
~~~kYourDealerfor JfROtfH·ROO[(~(OJ Laie~t PoblicatiooL fiITTIIEHABITf • NEW SONGS New Marches, Waltzes, That Will Please Captain Willie Brown. Words 4 lllusic by Intermezzos, Two-steps, Etc. There Never was a Gal Like You. Rus- .BENJ. HAPGOOD BUR.'t. tic Ballad. Ivanhoe. Intermezzo. Pride of the Prairie. Western Song. My Gal Irene. Rube Song. Prince Charming. Two-step. Hang Out the Front Door Key. Nov­ From left to right ___ Vinita. Indian Intermezzo. elty Song. From left to right ___ Tuxedo. Intermezzo. Capt. Willie Brown. Comic March Silver & Gold. Waltz. Song. Sahara. Novelty. Summer Time vValtzes. There Comes a Night. Topical Song. p Ma Belle Waltzes. Garden of Dreams. High-class Ballad. Merry Widow Waltz. Sweetheart Days. Ballad. J\!Iusette. Intermezzo. I'm Afraid to Come Home in the Dark. Novelty. Lovelight Waltzes. Rebecca. Yiddish Love Song. Dill Pickles. Rag. Has . Anybody Seen My Husband? Le Kie-King. Parisian Novelette. Comic. he'd march a - way With col - ors Tri-Color March. Musette. (Song.) he'd march a - way ____ Most ev - 'ry Lotus San. Japanese Novelty. Topeka. Two-step Intermezzo. Rain-in-the-Face. Indian Comic. Bombay. I-Jindoo Novelty. I Want a Gibson Man. "Novelty. Valse Rejane. Irish Fluffy Ruffles. Novelty. Enchantress vValtzes. 'Neath the Old Cherry Tree, Sweet Ma­ ri e. Ballad. Bogie Man. Novelty. In the Land of the ' Buffalo. Cowboy Innocence. vValtz Lente. Song. Uncle Hiram's Intermezzo. I'll Teach You How. Novelty Song. Whispered Thought. Two-step Inter- If Somebody Loved Me. Novelty Song. mezzo. Stingy Moon. Serenade. Dark Eyes. J\Iexican Intermezzo. Dat Friend of Mine. Coon Song. Hoosier Rag. Come, Put Your Arms Around Me. Y' ankee Dude. J\Iarch Two-step. Novelty. Sneaky Pete. Slow Drag. Ain't You Glad You ,Found Me? Nov­ Last Kiss v\ialtzes. elty. Silent Wooing. Madrigale. Orchids. Intermezzo. When the Mocking Birds Are Singing Paddy Whack. Characteristic March in the Wildwood. Ballad. Two-step. Best I Get I s Much Obliged ·to You. Carbarlic Acid. Rag. Coon Song. Dixie Blossoms. Two-step. The Girl Who Threw Me Down. Waltz Louisiana. be a sol ·- dier __ He'd make them Song. fun - ny , µass - es __ They did - n't Hip, Hip, Hooray. Everybody Likes the Girl I Like. NO\'­ Stingy J\loon. Intermezzo. elty. Fascination. Intermezzo. And He Blames My Dreamy Eyes. Nov­ Happy H eine. March Two-step. elty. Iola. Indian Intermezzo. O'Brien Has No Place to Go. Irish Lady Fingers. Novelty. Waltz Song. Dreaming. Serenade. Autumn. Idyl. I'd Rather Two-Step _than \Valtz, n: 11 J J\Ielody at Twili ght. Two-step. Novelty. Copyright MCMVll .by Jerome H.Remick & Co. Melonie. · ·8ueceasot1 td' The Whltne7Warner Pub.Co.,Detroit,- NewYodr:. Black Cat. Two-step Rag. San Antonio. Cowboy Song. lnhred accor1llng to the A~t of P1orlt~m.ent of Canada ln the year MCKVII, 0 Chicken Chowder. Rag-time Two-step. Little House That Love Built. Dainty ProJle4.t ,.,.;1. Bepubltc• ~~~::::i: :.. ~:::~~ t.