274000 276000 278000 280000 LIMITATIONS OF USE LEGEND - LAND RESOURCES Landunit boundaries were derived using satellite im ageryinassociation with a digitalelevation model, geological and topographic data. Landform, soil and Field Sites (2018) 8372000 8372000 vegetationfield assessm entsconform nationalto standards and support mapping at Detailedfield site ascale This 1:25,000. ofmapping ispresented ata scale 1:25,000.of GENERAL LAND CAPABILITY CLASSES Detailedfield site and analytical site m etres 0 500 1,000 m etres W henassessing specific areas within the mapping, itisrecom m endedasite inspectionbe undertaken establishto unm appedvariation and confirm mapping NT Por 1636 Class1 Land with negligible constraints thatrequire only abasic level inputs,of expertise Legacy Field Sites Black numbered lines are 2 000 metre intervals of the accuracyonthe ground. andinvestm entdevelopto and manage the land sustainably. Map Grid of Australia (MGA), Zone 53 Transverse Mercator Projection. BESWICK ABORIGINAL MatarRoper1994, 1988 LAND TRUST T hismap does not indicate, im plyascertain or the likelihood groundwaterof (ASSnot present; flood-free; gilgai absent, ECe dS<2 ESP /m; <6%;0-1%slope; Horizontal Datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA94) availabilitythe or granting appropriateof water extraction licensing needed satisfyto msoil >1.0 depth; rapid well-drainedto soil;nosurface lowrock; wind erosion hazard) theirrigation requirem entstheof potential agricultural developm entoptions needed. ExtentMappingof Class2 Land with minor or moderate constraints thatrequire agreater level inputs,of expertiseand investm entthan Class developto1 and manage the land sustainably. (ASSnot present; and/or flooding extrem elyand/or rare;gilgai vertical interval m; <0.3 LandUnits and/orECedS 2-4 and/or /m;ESP and/or6-15%; 1-2% slope; and/or soil depth 0.5- ROPER 1.0 m; and/orm; moderately1.0 drained soil;and/or 0-2%surface and/orrock; moderate wind Landform Class 179 erosionhazard) ROPER LowRise s 180 POTENTIAL IRRIGATED AGRICULTURAL CROPS Class3 Land with severe constraints thatrequire ahigh level inputs,of expertise and 7a1 investm entdevelopto and manage the land sustainably. 7a1 9a2 Irrigated Crop Irrigated Group Individual crops asscrops eIndividual s s e d (ASSnot present; and/or flooding and/or rare;gilgai vertical interval and/orm; 0.3-0.6 7a1 Group No. ECedS 4-8 and/or /m;ESP and/or15-20%; 2-3%slope; msoil and/or depth; 0.25-0.5 Plains 6 and/orim perfectlydrained soil;and/or 2-10%surface and/orrock; high wind erosion Fieldcrops 1 Cotton,grains (sorghum maize, , sweet pulsesrice),corn, 8a2 8c1 hazard) 7a1 (mungbean, soybean) 5 Be Class4 Land with extreme constraints thatgenerally require an unacceptable level inputs,of s w 2 Peanut 8b1 ick Cre expertiseand investm entdevelopto and manage the land sustainably; making iteither 4 3 e k Hayand 3 S ub-tropicalgrass hay/forage (Rhodes grass, Panics, im practical,uneconom environm icor entallyunsound proceed.to Where developm ent 8c1 8370000 8370000 m ustproceed the effects must be mitigated. forage ForageSorghum ) 8a2 8b1 (ASSpresent; and/or regular permanentto flooding; and/or gilgai vertical interval >0.6 Plains Alluvial T reecrops 4A Monsoonaltropical tree mcropszone)root (0.5 – m ; and/orm ECe ; dS>8 and/or /m;ESP >20%;and/or >3% slope; and/orm soil<0.25 1 Mango,Coconut, Dragonfruit, Kakadu Plum depth;and/or verytopoor poorly drained soil;and/or >10% surface and/orrock; very 9a2 8c1 4B Monsoonaltropical tree mcropszone)root (1.0 – highwind extremto eerosion hazard) Cashew,Jackfruit, Tam arind,Morinda citrifolia Dominant Soil Order 7a1 2 5 T ropicalCitrus –Lim Lem e, Mandarin, on, Pom m elo, Chrom osols Lem onade,Grapefruit LAND SUITABILITY CLASSES FOR IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE 8b1 Rowcrops 6 Cucurbits–Watermelon, Honeydew melon, Rockm elon, Kandosols Pum pkin,Cucum Asian ber, melons, Zucchini, Squash Class1 Land with negligible limitations MATAR Highlyproductive land requiring only sim plemanagem entpractices maintainto T enosols 7 Fruitingvegetable crops –Solanaceae (Capsicum Chilli, , 50 sustainableproduction. 