Jrft »»»»! ESTABLISHED IN 1896 EDITED BV J-DFLENNER Sirattlclml mm H. P. O'REILLEY, REPRESENTATIVE OF THE AMER­ ICAN TELEGRAPHONE CO., WASHINGTON AND OREGON. IN THIS ISSUE. "In Memory of Longfellow," Editorial—"It Is To Laugh" the Lyons- Cotterill Fiasco, Editorial.—Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Budget, Illus­ trated.—Sons of the American Revolution, By E. Morrison Grout, Illustrated.—"The English Suffregettes," By Mrs. Elizabeth Baker. —"An Eighth Wonder of the World" Illustrated. In the Literary Section Agnes Lockhart Hughes has some spicy Longfellow remin­ iscences. FMERSON SAID- "HITCH YOUR WACON TO A STAR." YOU DO THAT WHEN YOU PUT AN~AD. IN THE M ' MAIL AND HERAID. 5?ts- Published the Seattle, Washington, March 2, 1907 Every Saturday VOLUME X NUMBER 14 ^ II111 THE SEATTLE MAIL AND HERALD Oldest Bank in Washington BANKING DEPARTMENT PERSONALS. P. CAPLAN Ind. A 2668 P. COHEN Mr. R. D. Miller, vice-president of the Exchange National Bank, of Spokane, Dexter Horton @, Co. NEW BANKS AND CHANGES. Wash., was married to Miss Nellie Roche at Seattle this week. Vienna Dye Works BANKERS The Yakima National Bank of North LADIES' SKIRTS SPONGED, Seattle. Yakima, Wash., is now a regular deposi­ Announcement was made recently that PRESSED AND REBOUND, Established in 1870. tory for U. S. government funds. John G. Morony, president of the First $1.00.. CALLED FOR AND National Bank of Great Falls, Mont., has DELIVERED FREE OF Capital, Surplus and Undivided The Continental National Bank of Chi­ declined the executive position recently CHARGE. cago, 111., has been approved the reserve offered him in conection with the newly Profits $1,000,000.00 agent for the First National Bank of Mis­ Ladies' and Gents' Cleaning, Pressing. Dye­ organized National Copper Bank of New ing and Repairing. Transact a general banking business. soula, Mont. City. Interest on Savings Accounts at 4%. REASONABLE PRICES Deposits received by mail. A new bank is to be organized at The L. Gorton, of Smith Ferry, president of Correspondents in the principal cities of Dalles, Ore., with a capital stock of $5,- the Intermountain State Bank, at Craw­ 1409 Fourth Ave. Seattle, Wash. the civilized world. 000. It will be known as the Wasco Agents of Bank of British North America. ford, Ida., spent several days at Boise County Bank. last week. First Avenue South and Washington St., EDGAR S. HADLEY The Citizens' Bank of Anacortes, at An- Clyde E. Cox, of the Bank of Anatone, SEATTLE, WASH. acortes, Wash., has been organized by W. Wash., was a visitor at Clarkston, Wash., LAWYER T. Odin, M. B. Mattice and Geo. A. Han­ over Sunday last. 322-23 Pioneer Bldg. Office: Main 1921 son. Capital stock is $25,000. Residence Phone: East 3082 D. T. Coleman, assistant cashier of the A new bank named the State Bank Morrill Bank, at Kent, Wash., is receiving More Than a Million has just been opened at Everson, Wash. the congratulations of his friends these Residence Phone East 3898. Our resources exceed a This bank will be a great convenience days. He has just received the gold mad- Office Main 5684. million dollars. A gen­ to the farmers, and will be well patron­ erous response to mod­ al granted by Wilson's Modern Business ern banking methods. ized. College, of this city, for the highest gen­ DR. GEO. E. WEBSTER Our Savings Depart­ ment pays 4 per cent, eral average of the entire class of 300. DENTIST. interest, compounded The First National Bank of Moore, twice a year. Security Mont., has been organized; capital stock, Mr. Fred T. Walker last week took 204 Denny Bldg. 1408 Second Ave. rather than income, our • $50,000. M. L. Woodman, president; P. motto. We invite your charge as manager of the main office on account. N. Hill, vice-president, and Gordon O. Hastings St. of the Royal Bank in Van­ E. L. GRONDAHL President Shafer, cashier. couver. 10 a. m. to 4 p. em. Tel. Red 3994 A. H. SOELBERG Vice Pres. and Cash. Ind. L 2372 JOHN ERICKSON Vice President The head office of the Royal Bank of James C. Langley, vice-president of the W. R. INGE DALTON, M. D. Corner First Ave. and Yesler Way, on Canada will be removed from Halifax Colton State Bank, was a business visit­ Pioneer Square. to Montreal in the near future. The paid or from Johnson, Wash., last Monday and Room 447 Arcade Bldg. up capital will be increased from $4,000,- Tuesday. STATE BANK OF SEATTLE 000 to $5,000,000. Skin Diseases Only. Seattle, Wash. James D. Hoge, president of the Union The First National Bank of Oregon Savings & Trust Co., of this city, returned City, Ore., has been authorized to do busi­ home yesterday with his wife and chil­ ness with a capital of $50,000. D. C. La- dren