MICA510 WABC...1180 WAS.. .1240 WOW/ -UM WEAr. - 660 WAAT...976 WNEW-1230 WHOM.-140 RADIO TODAY WOH- WINS.. .1000 WEVD WQME -1540 WJZ 770 WIENT... .1050 WEER -1930 WW87...161141 - 11ONDAY, OCT. 20, 1941 WNYC 830 WOV. ALSO WENX WONW-1601111 Dr. Thomas Parran Jr., United States Surgeon General, at Better Parent- NEWS BROADCASTS hood Luncheon, Washington, D. C.WABC, 3:30-3:45. Morning Cavalcade of America; Play, "All That Money Can Buy," With Edward :00-WHN WABC, WNYC 6:15-WHN 8:30-WMCA, WHN Arnold and Walter HustonWEAF, 7:30-8. 6 :30-WEAF, WJZ, 8:45-WEAF, WJZ, "What's It All About?" Mayor La GuardiaWJZ, 7:45-8. WOE WNYC 6 :45-WE AF 8 :55-1VQXR Concert: James Melton and Francia White, SoloistsWEAF, 8-8:30. 6:55-WARC 9 :00-WABC 7:00-WOE. WNYC 9:30-WOE Richard Crooks, Tenor; Symphony Orchestra; Speaker, Arthur S. Flem- 7 :05-WQXR 9:45-WED; ming, Chairman, Civil Service CommissionWEAF, 8:30-9. 7:15-WMCA, STUN10 :00-WMCA. WQX.11 7 :30-WEAF 11:00-WOE, WMCA, Forum: "Defense Effort"; Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Others, at 7 :45-WABC WNYC Brooklyn Jewish CenterWCNW, 8:30-9. 7:55-WJZ. WQXR 11 :30-WMCA "Defense of Our Country"; Senator Lister HillWJZ, 9-9:30. 8:00-WOE, WJZ, 11 :55-WQXR Afternoon Play: "Blood and Sand," With Tyrone Power and AnnabellaWABC,12:00-WRAP, WOE, 3 :00-WABC 9-10. I.VABC, WIEN :30-WEVD, William O'Dwyer; Mayoralty Campaign TalkWOR, 9:15-9:30. 12 :25-1VJZ 3 :43-WNYC 12:30-WOE 3:55-WABC,WQXR For America We Sing; Norman Cordon, Baritone; Abbie Mitchell, So- 1 :00-WMCA 4:00-WOE prano; Concert OrchestraWJZ, 9:30-10. 1 :45-WJZ 4 :45-WABC 1 :55-WQXR 4 :55-WJZ Boxing: Abe Simon-Lem Franklin, at ClevelandWJZ, 10:30-11:30. 2 :00-WNYC 5:00-WMCA. 2 :15-WHN 5 :45-WILN Where there is no listing for a station, its preceding program is on the air2:30-WOE Evening 6 :00-WJZ, WABC, 8 ._- MORNING WMCA-Recorded Music WMCA 9:00-WOE. WQXR WNYC-Masterwork Hour 6 :10-WABC 9:55-WQXR 5 :30-WOE-Musie; Farmers Digest WEVD-Songs; Music (Off 10-12) . 6:00-WHN-Radio Newsreel 6 :15-WEAF 10 :00-WOR 6 :15-WABC-News; Music 9 :15-WOE-Talk-Victor Lindlahr 6 :25-WQXR, WNYC10:45-WA BC 6:30-WEAF, WJZ-News; Variety Program WABC-School of the Air 6:30-WOR 10 :50-WQXR WOE-News; Farmers Digest WIIN-Dr, Wynne's Food Forum a as_WI-LN 10:55-WOE WABC-Arthur Godfrey, Songs 9 :30-WEAF-Isabel M. Hewson, Talk a :45-WABC, WJZ 11 :00-WEAF, WOE, 6:45-WEAF-News; Variety Music WOE-News; Music; Talks 7 :00-WMCA WELN WMCA-Recorded Music WJZ-breakfast Club-Variety 7:15-WRAP, WOE.12:00-WRAP, WJZ, 6 :55-WABG-News; Arthur Godfrey WMCA-Marketing Hints WMCA WABC, WMCA 7:00eWOR-News; Musical Clock WQ3CR-Apartments-Talk 7:30-WJZ. WHN 12:55-WEAF. WJZ, WNYC-News; Sunrise Symphony 9 :45-WEAP-Edward MacHugh, Songs 7 :45-WMCA, WHIST WABC, WHN WHN-Grouch Club WABC-Stories America Loves 8:00-WOE. WMCA, 1 :00-WMCA WEVD-Musical Clock WHN-News ; Music cVFLIV 1 :55-WHN 7 :05-WQXR-News; Breakfast Symphony WQXR-Let's Talk Shop 8:80-WOE 2:00-WOR 7 :15-WMCA-News ; Recorded Music 10 :00-WRAP-Bess Johnson-Sketch 8 :45-WHN 2:50-WEN WIN-News; Grouch Club WOE-Food Talk-Alfred McCann 7 :30-WRAP-News-Don Goddard WJZ-Dick Dinsmore Trio WEVD-News in Jewish WABC-Hymns of All Churches NEWS OF 111ESHORT WAVES 7 :45-WEAF-The Westerners, Songs WMCA-News: Jerry Baker, Songs Time, Eastern Standard-51egacycle5 WABC-News: European Reports WNYC-Health Talk LONDON WEVD-Morning Melodies WQXR-Lisa Sergio. Comments 12:30 A. 11,-6.11,9.58 7:35-WJZ-News; European Reports 10 :15-WEAF-Bachslor's Children-Sketch 1:15 A. M.-9.51,9.58 WQXR-News; Symphony Music WJZ-Taday's News-Helen Hiett 3:00 A. M.-9.51, 959. 11.73 8 :00-WEAF-Studio X, Variety Show WABC-Myrt and Marge-Sketch 6:00 A. M.-6.11. 9.60 WOR-News Reports WHN-Insurance Talk 8:00 and 11:00 A. M.-17.81 WMCA-Morning Exercises 10 10-WEA F- Help Mate-Sketch 11:15 A. M. and 1:00 P. M.-15.14 WNYC-News; Want Ads; Music WOR-Consumers' Quiz: Music 3:45 P. M.-9.58, 11.75 WEVD-Women in the News WJZ-Clark Dennis. Tenor 5:45 P. M.-6.11. 9.58, 11.75 8 :15-WOE-The Goldbergs-Sketch WABC-Stepmother-Sketch 6:45 P. 11.-6.11, 11.75 WJZ-Recorded Music WINICA -Recorded Music 8:00 P. M.-6.11. 9.58. 11.75 WABC-Music and Talks WHN-Variety Show 11:30 P. 11.-6.11, 9.58 WMCA-Religious Talk WQXR-Salon Concert WEVD-Friendly Adviser-Talk 10 :45-WE A F-Road of Life-Sketch BERLIN :25-WNYC-Consurriers' Guide WJZ-Variety Program 2:15 and 4:30 A. M.-9.65 8 :30-WEAF-Chantieleers Ensemble WABC-Woman of Courage-Sketch 6:30 A M.-15.11, 15.20 WOE-Happy Jim Parsons WNYC-Police Safety Program 7:00 A. M.-15.28. 17.76 WJZ-Jim Robertson, Songs WHN-The Music Shop (To 12) 8:30 A. M.-15.11. 15.20 WABC-Missus Goes a-Shopping WQXR-Negro Spirituals 11:30 A. M.. 12:30 and 1:30 P. M.-15.20 WMCA-News; Health Talk; Music 11 :00-WRAP-Mary marlin-Sketch 6:00 P. M.-9.61 WNYC-Amsterdam Strings WOR-News: Talk-Bessie Beatty 8:15 PAM. -11.77 WHN-News; Music; Health Talk WABC-Buddy Clark. Tenor 10:30 P. M.-6.02 1VEVD-Dear Editor-Talk WMCA-Burnet Hershey, Comments ROME :45-WEAF-News ; Songs; Music WNYC-News; City Guide-Talk 5:45 A. M.-17.82 I 4:30?, M.-11.31 WOE-Johnson Family-Sketch WQXR-Other People's Business 1:45 P. 11.-9.63. 15.3 10:00 P. 51.-9.63 WJZ-News; Kitchen Quiz 11 :15-WRAP--Pepper Young-Sketch WABC-Adelaide Hawley, Talk; Mrs. WJZ-Viennese Ensemble Elisabeth Von Hesse, Guest WABC-Man I Married-Sketch WQXR-Symphonic Music WNYC-News; New York Today WN1CA-Jack Smith. Songs 11 :45-WRAP-David Harum-Sketch WEVD-The Folk Singer WNYC-Musical Comedy Memories WJZ-Alma Kitchell's Brief Case 8:55-WQXR-News: Request Music 11 :30-WEAF-The Goidbergs-Sketch WABC-Aunt Jenny's Stories :00-WOE-Dear Imogene-Talk WJZ-Raising