For Phase II Loan Appraisal of Xiaolangdi Proiect Public Disclosure Authorized REPORT ON THE REVISED RESETTLEMENT PLAN AND IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Yellow River Water & Hydroelectric Development Corporation Reconnaissance,Planning& Design Institute, YRCC February 1997 Public Disclosure Authorized PREFACE This report has been prepared, in conformity with the requirements on preparation for Phasell loan appraisal for Xiaolangdi project in the Memorandum of International Development Association mission for resettlement of Xiaolangdi project (December 26,1996) as well as in letter dated January 10, 1997 from the world bank, by YRWHDC YO and RPDI jointly, Section 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 have been prepared by YRWHDC YO and the other sections by RPDI. It has been reviewed by Mr. Scott G. Ferguson from CIPM and Mr. Zhao zhipei from the world bank, and Mr Scott G. Ferguson put forward revision guidelines for the report preparation. Here we express our hearty thanks for their help. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Review of Project Impacts 2.1 Damsite Construction Area 2.2 Reservoir inundation Impact 3. ResettlementOrganizations and Management 3.1 System of Organizations and Management for ResettlementImplementation 3.2 Terms of Referenceof Resettlement Agenciesat Each Levels 3.3 Relation between Resettlement Agenciesand Other Departments 3.4 Institutional Capacity of Resettlement ImplementationAgencies 3.5 Management and Supervision Status of the ResettlementProject 3.6 Information Management System 3.7 Financial Audit 4. Resettlement criteria and Planning Principles 4.1 Overview 4.2. ResettlementCriteria and Compensation Measures 4.3 Resettlement Guiding Ideology and Planning Principles 5. Resettlement of the Construction Area 5.1 Resettlement Planning For the Construction Area 5.2 Implementation of Construction Area Resettlement 6. Revised Resettlement Implementation Plans 6.1 Process of the Revision 6.2 Phasing and Schedule for Resettlement Plans 6.3 Phase I Reservoir Area Resettlement Plans 6.4 Phase II and III Resettlement Planning for Reservoir Area 6.5 Summary of ResettlementPlanning Changes since 1994 7. Resettlement ImplementationProgress in the Reservoir Area 7.1 Phase I Resettlement ImplementationProgress 7.2 Special Items in Agricultural Development 7.4 Rehabilitation of Non-agricultural Activities 7.5 Efforts in Income Rehabilitation in Host Villages Page 1 7.6 Procurement and Fund Allocation 7.7 Evaluation on ResettlementProgress 7.8 Next Plan for the Resettlement 8. Revision and Approval of the ResettlementCost Estimates 8.1 Revised CompensationStandard 8.2 Revised ResettlementCost Estimate 8.3 Progress of Resettlement Planning and Budget Approval and NecessaryMeasures 8.4 Approval on Price Difference Adjustment Index 8.5 Temporary Measures of Resettlement Cost Estimate and Compensation Cost Adjustment 9. Assessmentof Resettled Households' Incomes 9.1 Progress in Survey of Household Incomes 9.2 Survey Methods 9.3 Income Survey for Dam Area Resettlement 9.4 Survey for Phase I Reservoir Resettlers's Incomes before Resettlement 9.5 Organization and Plans of Surveys for Resettlers' Incomes 10. Social Adaptability Adjustment 10.1 Measures for Social Adjustment 10.2 Non-governmentOrganizations 10.3 Agricultural and Industrial Servic Organization 10.4 Combination of Relocateesand Host Area Residents 10.5 Women, the Old, Children and Special Poor Families 10.6 Preferential Policies 10.7 Public Participation and Consultation 11 Complains and Grievances and Settlement 11.1 Legal Basis of Complains and Grievances 11.2 Channels and Procedures of Relocatees' Complains and Grievances 11.3 Settlement of Relocatees' Complainsand Grievances 12. Training 12.1 Resettlement Ofricials Training 12.2 Relocatees' Training 12.3 Training Plan Page 2 Sketch Map of Inundation in XLD Reservoir Area Counties (Cities) N 1 Yl~~~~~~Vianqocoutll^yI Xiaxia,scounty 15 Jiyu,nt city 1322 2.3 |246 428 | I ' 58.74 0 12 20.49 3.' _ 5 1.11 3152 0.05 -' -\ l9(1 5- 34 , sx ,, \; 1jIs\) X0 9kj,j/- -I-! pintglucounty $ 1 &JXJ0 ! ' ) I 116 81 (_I# \ 9 + J . - _ jl J8) / eijl' i ,? ' 5260 81 a3 '* ') \~~~~~~~~~N)6 >l __¢ f_>X; eFltr| _ _ P glu county ii I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cOIUI t 15881 1 \2 ,\ / 21.92 0.11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~II;aIOIIYI}A / H111*14A-F-N~ 1111J6|..IAA i1*~~~~~~~5ti la c licoill N 34.A08 N ~ ' 555I X A 1E52.60 0.3. 136)3 | 3413 r 116()~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| 83/ . _~. u~U~ (II))IgI; ~~~~~~-y,0 O 2/)v I~fjft~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h.a 113?fl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~./ 3 ~132 1 ~26 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,3 2I 15)t4(S y4ISSL2 Sketch Map of Host Site for PhaseI Resettlementfrom the XLD Constructi on A rea noi~~~~~~~~~~~ 38 861 Tonishun l\383 252,121 I -(, \T<r | LIe*Jnd, I ansferplJatfolu l nt e) ~~~~~~~~~~~355 1 L lau Shuan tang H._ j. WiA N T'I~~~~~~~~~1 W Shi men~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~eetlmn 3041495~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~Oulto S10yu g tfl (180m mA ) f R c Sketch Map of Host Sites for Phase II Resettlement (EL 180 m) iN Resttemei .