-L/ibrary tl 1 Dean Pettee Writes put H am pshire About World Peace (If you read it in The New Hampshire, it’s accurate) Volume 24. Issue 24. DURHAM, N. H. APRIL 6, i934. Price Five Cents ELECTIONS HELD Ye Golden Bull Casque and Casket Results Mischa Tulin Plays BY OUTING CLUB Editor Speaks Military Training—an Editorial Ball Tonight at Gym at Convo. on April 4 This paper gave space last week to 1 patible with the well-nigh limit­ Most Representative of the Every day you all hear quips an article dealing with the legal sta­ less extent of the war powers “Nitehawks” Will Furnish Blue and White Twelve Members Chosen at or witticisms in class or even tus of military training in the state * * * which include, by necessary Delfo Caminati and Large Audience Hears Odd Meeting Held on April 4 perhaps in other places. Why colleges and especially in reference implication, the power, in the Dance Music for Ruth H. Johnson Theremin Instrument in Ballard Hall not remember them and jot to our own institution and state. It is last extremity, to compel the the Evening in Murkland Hall them down for future reference unfortunate that the author of the armed service, of any citizen in Casque and Casket will hold its an­ Results of Women Students SMITH TRIP PLANNED (meaning the Golden Bull) ? If article in question was guilty of cer­ Government Election: we are fortunate enough to ob­ the land, without regard in gen­ nual ball at the Men’s Gymnasium President, Ruth Witham At convocation on April 4, Murk­ tain faculty approval for the tain vital errors in legal interpreta­ eral.” (283 U. S. 605) this evening at 8 o’clock. This dance land Auditorium was packed to the Eight Outing Club Members Golden Bull, your favorite (orig­ tion and fact, thus presenting a much To return to our former point, how­ will be a formal affair and the ad­ Vice President, doors with students and a goodly Leave for Northampton inal if possible) bit of humor distorted view of a situation which, ever, the fact remains that Section 4 mission is $2.20. Dorothy Richardson number of professors who heard —Crowell in Charge may earn you a year’s subscrip­ in his own opinion, is greatly in need of the Morrill Act, the section where­ This year booths, each designed and Secretary, Dorothy Foster Mischa Tulin play a theremin, a com­ tion to the budding campus hu­ of clarification. We cannot see but in reference is made to military func­ constructed by a fraternity, will pro­ Treasurer, Arlene Brazel pletely electrical instrument. This in­ At a meeting of Blue Circle Council morous publication. If you have that Mr. Rudd has succeeded only in tions in the state colleges, stands as vide the chief decorations. A prize strument, probably the most difficult on Wednesday night, executive board a cartoon that you think would adding to the already existing confu­ intact today as the day it was passed. will be awarded to the fraternity hav­ Senior Members: one to play which has ever been in­ of the Outing Club, annual elections sion on this subject. No subequent legislation has ever been ing the best booth in the opinion of Jane Slobodzian, Grace Ernst vented, was conceived in Russia by interest the students drop a note When, in speaking of the case which put into effect which would modify it were held to fill the twelve positions to our art editor, Delfo Camin- the judges. This feature, absent Junior Members: Professor Theremin, of Moscow Uni­ of the Council. George I. Parker, Jr., ati. All your quips and smart was recently taken to the United in any way. from the ball last year because of the versity. Not getting sufficient sup­ was unanimously elected chairman, sayings, of course, should be States Supreme Court from the state Mr. Rudd goes on to say that “Ap­ depression, has been the main decora­ Helen Henderson, port in Russia, the, professor came to which position he has properly earned forwarded to Bernard Snierson, of Maryland, Mr. Rudd says that parently the statement of purpose was tive scheme of other Casque and Cas­ Catherine Mason this country where in cooperation by his continued interest in the Club humor editor. And be you fac­ “ . the Supreme Court . refused interpreted to say that the military ket balls. with engineers of the Radio Corpora­ during the past three years. Alvin ulty, student, or just plain John to consider the problem as it was tactics should be compulsory, but it is “Nappy” Prevost, a popular enter­ tion of America he evolved, about two Parker was elected secretary, and Citizen, if you feel a bit of ad­ raised in Maryland on the grounds difficult to see why agriculture and tainer, will direct the Nitehawks and years ago, an instrument similar to Glenn Stewart, treasurer. The direc­ that the Morrill Act