~: 1/'1 ~:I rn"''' .p ~I.J" !-I r-., .. , 0 ~·;., cr, Partly cloudy tonight and Thursday, t•J ,t;r).. , littlo tomporaturo chango, Scattorad •": showor~ Thursday. •.· I ···l •:, J, ,,, ~ ·~ Vi r)J Wednesday, July 8, 1964 10 conts por copy· Oesterle Re-Elected Chief Proposes As School President The Mason board of education, quest w!ll be for funds to equip City Curfew Law at an organizational meeting a new biology room at the sen­ Wickes Lumber Monday night, re-elected all lor high school, Mason youths may be faced board ot!lcers for another year. target of the ordinance Is to Under the act, the NDEA, 1f it With a curfew ordinance if Po­ They are Glenn Oesterle, pres­ approves a request, w!ll pay 55 eliminate· the downtown cruising llee Chief Tl m Stolz and the Ident; Lyle Thorburn, secretary, percent of the cost and the school Opens Mason after the Mason teen centar and Oren Hall, .treasurer. council's pollee committee has . closes and eliminate the necking district 45 percent. The state its way. The youths won •t be The board also established department of public Instruction parties in parked cars on citY, the only people the ordinance will streets, _ regular meeting dates for the administers NDEAfunds In Mich­ Building Center board as the 1st Monday of each affect because the proposal being Stolz said that the ordinance igan. discussed will make parents re­ month at the office of the super­ Two extra assignments were Several Wickes corporation he proposes will extend the ban intendent ln the junior high sponsible parties In any viola­ hours from midnight to 6 o•,.. announced, Robert Cone, a U, S, tion case and subject them to school. Meetings wlll start at history Instructor at the senior officers and directors were in clock except fot· those who have penalties. legitimate business to be on the · 6 p.m. Instead of 7:30 as In high school, was named athletic Mason Wednesday afternoon to streets. ' the past. director for the coming year. He In making his request to the Other members of the board had been a reserve football coach. kick off the open house at the council Chief Stolz pointed out The chief warned that .the or~ dinance 1f passed,. wlll be en­ are Marvin Lott, Charles Brown, Roger Mcintosh, an Instructor new Wickes building supply that there is a state curfew cov­ 1 Robert Leonard and Robert Ware. of Industrial art, was named to ering those up to 16. He proposed forced rigidly with one of the The board submitted · ap- the reserve post vacated by Cone. center just south of Mason. At extending the coverage to Include provisions making It mandatory plications for National Defense The board has scheduled a the Ieft is Art Castro, manager 17 -year-olds. The deadline for for parents of violators to pick Education act (NDEA) funds In special meeting for Wednesday, getting in off the streets was up their sons and daughters In person. 3 areas--science, mathematics July 29 to receive bids on the of the Mason office, On the proposed at midnight. The ordinance Is a copy of one and modern foreign languages. new Aurelius school to be built right is Smith Bolton of Saginaw, Other features- being sought '!he big share of the Mason re- at Columbia and Aurelius roads. used by Lansing, At Monday vice-president and director of In the new ordinance are the In­ night's council meeting the draft­ clusion of sitting and riding In ing of the ordinance was turned the Wickes corporation. Castro cars by youngsters 17 and under over to the city attorney, It will and Mrs. Castro and their 5 as violations of the curfew ord­ be presented to the council for . Mason Woman Gets Inance after midnight. action at the next council meet­ youngsters expect to move to Stolz told the council that main ing, Mason from Oakley as soon as Top .National Post they can locate living quarters. Mrs. Russell R. Robbins Is The Wickes building supply the president of the American Supervisors Study Chiropractic Auxiliary. She was center wi II have a special open elected to the top national post house Thursday and Friday. at the annual meeting In Denver Thrusday. The Mason woman will serve through next year's con­ Mental Health Unit vention in Florida, Mrs, Robbins Is the wife ofDr. Mter 6-months study by a man Robert Bruegel was given Russell Robbins, executive sec­ special committee composed of permission to select prospective retary o! the Mlchi'gan · Chiro­ supervisors and Ingham res. members of the required mental practic society. !dents, a proposal was presented health council in case the pro­ The Mason woman has been ..l- Street Change Tuesday calling for the inlftation ' gram Is adopted, active In many local and chiro­ of a broad program in the field In order to come under the act practic affairs, She has also According to Survey Mason may lose a portion of of mental health. the board must make a decision served 2 years each as first a city street. Both corners of The committee, headed by SUp­ by November 1. Also by Nov­ and second vice-president of the U1e VanderVeen drive circle ervisor Robert Robinson of Mer­ ember 1 the advisory council American Auxiliary. She was where the circle joins South idian, recommended that the must have a proposed budget In president of the state Auxiliary in street were originally platted as county get into the mental health order to make use of state tax 1960, Law Enforcement Needs curves, A hearing has been set field under the provisions of Act moneys available, In Mason, Mrs, Robbins is to consider abandoning that un­ 54 of 1963, chairman of the Christian social used portion of street with the It recommended that a single relations at Mason Methodist land going to the 2 property county agency be created to serv­ ice Ingham and to also service church, a past president of Chilli Dr. and Mrs. Robbins and their Help In Ingham County owners, Joe Spicuzza and Orrin Pool Group Kinnison, The - hearing is. -set Eaton and Clinton counties under Study club No,. I, area chairman 3 youngsters ·were at the con­ 1 for July 20 at 8 p, m. a co_ntractual arrangement, o! the Holt-Mason YWCA, a.mem­ vention, Anne Renee Robbins is that third floor offices can be ber of the Greater Lansing Safety Both praise and condemnation and should force the board to Another recommendation was studying at the American Floral were included ln a report by utilized for courtroom space, M·aps Plan council, member of the Mason face up to the realities 0:. the that an advisory councllbeform. Art school In Chicago, A son, the Ingham board of supervisors The average case load of 1,100 present day," the report con­ ed in .order to comply with pro­ Woman's club, organist for the Members of the committee In­ Richard, attends Lansing Com­ law enforcement committee pre­ cases per year now Imposed on tinued. visions of the act. OES No. 1601 member of Lansing Taxpayers terested In obtaining a swimming mW1ity college, and a son, David, sented Tuesday. Ingham's 3 judges Is way beyond Robinson pointed out that· the Matinee Musical. past president pool for Mason, met at the home is a senior at National Chiro­ The report, read by Super­ that of the average In Michigan. ''The county of Ingham has report also placed priorities on :at Maso1: PTSA and member of practic college In Chicago. fallen badly behind the times. We of the pool committee chairman, t¥isor Robert Runyon, covered all With the increase in Juvenile the initial steps and aims of such the National Music Teachers as­ Mrs, Robbins' duties will take are just beginning to see the John P. O'Brien Tuesday night sociation. areas of law enforcement--sher­ problems the committee asked Get News a mental health program. Includ­ her to many parts of the country results. If we do not act now to to discuss general issues re-­ iff's department, circuit court, for a second probate judge for ed was a recom mendat!on that the Mt•s, Robbins is also a teacher as president of the 1,000-mem­ meet these problems law en­ gardlng the project and ways of violin and plano music, justice court, probation and closer supervision of juvenile The past week has been de­ new department be placed under ber organization. ft•iend of the court and probate forcement In this county w!ll and means of trying to interest cases. More case workers are bate week for City Treasurer the direction of a qualified psy. people In the pool project. court. fail," the committee report Doris Austin. Traffic has been also needed, the rep<!rt claimed. chlatrlst. Another high priority The Mason board of education All these agencies, according warned, heavy at city hall as an after­ aim should be the development has set the date of Monday, Aug. to the report, are doing a good Lack of manpower is jamming math of the mall1ng of city tax the work In the prosecutor's of out-patient facilltles and serv­ ust 24, when a vote will be taken Mason Scouts Head job with the funds, facllltles and statements. ices including diagnostic, early personnel available but the board office, too, according to the re­ on the pool project, All register­ Most statements showed an In­ treatment, information and ed­ ed property owners in the school of supervisors and the taxpayers port.
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