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JA_ _ (yl D.ihe .o - _ Loiwq~~~~~~)w n I. //SC_) X} X~~~~~~~~~X'9~~~~~~~~~~~W I[V".w REPORT ON THE REVISED RESETTLEMENT PLAN AND IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS 1. Introduction 1.1 The purposesof Xiaolangdimultipurpose dam project, a key state project, is for flood control. ice control, sedimentcontrol as well as irrigation. In accordancewith the evaluation opinionsof the world bank, the project costs includeloans from the world bank, 1.166 billion U.S dollars. Phase I loan proceedsof 460 million$,approved with Loan Agreement3727-OCHA signed, has been put into the main civil works, the tenure is from 1994 to June 30, 1996. In order that Phase II loan agreementcan be signedas soon as possibleand the loan (about430 million$)can be used timely in 1997to ensure the constructionprogress of the main works,this report has been preparedby YRWHDCand RPDI pursuantto the world bank'srequirement that a report on physical resettlementimplementation as well as a overall plan report must be submittedfor evaluationof the world bank. 1.2 Basedon the appraisalreport on resettlementof Xiaolangdiproject, thisreport, composed of 12 sections,emphasizes the changesand optimizationduring resettlement implementation and has been prepared and organized according to the requirements and comments in the memorandumof internationaldevelopment association mission for Xiaolangdiresettlement on November26, 1996, includingintroduction, review of projectimpacts, resettlement organization and management,criteria of resettlementand resettlementplan, constructionarea resettlement, revisedresettlement implementation plan, progressof resettlementimplementation, resettlement cost estimateand approval, evaluationof householdincome, social adjustment,process for complaints,appeals of resettlement,training, etc. 2. Review of Project Inpacts 2.1 Damsite Construction Area Constructionarea refers to the locationsof the main works,earth and rock materialarea, dredge area, livingarea of the contractors,roads, water and power supplysystem at the site, accesses on northern and southern banks and Liuzhuangrailway station, involving40 administrative villages in 10 townshipsin Mengjin city and Jiyuan county rural area of and Jili district of Luoyangcity with the land requisitionarea of about 23.6 km2 (35503 mu), of which cultivated land is 21300 mu(accountingfor 60%). The affected population were 10574 persons, representingfor 1. I% of total populationsof the city/county. Total area of houses and kilns affectedis 302100 km2. 2.2 Reservoir inundation Impact 2.2.1 Resurveyof PhysicalIndices of ReservoirInundation since the preliminarydesign of Xiaolangdiproject, people's livingstandard has been improved Page 1 greatly with the developmentof the economy of China. Required by Henan and Shanxi provincialgovernment as well as the localgovermnents, MWR arranged RPDI to conductreview of physicalindices of reservoirinundation to reflect authenticdata, which began in March 1994 and endedin December1994. The resultspassed the preliminaryreview of MWR in December 1995 and the reviewof SPC subsequentto the selectiveexamination, review of YRWHDCRO and consultationof the experts.Database of physicalindices as well as physical itemregistration cards have been establishedin household. 2.2.2 Resultsof the Resurvey Overview:29 Townshipsin 8 countiesin Henan and Shanxiprovince are affected, including12 locationsof township governments174 administrativevillages, 787 industriesand mines, 13 small-scaledhydraulic power stations, 587 pump stationsfor irrigation, 1657 Km long canals, 1022 km long roads, 917 km longelectric lines and 778 km longcommunication lines. Seetable 2.1. Populationimpacts by phase: totally 177591persons are affectedby inundation,representing for 5.79% of the total populationin 8 counties in the reservoirarea. 18%, 15.4%, and 6% of the total populationin Yuanqu, Xin'an and Jiyuan are affectedrespectively, and less in Mianchi and Mengjin county, least in Pinglu, Xiaxian and Shanxian(only less than 1 % of the total population).The standardfor the reservoir area resettlementis at El.276 m (the normal storage level is 275mplus Im of superelevationby stormywaves), below which the people mustmove. By the moving year, there will be 188138 persons in the reservoir area. Based on the characteristicsof the reservoiroperation, Phase I reservoirarea resettlementinvolving 46133 resetters (below 180 m and the other affectedpopulation) will finish before June
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