INDEX GIBSON INSTRUMENTS G UI T A RS Ma ndolin Banjos . .. • . .. .. 52 Carved Top Modell ................ .. 2-21 Guitar Ba njos ..............•....... ..... 52 Flat Top Models ........... ... 22-27 Callo Banjo. .. .. .. .. .. .. • . 52 Tenor Guital"l .. ...... ..... ..• •.. ... 28 MANDOLINS ............................. 53-6 1 Plectrum Guittlrs ......... .... 28 ELECTRIC MANDOLIN ..... •.. .. •. .• ..... , 35 Hawaiian Guital"l ................. • ... ... 29-30 MANDOLAS ..... .. ... ...•....•.. .. 63 Electric Hawaiian Guitars ............ .. 32-)4 MANOO-CEllOS .. ...... ...... .. ... ... 03 El ectric Spani5h Suit,," ....... .. ..•.... 3S HARP GUiTAR .............. ... .... b4 MANDO-BASS . • . b4 BAN JOS UKULELES ..... ................ .. ' 65 Tenor Banjos . ....... .... • .... .. 37-48 Plectrum SlI"jos .........•.............. .. 49 TEN O R UKULELES . ...................... 65 Five String Banjos .............. 51 UKULELE BANJOS ....... .. ... ............. 05 GIBSON ACCESSORIE S BANJO ARM RESTS .. 77 CAS ES ........... 81 NECK CORDS ... ........ 77 PEGS BANJO HEADS ....... ... 77 CASE HANDLES ................ .81 Benio , ..•. 77 EN D PiNS ...... .............. 80 ... .. 78 BA NJ O HEAD CLEANER r. ~ o. G"it• • .. .............. 71> BANJO HEAD GUARD ... .. 7'1 FINGERBOARDS ... '1 FI NGER80ARD NUTS .. ..• 81 PEG BUnONS ..... 79 BANJO HOOKS AND NU TS . .. .. 7'1 FRETS ...... 81 PICkS . ...... 11·73 BANJO RESONATOR STUDS , ....• .. 77 GUITAR PICK GUARDS ....... 71> PITCH PIPES . ..... 80 BANJO STANDS . ..••.. .. .8 1 GUITAR STANDS.. .. .. .. ... 81 STRINGS BANJO WRENCHES •...... • . 1'1 Mone·St•• 1 •....•. .. 1>1·1>9 HAWAIIAN ADJUSTORS .. ... 1) BRIDG ES H. nd Poli.hd •.. ..... 1>9·10 G"lI., ............ .. .. ..... .15 HAWAiiAN U IS ...... .. .. ... n Gib.on.B.on,. .. .... 10 M I ~ clolin. Ml nclo l..... hnclo·C.llo . ..• • 80 HAWAiiAN STEELS ...... .. ....... 14.75 TAilPIECES Mencl ... B... ............. .......... 80 IVOROIO BINDING ""ATERIAl .. •... 81 G"it. ....... •.•..•. 11> He'p S"lI•• ..... , ......... ... ... 80 MACHINE HEADS aenio .. •.. .• .... .. 18 a.~io ................. ....... .. .. 78 Gu"" . ... ...................... 16 Mencloli~ ............ .80 U\"I.I•• ncl U\. 8uio .. ..•..•.... .•. 18 Menclolin. Mendolin a..nio. ""e"do.B, .. 80 Uk, Btnio . .. ....•..•.... .. ..• .. •. 18 BRIDGE PINS ....................... 17 MANDOLIN PICk GUARDS • . ... .•. 1'1 VI8-ROLAS .••........ ...... 11 CAPOS ........... .............. ..17 MUSIC STANDS ..................... 80 VIOLIN SUPPLIES .. .. .. .. ......... , .81 CATALOG X Prices Are Subject to Cham~e Without Notice GmSON, INC. Kalamazoo, Uich . (jibJOn JlZSlrumenb are .A1ade uz tke .t;arc;esl, .A1ost CompLete Clnd .A1odem greUed !flZStrument gactorl;, devoted to g,ne !flZStrumenli, in tke OforLd! fl1) E e xtend to you a hearty mVllahon to VISit the Gibson Factory In Kalamazoo, Michigan - we '- ~ rJ promise you tho\ it will be mterestmg, exciting, amazmg, educational and a lot of fun. Hundreds of people from allover the world VISit the Gibson Factory every year almost without exception, each of these visitors is amazed at the size of the plant when they first approach it from the outside, but their amazement grows as they are escorted. through the different departments by an expert guide. This is not surprising. because few people realize Ihe number of skilled workers-the