il,.. i N . ■ > ' I / tea:.,!.' WEDNESDAY/ JANUAHY 21, 1953 Average Daily Net Press Rnn #AGE TWENTY.FOUR The Weather iffianrlTifiatfr StJMitng Hiftalii For tko Week Ended Foioeut of Cl. 8- Woetkor B ene dan. n . 1958 conducted the ceremony for induc­ An Inforinal dinner waa held re-, Brownie and Intermediate Girl other trades, many of the new gen­ Fair tonight and tomorrow. A son. Charles D*wey,>,was bom eration are not taking’ up the tion of new members. Inducted cently. in. honor of the engagement Scout leaders who are interested were Willard Mawley. Leon Heus. 10,853 ProbnMy i^ n or aaow Fikftiy ....3.x . J-!',.: Monday at the New -Britain ■ Gan*- In crafts are urged to take the Club Is Told trad4, Michaels .pdlnted out. AboTitTowii aral Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Max­ of Mias Arlene Cushman of 46 Vil­ tls. Walter Williams and - Dr M . MURRAY Member of the Audit night or Saterday. Mlnliiram to- lage street.- Rockville. • t<r -Pvt, .craft workshop ..to be gtven at. the presented., a,..,sound Rafdld Netman. Opcsts presen' well B. Coe of New Britain. Mrs; Crfmmunity Y Friday nlghta Sy photographed In the 'Kirch Sil’ ..... Btifteit o f ‘Clrcdtaflbna .-Rlglit..ahqet,88,.......... Coela theiormec Elizabeth Dewey, Michele Gigllo of Bolton, at the Of Lost Art were Walter Kohls. Henry Mailer SCHWARTZ mche$ier~-^A City of ViUo/io Charnt ^ TH« Manchester Oreen PTA horde of Mr. and Mrs; Ei P. tJCcellb Mrs. Mtchael Vetrano, director of i Company of Baltimore, one of the' ■and. Russell Sleeker. Door prize ttaughter of Mrs. Robert J. Dewey religious education at the Union oldest silver plants ljB,-thls country . iMdd It* llr»t meeting for 1953 to- of 28 Otis street and the late Mr. In Nsriford. Miss Cushman was Hand Chasing of Silver wAa, donated by. Bernard Fogarty Hlglit at *■ o’clock at the achool. presented a gift of silver by her Congregational Church in Rock-1 The making of ftne ornamentec and Von by Walter Kohls. ANNOUNCES THE (Claaatjned Advortlatiif on Pnfo 18) Dewey. vllle. under the sponsorship of | VOL/LXXIL NO. 95 MANCHESTER, CbNN„ THURSDAY. JANUARY 22,1953 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS i. jUchard Morton, director of nudlo- co-workers. Slowly Pisappearing, ailver treasurers was traced from \ ------------ . aiatial aid* in Weat Hartford, will j the Manchester Branch, Hartford i the rough silver Igots to the ftns"' OPENING OF HIS A turkey raised by Frank Hara- HONfllRABLE^ MENTION on “Television’' and will also I County YWCA. This workshop is Michaels Tells Lions flni.shed product. “ Although thf Austin-Phq^s, Inc., New York Svlew some of the resulU found burda of Glastonbury, formerly of Alfred P. Brodeur of 31 Finlay I designed for group -leaders with | mass •production of ailver plated OFFICE FOR THE Manchester, won first prize in the bqdk publlsb^Vs, have announced recent television surveys taken rtreet. a major In the College of I the purpose of presenting the j “The srt of hand chasing in the and sterling tableware has led tr thatfChgrles E. Bqbth of 153 Pearl 8 to 10 pound class at the Bolton philosophy of teaching crafts to the, faater dle-sjamped method GENERAL PRACTICE Mother Nature Paints Winter Scene Sthe schools. Following the meet- Arts and Sciences at the Univer­ ornamenting of ailver is gradually street, local free-Idnce writer, haa E a s t R ^d s f IM, refreshments will be sen’ed in1 Poultry Show yesterday. The bird sity of Connecticut, has been nam­ I children ss well as the terh- there is today a' big demand for [had to compete with some of the disappearing from the world,'’ bteh chosen as one of--{.he ten con­ ^ e cafeteria. ed a distinguished military student nlque of so doing. Information and Richard Michaels of Waterbury the finer hand chased pieces,” sale' OF jbiids raised by the best breeders Michael*,. Pictures were shown of testants who have received honor­ in the ROTC program at the uni­ j reservations may he obtained from former local resident, told the able mention in a recenf^llteraBy : The Temple Players of Temple i in the East. versity. I Mrs. Herbert Huffield, elaborately chased' bowls ant* on Lions Club l(»st night at Cavey'p conte;:t sponsored by that ^--^omij. DENTISTRY S e t P u r0 e Bath Sholom will hold a meeting restaurant. Chasing is the art of pitchers made for royalty am" I Mrs. Janet Unnell of Tilton. N. wealthy buyers. Cost of these pany. Mr. Booth is a contrlbut)^ (bnlght at 8:30 at the Temple. All Miss Donnamale E. White, I Tl-ie January meeting of the ornamenting silver by indentation to several magazines In different Jhterested persons are Inrited to I H.. formerly of this town, has been The present average agg of articles ran as high as severa’ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F, - Brewster- group of the North thousand' dollars each. Some of flelds. One of hla most rscent arti­ 10 DEPOT SQUARE F o r P a r t y ^ttend. visiting the faniily of her son Methodist WSCS will be held to- chasers In one of the oldest sllve- Frank Unnell of- Bunce Drive and Dutton, Sr., of GlaMonbury. for­ i these beautiful pieces required a: cles entitled. "Christmas Vandal­ merly of Manchester rrlcbralcd ! morrow at 8 p. m. at the home of plants In the United States Is .68 ism • In oiir Forest.’