BBechtelechtel ttoo mmatchatch VVets’ets’ HHallall ccontributionsontributions fforor vvandalizedandalized hhurricaneurricane vvictimsictims — PPageage 3 — PPageage 3 ((IanIan GGoldsmitholdsmith eenjoysnjoys tthehe LLaborabor DDayay BBeacheach BBlastlast MMonday.onday. FForor mmore,ore, sseeee PPageage 44.).) ((PhotoPhoto bbyy EElizabethlizabeth DDavie)avie) wwww.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.htmlww.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.html Commentary Another challenge to face Saturday is the fourth anniversary proving once again they have hearts of 9/11. The memory of that day had as big as their state. Other states have faded in many American minds, but now followed their example and are tak- the disaster of Katrina brings similar ing in a lot of the victims. pictures. The TV images of people What can be said about the military? wandering around in a daze and ago- When they fi nally arrived, their profes- nizing because they don’t know where sionalism, dedication and the ability to their loved ones are and if they are get things done was displayed for all alive is like seeing New Yorkers looking the world to see. The response was for family members after the towers fell. to come. much too slow, but when it came, it In New Orleans, Mississippi and Ala- I just can’t understand how anyone was great and is still ongoing. bama, folks stand with photos of their could shoot at helicopters that were But what a tragedy this is for the whole families asking if anyone has seen trying to rescue people. By doing that, country. The damage to our economy them, just as people did after 9/11. hundreds may have died that other- will be felt for years to come, I’m afraid. It’s all too hauntingly familiar. But this wise could have been saved if rescue The soaring gas and oil prices are just time, there are no terrorists to blame teams weren’t afraid to venture into the tip of the iceberg. How many bil- and be enraged at. It was the strong those areas. Thankfully, troops have lions of dollars will it take to rebuild New hand of nature showing us how puny arrived and the security situation is Orleans, Biloxi and other devastated and impotent we are against such a under control. towns? How long will displaced people force. The conduct of those private citizens be without homes or jobs? It also showed how unprepared the who went out in their boats when the If any nation can recover from this country is for such a great catastrophe. danger was still greatest to rescue peo- disaster, it’s America. No people in the God help us if terrorists ever set off a ple from their fl ooded homes evoked world respond to challenges better dirty bomb or chemical agents in one memories of the bravery of 9/11. than Americans. But we have a War of our cities. The patience and forbearance of on Terror, a costly war in Iraq and now 9/11 showed some of the best vir- those people at the Superdome and this. How much more can the country tues mankind has such as the fi remen who were stranded on overpasses, afford? and police offi cers racing into the twin who had just lost everything they had, More than 70 nations have offered help. towers to try to save lives and ordinary was amazing. Even a country as poor as Sri Lanka has people risking their lives to save oth- The doctors and nurses who stayed offered $25,000 in aid. Some not-too- ers. in the New Orleans hospitals as the friendly countries have offered help also. With the exception of a very few situation grew more and more dire are I hope our government is not too proud who chose to take advantage of the heroes beyond measure. to take the aid that has been offered. We situation to loot and commit crimes, Americans are great people. Some- need all we can get right now. the vast majority of the people in New thing like 200 million dollars has been Americans have given much to the Orleans and all along the Gulf Coast raised through private donations so far. world. We have been the most generous showed incredible patience and calm The people of Texas have welcomed nation on earth. It would be nice to see as they waited much too long for help the displaced of Katrina with open arms, other nations remember that now. The Kwajalein Hourglass Commanding Offi cer.......COL Beverly Stipe Editor...............................Nell Drumheller Assistant Editor......................Mig Owens Graphics Designer....................Dan Adler Reporter............................Elizabeth Davie Circulation........................Will O'Connell The Hourglass is named for the insignia of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, which liberated the island from the forces of Imperial Japan on Feb. 4, 1944. The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized publication for military personnel, federal employees, contractor workers and their families assigned to USAKA. Contents of the Hourglass