February 22, 2018 | Published Bi-Weekly | 7 Adar, 5778 Issue #71 See ad on page 19 Experience Camp Shalom - A Summer of Fun the Torah Way! CampShalomNJ.org @campshalomnj February 23- 8 Shevat, 5778 JEWISH LINK Parshat Tetzaveh CANDLE Light Candles: 5:21 PM BRONX, WESTCHESTER & CONNECTICUT LIGHTING Shabbat Ends: 6:22 PM WESTCHESTER DAY SCHOOL Darkness and Light in Florida pre passover boutique 3 • 18 • 18 | FROM 1-6 PM and happiness. And yet, this past out of insanity and evil. W ESTCHESTER DAY SCHOO 6 ORIENTAWESTCHESTER AVENUE • MAMARONECK, N Wednesday, a day we will never for- Each one of these horrifi c E YOUR PASSOVER WINE! EXICTING VENDORS FEATURING W , HOLIDAY CLOTHINGDAY FORSCHOOL CHILDREN AND ADULTS,BE get, Stoneman Douglas High School school shootings strikes us and UDAICA,DELICIOUS FOOD, HOME GOODS AND MUCH MORE OU• SHOP 856 INDULGE ORIENTA IN SOME TEXAS BBQ AVENUE FROM THE WANDE • R in Parkland, just 20 minutes from breaks our hearts, but this one hap- EVENT CO-CHAIRS: ALKA• HELFT MAMARONECK, • AYALA LALLOUZ WOLF• NYARIELLE • WOL here, became a place of inconceiv- pened in our backyard. If we don’t able and tragic devastation. Seven- SSeeee aadd oonn ppageage 1144 teen lives cut short, abruptly ended CONTINUED ON P. 6 YI of Harrison Bakes for the Troops Pascack Hills High School freshmen Jazzy Bachman, Anna Lewis, Arielle Solomon and Nicole Litt, all from Woodcliff Lake and former classmates to Alyssa Alhadeff , led the memorial service for Alyssa, on Thursday, Feb. 15, by lighting the memorial candle in her memory. PHOTO COURTESY OF VALLEY CHABAD SSeeee aadd oonn ppageage 3333 By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg When we send our children to school, we take for granted we BRUCE BACKMAN’S Adapted from the sermon Rab- will see them at the end of the day. PESACH in the bi Goldberg gave last Shabbat to School is supposed to be a safe ORTHEAST his congregation, Boca Raton Syna- place, a nurturing environment N gogue. Reprinted with permission. that promotes learning, growth WE ACCEPT AIR MILES CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION YIOH holiday packers and bakers. CREDIT: YAEL FRAENKEL By Judy Berger hamantashen and packed mish- Discover West Orange! loach manot for American sol- On Sunday, February 4, the diers. the area who have heard the buzz Young Israel of Harrison hosted a ”When planning a Purim activ- See ad on page 23 and had their interest piqued, there pre-Purim event called “Bake for ity for the youth of Harrison, we will be a Discover West Orange the Troops.” Around 20 members shabbaton the Shabbat of March 16- of the Harrison community baked CONTINUED ON P. 29 17, Parshat Vayikra, Shabbat HaCho- desh, and all are welcome. Schools Rabbi Marc Spivak, spiritual WTA and He’Atid leader of Congregation Ohr Torah, said, “Our shul has welcomed over a Journey to Summit See ad dozen new families this year. West on page 39 Orange is really growing. What’s By JLBWC Staff In the spring of 2012, a group special is that we are close-knit as of community leaders decided the a community; we do a lot of pro- time was right to create academic 201-343-6100 grams that include all the commu- institutions which would provide nity shuls.” high quality and affordable Jew- Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler, spiritual ish education for all. To attain this PRE PESACH leader of Congregation AABJ&D, goal, the group brought on board BLOW The Trenk family of West Orange. added, “We have had an infl ux of professionals, lay leaders and ed- young families who have moved ucational leaders to design an in- OUT By Jill Kirsch to town. They found our real estate novative model to meet the needs prices attractive and saw West Or- of all learners. Recognizing that SALE!! Things are happening in West ange as a place you’d want to raise tuition increases in independent Orange. The community is grow- a family.” schools outpaced income, these Sari's Wigs ing, and so is excitement about the After 15 years in the communi- Pictured at the Summit Leadership leaders made the decision to des- Choose from Three Amazing Offers township. New families are moving ty, Rabbi Zwickler has seen many Training in CA, from left to right ignate a fi xed tuition rate. This Off Any Sari Supreme in, in much larger numbers than in kids grow up there, and fi rmly be- are: Rav Tomer Ronen of YH, process culminated in the estab- Buy One $350 OFF FREE wig past years, and they are telling their lieves that “there is just something Deganit Ronen of WTA, Nellie lishment of Yeshivat He’Atid (YH) Get One makeover 50% OFF purchase with purchase See adof onone wigpageof a 33new wig friends to follow. For those outside CONTINUED ON P. 24 Harris of WTA and Dr. Hope February 25th Blecher of YH. CONTINUED ON P. 36 THE ROTHENBERG INJURED? years A Proud History LAW FIRM LLP 800.624.8888 I InjuryLawyer.com of Success NEW YORK I HACKENSACK I LAKEWOOD I CHERRY HILL I PHILADELPHIAA Bartenure’lE* *Bartenura Moscato is now available in adorable Freilichen Purim! 