! appeared In " Tel. Mitchell 3-6653 1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Geer is now at the home nf'iher son-in- years, he said. Thi? trade la one much as a whole year for a master By THE AS.M>CIATED PRESS law* and daiightef? Mr. and Mrs her Uth birthday Jan. IT with a Mrs. Ruth Ralph, 34 Ehgelwood skilled chaser to complete, he said the. December Issue of Nature ^ 198 East qenter street are the Drive. All membera are urged to passed down from IfaUier to son. ■- The East-German Chris­ Andrew Johnson of 449 Main party st her home for her class­ William McBride, past president Magazine. irs parents of a son born on Jan. Be, present. Berausc of opportunities offered in street. -■ mates and neighbors. tian Democratic party ^ t h o Hartford Hospital, (CDU), fighting desperately for its fellow-travelling life, ordered a complete purge of its entire niembership today CoU ^e Pal to weed out all but the Republicans Study Dulles As^| staunchest pro - Communists in Berlin. Links Reds, The central committee annouhe- ed that new,party booke woiiUJ be on Wilson issued in exchange for old, a dodge that probably will eoat.many mem­ :6n V ‘ ,1 bers their etatuF. Washington, Jan. 22— snagged by the be­ The Socialist UuHy (Commu­ — Praaident 'Eisenhower, lief of some Senators that his ■ N«w York, Jani -22;—(/P)— Ownership of the large amount of nist) party kicked out 10 percent sticking by, his view that Washington. Jan. A Philadelphia-busineM exec- General Motors stock might con­ of Ita membership two years ago Charles E. Wilson is the man — . President Eisenhowfl through the' expedient oY hew btive tesMiedTtOdiiy . that ek- flict with the-law. for SecretRrjr of Defense, Cabinet officers took party books. , j ' government econonrirt • Wil­ There 1a a statute making it a touiihed pff a aeries , of con- criminal offense for a government their commands today Netv Low Achieved liam Remington once said he fetences today aimed to, see oiBeial to have a direct or indirect one promptly^ shook up Ii The CDU purge was under^ken waa a Comm'uniai .because his interest in contracts or ether gov­ to regain.some prestige In the'yes .finally if a wpy can be cleared partment agri^ fdther wiur a-^'etooge for the ernment transactions ha handles. of the Russians and the Comrau- for Wilson to take the job. Others were expec' capitalists. And General Motors has billions of ^ nist Eaat German regime. The One such meeting waa s gather­ dollars morth of defense contracts. changes later on. - -party- sank lo B -new low -with'the - Rotolr B.~ K«1l«y;'.;an hMUranoe ing - of Remte' Ttepuhlican loader" ' tinder ’ the ‘canstttutiod. all call- SecretaiT' Bensm/movlKjl' arrest lavf week of ite deputy company official, aald 4Nat Ram- Taft, Chairman SaltoneUII (R- inet selections must have 'SeRatc Burprlaing speed on hla fim u .chairman. Foreign Minister Georg tngtofl- made the etatement to Mm Mass.) of the Senate Armed Serv­ approval. - ing day, ordered the rogrouphW^ Dertinger. now branded as a spy baCk^ln 1938 when both ware stu­ ice* committee, and Sen. Byrd fn addition' to the Taft-Salton- admt 25 Agriculturo depertaiaft for'the west. dent* at Dartmouth College. ID*Va.) fn Taft's cspltol oAce. atall-Byrd . meeting, cqhferencsa agencios. He called It tha flfiS A resolution by the CDU leader­ Remingtwi, on trial on perjury Byrd, coming out of this meet­ were Understood to be going. on atap toward "a gradual striM ^ ship, headed by chairman . Otto chafgM, ir aceuded of .lying ahmit ing. told.roporters he thoui^t WU- among <Eis*nhou'*r aldss down­ Uhlng.” STARTS THURSDAY Nusohke, ' illustrated graphically hla Communist eomteetlona. son could "qualify” If WUaon would town od*thc sltustien. In^announcing the changes t&a ONE GROUP OF (hat the ranks are shot through Keltsy said hh. pnd lUiplartbn *eH hla General Motoxa atock, ye- They came agalnat this reported formal statamont, the now ~ $X-90 — 54 Gauge w-ith members who do not agree had . gone to a -two^ay confer^ ported to be worth more than 2*ii hadkground;- ^ .
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