are not necessarily offi cial views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army or USAKA. It is published Wednesdays and Saturdays in accordance with Army Regulation 360-1 and using a network printer by Kwajalein Range Services editorial staff, P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555. Phone: Autovon 254-3539; local 53539. Printed circulation: 2,000 The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2005 Unfortunate incident Vets’ Hall break-in causes severe damage, KPD investigating crime By Mig Owens age with no loss of property, but the damage has never Assistant editor been this extensive,” O’Connell said. “We are very dis- appointed that the facility, which has been popular A break-in at the American Legion Post 44 Veteran’s with all segments of the community, would be attacked Hall, Building 976, estimated to have occurred some- in this manner.” time after 9 p.m. Aug. 31 resulted in what offi cials say O’Connell said the post believes that the motivation is the most extensive damage at the facility to date. for this break-in, as well as earlier break-ins, may have The facility damage was discovered at approximately been to steal cash. 6 p.m. Friday. “This is very unfortunate since never more than a Among the damage is a large plate-glass window nominal amount of cash is ever left in the building,” he thought to be broken by concrete block to gain en- explained. “We would ask that anyone with informa- trance, damage to the bar surface, offi ce manager’s tion about this matter contact KPD. We hope that this door smashed, hardware broken, and major damage crime will be solved quickly and that the community at to a locked fi le cabinet, according to Dennis O’Connell, large will share our outrage that acts like this could be commander-elect of American Legion Post 44. committed on Kwajalein.” “The burglar(s) seemed to think something of value There are approximately 40 dues-paying members was contained in the fi le cabinet,” O’Connell said, add- in Post 44. The primary purposes of the American Le- ing that possibly one six-pack of Bud Lite beer was gion are to advance patriotism and to assist veterans stolen, evidenced by one empty can found on the fl oor of United States Armed Forces. Post 44 has adopted and several unopened cans found outside. the additional purpose of providing college scholarship Moses Moreno, Kwajalein Police Department senior funds for seniors at the Kwajalein High School and to investigator, said, “It is undetermined if anything was support other civic activities. stolen until a complete inventory is conducted. An in- KPD is asking the community to assist in providing vestigation was initiated in an attempt to identify pos- any information regarding this incident by calling the sible suspect(s). At this time, no suspects have been department’s investigation section at 54403, 54433 or identifi ed.” 54447. All information received will be kept confi den- Post 44 members cleaned up and Kwajalein Range tial. Services Construction secured the building. O’Connell “As added information, a similar incident of this said the damage is estimated at from $2,000 to $3,000. nature occurred at the Vet’s Hall in the last 90 days,” An analysis of security of the building is underway. Moreno said. “The investigation section would like “There have been other break-ins that caused dam- your help in solving this malicious crime.” Bechtel matching employee contributions for benefit of Hurricane Katrina victims Hourglass reports by mailing a printed form along hurricane relief to the Red Cross with a check by Sept. 15. The or another relief organization Bechtel, one of Kwajalein Range Red Cross will provide Bechtel by Tuesday also qualify toward Services’ parent companies, has with the total amount donated the possible increased match. established a link to match em- through this special site: https: Employees must use the match- ployee donations to the American //secure2.convio.net/arc/site/ ing gift form, copies of which are Red Cross’ hurricane relief ef- Donation?ACTION=SHOW_DONA- available at the KRS presidents’ forts. TION_OPTIONS&CA. offi ce, Building 1036, by Sept.15 As an incentive, if employee do- Employees are welcome to do- to submit the information on your nations to the Red Cross exceed nate to another reputable chari- donation. Bechtel’s $250,000 donation to table organization of their choice; “Bechtel employees are always the American Red Cross’ Disaster however, Bechtel will be able to generous in time of need, and we Relief Fund for the 2005 hurri- track and offer the possible in- know you will be responsive to cane season, Bechtel will increase creased match to only those do- the massive relief efforts now un- its gift to match the employee to- nations made online or via check der way throughout the southern tal, up to $500,000.
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