Hawks tally Dara's wardrobe Fire Drill? second win Includes a toga Appointments "not rigtit" Member resigns amidst conflict A faculty member has resigned "I am not prepared to see the amid controversy from a commit- union executive as the leadership tee studying college drop-out of all the faculty, as though they rates. are terribly interested in quality of Adrian Adamson has quit the education, which is what they Task Force on Attrition due to claim. But I'm quite prepared to administrative appointments of hand it over to the faculty. Quite members and concern he was • frankly, I don't believe they (the being asked to investigate union) are representative of the teaching methods of colleagues. faculty," Gordon said. "If the administration think Adamson said if faculty don't they can appoint people and get get involved "we may as well away with it, they're living in a pack up and go home. Somebody different wor|d than I am," else will decide for us. If that's the Adamson said. case, I fear for the union. All the Humber College President union will be able to do is lead Robert Gordon said he has no strikes." qualms about elected committees. "(The Task Force on Attrition) ^ seemed to me a bit like an emergency. It's a question of pragmatism. Gordon "If people want every task force, every committee, to be elected, that's fine. But it is a very denies time-consuming process," he said. Adamson said only an elected put downs representative will be respected. "I suspect a lot of this means President Robert Gordon has they (administration) want to do denied charges that comments he some things that are a little bit made at a recent conmiittee meet- heavy," he said. ing were a put down of faculty. "If they do it entirely by them- A report circulated to all faculty selves it looks as if it's Genghis read: "Gordon stated that he felt Khan running the show again; but somewhat like the prime minister if they get some teachers on it no- of South Africa, and that he could I body can complain. not give more to the faculty than "I believe that for faculty to they can handle." i accept appointment today... is to The comments were made at a risk being identified by our col- meeting between the Board of I leagues as Uncle Toms or col- Governors and the Quality of laborators," Adamson said. Education Committee (QEC) In his letter of resignation, Sept. 16. PHOTO BY KEVIN McINTOSH Adamson said committees have The report, produced by QEC OOOh, SCBry stuff kids!— superstition has it that a black cat is supposed to bring bad luck, mandates and agendas determined members present at the meeting, is by administration. termed as especially on Hallowe'en.. This little guy is practising for next Thursday when he takes to the streets. minutes. However, "I fear that it (the mandate) rep- Gordon denied this, stating the Watch he doesn't cross your path. re- resents an invitation to snoop into port was an "interpretation" of f the classroom behavior of our col- the meeting by QEC members. leagues." "There were no minutes. I At any rate, Adamson believes could give you a different inter- the resignation of Joan Boyd from pretation of what was meant," he Mexican fund raises $72 the task force will make it im- said. possible for the committee to "I was trying to suggest, with by Sandra Gregory function. Boyd resigned as she has sort of slight humor, which didn't been placed in an administrative go over too well, that when I ar- Humber College students donated a total of a charitable organisation. "All the money, one position. rived here, I was use to much more $72 to the Mexican Relief Fund which ran for hundred percent of it will go directly for the According to Adamson, a union I five days two faculty involvement in governing. weeks ago. people of Mexico. None of it will be spent on steward, faculty are "adrift be- "It was not that easy to Fund organiser Devanand Bhagwan said he is administration costs, not a penny of it will go to tween two solitudes of union and announce we were going to very disappointed with the collection. the Mexican government," Bhagwan said. administration." change things, and expect every- "I think we (students) tend to only look upon Though Bhagwan is disappointed with the He said the union wants repre- one, after 17-18 years of experi- ourselves and what we need and what we want. amount of money raised, he feels the project sentation for itself, a move both he ence ... to be able to understand We tend to ignore projects or persons other than served as an "eye opener" for students. and administration disagree with. implicitly what I was talking those that interest us," he said. "The students who saw the project were "The administration wants to about." Bhagwan said delays in starting the fund were aware that things are happening in other parts of keep the union at bay. The union, In a resigntion letter from the caused by "a foul-up in communications with the world. It raised the conciousness of stu- whose job is to polarize and fight, Task Force on Attrition, SAC." dents." faculty was drawing the faculty over here member Adrian Adamson said he SAC had promised to photocopy the posters To some degree Bhagwan believes the project and administration was drawing was "thoroughly shaken" by for publicity. When they failed to do so on time, was successful, "I know it was only $72 but if aside over there, and many faculty Gordon's comments at the meet- Bhagwan was forced to use his own money to get it's just one individual who is happier in Mexico, were left in the middle," Adam- ing. He claimed administration the posters photocopied. then my objective was realized." Currently son said. holds an "outspoken contempt for This resulted in a four day delay. When the Bhagwan cannot see himself organising another Gordon said he is not willing to their own faculty." collection boxes were open on the final day, fundraiser for a long time because it's so time hand over the academic life of the However, Gordon said there was only $62. A student later gave Bhag- consuming. such college to the union. charges are "off-base." wan ten dollars. Last year SAC raised approximately half the All proceeds went to World Vision of Canada, amount for their Ethiopian fund. Stories written by Sue Hohbs and John Lyons L « Ml Page 2 Coven, Thursday, October 24, 1985 Broken fdr a year Caps TV dish may return by Robert Risk installs them (satellite dishes) won't do any work SAC will be repairing its satellite dish in order to south of highway seven because it's not worth the provide more entertainment in CAPS. trouble," said Bridgeford. The dish has been out of order for more than a Bridgeford said a good example of how much year after strong winds broke the shackles that hold microwave interference there is in the Toronto area the dish in place. is the Lakeshore campus where they are going to SAC Vice-President Kevin Anyan said the SAC install a dish. government of two years ago bought the dish for "There's only one sf)ot on the entire roof that $5800 and he'd like to see some return on their doesn't have massive interference. .due to the CN investment. tower and a nearby transmitter," said Bridgeford. "We have to get the satellite working or we're Anyan said he would prefer that the north cam- going to lose a lot of money," said Anyan. pus' dish not be on the ground because it would He added that the cost for repairing the dish will require a fence for security. be around $700 to $900. "For one, a chain fence would cause a lot of Anyan said another problem SAC had with the interference, and a wooden one would need con- dish before it broke was the microwave interference stant maintenance," said Anyan. that obscured some of the channels. One problem of keeping the dish on the roof is nLE PHOTO "We're so damn close to the airport we get a lot finding a spot where the roof is capable of support- Coffin corner?— TMs unique coflin collection Is help- of interference... that's something we're going to ing it. look at (when repairing the dish)," he said. Bridgeford said it's not the weight of the dish ing Funeral Service students appreciate the wide varietys of Anyan said the administration is paying for the that's the problem, it's the wind pressure on the caskets built around the world. dish's re-location, which will cost around $2000. dish's 10 foot diameter that affects the roof. "We have to pay for the test... which will cost "The structural engineer felt (if there were very about $300," said Anyan. high winds) on the lower roof (ie. CAPS) it could Coffin collection Bruce Bridgeford, of the capital works depart- tear the roof off," he said. ment, said he's hiring Satellite City to do a micro- Bridgeford said once an appropriate spot is wave check to see where the best location (least found, the dish should pick up a good number of a hit for students amount of interference) would be at Humber. stations, because the technology division's dish is "It's a growing problem..
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