Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation Board of Directors Annual Disclosurç Statement Director. Rebecca Ann Bragg Are there any transactions in FY 2015 -20L6 that you, your principal, your principal's corporate parentfs) or subsidiaries have entered into with the Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation d/b/a VISIT FLORIDA that relate to VISIT FLORIDA's private match requirements? YE NO If yes, please describe the nature of your interest, your principal's interests, or your principal's corporate parent(s) or subsidiaries interests involving such transactions: See attached Activity Report as a complete listing of FY 2015 -2016 transactions requiring my Annual Disclosure. See attached Activity Report and the Additional Information provided below as a complete listing of FY 2015-1"6 transactions requiring my Annual Disclosure. Additional Information : To the best of my knowledge, the foregoing is true and correct and all the transactions described were allowable and disclosed. ,4,"/"cco l,* -Br<oßr Rebæca Ann Brågg iM¿y 1B,2OV,{/ Signature PresidentiOwner May 18, 2016 Title Date Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation Board of Directors Annual Disclosure Statement Director. Toni Caracciolo Are there any transactions in FY 2015 -20L6 that you, your principal, your principal's corporate parentfsJ or subsidiaries have entered into with the Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation d/b/aVISIT FLORIDA that relate to VISIT FLORIDA's private match requirements? YES N If yes, please describe the nature of your interest, your principal's interests, or your principal's corporate parent(sJ or subsidiaries interests involving such transactions: See attached Activity Report as a complete listing of FY 2015 -20L6 transactions requiring my Annual Disclosure. See attached Activity Report and the Additional Information provided below as a complete listing of FY 2015-16 transactions requiring my Annual Disclosure. Additional Information: To the best of my knowledge, the foregoing is true and correct and all the transactions described were allowable and disclosed, î ,a ! oat \-alACQo¿o Ton¡ Caracciolo (Jun 15,20'16) Signature Vice President, Marketing & Sales Jun 1 5,2016 Title Date Principal Account: Sea World Parks and Entertainment Inc d,/b/a: SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment Program Type Description al Sgt9s Agreement Digital Billboard - Atlanta Ad Sales Agre_ement BET Broadcast Buy - $50K Ad Sales Agreement VISITFLORIDA.com - Bonus Exposure fa Sa9¡ Agreement VIS_ITFLORID*A.com - Bonus Exposyre Mobile Ad Sales Agreement Digital Billb.oard - Charloüe Ad Sales Agreement Full Panel (Print Ad) on the 2016 Florida Official Transportation Map Ad Sales Agreement Digital Billboard - New_Orleals- -.- aa Agreement Digital Billboard - Nashville l1.l.es Ad Sales Agreement Digital Billboard - Memphis Ad Sales Agreement Digital Billboard - Louisville Ad Sales Agreement Digital Billboard - Baton Rouge Agreement SeaWorld Location Agreement BET Project Agreement Seaworld - 06/15 N-ational Geographic Co-op Advertising Miles Media-2016 Vacation Guide. FULL PG Colo_g Miles Media- Vacation Guide 2015/2016. LOGO/_PHOTO LISTING ,+dye¡iisinc Co-opAdvertLrilC.-^ Miles Media-2016.Vacation Guide. LOGO/PH0TO LISTING . Co-op Advertising, Miles Media- Vacation Guide2075/2016. FULL PG Co-op Advertising FY 75 76 Dr eams cape_s Travel & Lifestyl e M agari / I ql.-2 IP Co-op Advertising FY75 / 16 CAA Magazine. l /2 PG Co-op Advertising FY 15 / 76 Dreamscapes Travel & Lifestyle_ Magazine. Doublepage Event Participation Irish Travel Trade Luncheon2016. Fvent Participation VISIT FLORIDA German Consumer Shows 2016, Event Participation VISIT FLORIDA German Roadshow 2016. Elent.farticiRrliol_ VISIT FLORIDA - India VIP Luncheon 2015. Event Participation Virgin Holidays ÒFamilyÓ Dinner 2015 Even-t Participation Vakantiebeurs 2016. Event Particip-ation SATTE 2016 New Delhi. Event Participation Take off with VISIT FLORIDA2076 Evelt Participation Annual VISIT FLORIDA WTM Dinner 2015. Event Participation-. Florida Tourism Leadership Summit 2015. Board or Committee Member Registration Event Participation Florida Huddle 2016. Event Participation Digital Innovation Forum: Silico-n Valley, Even_t Participlti?n CRD Open House. Event Participation Colombia Sales Activati on 2076, Event, Participation British Airways ÒFamilyÓ Dinner 2015. Event Participation UK Tour Operator Advisory Luncheo n 201,6. VISIT FLORIDA Oktoberfest Event 201"5, !ve1t lSrtici.g,ation 1i::çr' 'i {:i 11 Industry Relations Strategic Partnership Agreement PrincÍpal's Subsidiary Account; Aquatica, SeaWorld's Waterpark Program Type Description Ad Sales Agreement Full Panel (PrintAd) on the 2016 Florida Official Transportation Map Agreement Aquatica-04/2 0 1 6 Location Agreement Industry Relations