% Point~N~ws Judge has ruled ,", • Owners of the popular restaurant Lu('v'~ fin t~€' H111 are ccms'dt>nng adding a second story to the eatery on Inusic lawsuit But before they draw up expensive BV Jim Stickford plans, they want to kno\V If the Farms for the orchestra Staff Writer council IS opposed to the Idea The Every Chnstmas the asso- A discordant dispute council, on the other hand, wants to ciatIOn held d hohday con- between the Grosse POUlte see more detaJ!ed plans so that they cert to raise money for the Symphony Orchestra and Its can get a better Idea of the scope of symphony The final concert former fundralsmg arm was the project before mchcatmg whether raised $8,000 for the sym- settled last month Macomb they approve of the Idea Page 3A phony In 2000, the sympho- County circuit Judge ny was again a,;ked to play Deborah Semtto ruled that • A 3 3 percent nse m the Grosse at the Ford House, but asso- the Grosse Pomte Classical Pomte Woods WIll translate Into a $52 ciation members a,;ked them MUSIC League, formerly tax hike for the average Woods prop- not to known as the Grosse Pomte erty owner Page 13A Ford House repre,;enta- Symphony Women's tlves said that the two ASSOCiation, did not have to • Joan Dindoffer and Joseph events catered to dlfferen~ turn over dues money raised Brennan are seekmg theIr second audiences The symphony whJle the two groups were four-year terms at the Grosse fundralser IS local m nature still associated Pointe Board of Education elec- and de'llgned specifically for The SUit stemmed from tion Monday, June 11 See story on the symphony The Ford actions taken after a page 14A House event IS a Chnstmas Chnstmas 1999 concert held celebratIOn 10 the Ford by the symphony at the • As the 2000-2001 school year House It just so happens Eleanor & Edsel Ford comes to a close, the teachers m the that the symphony plays House ASSOCiatIOn presI- Harper Woods Pubhc Schools know there They advertise the dent Jeannette Szulec felt they have a contract to come back to event on WJR and get peo- that this Christmas concert In the fall that Will take them to ple from across MichIgan at the Ford House just a August of 2004 The negotIatIOn and as far away as OhIO and week after the associatIOn process took an unheard of day and a Canada held ItS hobday fundralser half Story on page 15A This answer did not was undercuttmg the assocI- atIOn's efforts to raise money See MUSIC, page 2A • Grosse Pomte North, Grosse Pomte South and Umverslty Liggett School each won state chstnct soccer Progress stalls champIOnships last weekend Page Pholo by Scott Bam 10 and 60.' Aren't they cute! • Grosse POinte South's baseball The Grosse Pointe War Memorial had a successful turnout on on recreation and softball team won dlstnct titles Baby Animal Day, Sunday, June 3, The event has been an annual With victOTIeS over Grosse Pointe treat for over a decade and allows children the opportunity to North Page 4C experience farm anlmals. At Baby Animal Day, Noah Moyer exam- commission plans ines a burro while his mom. Shallene Moyer, encourages the By Bonnie Caprara , Pomte, It'S the thmgs that investigation . Staff Writer are used are m conjunctIOn . WEEK AHEAD The Neighborhood Club With the school district One and mumclpal and school of the plans In the leaders from the five Grosse (Neighborhood Club-com- Thursday, June 7 HW remembers war dead POlntes and Harper Wood,; miSSIOned) master plan waS ThL' ,urn mer concert season kicks are haVIng a hard time wnt- to see If there wa" a better off With a performance by the Grosse By Darren Donaldson county commiSSIOner Chnstopher mg the rule book and com- method to mamtam and Pomte North and South Jazz Band m Staff Writer Cavanaugh addressed the group Ing up With a coheSive game Improve all of the faclhtle" the City of Grosse Pomte's Village Three-year-old Samantha Wreaths were presented by several plan In their attempt to used by our constltuenh " draft by-laws for a proposed shoppmg dlstnct The mUSIC, part of McCormack moved m and out of the orgamzatlOns the Amvets Post #57 Bill Beach of the law firm multi-governmental recre- the Bon Secours Cottage Health solemn crowd on MemOrial Day at and AUXiliary, the Harper Woods Miller Canfield, who was atIOn commiSSIOn retamed by the Semces MUSICon the Plaza concert Johnston Park, her blonde hair con- Dads Club, VFW Post #6784 and At Issue IS the draft lan- senes, starts at 7 p m For more infor- trasting With her mother's black coat AU'oha ry, Cub Scout Pack #273, the Neighborhood Club to assist guage that speCifies that III draftmg the by-laws, mation, call (313) 886-7474 As she strolled around dunng the Harper Woods LIOns Club, Amencan such a commiSSIOn would Said, "ThiS IS not gIVing any ceremony, she stopped to look up at LegIOn Post #99, Harper Woods mamtam and