7a1 Eggplant,Tom Okra, ato), Snake bean, Drum sticktree 8a2 Class2 Suitable land minor limitations Dominant Vegetation Structure 8 Leafyvegetables and herbs –Kangkong, Am aranth, Lettuce,Chinese cabbage, Bok Choy, Pak Choy, Choy Landwith minor lim itationsthat either constrain production require or more than the Midwoodland S umSpring , onions, Basil, Coriander, Dill,Mint, sim plemanagem entpractices Classof land1 maintainto sustainable production. S pearmint,Chives, Oregano, Lem ongrass Class3 Suitable land moderate limitations Lowwoodland Rootcrops 9 Onion,Carrot, Sweet potato, Shallots, Ginger, Turmeric, Landwith moderate lim itationsthat further constrain production require or more than Galangal,Yam bean, Taro themanagem entpractices Classof land2 maintainto sustainable production. Midopen woodland Forestry 10 S andalwood Class4 Unsuitable land with severe limitations General Land Capability Class 11 Mahogany, Eucalyptusspp.Acacia spp., Currentlyunsuitable land with severe lim itationsthat preclude successful sustained or 8368000 8368000 useunder existing conditions. Future changes inknowledge, econom icstechnology or Minormoderate - or 2 constraints NT Por 2255 Rainfed CropRainfed Group Individual crops asscrops eIndividual s s e d m ayalter this. Group No. Class5 Unsuitable land with extreme limitations Severe - 3 constraints Hayand 12 S ub-tropicalgrass hay/forage Strickland,(Jarra, Tully, Landwith extrem elim itationsthat preclude any possibility successfulof sustained or forage Cavalcade,Forage Sorghum ) use,either nowin the or future. Extrem - 4 econstraints 274000 276000 278000 280000 Survey Area - Region Location Darwin ral ent Arn C he m Mapproduction: C.Green, 7/02/2019, Geospatial Services Katherine Barunga Roa r DrawingRef:2019021 d ive R Departm entEnvironmof entand Natural Resources e rs NT3629Por ham b C J AW OYABORIGINAL N Beswick How to access land resource information for this survey LANDTRUST Northern T echnicalReport Downloadreport from(PDF) the Northern Territory Library Territory Aboutthe spatial data Metadatarecord NT1636Por Soil and Land Suitability Assessment for Irrigated Agriculture BESWABORIGINAL ICK T hisland resource spatial data and other environm entalinformation can be accessed for LANDTRUST Tennant downloadvia the DENR Geospatial Resources webpageSee . Spatial data package. on part of Beswick Aboriginal Land Trust Creek Viewsoil site data and descriptions inthe DENR web application NRm aps.nt.gov.au Rope rCre Be e k s w Datalayer: Land Resources\S Soil ALI Profile Descriptions i S t c uart k Hig Cre e k Data source hw a LandResources: Rangelands Division, Departm entEnvironmof entand Natural Resources y Alice Cadastre/Roads/Placenam es:Departm entLands,of Planning and Logistics RainfedIrrigatedIrrigatedIrrigatedIrrigatedIrrigated Crop Crop Crop Crop CropCrop Group Group Group Group GroupGroup 12: 3: 4A:4B: 1:2: 5:6:7:8:HayHay10:11: FieldTreeRow Tree Forestry andand cropscrops crops forageforage Springs Drainage:250kCom m onwealthAustraliaof (Bureau Meteorology)of 2014 Parks:Parks and Wildlife Com m issionNT,Departm entTourismof and Culture MonsoonalMahogany,IrrigatedDominantGeneralSub-tropicalLeafyDominantCotton, FruitingtropicalDominant Crop vegetablesEucalyptusTropical LandSandalwood Vegetation Cucurbitsgrains treevegetablePeanut Group Landformgrass Capability Soil cropsCitrus and spp., hay/forageand 9:Order pulsesStructureRootcrops(0.5(1.0 Class herbsAcacia Class m crops root spp. zone) W Bibliographic reference a t NT3960Por McGrathandN. Andrews (2019). K. NTPor e rh Series –Report13. LandSuitability Agricultural 6181 o u ExtentMappingof of Mapping s e BesAss of onpart wickandAgriculture eLand Suitability sSoil sIrrigated mefor nt R iv LandTrus t. Aboriginal T echnicalReport Departm13/2019D. entofEnvironm entand e r NaturalResources, Northern Territory Governm ent,Darwin, NT. For further information, please contact: NT2255Por LandParcels Parcels About this PDF map Mataranka Pagethisof1 file isan interactive PDF map best viewed onscreen Rope rRi AboriginalLand (NT Land (Scheduled Technical references ve usingAdobe reader.using If Adobe Reader DC protected view, Director, Land Assessment Branch r Enhancedunder ALRA)Freehold) NationalCom m itteeonSoil and Terrain (2009). Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Aus tralian Soil and LandSurveyandEdition. Handbook. 3rd Soil Field Aus tralian enableall features seeto the map layers. NT Por Level 3, Goyder Centre, 25 Chung Wah Terrace, Palmerston NT Por 3069 Canberra,Australian Collaborative Land Evaluation Program , Open - folders inthe left panel viewto the individual map layers NT7018Por 7204 NTParks Parksand Reserves and Reserves Northern Territory of Australia. Elsey CSIROPublishing, Melbourne. Users - may turn layers ONOFF or National Turn - offlayers above viewto layers that aremasked underneath Email: [email protected] Park andIsbell, R.F. National Com m itteeonSoil and Terrain (2016). Titles - will autom aticallyturn onmatchto the them aticdisplay Web: land-soil-vegetation-information Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International The Aus tralian Soil Class ification. Second Edition. Class ification. Soil The Aus tralian Only - print one them aticdisplay, sothe titles donot merge k Public License (CC BY 4.0) e CSIROPublishing, Melbourne. Toprint - this map, use page size B2with noscaling re NT5417Por C https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode MANGARRAYIABORIGINAL
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