Strategic Partnership Agreement Ad Sales Agreement VISITFLORIDA.com - Bonus Exposure Mobile Ad Sales Agreement VISITFLORIDA.com - Bonus Exposure Ad Sales Agreement Full Panel (Print Ad) on the 2016 Florida Official Transportation Map Co-op Advertising FY 15-16 AAA LIVING. FP Event Participation New York City Consumer Media Reception 2016. Industry Relations Strategic Partnership Agreement Promotions WHTZ-FM Taylor Swift Flyaway in New York Promotions WVyWQ-FM-Taylor Swift Concert Flyaway in Atlanta Promotions WKSL-FM-Taylor Swift 1989 Tour in facksonville Promotions WLNK-FM-Taylor Swift Flyaway in Charlotte Visitor Services I-95 Brochure Space - 4x9 Agreement Visitor Services US-z31 Transparency - 4Lx26 Agreement Visitor Services US-231 Brochure Space - 4x9 Agreement Visitor Services Tax Rate 7.570 Agreement Visitor Services I-95 Transparency - 40x40 Agreement Visitor Services I-75 Brochure Space - 4x9 Agreement Visitor Services I-10 Brochure Space - 4x9 Agreement Visitor Services Capitol Brochure Space - 4x9 Agreement Visitor Services Tu<RateTo/o Agreement Industry Relations Strategic Partnership Agreement Visitor Services I-95 Brochure Space - 4x9 Agreement Visitor Services Capitol Brochure Space - 4x9 Agreement 'î"cn! Crraccìolr¡ l'*ge â *f 4 Visitor Services I-10 Brochure Space - 4x9 Agreement Visitor Services I-10 Transparency - 30x20 Agreement Visitor Services I-75 Transparency - 38,25x32.625 Agreement Visitor Services I-95 Transparency - 40x40 Agreement Visitor Services Tax Rate 7%o Agreement Visitor Services Tax Rate 7.5% Agreement Visitor Services US-231 Brochure Space - 4x9 Agreement Visitor Services US-231 Transparency - 4Lx26 Agreement Visitor Services I-75 Brochure Space - 4x9 Agreement Agreement SeaWorld-Partner Roadshow f uly 2 0 15 Event Participation China Sales Mission 2016, Event Participation VISIT FLORIDA's Famil¡ Food & More Reception 2015 Event Participation F.l.T Signature Event 2015, Industry Relations Strategic Partnership Agreement Visitor Services I-95 Transparency - 40x40 Agreement Visitor Services US-231 Brochure Space - 4x9 Agreement Visitor Services I-10 Transparency - 36x48 Agreement Visitor Services I-75 Brochure Space - 4x9 Agreement Visitor Services I-95 Brochure Space - 4x9 Agreement Visitor Services Tax Rate 7olo Agreement Visitor Services Tax Rate 7.50lo Agreement Visitor Services Capitol Brochure Space - 4x9 Agreement Visitor Services I-10 Brochure Space - 4x9 Agreement Visitor Services US-z31 Transparency - 41x23.5 Agreement Visitor Services I-75 Transparency - 38.5x65.875 Agreement 'i"oni Caraccìclo Pagc 3 *f4 Principal's subsidiary Accountr Adventure Island, Busch Gardens' waterpark Program Type Description Industry Relations Strategic Partnership Agreement i."1 ,!-'.1..r j:;liì;.\ rr i:ì .:, Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation Board of Directors Annual Disclosure Statement Direcron Ins/ C*¿-t¿a Are there any transactions in FY 2015-2016 that you, your principal, your principal's corporate parent(s) or subsidiaries have entered into with the Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation d/b/a VISIT FLORIDA that relate to VISIT FLORIDA's private match requirements? NO If yes, please describe the nature of your interest, your principal's interests, or your principal's corporate parent[s) or subsidiaries interests involving such transactions: See attached Activity Report as a complete listing of FY 2015-2016 transactions requiring my Annual Disclosure, See attached Activity Report and the Additional Information provided below as a complete listing of FY 2015-16 transactions requiring my Annual Disclosure. Additional Information: To the best of my foregoing is true and correct and all the transactions described were allowable Signature (? r.s¡Ae*S Title \¡¡ocü.Þro€- Prlncipal'sSubsidiaryAccount: Casa Marlna, A Waldorf Astorla Resort Program Type Descrlptlon Event Participaüon Florida Huddle 2016. Principal's Subsidlary Accoune Hllton Orlando Bonnet Creek Program Type Description .. .....-...- -:.... lndustry Relations Premier Partnershlp Ag¡eemgnt lndustry Relations Web Listing - Enhanced Agreement Principal's Subsldlary Account: Waldorf Astoria Orlando Program Type Descrlptlon Event Partlclpatlon .rtort$!uaal"20r6t . ... lndustry Relations Web Llstlng - Enhanced Agreement lndustry Relations Premier Partnershlp Agreement ;r..,;:;ri. Í ,:l i Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation Board of Directors Annual Disclosure Statement Director. Jeff Castner Are there any transactions in FY 20L5-2016 that you, your principal, your principal's corporate parent(s) or subsidiaries have entered into with the Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation d/b/a VISIT FLORIDA that relate to VISIT FLORIDA's private match requirements? YEs NO If yes, please describe
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