operate pubhc powers that belong to any several of the weathered, deeply hned Semor Club, Harper Woods Little Saturday, June 9 recreatIOn facIlities and other entity to thiS (recre- faces of men pi oudly wearmg their League, Southeast Property Holders, The Northeast GUIdance Center's debate over resIdency and ation commiSSIOn) entity emotIOns on their veteran sleeves Services for Older Citizens, Harper Art on the Pointe 2001 show start,; at non-resIdency usage ThiS g1Ves opportumty to She did not fall to eliCit a smile Woods Gardeneer~, Homeowners for a 10 a m at the Edsel & Eleanor Ford ~These are mcredlbly the commlSSIOII to mamtam The httle girl was one of a group of better Harper Woods and the City of House, 1100 Lakeshore m Grosse strong powers," saId Grosse and operate faclhtles If that more than 200 Harper Woods resI- Pomte Shores The event lasts untJ! 5 Harper Woods Pomte Park council person IS one of the tasks the com- dents gathered m Johnston Park, but Katie Ruggiero, Harper Woods resI- p m and runs dunng the same hours Margot Parker of the clause miSSion agrees to accept If she may have been the bnghtest sym- dent and Grosse Pomte North semor, on Sunday, June 10 Over 100 vendors that reads the commiSSion the school board says there bol of the freedom for which many Will be there Food from area restau- sang the natIOnal anthem and would mamtam and operate IS a particular faCIlity it fought and died Amenca the Beautiful Harper Woods rants Will also be available, as well as pubhc recreation faclhtles would hke would hke the Dunng the ceremony, Harper entertamment by the Balduck high band members Emily Armand "Some of thiS IS putt10g commiSSIOn to take over Woods mayor Ken Poynter, ~tate rep Mountam Rangers and Je,slca Bannasch and Wayne mto effect some of th:ngs mamtenance of operatIOns, resentatlve Andrew Richner and TIckets are $3 ChJ!dren under 12 See WAR, page 8A that are currently bemg then they have the authonty get In for free For more mformatlon, done between the city of to accept the request of the call (313) 245-7012 Photo b) Hank Harper Woods and Its school school board" DcPu), dlstnct to mamtam school In response to Beach, Monday, June 11 fields," said NeIghborhood Grosse Pomte Wood'l city Club director John Bruce council person Patti The Grosse Pomte Park city councJ! "In our case III Grosse meets at 7 pm m the Park city hall, See PROGRESS, page 2A 15115 E Jefferson The publtc IS IUVlted to attend • POINTER OF INTEREST The Grosse Pomte Farms city coun- Cil meets at 7 30 p ~ IU the Farms city hall, 90 Kerby Among the Items on the agenda IS a proposal for con- "Rufus" McGaugh struction of a two-story retail/office bUlldmg at 130 Kercheval The meet- Home: City of Gro,;se 109 IS open to the pubhc Pomte Age: 52 Family: Wife, MOnica, son, Enc, 5 ..6A Samantha McCormack ... 5B Occupation: SOCIal relaxes in studies teacher at Schools 14A her moth- er's arms Brownell Middle School Autos .. .IOA while tak- Ob~tuarzes . .12A ing in the Quote: "Everythmg I Memorial do IS 10 the first person I Busmess . 16A Day cere- hve what I'm teachmg n Entertamment . .. 9B mony in Harper See story, page 4A Classlfied ads BC Woods. "Rufus" McGaugh See Our Insidt The COOK'S Grosse Pointe News Clearance THE ComIIlete UMMIIO.p1l11Dell'" • COflltructlon Sal. lAMP Today I lEE OUR~~I*AD IN YOUR HOME ON PAGE 17 SHADERS CO. St. John Hospital Cardiac Care Ad 810.778.4001 810.774-0090 For a SpeClflllSt, caJJ 1-888-757.5463 r' June 7,2001 Grosse Pointe News 2A News u ------ Progress---------------- vOiced opmlOns how to left vague, but the cIties the Park teams on "lhool "~,,tem From page 1 want to do, then It must be addrebb the Issue of partICI- "Many of the youth property or 111 ,oOle cabe,> Chyhnskl said, "1 agree with clearly artlculated and not need to understand whether patIOn and me of proposed you are consldenng non-res- groups, particularly those program" orgollliled by the language bemg too mvolved With a lot of lan- fauhtleb by non-reSidents that have travel programs, group" Itk(' the ~trong Instead of usmg lan- guage that doesn't address Ident fees to use the faCili- MUniCIpal, school, ties or If they Will be exclud- do mclude non-resldent~ NelghbOl hliod Club dllow guage like 'to mamtam and what you've Just said" Neighborhood Club and ed It can't be somethmg even though they're orga you to n'g",tl'r d' ,I 11011-[('''' operate,' we should use "What 1 enViSion as the GrO,>be Pomte War that you sneak m SIX lllzed pnmanly on a resI- ldellt ,,0 I thlllk pdl t uf thl" \\Iordmg hke 'to assist m' or ultimate goal is to prOVide Memonal representatives months later," said Fred dential baslb," said Bruce '" as to at-knowledge that' 'to be delegated authonty' - facilltles that none of us can will meet
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