375 ml bottles, perfect for your Mishloach Manos! 2 February 22, 2018 • 7 Adar, 5778 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM February 22, 2018 • 7 Adar, 5778 3 WORLD NEWSBRIEFS Amid Tensions With U.S., Abbas charge of Palestinian refugees, which he Elovitch, who was also arrested in connec- of its embassy by repeatedly emphasizing Addresses Security Council said the United States “helped establish”— tion to the case. “our” in the phrase “our embassy.” (Sean Savage/JNS) Palestinian Authority while criticizing Trump for threatening to In the deal Filber signed, he will give Nonetheless, Haley said that the U.S. President Mahmoud Abbas took to the in- shutter the Palestine Liberation Organiza- testimony against Netanyahu in exchange was determined to pursue peace, telling ternational stage this week to call for a con- tion’s offi ces in Washington, D.C. for a guarantee not to serve prison time. Abbas, “I sit here today offering the out- ference to advance peace efforts. He added that Palestinians would step stretched hand,” and noted that American “We call for the convening of an interna- up efforts for full membership at the Unit- At Security Council, Haley Tells negotiators were sitting right behind her, tional peace conference in mid-2018, based ed Nations. Abbas: ‘I Will Not Shut Up’ referring to White House senior adviser on international law and relevant U.N. reso- (Algemeiner) U.S. Ambassador to the Jared Kushner and Middle East envoy Jason lutions, with broad international participa- Communications Director to Turn U.N. Nikki Haley upbraided Palestinian Au- Greenblatt, both of whom attended the Se- tion including the two concerned parties, State’s Witness Against Netanyahu thority President Mahmoud Abbas at the curity Council session. and the regional and international stake- (JNS) Israel’s Ministry of Communica- U.N. Security Council this week, saying, “I holders,” Abbas said in a 30-minute-long tions Director-General Shlomo Filber, a will not shut up,” and vowing American Iranian Official Threatens speech to the U.N. Security Council. longtime associate of Prime Minister Ben- recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital Netanyahu: ‘We Will Level Tel Aviv’ Abbas’s speech comes amid ongoing jamin Netanyahu, signed a deal this week “will not change.” (JNS) An Iranian offi cial has warned that tensions between the Palestinians and to become a state’s witness in a growing Haley spoke following a lengthy speech Tel Aviv will be “leveled to the ground” if Washington, with Abbas stating that he no corruption investigation involving the Is- by Abbas in which he denounced the U.S. Israel attacks the Islamic republic, adding longer considers the United States to be an raeli premier. Jerusalem move as a violation of interna- that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Net- “honest broker” in Mideast peace and call- Filber is expected to testify in what is tional law and demanded it be suspended. anyahu would be personally targeted. ing for an alternative to the U.S.-led process. being dubbed “Case 4000,” in which Netan- “You don’t have to like that decision,” The threats come following an ex- The P.A. leader also took aim at the yahu told him to provide regulatory bene- Haley said, addressing Abbas, who was ab- change from the podium at the Munich Se- Trump administration’s threats to cut off fi ts to the Bezeq telephone company in ex- sent from the chamber, “but know this, curity Conference between Netanyahu and aid to the Palestinians. He additionally cit- change for positive coverage of Netanyahu that decision will not change.” Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad ed the administration’s decision to slash and his family from the Walla news site. She emphasized that the U.S. had a right Zarif. funding for UNRWA—the U.N. agency in Walla and Bezeq are both owned by Shaul to make its own decisions on the location Netanyahu called out Iran while wav- ing a piece of wreckage from a drone Israel shot down over its airspace on February 10. OUR 60th YEAR Netanyahu rhetorically asked, “Mr. Zarif, do you recognize this? You should, it’s yours. You can take back with you a message to PASSOVER 2018 the tyrants of Tehran—do not test Israel’s resolve!” Zarif responded at the conference that 6 Spectacular Pesach Destinations Netanyahu’s display was a “cartoonish cir- cus” and said it “doesn’t deserve the digni- PHOENIX, ARIZONA BOCA RATON, FLORIDA RYE BROOK, NEW YORK ty of a response.” Arizona Boca Raton Hilton Biltmore Resort & Club Westchester CONTINUED ON P.
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