Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1992-93 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 12-3-1992 The thI acan, 1992-12-03 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1992-93 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1992-12-03" (1992). The Ithacan, 1992-93. 13. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1992-93/13 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1992-93 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Opinion . Arts/Entertainment Sports Index Opinion ............................... 7 Our view American classic Training for life Arts/Entertainment... ....... 9 Talk openly about Perfonnance of Student trainers get What's Happening.......... 18 racial problems 'Our Town' closes season hands-on experience Classifieds/Com,cs ............. 19 Sports ................................. 21 The ITHACAN The Newspaper For The Ithaca College Community Vol. 60, No. 13 Thursday, December 3, 1992 28 pages Free Coddington residents question construction plan By Jessica Wing . Simpson expressed the need for a students need close proximity to A proposal for new student hous­ three-way stop sign at IC's back the College. PllOr>OSl t> HOM!:. l ors 7 \ / ing on Coddington Road was made entrance to control the excessive Ken Ritter, a Coddington Road ..-~ ,1 riew APAflTMttH~ ..... PROPO~!:.[l TOWPI PARK I Tuesday night, Dec. I at the Ithaca speed of cars. rcsidcnt,isconcemed with the safety I .. -·· Town Planning Board meeting. In addition to safety, residents of the road. Ritter is mainly con­ I Developer Orlando Iacovelli worry about the noise that might cerned that the student housing I, - brought a plan before the board stem from student's parties. would disrupt the family atmo­ proposing the construction of a nine­ Fred Estabrook, a Coddington sphere of the neighborhood. unit apartment building, as well as Road resident and IC manager in Other residents spoke about the the addition of three basement units the Graphic Design Servic.es, com­ safety of the road, and the prospect to the two already established mented that he felt that the parking of lighting ancl sidewalks wa~ houses at the site. Each new unit for the student housing was inad­ brought to attention. One resident would contain three bedrooms and equate and that on weekends there referred to Coddington Road as a would house three people, totaling would be no parking for the stu­ "potential tragedy." up to fifty-two student residents, dents' visitors. He said that more George R. Frantz, assistant town according to Iacovelli. students would then park on planner, said that because ;; Iacovelli also would like to build homeowners' lawns. Coddington Road was a county on four lots between Coddington However, Iacovelli claims that road, building sidewalks becomes Above is the plan by developer Orlando Iacovelli for new f{oad and the South Hill Recreation each of his leases contain a no­ a complicated matter. However, apartments on Coddington Road. In the lower left corner is the Way. Land behind these lots would party clause and he patrols the streets Frantz spoke of Mitchell Street, also back entrance to the College and the proposed construction of 12 be given to the town for a park. where his leases arc and when there a county road, which is undergoing new apartments. In the upper right are four lots proposed to be Many residents arc unhappy is a problem he calls the sheriff. a successful project in building side­ built between Coddington Road and South Hill Recreation Way. about the proposed student' hous­ Estabrook also questioned the walks. ing. Some of the residents attended need for additional student housing Frantz said that sidewalks and Terrace and a former IC employee, opinion. He said that he would not the planning meeting to express as IC has placed restrictions on stu­ lighting were a major concern of supported the proposal. "You can't pursue building the housing 1f the concern about the neighborhood. dents moving off-campus. He docs most Coddington Road residents. oppose development all the time," community was not going to be According to Ryan Simpson, a not believe that IC' s presence should "It's something that the town and Kugler said. "Land will develop." happy. However, he wished to Coddington Road resident, the road dictate the need for student housing county are going to have to face Iacovelli said that his main pur­ speak with Coddington Road resi­ is perilous and further student hous­ on Coddington Road. very soon." Frantz sairl. pose for coming before the board dents in private in order to elimi­ ing would make traffic heavier. Iacovelli said lhat he felt that George Kugler, of Pine View was togetafecl for the community's nate their concerns. That's a rap College firm on timetable for ROTC elimination By Jessica