.' curity Forces, the President of the in them. , chairmanship of Laghman Deputy The agreement was signed for the Afghan Air Authority and KABUL, May 13, (Bakhtar). ' ' ' Census Department in the Inte- : : Abdul Karim Omarkhel. Thir- - Afghanistan by , the President of Tourism Sardar Sultan Mahmoud The drafting of charter for, the rior Ministry, President of the The committee on Municipal teen members were present - in .Ghazi, and for Bulgaria by the proposed House for the mentally ' Nangarhar Development Autho- and Home Ministry Affairs dis-- the meeting, 'Ambassador of the' People's Re- imbalanced people was discussed rity.- cussed a series of issues on its Committee secretary asked the Gazette publishes public of Bulgaria, to .'Afghanis- at a meeting in the Interior. Mi- The House Committee, on Bud- agenda, and eft taking u decision special subcommittee appointed to tan Ivan Hritsov Karazanov, nistry yesterday. .'A'' getary dis--. and Financial Affairs i n Continued on page 4) prepare a chart of constituencies After the initialling of the The meeting was attended by which goes with th& election law Standards Bureau agreement Sardar Sultan Mah- representatives from the Minis- to submit its draft for discussion. moud Ghazi said- it is a matter tries of Justice, Public Health, Senate takes up charter of As the draft was hot prepared of pleasure to see that the last se- Information and Culture, and yet the secretary asked the Com- veral days of negotiations whjch the Afghan Red Crescent Society, mittee members to decide from regulations were carried put in an atmosph- the Kabul University and Health Industrial Development Bank other topics on the agenda which ere of good will and understand- Institute. KABUL, Mav 13. (Bakhtar) people had proposed. one ought to be given top prio- ing terminated in the conclusion 13, -The ' KABUL, May (Bakhtar) The Senate met yesterday When the arti- ' - A of an transportation f agree- with the draft of third rity' Official Gazette has published air 36 of its members present under cle of the government and House As a result of a voting the ment between Afghanistan and ( the text of regulations governing Home Briefs the chairmanship of Senate Pre- of the People was read, after so- working hours, and seasons of the People's Republic of Bulgaria. the functions of the Afghan Bu- ASAD ABAD, May 13, (Bakh- sident Abdul Hadi Dawi. Deputy me deliberations on clause one the Parliament which is subject This he said is another step in the reau of Standards. A team of engineers from Secretary Senator Mohammad of it. was proposed, controversy between two direction .' of further consoli tar). the "article to the Afghanistan Electricity Ins Ebrahim Uruzgani read out to-th- approved by majority houses was conside- The regulations have been dr dation of friendly ties, and expan- - the and vote taken under to purvey senators the first article of that the government's authorised ration. afted by the Commerce Ministry, sjon 0f trade relations. titute arrived here - Abad from the viewpoint Industrial Bank charter as pro- representative should attend the After a series of deliberations in cooperation- - with the Legisla- RnrHnt- Riiltn Mnhmoiid Gh Aui .f construction of a hydroelecV posed by the government, and Senate meeting and offer clarifi- it was approved by eight against tion Department of the Justice expressed the hope that the Ar- - the first article to the charter as cation on the matter. No date was four votes that $he present work- Ministry, and with the) approval iana Afghan Airlines, and the 1 it, I'i ail, - ' The team af- drafted by the House of the Peo-- : however fixed. ' ing hours and seasons which is of the cabinet, and the initialling National Airlines of Bulgaria started its work a meeting Kunar Gov- pie. The Senate Committee Le approved by the Senate should 6f His Majesty the King becomes will soon be able to commence ter with on ernor Mohamad Sharif. gal and legislative Affairs has be endorsed operative with its publication transportation of cargo and pas- After a series of discussion the already completed delibera- The convenes from in the Official Gazette. -- sengers between Sofia and Kabul. its Parliament ' KABUL, May 13, (Bakhtar)'. government draft was approved tion on the In- 22 to Kaus 22, and from The Bureau of Standards 'was In reply the' Ambassador of charter for the Mizan The Ambassador of Saudi Ara- by majority vote. The second ar- dustrial Banks app- 22 to Asad 22. i established last year in" the tra-- l.thePeople's Republic of Bulgar- and it has Hoot Its recesses Ha-mo- -. bia to the court of Kabul ud ticle of the Charter was approv- roved the Kaus 22 Hoot 22, and mework of the; Commerce Minis- ia Kabul, and the President charter as amended by are from to to Zayed yesterday morn-- ed in the way: the house of the the House of the People. om.Asad 22 to Mizan 22 try to endeavour to enforce pro- of the visiting civil aviation de al ff 1U JU P8 a duction, packing, and marketting legation from Bulgaria thanked . in iareweii call norms compatible with interna- Sardar Sultan Mahmoud Ghazi on ne resident or me House Kabul University new Senate meets tional standards in regajrdi to for his remarks and said the sig- of the feopie url Mohammad Afghan "products and commodi- -' ning of this agreement will cut Omar Wardak iri his office. ties. short distance between Af- Earlier in the morning Amba- KABUL, May 13, the (Bakhtar). The newly elected .Kabul University Faculty Senate' held Its The Bureau of Standards con- ghanistan and Bulgaria, will ssador Zayed, whose term of of-- session yesterday. and first The session was preside dover by Prof. Say ed Abdul Kader Baha, the sists of central administration, to expansion of econo- fice, is completed in Afghanistan, Kabul University. contribute President of the high committee, and the br- and trade ties bet- paid farewell call on the Pre- In a speech importance mic, cultural on the cultySenate holds meetings onceof Students in the University Dr.
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