TUESDAY, NOV. 4, 1969 THE DECREE PAGE 3 McCartney; OPD? By FRANK LABOUR seen shortly, however, the The songs again are para­ “ good joke” soon took on ter­ mount. “ Magical Mystery copyright 1969 The Duke Chro­ rifying proportions. Tour” implies the hoajj in it’s nicle George Harrison was called entirety, and marks Lennon’s upon to bury Paul, conducted developing suspicion that the (Editor’s note: Mr. LaBourwas services and John went into se­ plot is out of hand. They are originally assigned to review clusion for three days. After “dying” to take us away. “ The “ Abbey Road” , the Beatles lat­ his meditation, Lennon called Fool on the Hill” sits “ per­ est album, for the Michigan Dai­ another meeting of the group, fectly still,” as though dead, ly. While researching “Abbey again with George Martin, and and grins a dead man’s “fool­ Road” background however, he laid the groundwork for the ish grin” . On “ Blue Jay Way” chanced upon a startling string ensuing hoax. Lennon’s plan was George Harrison, wrapped up of coincidences which put him to create a false Paul McCart­ in Eastern symbolism and re ­ on the trail of something much ney, bring him into the group ligious fervor, implores Paul more significant. He wishes to as if nothing had happened, and to resurrect himself before thank WKNR-FM, Louise Har­ then slowly release the infor­ “very long” implying for the rison Caldwell, and George mation of the real Paul’s death first time a realization of the Martin’s illegitimate daughter to the world-via clues secret­ essentially religous nature of Marian for their help. Mr. La- ed in record albums. the plot. Bour says it’s all true.) Plan Adopted “Walrus” is Greek for The plan was adopted, al­ corpse. John is “crying.” He Paul McCartney was killed though Ringo expressed skepti­ is also obviously contemptuous in an automobile accident in cism as to its possible success of those unaware of the plot, early November, 1966 after and work began. (Brian Epstein not having assumed the role of leaving EMI recording studios was informed of the group’s God he adopts later on. Also, tired, sad and dejected. plan, threatened to expose it all, the end of “Walrus” contains The Beatles had been pre­ and mysteriously died, leaving passages from King Lear about paring their forthcoming album, five men who knew of the plot.) death and villians recorded si­ tentatively entitled “Smile,” First, a Paul Look-A-Like multaneously with the radio when progress bogged down in contest was held and a living broadcast that never took place intragroup hassles and bicker­ substitute found in Scotland. He announcing Paul’s death to the ing. Paul dim ed into his As­ was an orphan from Edinburgh world. Played backwards, a fav­ ton-Martin, sped away into the named William Campbell, and orite ploy of the Beatles as rainy, chill night, and was found his picture before joining the early as “ Rain,” the words four hours later pinned un­ Beatles can be found in the “Paul’s dead” can be plainly der his car in a culvert with lower left-hand corner of the heard. the top of his head sheared off. collage distributed with “ The The closing song of the al­ He was deader than a doornail. Beatles” album. bum, “All You Need Is Love,” Thus began the greatest hoax Plastic Man lays the premises for Lennon’s of our time and the subsequent PAUL MCCARTNEY Minor plastic surgery was developing concept of his fledg­ founding of a new religion based required to complete the image, but couldn’t. He was allowed to ling religion, with a tribute upon Paul as Mesiah. and Campbell’s mustache dis­ tinuing through “ Maxwell’s Sil­ work on “ Smile” because the to Paul’s early composing ef­ The Beatles as a whole had tracted everyone who knew the ver Hammer” are actually cen­ Beatles, especially Paul, had forts at its conclusion coupled considered seriously what original McCratney from the tury old barroom tunes he has enjoyed “Good Vibrations” to with his favorite old standard would happen to them if one im poster’s real identity. The extensively researched. If you a high degree and respected “Greens leeves.” should meet with death as early other Beatles subsequently will recall, Martin has a scho­ Wilson’s ability immensely. Before going on to “ The as 1964 when fubstitute drum­ grew mustaches to further in­ larly background in all phases “Smile” was finally thrown Beatles” album it should be mers were utilized to fill in for tegrate the “new” Paul into the of music. away and Capitol Records, ig­ explained more fully how the an ailing Ringo Starr. However, group. While “ Sgt. Pepper” was