Heart Of The UF Story It's 13 Agencies United Fund THEWESTFIELD LEADER Drive Nears THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Second Class Postage Paid Y-FOURTH YEAR—No. 4 at Wextfleld. N. J. Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1963 ,-ery Thumtln 32 Pagei—10 Cent* We Goofed! In the front page announce- 1963 United Fund Goal ment In last week's Leader on the Civil Rights panel discussion $1,981,000 Jr. High Program to be held at Temple Emanu-EI next Thursday night at 8:30 For Agencies $241,168 o'clock, gremlins got into the act and we listed Robert Barrett Jr., Realtor, panel member incor- rectly. Mr. Ilurretl will represent Goes Before Voters Dec. 3 YFCS' Addition the Westfleld Board of Realtors while Ralph E. Jefferson, Board Scliool Board Adopts Steering Unit of Education member, will rep- Brings Budget resent the Westflcld Civic Im- Bulletin!! provement Association. Report; Financing Plans Awaited MOUNTAINSIDE — A masked, armed bandit Up $12,000 The Hoard of Kducutioii in a special session Tuesday night look action walked into the Mountainside Branch of the Suburban lo seek voter approval Dec. 3 of a $1,01)1,000 bond Issue to pay for the Registry Deadline proposed expansion of facilities at Roosevelt and Edison Junior High Arthur C. Fried, general campaign Trust Company at 1 p.m. yesterday, forced a teller to iiiman, and Gordon C. Griswold, Schools. The board formally adopted indict tho expansion program as set tsident'of the United Fund, today hand over between $3,000 and $5,000 in cash and forth in Ihe recent report of the steering committee on the Junior high jounced that $241,168 will be Monday Night For construction proposal; directed that ijhi in the October drive for sup- made a quick get-away. Both the Mountainside Police PAL Trip Signup be architect's pluns and cost esti- tof the United Fund of Westfield. Adult Courses and FBI were notified and launched an immediate mates be forwarded to the Planning [k two fund leaders pointed out Today at 3 P.M. Board; requested the town treasurer to prepare nnd submit lo the State il the major reason for the large investigation. A treat Is In store for 50 hoys ttasc in the total goal this year More Than 900 Mail Hoard of Education and the Local and girls when the Westfield Po- Government Board of the state a Jne to the addition of the Youth Registrations In; lice Athletic Association will be i Family Counseling Service proforma debt statement as of Dec. Center's Block Dance hosts Iu tile youngsters Sept. ZS 19B3, nnd requested Town Council sling the participating agencies Courses Listed College Men Add for n trip to Mndlson Square A neighborhood block dunce will :o convey to the school board a long, B, one more than last year. More than 900 mail registrations Gnrdt-n In New York City lo sec hiu triangular piece of property ad- Ur. Griswold, in his second term be hold tomorrow night in front of the "Moscow Circus." for courses at the Westfield Adult the Community Center in Palsied Honorary Grant oinlng Roosevelt located In Matliias Resident of the Fund, said, "The COHDON C. GRISWOLD ARTHUR C. FRIED School were received by the dead- Children Interested In attend- 'lark Memorial Park. djet Committee, under the chair- Ave. Young nnd old are invited to ing (he show arc requested lo line Monday, Wcyman O. Steengrafe, attend, according to Edward .1. of Harry W. Tenney, has A special freshman grant in honor sign up nt Police Headquarters The resolution to rosubmlt tho director, announced today. Personal Smith, the Center's executive direc- trimmed all the fat pos- of Carolus T. Clark will be awarded in the Municipal HulIUtng toduy, building proposal to the voters re- Pleasure, Help Blended In registration night will be hold Mon- tor. k from the agency budgets. If it by (hi; College Men's Club in addi- beginning nt 3 p.m. viewed the defeat last Dec. 27 of a day evening from 8 to 9 o'clock at tion to the regular scholarship n not for the addition of the The youngsters will he taken $2.4 million band issue to defray tho Edison Junior High School. award, it wus announced at a recent nth and Family Counselling Serv- to New York by busses which then proposed conslruclion. School Several courses have been closed meeting of the dub's trustees In the al $12,000, the approved goal for 'A Night Of Music' Rights Unit Seeks will leave Police Ilcadqunrtcrs nt district voters turned the referendum to further registration, Mr. Stecn- home of Mclvin Michaels, president. S p.m. on the 2Slh. down by u vole of 3,932 to 1,2113. syear would have been a mere grafc said. They are: Beginning The Intc Mr. Clark had long