Australian Government Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000 Access to Biological Resources in a Commonwealth Area for Non-Commercial Purposes Permit number AU-COM2019-460 Date of issue 28 June 2019 Date of expiry 28 June 2022 Name and organisation of person to Dr Che Doering whom the permit is issued: Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist Supervising Scientist, G.P.O Box 461, Darwin, NT 0801, Australia Provision of Regulations for which permit issued 8A06 Collection of biological material from Kakadu National Park - ERISS Access is permitted 28 June 2019 to the following location: • Kakadu National Park to collect the following biological resources for non-commercial purposes: • See Attachment A Conditions: 1. The permit holder may authorise in writing another person to perform actions specified in this permit. 2. The permit holder must obtain all other required permit(s) to conduct the specified project. 3. Collection methods shall not attract undue attention or cause unapproved damage, depletion, or disturbance to the environment and other resources such as historic sites. 4. The permit holder will maintain records for each biological sample taken in accordance with subregulation 8A.19 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000, and provide a copy of these records to the Commonwealth within a reasonable period after the sample is taken. Permit Number: AU-COM20 19-460 Page lof21 Australian Government Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000 5. No specimens (including materials) may be collected unless authorised by this permit. 6. The permit holder who undertakes an activity that results in the unintentional death, injury, trading, taking, keeping or moving of a member of a listed threatened species (except a conservation dependent species), a member of a listed threatened ecological community, a member of a listed migratory species, or a member of a listed marine species in or on a Commonwealth area that was not authorised by the permit must notify the Department of the Environment and Energy (The Secretary, Department of the Environment and Energy, GPO Box 787, Canberra ACT 2601; email: [email protected]) within 7 days of becoming aware of the results of the activity. 7. The permit holder shall not use the biological resources to which this permit relates for commercial purposes, and will provide a written report on the results of any research on the biological resources to the Commonwealth of Australia. 8. The permit holder will not give the sample to any person without permission of the Commonwealth of Australia. 9. The permit holder will not carry out, or allow others to carry out, research or development for commercial purposes on any genetic resources, or biochemical compounds, comprising or contained in the biological resources unless a benefit sharing agreement has been entered into with the access provider. 10. Access is permitted for Non-Commercial purposes. Failure to adhere to these conditions is an offence and may also result in suspension or cancellation of this permit. co ,Director, P ·ence and Strategy Section, Parks Australia Permit issued by Delegate of the Minister for the Environment and Energy 28 June 2019 Permit Number: AU-COM20 19-460 Page 2 of21 Australian Government Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000 Attachment A: Species / Taxon Quantity collected over the life of each project RAD Project: RES-2020-009Radionuclide uptake in terrestrial vegetation Sorghum in trans 500 Schizachyriumfragile 500 Petalostigma quadriloculare 500 Chrysopogonfal/ax 500 Heteropogon triticeus 500 Galactia tenuiflora 500 Ampelocissus acetosa 500 Spermacoce stenophyl/a 100 Triodia bitextura 500 Grevil/ea goodii 500 R&L Project: RES-2019-014Determining the characteristics of terrestrial vegetation in natural ecosystems adjacent to the mine site Acacia conspersa Maximum of3 Acacia delicatula Maximum of 3 Acacia difficilis Maximum of 3 Acacia dimidiata Maximum of3 Acacia gonocarpa Maximum of3 Acacia hemignosta Maximum of3 Acacia humifusa Maximum of 3 Acacia lacertensis Maximum of 3 Acacia lamprocarpa Maximum of3 Acacia latescens Maximum of 3 Acacia latifolia Maximum of 3 Acacia leptocarpa Maximum of 3 Acacia mimula Maximum of3 Acacia oncinocarpa Maximum of3 Acacia pel/ita Maximum of 3 Acacia plectocarpa subsp. plectocarpa Maximum of3 Acacia sericoflora Maximum of3 Actinoschoenus sp. sandstone Maximum of 3 Acunniana procumbens Maximum of 3 Aidia racemosa Maximum of 3 AI/oteropsis semialata Maximum of3 Alphitonia excelsa Maximum of 3 Alstonia actinophyl/a Maximum of 3 Alysicarpus ovalifolius Maximum of3 Alysicarpus schomburgkii Maximum of3 Alyxia spicata Maximum of 3 Permit Number: AU -COM20 19-460 