be­ norant of the whole ploy, sued mechanics were worked out. it should be emphasized for the Voice print studies have con­ ing recorded, Lennon worked Wilson. Brian later paid tri­ Before his death, Paul was a sake of religious records, that firmed the difference in voice on a song called “Strawberry bute to Paul with “Smiley homosexual as noted in Yellow they had no definite premoni­ timbre between the original and Fields Forever” and inserted Smile.” Submarine” when it is plainly tion of the death of Paul. From phoney Paul, but the difference at the end of the recording af­ Lennon and Martin worked yelled “Paul’s a queer,” ans­ all accounts, it appears to have was so slight that after studying ter the horn freakout, a distor­ closely throughout the spring wered by “Aye, aye, Captain” , ■ been simply an unforeseenacci- tapes of Paul’s voice and sing­ ted voice saying “ I buried of 1967 on “Sgt. Pepper.” Their so confused girlfriends were dent. ing style, Campbell nearly Paul,” Play it at 45rpm and goal was an artistically and not a major problem for the The Word erased entirely his own speech check it yourself. “Strawber­ plotters. When word of Paul’s untimely monetarily successful album ry Fields” eventually became patterns and successfully Paul rarely saw his only sur­ demise was flashed back to the filled with clues to Paul’s death. incorporated into a larger work adopted McCartney’s. viving parent anyway, and he studios, the surviving Beatles, It was decided that an appro­ “ Magical Mystery Tour,” an (Editor’s note; For more in­ had few close frienas. Campbell in the hurriedly called confe­ priate cover would include a album and film chocked full of formation on the voice studies, was able to cover the part per­ rence with George Martin, de­ grave and so it does. At the low­ veiled references to that rainy, see the UPIrelease immediate­ fectly. It cannot be emphasiz­ cided to keep the information er part of the grave are yellow tragic night. ly following this article.) ed too heavily that Campbell is from the public for as long as flowers shaped as Paul’s bass Lennon had beendoingagreat Work then began upon the the primary reason for the suc­ possible. As John Lennon re ­ or, if you prefer, the initial deal of reading on the ritual of first post Paul album, “Sar- cess of the hoax. A girlfriend portedly said, “ Paulalways lik­ “ P” . On the inside of the co­ death in various cultures around geant (Sic) Pepper’s Lonely was needed to keep female ad­ ed a good joke,” and it seemed ver, on the fake Paul’s left the world (documented by Hunt­ Heart’s Club Band.” “ Smile,” m irers at bay, preventing infil­ that they considered the move arm, is a patch reading “O. er Daves’ authorized biography incidently, was junked and even­ tration or blackmail of the men an attempt to make the best out P.D.” which is the symbolused of the Beatles) and present­ tually picked up by Brian Wil- ^ who knew the plan so Peter As­ of a bad situation. As will be in England sim ilar to our “ D. ed his knowledge graphically in son who attempted to salvage it her’s sister Jane was paid a O.A.” meaning Officially Pro­ “ Tour” . ripe sum to keep her mouth shut nounced Dead. The medal upon One instance is the con­ and pretend she was Paul’s bet­ his left breast is given by the stant appearance of a hand be­ ter half. British army commemorating hind Paul’s head in nearly every heroic death. Campbell Marries picture in the record album. The Last summer, of course, On the back cover, Paul’s hand behind the head is a sym­ Campbell married a New York back is turned to us. The others bol to mystics of death. Ano­ are facing us. divorcee as Jane Asher was ther is the picture of Paul spirited out of sight and the Early Evidence (Campbell) on page three with group grew more confident of the poster saying “ I YOU WAS” The songs on the album con­ their substitute. tain numerous references to indicating change of identity. After “Magical Myster (sic) Paul’s accident, “A Day in the Another is the appearance of Tour” Campbell began playing Life” being the most obvious surgeons and policemen, both a more prominent part in the example. “A crowd of people involved in Paul’s car crash, actual relization (sic) of the stood and stared. They’d seen on page five. plot. He was allowed to use his face before .... etc.” On page ten and thirteen Paul his natural voice on “ Lady When the top of a man’s head is shown wearing black trousers Madona” which many listeners is sheared off his identity is and no shoes.
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