been n SB more than in 1962. At WHS Friday, Oet. 11 Dr. Kicliunl N. Hliodn, president Bridge at 9:10 p.m.; Fashion Design- New Pledges On member nnd a leader in club affairs. of Ihe school board, appointed John Hie United Fund spent more than "A Nighl of Music" to be presented in the Wcstflcld Senior High ing and Pattern Changing; Advanced year studying the need for the The annual fall smoker will be A. Hoff, chairman of the Planning School auditorium Oct. 11, under the co-sponsorship of the Wcstficld French: Painting in Oils and Begin- held Nov. 1 In the American Legion Attorney General Bourd, as chairman of a bond com- id of services provided by the Recreation Commission and the United Fund of Wcstficld will serve u ning and Intermediate Piano. 'Open Housing' iS and after holding mcelin«s Hall with Dr. Charles R. Kellcy, di- mittee to prepare a schedule of dual purpose, it WHS announced today. Among Ihe courses newly offered rector of graduate and professional financing for the bond issue for sub- Hi such groups as tho Police De- The Wcstficld Area Committee for Praises 'Rights' Intended as a musical review of Hie Rccrealton Commission's con- this year and still open for registra- Human Rights headed by Erwin education for the State Department mission to the school board. Mr. members of the clergy, tion is "Streamlined Housekeeping." of Kducation. He will discuss "The Hoff served In Ibis capacity for tho Medical Society, Juvenile cert series in Mfndowuskln I'ark during Ihe past summer, the program Sclioenewaldt today announced it is will also serve as a "kick-off" for the United Fund campaign scheduled This class, which will be taught by seeking signatures for a second Needs o( This Stale iu Higher Edu- original proposal. Committee, Board of to open Oct. 12. Mrs. William Matson, graduate of cation." Lecture Scries The pro-fornia debt statement to and others the Fund of- "good neighbor" pledge announce- Included In the- "Night of Music" program, which will be an- Northwestern University and resi- ment. The club will again actively par- ThrouiOi the efforts of U. S. Sen be prepared by Town Treasurer Bert urae to the unanimous con- nounced in detail next week, will be a "Hootcnany," Barbershop Qunr- dent of Scotch Plains, Is designed to L. Ilocber. who is also custodian of Ihat tho agency and their The first pledge, published last ticipate in the annual college night Harrison A. Williams of Westfield, tctte, numbers by a jazz band aggregation, a concert orchestra and a help the iiousewifc accomplish more program to be held at WHS Nov. 21. tho Westfield Adult School's course, school monies, Is necessary lor ap- were desperately needed "rock and roll" presentation. and labor less. The ten sessions Juno carrying the signatures of 312 proval of the bond Issue ns the prin- (Continued on pago 3) residents, constituted the first offi- New members welcomed Into Ihe "ClinllcnKc of Our Times: The will Include such items as: a sys- organization included Dr. Halph cipal umoiint of $l,!>Ht,000 would thus cial act of the organization here. The 1 Rights of Man," sponsored by the tematic approach to housekeeping; Berg, Norman Hussiere, CIIC.SIL Wcstfield Area Committee for Hu-use up all of the $1,178,900 borrowing weekly menu planning and shopping; pledge endorses the principle of margin of Ihe town, previously avail- ryeces Announce "open housing" whereby all perBright- , Charles W. Jackson, Allen nuiii iJiKhts, has earned the praise PBA Local Honors work simplification, a time and mo- M. Starks, Mcveril Jones, lturlon J. of Robert I1'. Kennedy, Attorney Gen- able for other improvements nnd tion study of housekeeping tasks in sons are welcomed as neighbors on raise its net debt to $l!02,032 beyond 9 their merit, regardless of race, re- Weber, Thomas J. Mullen, Dr. Bruce eral. Ihe kitchen and laundry; family Hofhwell, Anthony J. Berardo. Cnpt. such horrowinii power. 'The Search Is On budgeting and buying: educating ligion or national origin, Mr. Sclioe- The Attorney General's comments Although no dales hnve been sot Franks, Members newaldt said. Hlchard W. Lcighlon, and W. Ao.n Hie. lecture scries were contained your family In good housekeeping (iranclculas. as yt'l the Hoard of Education will For 'Junior Miss' habits; and parly planning. The president added, "in the light in a letter sent to Krwin Schoene- meet wilh the Uvo state bodies for Of Department of the recent tragedy in Hirming- Widdl, president of the Itichls ^roup their approval of Hie plans and bond search is on once again for as a freshman majoring in home Edward .1.
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