a President-Drama WNYC-Fatigue and Efficiency-Dr. WJZ-Woman of Tomorrow WABC-Bright Horizon-Sketch Eugene 0 Chimene WABC-News-George Bryan IYMCA-News; Recorded Music If :55-WQXR-News Luncheon Music WEVD-Front Page News-Sketch 4 :00-WEAF-Backstage Wife-Sketch AFTERNOON 1 :55-1YQXR-News; Opera Excerpts WON-News Reports 12:00-WEAFNewsDon Goddard 2 :00-WEAF-Biblical Drama WJ7,-Club Matinee. Variety WOR-John B. Hughes, Comments WOR-Talk-Martha Deane WMCA-Youthbuilders Forum:Are WJZ-Nancy Boothe Craig WJZ-Lopez Orchestra Movies Prejudiced? WABC-Kate Smith, Chat WABC-Young Dr. Malone-Sketch WNYC-NYA Concert Orchestra WMCA-Dance Music WMCA-Dance music (To 3:30) WEVD-Opera Music WNYC-Midday Symphony WNYC-News; Symphonic Records 4 :15-WE AF-Stella Dallas-Sketch WHN-News; Popular Music WE VD-Jewish Philosopher WOE-The Rains Came-Sketch WEVD-News in Jewish; Music 2:15-WRAP-The Mystery Man-Sketch WNYC-Musical Souvenirs 12 :15-WEAF-The O'Neills-Sketch WABC-Joyce Jordan-Sketch WEVD-Dance Music WHN-News: Bob Byron. Songs 4 :30-WE A F-Lorenzo Jones-Sketch WOE-This Is Life-Sketch WOR-Happy Jim Parsons W3Z-Program Resume; Music WEVD-Housewives Interviewed WABC-Landt Trio. Songs WABC-Big Sister-Sketch 2 :30-WEA F-Va tient Lady-Sketch WMCA-Open House-Variety Show 12:25-WJZ-News; Farm and Home Hour WOE-News Reports WEVD-Italian Varieties 12 :30-WEAF-Deep River Boys, Songs WJZ-Into the Light-Sketch 4 :45-WE AF-Young Widder Brown-Sketch WOE-News; Judy and Jane-Sketch W ABC-Talk -Fletcher Wiley WA BC-News Reports WABC-Helen Trent-Sketch WEVD-Jewish Melodies WNYC-Mathematics Quiz WHN-Racing Scratches; Music WQXR-Dance Music 4 :55-WJZ-News; Adventure Stories 12 :45-WEAF-Recorded Music 2:45-WEAF-Arnold Grimm's Daughter 5:00-WE AF-When a Girl Marries-Sketch WABC-Our Gal Sunday-Sketch WON-Beauty-Richard Willis WOE-Little Orphan Annie-Sketch WEVD-Variety Show WJZ- Midstream-Sketch WA BC-Mary Marlin-Sketch 1:00-WEAF-Mary Margaret McBride WABC-Kate Horatins-Sketch WQXR-Nazis inOccupied Russia WOR-We Are Always Young-Sketch3:00-WEAF-Against the Storm-Sketch Estelle Sternberger WABC-Life Can Be Beautiful-Play WOR-Da nce Orchestra WMCA-News Reports Yell/CA-News Reports WJZ-orphans of Divorce-Sketch IATNYC-NYA Music Club WNYC-Missing Persons Alarms WABC-News for Women WEVD-Itallan Drama WHN-Maurice Joachim. Readings :15-WE AF - Ma Perkins-Sketch 5 ;15-WF.AF-Portia Faces Life-Sketch WEVD-Child for Sale-Drama WIZ-Honeymoon Hill -Sketch WOR-Mandrake-Sketch WQXR-Composers Hour WABC-The Helping Hand-Sketch WJZ-The Bartons-Sketch 1:05-WNYC-Defense Discussion WEVD-Immigration Talk WA BC-The Goldbergs-Sketch 1:13-WOR-Government Girl-Sketch 3 :30- WEAF-Guidi ng Light-Sketch WQXR-Va riety Music WJZ-Poetry-Ted Malone WJZ-John's Other Wife-Sketch WMCA-Ben Brady.
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