Wing for students to have the opportunity and coordinator of the IC ROTC President-elect Bill Clinton's of a ROTC scholarship. program, said there was no discus­ vow to do away with the Depart­ The Department of Defense is sion about whether the transition in ment of Defense (DOD) policy now requiring students enrolled in the White House would have an barring gays and lesbians from the the ROTC program to sign a form impact military has not wavered a time stating "Homosexuality is incom­ "The College's policy docs not schedule imposed by the Ithaca patible with the military." talk about being affected by who's College administration. The philosophy coincides with in office," he said. The College remains finnly an assertion by President George Erlich said that there has never committed to its plan to dispose of Bush that was reiterated through­ been a student at IC denied partici­ the ROTC unit at IC for the 1996- out the campaign, based on a policy pation in the school's ROTC pro­ 97 class if the federal government which stated in pan that "homo­ gram due to sexual orientation. fails to abolish the homosexual sexuality is incompatible with mili­ The DOD must show that it has clause by 1995, according to Pro­ tary service. The presence of such made significant progress toward vost Tom Longin. members adversely affects the abil­ change if IC is to remain affiliated "If the DOD changes its policy, ity of the Armed Forces to maintain with ROTC, Erlich said. we will have accomplished what discipline, good order, and mo­ Currently there arc 24 IC stu· we set out to accomplish," Longin rale ... " dents involved with ROTC, takrng said. He said that if the policy Howard Erlich, Dean of the courses in affiliation with the changes in time, he would be happy School of Humanities and Sciences See "ROTC," next page Harassment charges reviewed Oblak says College will take 'strong action' By Jeff Selingo we heard different stories and dif­ error. After a re-investigation into an fcn..,nt reports, so we told campus "I think to suggest if an error 1s elevator tampering in the West safety to go back and look into 11 made that everybody connected Tower on Nov. 14, the IC Office of more" Oblak said. with that group is guilty is a lllllc Campus Safety has decided to refer Oblak said he disagrees with unfair," Oblak said. four white students for judicial mcmocrs of the African/Latinocom­ According to Oblak, the College action for the racial and sexual ha­ muAity, who voiced concerns at a is going to take "strong action" in rassment of two Latino students, candlelight vigil on Nov. 18, that this case, but the outcome of the according to John B. Oblak, vice too liule was being done by Cam­ Judicial hearing will not oc rclc:L,ed president for student affairs and pus Safety to investigate further into to the public he{:ause of a federal campus life. the incident. pnvacy act, which he said prevent, Oblak said there was a lot of "We arc very concerned that we access to personal student record,, The Ithacan/Gregory DiBernardo "noise confusion" going on at the report things correctly. In those including Jud1c1al record, Chuck D. of Public Enemy performs to a sold-out scene during the original investiga­ ca,cs that we don't, we go back and "We have dl.'grccs ol Jt1d1c1al performance of 500 people In the Emerson Suites on tion. look more carefully," Oblak said. acuon according toscvuit) pf c:1."L'' Wednesday, Dec. 2. "3 The Hard Way," comprised of Ithaca "The immediate mfonnat1on we I le said he think.s 1t 1s unfair 11, \VhL'l1 we have ,1lll1L'thmg \\ ,' dl'L'lll College students opened for the rap group. See the review h: f:IL'l,d (lr ,,'\LL1l l1.1r.hs111·,·1H ", of the concert on page 9. had available was that there \\a, ,u~:'L',t C:11nl'tl', S:1k1y " rll\t ac'l­ t11 only .m dn a tor tampcnn,: I ,:1tL'r Ill!'. qllll~h ,'llllii''.li l,c•l,ll!Sl' lll lllh' See "llara~,rn1·nt." 11,·\t p:!:_:\' 2 THE ITHACAN December 3 1992 ROTC "I have to believe him," Snow said. "If Harassment "Sometimes we are successful in recruit­ Continued from front page Clinton had said it just once, I would have Continued from front page ment and sometimes we are not," Oblak said. Cornell University ROTC program. questioned it, but he said it many times.'· respond very strongly in our actions. We "Many students and faculty of color that Both Colonel Cecil Eason, Commander of When Snow was dismissed from the Air want the person to have a fair hearing, but we we want to be recruiting are coming out of ROTC in the Air Force unit and Captain Force ROTC unit, the University of Maine also take these incidents seriously," Oblak large urban bases where they have groups of George Corcoran, United States Navy, re­ faculty senate voted to support Snow's right said.
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