si mm ohell, wh<>i;atarted. for their iiortbern I. I. Fuller. Little Seal's Oolamn. home tbliiwieek. Several of the graiiK- ers of this place unitied the Dansvllle lodge on tnolr supper night, Friday, WITH SUPPLEMENT. Oct. 21). Mr. and Mrs. Menzo Gonklhi will move north in a: short thne. Mr. IHIllllRrMDH GOODS! C. owcsa farmiu Isabella county, YOU CAN SAVE MONEY Thnrsdfty, NoTemtwr 11, 1880. Tho familiar hoot of the ix)lUiclan is hushed for a while, while that of tbo BY BTJYINO TOUB THE COUNTY. large eyed bird still breaks tbe stillness of night, as he sits on his snow clad porch, and calls whoo-hoo hoo'o*? "Oar- KINNIEYILLE. lleld nnd Aithur" echo answers. Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Pleasant over head, but whnt a mess Asft Waterhouse talks of moving to Webbervllle, where cash is plenty nnd under foot. Just stop at the Palace store and work Is Ig good demand. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Snow fell to tuo depth of aboutelght- VOL. XXn.~NO. 47. eeu Inches last Friday und Saturday, MASON, MIcirmURSDAY. JSTOVeSeR 18, 18807 and we listened to the jingle of tho WASHINGTON. Look at those rare bargains hells on Sunday. WHOLE NO. 1141. Scntiinontii nnrt Feelliiga In nnarnril to Miison Ilii.siiie.ss Directory At the donation given for tho benefit the RIeellon nt the Watlvnnl C'npltni space iu our columns to send us tbciv promised, hut will have to come later of Bov. S. Nelson last Thursday even­ For you, your friend and neighbor cojiy cnrl.y. niul recommend thnt same bo ndopted. OyaitcrH, Warm Rlcnls «nrnold'(i Cnbinet-Tlio IKnii "IIWII! m," THIl STAR ClOTHIl... .IIINC'Kl'.I.A.VKOim. in tho Hcnson. Tbe committee e.xpcct ing, about $85 was raised by subscrliJ- Intiliici orPromotiou—Tho noveru- Accepted nnd adopted as follows: Furnished nt all hours at my restaiirnntln The circuit court calender for the Yens, 4 ; iinys, none. tiou, and $20 in cash. Good enough. moat Clerka In JubllnntNplrltM. .'uiir.isimn Kviaiv riiuitsnAV .Vi-riu!- KUU tt MKAU, exclnsivn dealers in the distinguished litci'ar.y critic, basemen t of Ncnr block, Cnll aud soo mo, NOO.N IIV November term lias just been issued Old Mi's. Matthews Is very sick with [Hjincial Oiiresjiontlcncc] Until you are thoroughly convinced that We have a frood line of fall and winter goods. W cl[olliUi)f and unnl.s' Uirnlsliiiitf t;""ds, Mrs. Abljy Sage ilichnrd.soii, to open KILSOLU'l'lON,? ANI> NKW ni;,siN]';si3. •11 C. O. BnowN. from this olllcu. It coiitniiis seventy- WiiEUKAS, Thoconiiiion <;ouacll of llio city heart und kidney complaint. Dr. WAMIII.VOTO.V, Nov, r,. V. .T. TEFFT. PRANIC CT.AUK, liiiiclcsinllli and lino thccoiinsc Dec.;!, and tho probiibilitics ol'.Miison was liereloloro pellUoned to vacnto I'liyslolaiis claim Hops lUut Malt blltors nro Knight of Eaton Ruplds is attending L. ciii'i'lnKe Inillder. K()Piil>.'[iy.!2'e'>t.<.'I.'