St. Luke the Evangelist ! ! Catholic Parish ! ! March 17, 2019 ! ! Central Office: 13 North Street ! Geneseo, NY 14454 ! 585 243 1100 ! www.stlukelivingstoncounty.org ! Parochial Administrator: Rev. Bernard Dan ! Resident Priest: Rev. Edward Dillon ! WELCOME!! ! If you are a visitor to our churches, we want you to know how welcome you are. Wherever you have come from, ! we hope you find our worship inspiring and reverent, and our people here friendly and cordial. If you are seeking a spiritual home, ! we would be honored by your presence ! in our parish family. ! ! Holy Angels ! Church Street ! Nunda, NY ! ! St. Lucy ! 2770 Retsof Avenue ! Retsof, NY ! ! St. Mary ! 4 Avon Road ! Geneseo, NY ! ! St. Patrick ! 46 Stanley Street ! OUR SACRAMENTAL LIFE TOGETHER ! Mt. Morris, NY ! RECONCILIATION: ! MARRIAGE ! ! Saturday 3:30 pm M 4:00 pm (SL) ! Please contact the parish office at least 9 St. Thomas Aquinas ! or anytime by appointment. ! months before desired date. Pre Cana, ! 175 Main Street ! Fully Engaged program, and active parish ! Leicester, NY ! membership are the ordinary preparations for ! marriage in the diocese of Rochester. ! Newman Community ! SUNY Geneseo ! BAPTISM ! ANOINTING OF THE SICK ! ! Baptisms are celebrated during Please contact the parish office when ! Interfaith Center ! ! Sunday Mass throughout the year hospitalization is imminent or when a Geneseo, NY except during Lent. Please call the prolonged convalescence confines a ! ! parish office for preparation and person to their home. ! Groveland Correctional Facility ! scheduling. ! Livingston Correctional Facility ! Livingston County Jail ! HOLY ORDERS ! If you’re interested in serving the People of God as a priest, please contact the Office of ! Vocation Awareness at 585 461 2890. ! Page Two ! St. Luke the Evangelist Parish Community ! Mass Schedule ! In today’s Gospel, Peter, James, and John went up the Saturday March 16 ! mountainside with Jesus to pray. It must have been a diffi- 4:00 pm (SL) † Teresa Regoni by Leah Vitale ! Sunday March 17 Second Sunday of Lent ! cult hike, because when they reached the top, "Peter and his Gn 15: 5 12, 17 18; Phil 3: 17 N4: 1; Lk 9: 28 36 ! companions had been overcome by sleep." Jesus is transfig- 8:00 am (SM) † Ted & Angela Universal by Family ! ured while they slept, but eventually they become "fully 8:15 am (HA) † Rose J. Valentino by John Cipolla ! awake, [and] they saw his glory and the two men standing 10:00 am (SP) † Shirley Pagano by Chuck & Linda Anzalone with! him." They saw a new, glorious side of Jesus, different 10:15 am (SM) † Betty Mulvaney by Charlene Quick ! ! from the everyday Jesus who walked and fished with them, Monday March 18 St. Cyril of Jerusalem told stories, and prayed quietly. ! 8:00 am (SM) † Charlotte Parmley by Joe & Lucille Kane ! ! Tuesday March 19 St. Joseph, Spouse of The Blessed Virgin This is no small thing! The disciples witness Jesus in his Mary ! ! divine splendor and see the miraculous apparitions of Mo- 8:00 am (SP) † Jennie Prinzi by Dan & Sharon Willett ses and Elijah. The entire mountain becomes a spiritual Wednesday March 20 ! 8:00 am (ST) † James Cicero, Paul MacAuley by Isabel Cicero ! breakthrough. "A cloud came and cast a shadow over them, Thursday March 21 ! and they became frightened when they entered the cloud." 5:15 pm (Interfaith Center) NO MASS ! And a voice cried out, “this is my chosen Son; listen to Friday March 22 ! him.” They told no one what happened on the mountain. ! 8:00 am (ST) † Antoinette Vattimo by Richard Vattimo ! ! Saturday March 23 St. Turibius of Mogrovejo ! Here are ordinary men, former fishermen, who have been 4:00 pm (SL) † James “Junior” Arrigenna by Leah Vitale ! drawn up into an adventure beyond their wildest expecta- Sunday March 24 Third Sunday of Lent ! tions. Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the fulfillment of all Ex 3: 1 8a, 13 15; 1 Cor 10: 1 6, 10 12; Lk 13: 1 9! that came before. Most likely, we won’t have that “wow” 8:00 am (SM) † Mary Ellen Griffo by Mickey & Joe ! moment of transfiguration, with a voice from the clouds 8:15 am (HA) † Frances Bonadonna by Gary & Francine telling us that God is right there with us. Yet we are called ! Ludwig to believe just the same. That’s the essence of faith. ! 