after six months' pleasure and busi­ V. V. WILLIAMS Puget Sound National tourette, president, and M. D. Latourette, ness trip through the eastern cities. cashier. D. D. S. Dr. M. B. Mattice, of Sedro-Woolley, Offices, 408-9 Hinckley Block. Bank Wash., who is interested in the banking The Bellevue State Bank was recently Seattle Wash. Capital Paid Up $300,000 organized at Bellevue, Ida., with Daniel business at that place, being a member of Surplus 150,000 Braymer as president and C. W. Wilson the banking firm of W. T. Odlin & Co., as cashier. was transacting business in Anacortes JACOB PURTH President last week. Glasses Scientifically Fitted. J.S. GOLDSMITH Vice President The Canadian Bank of Commerce of F. E. ELLIOTT R. V. ANKENY Cashier New Westminster, B. C, opened a branch Alesdair Keith, whose death last week Refracting Optician. Correspondents in all the Principal Cities of the bank at Mission City last week, with Ken­ was a great shock to the many residents World, including- Alaska. neth V. Munro in charge. They have rent­ of Portland, Ore., came to Portland from 11 and 12 Heussy Bldg. Phone, Ind. A 1416 304 Pike St., Seattle, Wash. General Banking Business Transacted. ed temporary headquarters in the Mason­ San Francisco in 1905 to assume the posi­ ic Building pending the erection of their tion of note and exchange teller in the own block. Bank of California, and was one of the most substantial and trusted employes of Articles of incorporation have been that institution. He was only 29 years of CIVIL SERVICE POSITIONS—Want­ Peoples Savings Bank filed by the Union Savings Bank of Ash­ age and was born in Aboyne, Aberdeen­ ed young men to prepare for Railway SEATTLE. WASH. land by E. V. Carter, D. R. Milis, L. L. shire, Scotland. Mail Clerks, Immigration and Chinese In­ Mulit, E. A. Sherwin, G. W. Dunn, J. K. spectors, Postal Clerks and Carriers. EDW. C. NEUPELDER President Van Sant, C. H. Vaupel, F. H. Carter, G. Write for free catalogue. WEST COAST R. H. DENNY Vice President S. Butler and O. Winter. CORRO. SCHOOL, PIONEER BUILD­ JOS. F. GREENLEAP Cashier ROOK REVIEW ING, SEATTLE, WASH. The Columbia Valley Bank of Wenat- chee, Wash., has filed notice with the AN ODD COINCIDENCE. secretary of state of the increase of their Some one has just discovered that by and will be a valuable contribution to the Variety Iron Works capital stock from $30,000 to $100,000. Its some strange chance the surnames of history of the Civil War and the spcu- Incorporated. Geo. James, Mngr. fine new building will be completed in a the hero and heroine in Mr. Carpenter's lative era which preceded the panic of MANUFACTURERS AND FOUNDERS few weeks. "Captain Courtesy," published by George 1873. The book is a story of how Cooke Castings of All Kinds W. Jacobs & Co., form the name of the sold more than two thousand millions of Machinery Castings, Hotel Ranges, Archi­ tectural Castings and General Contracting. A fine lot has been sold recently in Na- author of "Trusia," also issued by the United States bonds and then set out to naimo, B. C, to parties whose names have same firm. Leonard Davis and Eleanor civilize the Northwest from Duluth to not been made public, but it is thought Brinton are the main characters in the Tacoma, a region then inhabited chiefly that the Bank of Montreal, which has no first named story, while Davis Brinton by hostile Indians and black herds of branch there, is interested in that pur­ is the author of the latter. This coinci­ buffalo. chase. dence is all the more remarkable from The Moran Company the fact that these titles are the two best Suit was filed last week in the district selling novels that Messrs. Jacobs & Co. THE "LIFE" OF FREDERICK DOUG­ ENGINE AND SHIP BUILDEES court at Kalispell, Mont., by the North­ have this year. LASS. STEEL AND WOOD western National Bank, of Minneapolis, Minn., versus the B. R. Lewis Lumber Co. The biography of Frederick Douglass, to recover an amount in the neighborhood THE FINANCIER OF THE CIVIL WAR. promised last year by George W. Jacobs of $15,000 on over-due notes. The matter Upon the completion of the series of & Co. for the American Crisis Biograph­ has, however, already been settled out of articles upon Jay Cooke, the Financier ies, but unavoidably delayed, is to be Mathew Dow court. of the Civil War, now running in the issued this month (February). Those Century Magazine, a full and authorized who have read the advance sheets of the CONTRACTOR and BUILDER The Department Store Savings Bank at biography of this remarkable American book state that the story of this man's Office 313 Boston Block, Seattle, Wash.
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