('»_I>; At the close of a hotly contested po- 'TBXQSXei: four cases, oiilv four of which nro crim­ nro that she will bo followed by Gen. ull lliut pari of lisircot In said elty, lyla« tho best, bor. LAllIC HOirsi'l, Win, II. Clark, proprietor, inal. .soalli of,'joatli Ntreol, nndtiilseoancll having llticnl campnlgn, M'hen ono side is Lots of goods are daily sold for a very Ono ysar, Sl.SO; six months, 7!i cants; three C l^le.vdiaii3_il()iliir a <la.v lioiiso_lii_llio cit.v, •fudsfui Kilpiitrick Dec, l.'i. Mrs. Llv- doeinoil siieli inoposed vai'iition lulvlsnljii.', Wire Fonoo LookN. E. B. and MIssBellTrefry are spend­ monthc, 40 co^ts—In odvance. and I1.V resoliilioii passed Oct, I.S, ISSO, ll.tod •\Vd nro selUni} farm' rights'to uso 13. A. ing a few days In Ionia Co. grcntly elated over the result, it follows K.XCIl &. ItOSI';, nianaliiclnrci'sanddeal- AVlicn we heni'd a man .say of anoth­ ermoro ami ^Ir. Parsons are booked for thlsdiiyat ol|,'ht o'clock in Uio alternoon, at ADVERTISING RATES, M jors Ji n III I li 1 ml s o 1' far 111111 re, A s ii s t ri^e I, the coinnion eoiniclt rooms in said idty as Wold's wlro fonoo loelts' In' AInledon, 'Vovfty, thnt tho other should be depressed in a er one this week, tliat if an idea got this place, and will jirobalil.v come in Aur(dtus, nnd Lansing. Will also soil town J. G. Green and J. E. Boucher have Little amount of hard cash. Oar ndvortisini; rales aro SlllO per coliiina M. IMili^S.SKll loiiiis aioney. iaiys iioies, the time and ])iaco of iiieetim;, to hear oh ee- lizzled out on their contract with F. corrc.=iponding degree. There are, how­ per year, llnslness uiirds SI a lino por year, T, and inaltes collections-, also lire insur­ into his brain il wouhl make as bif? a ,ranunry, Tlio committee have also lloiisto said proposed vnention, and liav 111; rlghlK, Farmers glvo us a call, Ononndono- W. Winters I'or his blacksmith shop, ever, two features connected with the lUislncKS loeals live cents per llnoeiieli and ance lineal. ()ver Lowe's lianic, ,Miiln streel. commotion as a burriciine iu a buna- been so forluiuite its lo secure the Ucd- caused notice to ho kIvoii ofsaeli viieatlnK, ns linlf jiilles north of Mason, every insertion, required hy law, to-wll •• liy euuslai; a copy and ho bus now rented to a Mr. Wat­ liistoryofthc recent conllict over which Everybody put on shoulder braces, or Marrlaue, ijirtii, nnd doiilh notices free, IIAZKL it MI'illAN, proi)rloiors of city rack swamp, wc thouglit hu was rc- patli Ideal colored concert company, ofsaeli resolution lo iio puhiished I'or four ^hvs w, w. .fc'r..Av, noT.FB, erman of Onondaga. LARGE SLOGK TO SELECT FROM. Oldlnary nolieos, rcHoiatlons of respect, F l)nlcery._ I-'resii lircad, plos, and ciiUcs, suceessivo weeks prior lo the lime li.\eU for everybody can, and ought to ho tliiink- llcctlu),' a little on a iiciglibor's abillly. the strongest colored comiiaiiy ever or- Id 11 -' C'Mll niia Nettle. There arc no clemocrats about here cards of tliaaijfi, elc, live coma a line, WMlTI'iLl'lY, Iiewsilealor and saliscri|i- ^-M?,!',',"-°,'i""°'' 'iiivlns i,'onnaecoi'din« u> •fiil. The nr.st is (he fact thnt, notwith- We •will sell you g-oods cheap." Buy your clothing and fur­ , lion ii;;eat; also .Viiiericiin e.