~~~rc~~ ~:~·D*::o~~. ;. AJ:.!y~;::!;epo1U:. d:. con~ouae •tater: Novelty. l.Jance of the Demons. Gretchen. German Characteristic. JEROMc ·tt:REMICK &(Q, NE\.JYORK. Ask. Your Dealer PROPRIETOR.S ' Or . The wnITNEY;WARNEQ PU~.a · ". Detroit.MICH.' • . I-· · J:.._ 10' \ {:c l., n I ALL 1HE LATEST MUSIC OF THE DAY. Pcrfor~ng i;ig~:S re·served. Public perf'ftrmance prohibited unless licensed bf the publisher. 8 It Looks like a Big Night· To-night Rcspcc!ful!iJ dl'dicnted lit} ..Jf,: Mrt.'i011 Pt:fer.-; \Yords by Music by HARRY WILLIAMS. (!Jut tllis dot:s11't go'·if !tis u•iji! /wars it) EGDERT VAN ALSTYNE. Marchtime. 1. Old 2. They 3. Old J>et - ers was a "Pat' - .sy;, His wif - .ey ruled the day, He start - cd out that eve - ning, To paint the blOa,m - in' town,, Said Pet - ers like a Ii . ly Be - gan to fade a - way, They C9~~hL)ICMVIII by n:ROME·H,.REMICK & Co. Suc~si;m-~ Ii> Tfie : '\V~itnPy Wnner Pub-. Co., Detroit-'Neow Yo~ic·. Co~yn~ht, Caoa.l;i, NC'M'{Ul.,1.>y .Jerome [J. Rt>mirk &; <:o. Prop1edaJ. para la Repubhea M~10 .cana i~ JerotDa H.·lh·mirk &: Co., l>etruit )'• New York. ncp11si1ada conforme a Ja ·1ay. 1149 • did - n't dare, go out at tiight un - less she was a - way, So Pet - ers: "Let's be dev - il - ish;' "I'm with you, sir,"· said Br'own, · They piled him in a cab and took him home at break Of day, But once he took the fam~ - ly, And put · th'em on the ooat, Said got some chor - us la - dies; And took them out to dine-, Then when they turned the cor - ner, He gave a fear .,. fol sho~t, .A ''< he: "go out and have some fun , But I must be the · goat!' Then both of them d~ , cid ·- ed They would cor - ner ·an the wine. And light was m the 'win - dow, Arid his ·wife was peek - ing out, ''Dont I~ ... ..... .--- " ~ "' . " - - . a . " . - . ' ~ - - " ,, - . ~ - --· - -- . --· - -· - - - " t.. .. Pet ers·i ·dash~d up town And said to bache - lor Br9wn. .. - - ev - 'ry time it came Tll'ey'd war - · ble this ·re - frain. leave me, boys:' said · h~, "My fin - ish I can see!' ~ · ,..., /\. .. -·- ·- I .. a - ... - - : I . ' ~- - - - . -- .l ~ " - - - - - - - ~ "11 . "JI ... ... "11 • ..... ... ... .. -) .. .. ~-- I • ' /\. - _, ' -- -- .... 9J --· I -. -_. · --- -- -_. -_, - - - -_, -..... ·- --_. - - -: - - - - - - - - - - - - - ....-=- If Looks like a Big Night To-ni~lit. 3 CHORGS fJ ' .. I ,,, .. •• ' " . " '" ,..., "" \ . ... L ~ •- .. ' I'. - - . '" ,,, ,_._ ... - - - . --· --- @) .. 11 - ' - .. It looks to me -irke a big night to - night, "It looks to me like a big night to - night, .. It looks to me' like a .big night to - night, f} ~ I: I I .. • • • ,...,•• . .. ... - - •- ---• I ..- ' r. .... - - - - ,_ - ~ . - u - t '\)'I/ .... - -... "'"' - - - - 11 - - t,. v - I I - -v .......... < p-f ;: ·- ~ == ,_ ~ L. -· •• • • • • - ,_ . - - - - - - -- I I .. r. ,_- - - - - - ""' - - .. - ' - -I --v - I - I _ r ~ ~ ~ --- ~ - -- - f} I . .. • - -' -' - , . -' . - -' LL ' ' 01 - - - - --- - - ,_ , t.. ~ - - - '" - Big night to - night, big night to - .hight. For when the Big night tq - night, big· ni11;11t to - night. I sent the Rig night t-0 night, big night to night. I sent the - - - '"1 ~ "J,_ I .. .. .... • • -· - - - ,..