tremendous supply of woods in process of seasoning-Ihe up.ttrdale equipment- Ihe in fi nite care in every small detail of each in­ strument from the lowest priced to the highest-the costly expe­ rimental work - the spirit of friendliness and co-operation among the employees - that are required 10 build instru" ments of the caliber of Gibsons. Yes, we are proud of our factory - nol because we can soy it Is the biggesl, bUl for what it represenls to players 01 the guitar. banjo and mandolin throughout the world- to us and 10 Ihem it means devotion to an ideal, never half-way, constant improvements and a service thai is more than we claim for it. Will you accept our invita­ tion and pay us a visit? GIBSON GUITARS Ask any guitar ployer, whether he is just a beginner or high salaried artist, what kind of a guitar he is playing, and then notice the feeling of pride in his voice when he answers "A Gibson." That is the whole secret of Gibson popu1arity-PRlDE-the ~..-~"- Gibson workmen are proud of the instruments they creale, Gibson s.~"-..::: dealers are proud of the instruments they sell, and Gibson own­ .--.--"" .... .~.­ .. .-.~ ..... ~ --,..- -~ ers are proud of the instruments they play. -,..... ~ .... :';';' ::;::,-.:: -~ ... - '" --~- . ;.- ~=.=::: The making of line guitars cannot be acquired over nighl­ ~~..:;,:~-.-" . ~ it lakes years and years of study and experimentation. Gibson originated carved tops Qnd backs for guitars years ago-that is why Gibson has a tremendous advantage of years and experi­ ence. This is an advantage that all the money in the world cannot buy. Gibson has always led the field in building instruments 10 meel the demands of the day-thirty years ago the carved lop and back guitar illustrated on this page was for ahead 01 any other instrument-today, the qui tors shown in this catalog are so up-tOOote thai they ore accepted as patterns for other makers and will be for years to come. Own an original- it actually costs less than the imitation. Th .. STORY OF GIBSON - IS COl1tin u.,J 011 pa'l" 6. Reprint of Gib.o" cololcg pog v 30 yeo .. 90. [2] tiC' Juper 00 " PRICE 4 $400 Indudlnq .alkl brown leather. The eholeHl 01 1.... nil­ Ame. lo:m !Ieouly .11k plu.h lined !tit mal6rlal. the world de hue eoM with heavy chrome haa to oIler-workmanahlp plated lUOqcJQe catchon. and water· .uch aa ogn come only proof z1PJ»' COVer with Je.o:th'r with " qU(I.lor of a cen­ blndlnQI ond molal bumpers. tury 0/ .~porloneo - lnf!. nU. CO r. In mokltl9 and Genuine quality needs no matchlnq every IlnQIa part. spokesman - the sparkling w .... th.r 11 II an enHr. beauty of a rare gem, ex­ bock 01 (I amal1 pleoo 01 pertly cui and polished, brodnq _Inlay Clod bind· Inq thai Is pure Ol1i101ry'­ fells its own slory of mag­ heavy qold pJalinQ and nificence-the rich, full tone enqrovlnq - a beauUlul of a Stradivarius can be In­ hand rubbed and ohaded stantly recognized as the Hnlm that complete. this finest human hands ever plclu r. 0/ perf«llon. And of cou,,,, lh. tone, voldnq produced - a champion (Iud power thai only tho does not prove his prowess combination of th... In­ by telling about it, he shows leqra\ pctI'tl C'On produce. actual results. [ 'l GtO.GE SMITH .ICHA~O EHUCKE EDDIE SUIVANU ,.,._",,1Siudio. W.,... , "00•• Fin! H.n""",1 NK: .