\|>. ii^rent. ganizctl. Tho prospects now are that V "'H';'""; "" '.'I'Jeetioas hoin«miido lo All parties having an aecount villi mo any more They are disgusted with H One of the legs of tho proprietor of suelueli vaeiitioa,. tlieroloi'otherolore, • must settle within thirty day.s, by nolo or standiiiglhe heat of party feeling in Round shouldered the budges will mafi:e you. nishing goods at the Stair Clothing House. JOB PRINTING! Mason will tliis season have the liucst ,AV'.TO(i.'«/, Tlial ail lhaa t part ofllslreot In the party, at least thev sny ,so them­ AYRllS .t I'llKl.l'S, dealers la iiarilwiire, the Clark House, Jfason, is just now s cash. 1 mean business.. mniiy imrls of the country, the day's .steam Power, Now I'ressns, and New Typo S_slovos, liawiirc, nails, kIiiss, piilly, etc. emirsc in tho state. i,„ ,.,l'i^,?' .vl'i'-'sontii of Houlh strool, selves. Too bad. onaido ns lo do ,Toli I'riatliii; on short causing him more than his sliarc of 1)0, and the .sumo horeiiy, inis vnoiil.o.nwiii.o.di and alloftilo-- !Utf. C.E. Smith. proceedings were not, .so far us luivc nollco, at low prices, and in llio \ K. llKilWN, niunrr, and ileiiier in iiarai-'.ss, Ijellier (liseonliniiod iiiui iiold I'or niiii;:lit, and Jas. Shay and wife are visiting LITTLE SEAL, the Clothier, CI, saddles, wliips, rolies, lriiiilts,_elc., elc. |)aiu aud sullering bul he extends bis that liiisrcsoluilon lie roeni'dcd ia tiie liodk of Call at L. li'rnnlc Ciliirk's niidseo tho finest frieiuls In Hillsdale county this week, yet hccii reported, disgriiced by any r'cr.soiiiil. slreetreedi'ds, as reipiireil ijy ,Stfe. ,1, Chiii), Cook Ulock. BEST i:'OSSIiiLK M.VNMER! M. .S.MITir, dealer in imricaltiiriii liiiplc- usuul courtesy lo bis guests and in­ lino of swell body, Portland, nnd .S(]mire box of liie city ciini'ler, eullei'S ever shown in Mnsoii, 41w2, scenes of extreme violence or blood- C, iiieiits. Ketinirs forail mowers, rciipers. vites tliem lo call often,—LiinHinrj Snn- ALAIEIION. .f. Ij, Wood of .laekson, is visitiiifr Yoiis, Wllllnms, Vnughn, Russell slied. The se(roiid is llie fact that Ihe ItiisiiK'ss Cards. KKt.'Il ,t ri'ICK, pi'oprlelors of llio .Mn.'-on ;•,; nny, vidian, 1, I'IniioH uiiil OrcniiN. Fall FiimJiiircr New Cn-sli Itool; iiiiil ,Slioc ,Stoi'e. foundry and iiineliliio siuijis. Ucpairiin;. liiir.l. .Mason friends, The epizootic pievdlls to (luHb nn ex­ successful candidate for the presidency B Iteeeiveil Irom elty piinad mnsler 10 ]3ay tliom o( llakor <t Tliaj'or, Why'.' Be­ Al roioiiYs. W.VA.V.SLVICI.;, plKiIoKraplilsl. Klnern- The season tickets hir the J.cctiiro Lucian Itogors, for sonic lime in tlie Aid. Vaiigiiii moved to reconsider cause thoy soli only relialjlo and standard tent iu this town. lias received so large a majority in the C. loiii;li('il plKiliis. i'licii|i. In I'liiarliliicic. —Q-f NEwkinK,""'~" Coiii'.su will be ready for delivery tin employ of M.W. Tanner, is working the udoptioii of resolution passed, rela­ goods at the lowest possible figures.
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