Vol. XXII, No. 11 [PEICE TWELVE CENTS] December 4, 1919 Endowment Campaign to Continue Until Fund is Raised Socialist Organ Attacks Universi- ties as Capitalistic Reports of Secretary of Faculty and Graduate School Dean Disastrous Football Season Ends with Defeat by Penn Published weekly during- the college year and monthly in July and August at 220 E. State Street, Ithaca, New York. Subscriptions $3.60 a year. Entered as second class matter May 2, 1900, under the act of March 3, 1879, at the postoffice at ITHACA, NEW YORK. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS ALUMNI PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HEMPHILL, NOYES & Co. Executor Trustee Investment Securities WASHINGTON, D. 0. Chartered 1822 ΐfiEODORE K. BEYANT >97, '98 37 Wall Street, New York Master Patent Law '08 Boston Philadelphia Buffalo THE FARMER'S LOAN Scranton Albany Patents and Trade Marks Exclusively Jansen Noyes '10 AND TRUST COMPANY 310-313 Victor Building Charles E. Gardner Stantcm Griffis '10 Nos. 16-22 William Street ITHACA, N. Y. Clifford Heαnphill Branch: 475 Fifth Ave. GEORGE S. TARBELL Member New York at 41st Street Ithaca Trust Building Stock Exchange Attorney and Notary Public New York Real Estate Sold, Rented and Managed LONDON PARIS NEW YORK CITY ROMEIKE Letters of Credit CHARLES A. TAUSSIG PRESS CLIPPING Foreign Exchange A. B. '02, LL.B., Harvard '05 SERVICE 220 Broadway Tel. 1905 Cortland Cable Transfers is prepared to supply you with General Practice current information from the newφapers and magazines on Administrator Guardian MARTIN H. OFFINGER EE. '99 whatever subject may interest VAN" WAGONER-LINN CONSTRUCTION CO. you. Be it politics, be it busi- Member Federal Reserve Bank and New Electrical Contractors ness, be it science, there is mailed York Clearing House Buildings Wired to you daily just what you want to read from Anything Electrical Anywhere General Electric Mazda Lamps 3000 newspapers 1000 magazines 143 E. 27th Street PRESS CLIPPINGS are becom ing more and more a necessary The Mercersburg Academy NORTON, BIRD & WHITMAN adjunct to progressive business. Utility and Industrial Engineers Prepares for all colleges New York Chicago "If it's in the papers 501 Fifth Avenue 111 W. Monroe St. and universities: Aims Cleveland we get it out" Sweetland Bldg. at thorough scholarship, Bostor Baltimore ROMEIKE 88 Broad St. Munsey Bldg. broad attainments and is synonymous with press clipping Christian manliness POET WORTH, TEXAS service. ADDRESS LEE, LOMAX AND SMITH Henry Romeike, Inc. Lawyers General Practice WILLIAM MANN IRVINE, Ph.D. 506-9 Wheat Building 106-08-10 Seventh Avenue Attorneys for Santa Fe Lines President Empire Gas & Fuel Co. New York O. K. Lee, Cornell 1889-90; P. T. Lomax, MERCERSBURG, PΔ. Texas 1899; M. A. Smith, George Washington 1916 Cascadilla School At least fifty views GRADUATES GO TO CORNELL College Preparatory School Pictures of the Finger Lake Region A High-Grade Boarding School for Boys The handsomest set of photographs ever made. Summer School Original Sepia Enlargements 11x14, postpaid, each $2. July to September, especially for Col- These views are on display in many touring headquarters as far west lege and University Entrance as Chicago. They include practically every waterfall, lake, and gorge in Examinations. the region. Ithaca and vicinity has been particularly well covered. Special Tutoring School List of views gratis on request. Private Instruction in Any Subject Throughout the Year. (ftortwr 3tliara Trustees P.O.Cornell Ernest Blaker C.D.Bostwick Our 1919-20 Catalog will appeal to that schoolboy you are trying to ITHACA TRUST COMPANY interest in Cornell ASSETS OVER THREE MILLION DOLLARS A postal will bring it. Pres., Charles E. Treman Vice-Pres., Franklin C. Cornell Vice-Pres., Emmons L. Williams Vice-Pres. and Sec, W. H. Storms A. M. Drummond, M. A., Director, Treasurer, Sherman Peer Ithaca, *Γ. Y. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Vol. XXII, No. 11 Ithaca, N. Y., December 4, 1919 Price 12 Cents f i sHE graduate students at «the Uni- post adopted, as a substitute for a reso- THE AVIATION CLUB mentioned laβfc I versity, reviving the old Graduate lution asking that Kreisler's engage- week has completed its organization. Its "^ Glub, have organized for the year. ment be canceled, the following resolu- official designation is "The Cornell Uni- The new president is Col. Henry E. tion offered by Lieutenant Colonel versity Flying Club." The active mem- (ί Lordly of Montreal, Canada; other offi- George G. Bogart, professor of law: Ee- bership includes, first, as charter mem- cers are Yun Huang Ho, Wuchang, solved, That the American Legion, Post bers, students who were qualified pilotβ China, and Marion E. Blake, New 22.1, recommend to the public of Ithaca or observers in the Allied air forces; and, Britain, Conn., vice-presidents; Edwina that it withdraw its patronage from the secondly, the commandant of the E. O. M. Smiley, Mansfield, Mass., secretary; Fritz Kreisler concert scheduled for De- T. C., students in the school of military E. Dorsey, Dresdon, Ohio, treasurer. cember 10, 1919." The vote in favor aeronautics, and professors giving in.