10:00 am (SP) † Antoinette Monroe & Deceased of the Michael ! Palma Family by Nancy Monroe ! We’re to the Second Sunday of Lent and I’m still in the 10:15 am (SM) People of the Parish ! mindset of sacrifice M extra prayer, fasting and almsgiving. No chocolate, no dessert, no meat on Friday, etc. But then Sanctuary Candles through March 23: ! today we have the story of the transfiguration M a “wow” In Memory of Deceased Members of Troisi Fam- story, with dazzling light, a vision of long dead religious ily by Anita Christiano & Loretta Georger. ! “celebrities,” and a voice from heaven. Not exactly typical In Memory of Bob & Kaye Meyer by Steve & of a Lenten story. But this reading is meant to remind us of Cathy. ! the "why" behind what we do during Lent. We don't fast In Memory of Vincent & Clara Farruggia by from dessert to lose weight. We don't donate money or Mark & Maggie. ! serve others because it's merely a nice thing to do. Lent is ! about transformation! ! ! We are all invited into spiritual transformation during the 40 days of Lent. We encourage you to take advantage of the many Lenten opportunities for prayer and spiritual growth of St. Luke the Evangelist Parish. Take time to notice God’s presence in the beauty of this Lenten season of springtime M a sunrise, a rainbow, the sound of the birds, children play- ing, or even the joy of a newborn baby crying. We may not experience dazzling lights and dark clouds, but we can be blessed with special moments experiencing God’s presence transforming our spiritual lives. ! ! Cathy Meyer ! PagePage Three !! WesternSt. Livingston St.Luke Luke the Catholic Evangelistthe Evangelist Faith Parish Community, Parish Community! New! York ! March 17, 2019 ! Praying Together ! Praying Jesus’ Story/Gospel Contemplation led by Jill Let us remember the following who are in need of our prayers Szawara will be Wednesdays during Lent, from 9:30 N for strength and healing: ! 10:30 AM, at St. Luke’s Parish Center in Geneseo. The next All Our Parishioners Serving in the Armed Forces session is March 20. ! ! All Our Parishioners in Nursing Homes Stations of the Cross will be Friday, March 22, Ann-Marie Allen Brian Armbruster Anthony Argenna 7:00 PM, at St. Mary Church. Confession will be Karen Arrigenna Vicky Baierschmitt Andy Ballerstein available during Stations. ! Lothar Baran Margaret Barkley Bill Barone ! Jeanne Barrett Peter Beuerlein Elizabeth Beuerlein Booth Could you not watch one hour with me? Spend Sue Biondolillo John Bisone Brian Bledsoe time with Jesus in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Herminio Burgos Mary Ellen Callahan Linda Cannon Eucharistic Adoration will be held at St. Mary Santa Cascio Renee Chichester Church, from 5 N7 PM, Thursday, March 21 . Leo Cichelli, Sr. Paul Cicero Janet Clinton Stay for the whole time or drop by for only a few Luana Cottone Robbie Cuozzo Garrett Cox minutes. Confession will be available during Adoration. ! Sharon Foster Dale Randy Dawley Dorothy D’Angelo ! Mary DiPasquale Mary Ann Donegan Aaron Dudley Holy Hour: The next Holy Hour is Thursday, March 21 , Jim Farruggia Mike Farruggia Betty Flynn 2:00 3:00 PM at St. Patrick Church. Exposition of the Carmen/Sylvia Gallo Geraldine Giglio Sara Gray Blessed Sacrament, Rosary, Benediction, concluding with Mary Gulesano Jennifer Hamilton Lourdes Harcleroad Holy Communion. All are invited. ! ! Barbara Irving Lucille Kane Homebound Holy Communion: Ill health, injury, or ad Mary Kelley Donna Kelsey Louis Kilmer vanced age should never separate a person from the sacra Cosi Koerner Charles Leone ments or from the parish community. If you, or a member Josie Lombardo Aubrey Macauley Sue Maggio of your family, is homebound or hospitalized, please Annette Marano Peter “Al” Mastrolio Cullen McCarney contact the parish office at 243 1100 so that we may Anne McCarthy Emma McDermott Debbie McDonald support you in your spiritual needs. ! Jim McNally Tom Mix Jamie Marie Moore ! Jennifer Murphy Diane Parker Mary Passamonte Carol Pender Betsie Regal Nancy Ludwig Richman Joel Rivera Karen Romanowski Carol Rose Violet Russo Clair Ryan Robbie Santacrose Linda Sawdey Patricia Scorsone Barbara Scoville Courtney Shepard Mary Ann Shepard Laurie Sherner LIVE THE LITURGY ! Chris Sica Cindy Mix-Shoenrock Athena Smalley ! Jean Smith Elaine Spezzano McKenzie Stother Our minds are often preoccupied with the things of this Molly Therrien Kathleen Todd Sharon Trainham world, and we forget about the things of heaven. We live Robert Trainham Margaret Vangalio Shirley Wildrick our lives as if what we see before us is all there is and al- Bailey Wilson Jessica Wurtenberg Mary Rose Zupparo most place the truth of eternity on hold until it is absolutely necessary to confront it. We fail to see the connection be- tween earth and heaven and to see the road of transfor- Question of the Week Reflect and Respond to Scripture ! mation we are all called to travel. When Jesus was transfig- ! ured before his disciples, they saw the truth of who he was. Gospel Reading ! Earth and heaven were wed that day, just as they will one In the transfiguration, the divinity of Christ was revealed to Peter, day come together for us. God desires to transfigure us as John, and James. Why do you think the apostles initially told no one what they had seen? ! well, changing our earthly body into our heavenly one.
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