Page 3 of21 Australian Government Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 200U Species / Taxon Quantity collected over the life of each project Ammannia muelleri Maximum of 3 Ampelocissusacetosa Maximum of 3 Amyema sanguinea Maximum of3 Andrographis paniculata Maximum of3 Andropogon gayanus Maximum of3 Antidesma ghaesembilla Maximum of3 Aphyllodium biarticulatum Maximum of3 Aponogeton tofus Maximum of3 Aponogeton vanbruggenii Maximum of3 Aristida holathera Maximum of 3 Aristolochia holtzei Maximum of 3 Arnhemia cryptantha Maximum of 3 Arthrostylis aphylla Maximum of3 Austrodolichos errabundus Maximum of3 Austrodolichus errabundus var. variabilis Maximum of3 Azolla pinnata Maximum of 3 Bacopafloribunda Maximum of 3 Banksia dentata Maximum of 3 Barringtonia acutangula subsp. acutangula Maximum of 3 Blumea diffusa Maximum of 3 Blumea integrifolia Maximum of3 Blumea ten ella Maximum of3 Blyxa echinosperma Maximum of3 Blyxa octandra Maximum of3 Bonamia brevijolia Maximum of 3 Bonamia pannosa Maximum of 3 Boronia lanceolata Maximum of 3 Boronia lanuginosa Maximum of3 Bothriochloa bladhii Maximum of3 Brachychiton diversifolius Maximum of3 Brachychiton megaphyllus Maximum of3 Brachyste/ma glabriflorum Maximum of3 Bride/ia tomentosa Maximum of 3 Brunoniella australis Maximum of 3 Brunoniella /inearifo/ia Maximum of 3 Buchanania obovata Maximum of 3 Buchnera linearis Maximum of3 Buchnera urticifolio Maximum of3 Bu/bosty/isbarbata Maximum of3 Byblis liniflora Maximum of3 Permit Number: AU-COM20 19-460 Page 4 of21 Australian Government Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000 Species / Taxon Quantity collected over the life of each project Cajanus cinereus Maximum of3 Cajanusgeminatus Maximum of 3 Calandrinia gracilis Maximum of 3 Calandrinia oblonga Maximum of3 Calandrinia uniflora Maximum of3 Caldesia oligococca var. oliqococca Maximum of3 Calochilus caesius Maximum of3 Calotis breviseta Maximum of3 Calycopepluscollinus Maximum of3 Calytrix achaeta Maximum of 3 Calytrix exstipulata Maximum of3 Canarium australianum Maximum of3 Capillipedium parviflorum Maximum of 3 Cartonema parviflorum Maximum of3 Cartonema sp. bulbous Maximum of3 Cartonema sp. EISharana Maximum of3 Cartonema sp. pedicellate Maximum of 3 Cartonema spicatum Maximum of3 Cassythafiliform is Maximum of3 Cayratia trifolia Maximum of3 Cenchrusciliaris Maximum of 3 Cenchrusechinatus Maximum of 3 Cenchruspedicellatus Maximum of3 Cenchruspedicellatus subsp. unispiculus Maximum of 3 Cenchruspolystachios Maximum of 3 Centipeda borealis Maximum of3 Centranthera cochinchinensis Maximum of3 Centrolepis exserta Maximum of 3 Centrolepis sp. carinate Maximum of3 Ceratophyllum demersum Maximum of3 Ceratopteris thalictroides Maximum of 3 Chamaecrista mimosoides Maximum of 3 Chamaecrista nomame Maximum of3 Chamaeraphis hordeacea Maximum of3 Cheilanthesfragillima Maximum of 3 Cheilanthes nitida Maximum of 3 Cheilanthes pumilio Maximum of3 Cheilanthes tenuifolia Maximum of 3 Chloris gayana Maximum of 3 Chlorophytum laxum Maximum of 3 Permit Number: AU-COM20 19-460 Page 5 of21 Australian Government Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2UUU Species / Taxon Quantity collected over the life of each project Chrysopogon[allax Maximum of3 Chrysopogon latifolius Maximum of 3 Chrysopogon oliganthus Maximum of 3 Chrysopogon setifolius Maximum of3 Claoxylon hillii Maximum of3 Cleome linophyl/a Maximum of 3 Cleome tetranda var. pentata Maximum of 3 Cleome viscosa Maximum of3 Clerodendrumfloribundum Maximum of3 Clerodendrumfloribundum var. coriaceum Maximum of 3 Clerodendrum tatei Maximum of 3 Cochlospermumfraseri Maximum of3 Cochlospermumfraseri subsp.fraseri Maximum of3 Coelospermum reticula tum Maximum of 3 Coldenia procumbens Maximum of 3 Commelina agrostophylla MaximLim of 3 Commelina ensifolia Maximum of3 Commelina sp Plot 3 Maximum of3 Commelina sp. Top End Maximum of 3 Commelinaceaesp. Plot 2 ("Fleshy red stem") Maximum of 3 Corymbia bella Maximum of3 Corymbia bleeseri Maximum of3 Corymbia chartacea Maximum of3 Corymbia disjuncta Maximum of 3 Corymbia ferruginea Maximum of3 Corymbiafoelscheana Maximum of3 Co rymbia jacobsiana Maximum of 3 Corymbia kombolgiensis Maximum of 3 Corymbia oocarpa Maximum of3 Corymbia polycarpa Maximum of3 Corymbia polysciada Maximum of3 Corymbia porrecta Maximum of 3 Corynotheca lateriflora Maximum of3 Crotalaria brevis Maximum of3 Crotalaria goreensis Maximum of3 Crotalaria medicaginea Maximum of 3 Crotalaria montana Maximum of 3 Crotalaria montana var. angustifolia Maximum of3 Croton arnhemicus Maximum of3 Curculigo ensifolia Maximum of3 Permit Number: AU-COM20 19-460 Page 6 of21 Australian Government Environment Protection
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