- Among plans for the club's work this of this substitute motion was almost βtruction in aero-dynamics. Associate year is the proposal to have at some unanimous. membership is open to persons evincing convenient place on the campus, possi- an interest in the club and its enter- bly in Barnes Hall, a central office, where ITHACA'S EVENING NEWSPAPERS, the prises. Among immediate objects are Journal and the Daily News, beginning graduates .may meet one another and the promotion of legislation favorable with the issue of December 1, are merged whence information of interest to grad- to conumercial uses of the aeroplane and into one paper, to be known henceforth uates may be more readily disseminated. the establishment of an aviation center by the title of The Ithaca Journal-News. and training school at Cornell and Itha- FIVE MEMBERS of the Agricultural The consolidation comes about through ca. The officers of the club for the cur- Faculty, Dean Mann and Professors the sale of the News, lately acquired by rent year are Paul C. Wanser '20, of Montgomery, Burritt, Works, and Cros- Bert E. Mitchell, to Frank E. Gannett Tarrytown, president; Edgar G. Whit* by, and Professor Kimball as represen- '98, publisher of the Journal. John W. '20, of Syracuse, vice-president; H. H, tative of the engineering colleges, at- Baker remains as business manager and Kerr, jr., '21, of Evanston, 111., secre- tended the recent conference, in Chi- Harry G, Stutz '07 as managing editor. tary; ^and J. M. Fresfcm '21, of Milton, cago, of the American Association of Editorially the paper, long stanehly Ee- N. y., treasurer. Wanser and Frestoa. Land-Grant Colleges. Dean Mann was publican, promises in. the future to be are registered in Arts, the other officers appointed to the executive committee of '' independent in policy, free from any in Sίbley College. outside influence77 and "the organ of the Association and to the committee on 77 projects and correlation of research. no party, clique, faction, or individual. THE INTERCOLLEGE BASKET BALL sched- Professor Works was reappointed to the The Journal, now in its ninety-fifth year, ule, published last week, provides for committee om instruction in agriculture, km been a daily since 1873; the News twenty-eight games, beginning December home economics, and mechanic arts; and was started as a daily in 1895. 6 and ending March 9. All games will be played in the Old Armory. Professor Crosby was made secretary THE ITHACA POST OFFICE is to be en- of the committee. Professors Works larged ais soon as aai appropriation of INTERFRATERNITY BOWLING began OIL and Crosby made a report on the train- $115,000 is passed by Congress. Plans December 1. In the league this year ing of teachers under the Federal Smith- have been drawn and approve^ by the are teams from eighteen societies, divid- Hughes Act. A report of the Cornell Federal authorities for an addition thirty ed, as a matter of convenience in arrang- delegation at the conference thus brief- by sixty-eight feet on the east side of ing a schedule, into two groups of nine ly outlines the work of the Association: the present building, not on the south each. "The land grant colleges need to do as was at one time proposed. Thus the relatively much more than in the past to THE WEEK'S PUBLIC LECTURES include new part will face on Buffalo Street. 'ί The Peace Conference'' by Professor get in touch with and promote the inter- Since the erection of the existing build- Carl Becker before the Ethics Club; ests of the trades and' industries; to ing the business of the post office has "The Physiology of the Heart" bj conduct more fundamental research in grown so much that additional space is Professor Sutherland Simpson before agriculture, engineering, and home eco- greatly needed. the Sigma Xi Society; "Autores Dra- nomics; and to lay greater emphasis on maticos Modernoβ" (in Spanish) by Sr. work in rural engineering, rural social A MEETING OF CITIZENS to protest Don Eamon Perez de Ayala; "Horti- and economic problems, and the prepar- against persecution of Jews in east- culture Work in the United States De- ing of teachers for vocational subjects ern Europe was held last Sunday partment of Agriculture" by Professor in high schools." evening at the Lyceum Theater, May- or-elect Edwin C. Stewart presiding. Homer C. Thompson before the Lazjr THE ITHACA POST of the American Addressee were made by Professors Club; and "The Truth about Eussia" Legion at a recent special meeting ma- George L. Burr, Albert W. Smith, and by Count Ilya Tolstoy. terially modified a proposal to make for- W.
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