-..... • - ---- - . - .. ' - ,_ ,.... ,_- ,_- - - - .. ' -~ ~ - - - - ·-~ - ,_.. I c.. - ~ ~ v· !j - - -,I v - -- ~ == .. • • • • • • • ... - - - -- . - I I .. -- .,_..... - - - ~- - - - ' ~ I - - I I- I - - I - i:-- - - - - - i::.- - ~ l l .. ' I ' ~ ~ ' " . ' " .,__ . 'L ....; . - - .-1 I -' .-1 I 'I --· - I - ..... t.. 11 - r --- - - old cat's a - way, Why the mice want to . play And it folks out to sea, But they cant' ' see through me So it l folks out to sea,' But they're home Ho - ly Gee! ; n~ys, it I ,- J I it' . ,, • ~- • • • .. -.- - ,_- - - - - ., _ - - - ~ - - - T - --· I - ~ - - - ·-~ - - l ·- - · t.. -,I v -,I l - - - ~ ..... I . ·1 . ., .. - ::- ~ , - - - -· .. - · - - . - I _ - I - - ' - -· ~ I \ ~ -- v - ' --- v -,,I · - - i..-- ~ --- - I· 1 II 2 · looks · like night'.'__ _------- looks like a night'.1______ _ looks like a -;~ It Looks like a Big Night To-·night. 3 By HEISER & DAILEY ---===WRITERS OF TH.AT PHENOMINAL BAL.LAD '' REAMING'' DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CHORUS WHICH IS SHOWN BELOW. ·SWEETHEART DAYS. NE"W BALLAD. NE"W 11 By th' writers of Drea111ing!' SONGS. Words by L.W. HEISER; . Music by J. ANTON DAILEY. MARCHES_ CHORUS . ·with feeling . "WALTZES_ ' Neath the Old Cherry Tree Swee t -heart days, sweet -heart days, Sweet-est of all are sw!:et -heart days; Sweet Marie. and The Girl Who Threw Me Down. DANCES. Come Put Your Arms Around Me. Keep On Smiling. Topeka, Intermezzo II I I .. Musette. [Couldn't Make a Hit With u I I Years may stray, Molly. fade a - way, Still in our hearts these Southern Beauties, .fl. .. ... I - : Garibaldi. " .. * • Two-Step . tJ I - - I Aint You Glad You Found '· ~ I I Y' Rejane, Waltz. ;. Me. ~ .1 1> .. ~ ~ . Bombay, Intermezzo. : , Cheer Up Mary, ~ .. __ . .. Dill Pickles, Rag. Dreaming. Cuttin' Up, Rag. [' d Rather Two-Step Than Days . that are gone are Sunny South, Southern Waltz, Bill. best of all; Medley. Land of the Buffalo. Iola, Intermezzo. Lemon Tree. Last Kiss, Waltz. Iola. Snowball, Rag. Somebody's Waiting For Orchids, Three-Step. You. Fascination, Novelette. The Best I Get Is Much Obliged to You. Hoosier Rag. San Antonio. Love and Valor, Waltzes Won't You Come Over To Carbarlick Acid; Rag. My House. Breath of the Rose, Waltz. Why Don't You Answer, Dance of Water Nymphs, Dearie. CopJttgh& MCMVll bJ JEROME H. REMICK & Co. Novelette. Propr ietors of Detroit • The \Vhttnrr Warntr Pub. Co . • Ht• York. Stingy Moon. Enht1>d accordiaC to. &tt Gt thr Parlllmtnt of Canada In 'the )'tar MCP.JVll Enchantress, Waltz, bJ JrtOJaf" ff. Hr1111Kk & Co., la the Dtp•TtlDf'd\ or A~rlculturt. PropirdAd pan l• Rf'fubhca Mt\itana J'° Jrrornc: H. R c: mick &: Co., Dtlroit '1 N•w Yo Dr.posltada c:onftrme a la 1•1•, l JEROME H. ·REMICK & COMPANY NE"W YORK DETROIT FREE - WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOG - FREE TliE JCROME H REMICK PRINTING CO., DETROIT 1149 .
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