specified neither mechanic arts (our italics) were not will act as master of ceremonies. Appointment Made the one played by Mr. Tulin. torships of public relations is to be vice coming on (apologies to one thing nor the other . .” he, sim­ also compulsory.” Here, of course, he filled by Clinton McLane; trips, Frank Ben Bernie) why not waste a ply and plainly, does not know where­ refers again to the Morrill Act. How­ The chaperones will be Prof. aod The music which is in reality a Musgrove; cabins and trails, Leon E. postcard on: of he speaks. This is an express er­ ever, this act expressly states that Mrs. T. V. Kalijarvi, and Lieut, and to Agr’l Faculty modulated and controlled radio squeal, Magoon; carnival, Arthur Toll; win­ ROGER LAMBERT, ror, inasmuch as the case in refer­ part of its objective shall be “. to Mrs. G. B. Anderson. The committee similar to those given off by ordinary ter sports, Melvin A. Wright; fish and Editor-in-chief ence had not the remotest legal con­ teach such branches of learning as are in charge of the ball is: Leslie Pike, Prof. Morrow of Rutgers radio receivers, is controlled by two game, Arthur MlcLane; membership nection with the Morrill Act, but was related to agriculture and the me­ chairman; Ronald Wilde, and Alvah University to Begin metallic rods extending from the box­ and instruction, William F. Weir; taken to the Supreme Court by the chanic arts ...” The meaning of Swain. like apparatus. A perpendicular one and women’s activities, Helen Hender­ defendant, Ennis H. Coale, on the such wording should be clear enough Work Here July 1 regulates pitch, while one extending son. Walter Brown was elected as Spring Play of Mask grounds of violation of his constitu­ in itself, and requires no further com­ horizontally controls the volume. By assistant director of trips. tional rights. The case was dismissed ment. Dr. Tehyi Hsieh is Professor Kenneth S. Morrow of moving his hands in the sensitized At a previous meeting of Blue and Dagger Selected by this judicial body “for lack of a The author of this article then the College of Agriculture of Rutgers area near the rods, the operator Circle, Miss Gwenith Ladd, an instruc­ substantial Federal question.” Legal­ draws a conclusion to the effect that Next Convo Speaker University has been appointed Pro­ translates the normal hum of the in­ tor in physical education for women, ly interpreted, this means that the “ . no law makes military train­ fessor of Dairy Husbandry in the Col­ strument into the modulations and was given honorary membership, Welch, Marshall Get Lead defendant had no constitutional right ing compulsory here, for neither con­ Director of Chinese Trade lege of Agriculture of the University notes of music. which privilege has only been ex­ Roles of “The Late which might support him in his role gress nor the state legislature has seen of New Hampshire, according to an While its most pleasing range is tended to one other: Miss Edna Boyd, of “conscientious objector.” fit to pass such an act.” With this we Bureau Spoke Here on announcement issued here on April 3, within that of the violin and the cello, also a member of the University staff. Christopher Bean” In this connection it is worthwhile certainly cannot agree. Section 4 of March 1, Last Year by President Edward M. Lewis. Pro­ which it simulates, it is capable of Genevieve Blake, Laurent O. Dubois, to recall the statement rendered by the Morrill Act very definitely states fessor Morrow will succeed Professor tones much higher and much lower Arthur McLane, Dorothy McLeod, “The Late Christopher Bean,” a the Supreme Court in the case of that military tactics shall be taught Dr. Tehyi Hsieh, director of the J. M. Fuller whose resignation has than either of them. However, its John Maddock, Glenn Stewart, and great comedy success, originally pro­ United States vs. McIntosh, which in the colleges which the act in its Chinese Bureau of Trade in Boston, been accepted. He will begin his du­ lower tones although powerful, are a William Weir were elected to Blue duced in Paris as, “Prenez Garde a la reads as follows: entirety provides for. While it is true will speak at convocation next Wed­ ties at the University on July first. trifle harsh, and its highest notes de­ Circle membership. Peinture,” has been selected as the “The conscientious objector is that nothing is specifically said there­ nesday. Dr. Hsieh has spoken here Professor Morrow received his first generate into somewhat of a squeal. Guest Trip With Smith spring presentation of Mask and relieved from the obligation ip in to the effect that such military before, at the convocation held on degree from the University of Minne­ Mr.
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