~d Studio A";,' At The HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS Is GoOl' En.... "" " lOllY SHUWOOO .UOEl MATHIS 1.0161.01 Sto ll G . iI ~rl" T .6C~1 ~9· hd ;0.St...dioo STYLE L-5 ADVANCED MODEL Carved Top and Back It ..... diWocult 10' ". to imp'",", on Ihc l·S Gu,tor - ii. 1,.d;' ;~ ""1 quoli'y .nd b •• uly h.v. mod. il '" • .0' pe.lod tho' ror ye.", ol tho"';I" it hos be •• Ih. mo,t im<toled I,/.iI •• in .he ,",.rld. il ..... ;m"""ibl. ior olh." '0 <:opy th. rcal penon.liry 01 tho l·5. Ih • ..., ......d" ..... d V; ho, mo<e ~ olu"'. -"'o , ••• "i.", po"., ror ".<he.".' ,,1.yinll_lho Ion. i•• icher-ill n... d."9". deco ••lio", Md "'01, il .....1 tI, ;n \! 01 be.uty. FEATURES • Advanced size IT' wide and 21" long. • The top is of finest air seasoned spruce; selected highly figu red curly maple is used in the back, rim and neck; the fingerboard is of genuine ebony. • Finished in a rich. satiny Cremona brown; hand rubbed and polished; golden sunbursts on the top, back, rim and neck. • Five ply, alternate block and while ivoroid binding around peg­ head, fingerboard, top edge of body and fingerrest: three ply while, block. white ivoroid binding around bock edge of body: large genuine pearl inlays in fingerboard and peg-head: gold plated and beautifully engraved. improved ta ilpiece: side posi­ lion marks. • Improved type Grover individual machine heads. gold plated; new compensating tailpiece; elevated brown ivoroid fjngerrest bound fo match other binding; new adjustable rosewood bridge; while end pin; 20 frets. • Exclusive Gibson Adjustable Truss Rod neck construction. PRICE $275.00 CASE No. 600 - Cove red with .Irone) walerpfoof A" roplan .. Cloth - heavy nlck .. 1 plal"d 1I.l 99<'lC," <;a!(:h"s - Amo ricon Beauty $l1k plush I1nln<). 0$27.00. Case Cov,,,, Ton tlppe, waterproof cove, - leolher blndln9s - melol humpar$. SI5.oo. [ r, ) take the Pick of tke OforlJ's [hnest OfooJs If you were to set out with on unlimited amount of money, it would be impossible for you to secure any flner woods than those used in Gibson instru­ ments-we pay more for these choice materials, yet a Gibson costs you no more than on Instrument made of ordinary wood. CARl nESS Mother nature always plays favorites with cer­ .UOY YALLEE ••d ~ . d;o·Rt<o,d, FR ANl STAFFA lain of her offspring-In the mountain forests there ho1f V.II.. O.~k.,! •• ONLY A are cerloln majestic spruce trees that grow taller, ONLY A finer and straighter <;lraln than their fellows; in the IS GOOD~b""' ENOUGH ~~ northern woods there a re maples that are tougher, IS GOOD ENOUGH stronger and produce whiter wood; also, In these northern woods there a Te maples whose beautifully figured curl almost makes one believe that some artist made the design; In far off Madagascar grows ebony with granite-like strength; in Brazil, a careful search reveals rosewood that is harder and more beautifully grained than the averoge run. -from these favorites of mother nature are se­ lected the woods that go into Gibson Instruments. You wUll!nd Lb. Inlero,Un<;I STORY OF GIBSON coniinued on paq.. ]0. ANOIE lOSTU.AN£n ••d .K)HN CALI . G ..lI.,;,1 M UEonH WILSON ••01 C~ ..'-tfi.ld ,"'".'" [ G I ,AUl IoIAU IN N • C s.. f ,."~loco STYLE L-12 ADVA.NCED ltlODEL Cur,'cd Top and Baek FEATURES • Advanced size-IT' wide and 21" long, • Curly maple back; fine spruce lop; selected northern maple rim and neck; rosewood fingerboard.
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