18. 19.43 = • Ration Calendar Warmer 0"'8 UA" ", •• pDDI I , ... ,IN Ma, . 11 Ian· ~ CI)TJ'B~ .. p... 19 "p~u "'a, 91 IOWA: MIld temperature to.] y: • OA& c... ,.... I! e.~". .....1 III Ke. 1'.. r. O.ll moot . lamp... plto Ma,aJ : IOWAN sbowers In lIOuth and G, H, aGd J lamp. espl,e ••, II: THE DAI-LY 8 ttOSS coupon n el,lre. J ••e lGl eentral pOrUons. f EL OIL eup." N • . ~ OI<pl," Se," .., Iowa City's Morning Newspaper , 2<l. Son mE CENTS TBB ASSOCIATED paBU IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY. MAY 19,1943 1'BII: AlI'OCIA1'II:D PUll VOLUME XLm NUMBER 200 ln, 431 t nese \lris~ r was in. e war de. I repo~ e of Cor. hOd bEen nOre Inan n enlisled ottly after . Patrick'i ra ·os --------------------------------------------~~--- . t SICILY - ALLIES' STEPPING STONE TO EUROPE? tobbtry Flood Waters Surge Unchecked Retonquest of Emballled Aleutian Island House Defeats d Avenuf May Be Attomplished Within Few Days ' ! to lOcal , ili"cA· s car wit 01 Mtdiferrmlflrn -' lay night Through Valley Ruhr Riyer If Weather Does Not Interfere With Attion Ruml Tax Bill, ling and ~ !n from it - By RICE YAHNER parked i~ Main Enemy Defenses Along Holtz Bay Smashed; ! street. LO~·m O;.J (A P) - Dl.'slt'uctiv(' flood Wlltt'I'fl looscd by thl' 202·194·Vote R \1<". bl uRlinA' of lWo of Ger'many's large t mil wer e shown by Yank Warships Continue Bombardment; or\\' n('ria l photO,:tl'!lphs lnst ni ,:tht to be sll rjri llncl1l'ckec1 down U, S, Calualtles Slight raternlly Threat of F.D.R. Veto -­honOla~ 11)(' Rnhr \·a ll p.\" cr nting hllvoc in th hCII11 of Hitler's war fraternlt, industry. I By JODN ~I. mGBTOWU Brings Democrats TIH' laleRt )'('COllna isqance piclm'('s of the spl'cading torrcnt. Icholatllc: WA, TTl. ·0'1'0, r ( P)- 'l'h bay n('t- piked jaw of an Amcri­ Impressive Victory and Phi rolli ng bC'yond tho bl'oltcn Mohnc lind Edl'1' clums were taken yc . enn IIrl11Y trap wcrc clo.,in~ on the main Jap8n(' (orecs Oll Attu honorat, t mlll~r 11. alii uni t~ carried thcir pre-invasion c1 ait· non-stop bom· i land lost night. 'fhe ell ('111.1' 's plight app ared hopeI .. W ASH IN GTON (AP)-The bM'llJnen t into its sev('nt h <lilY with Iightnin,:t stabs at Europe. Pl'o\'icl d thl' All'litian ' bad ",eathel' doe not interfere too Ruml plan to skIp an income tax 1) Hough. The Ilew pietnres showl.'tl the f1ooc1ticle rllsh il1 ~ throllgh the atly d 1011d, S(,8 8nd air blow, conquest ,a Psi car_ srI' with our COOl'dinot the year went down yesterday for t he middle Ruhr towllrd Duisbllrg und thr Rhine and throngh the of the I'mbattled i<;land mlly be completed in a few duys, according knockout count, ' 113 the Democrals day when Wese l' valley beyond J(lIsse l. won their mo t tmpressive victory ing horne to thc hI'. I c'ltimate. of Ihe cSrmpaign aV8i1oble llCre. 'rhe air minislry news ser"ice RBid the co ntinued spread or the J\ the . eond week 0; thc fight open d, the llUVY disclos d: or the 78th c.oniress. f100dindiCllted thllt II vllst al'ru . ------------ 1. The mAin .JRpanese dercnse positions along a rocky ridge Assured that President Roose- ~ velt would veto the full-year­ or the valley all'('ady was imlll. WLB M t A <;()lIth of th('ir enmp on H oltz hay WCI'C SinO 'hed in violent combat abatement blll, the house voted lInted, with impol1nllt in(lIlRtl'ic!; US pprove ;\IondH.\', lind ('Ililell ,'Iotes II'oops look po e sion of Ul beight 202 to 194 against accepting the crippled, cllAllultic. hcavy lind I Alondll,l' ni~ht. senate's modUJed Ruml measure. til! it)'~8tcr 1'llctory C'e nt('rl'; im. Any Contract Setthng 2. A Il1l'l'ieun wllI'Slli Jls whit·h supported th init ial 11ll1 ru D~ a Nine Republicans and tbree penled If not already flooded. w('('k ago IIrC' ('onlil1uing to bombard the .Tllpane e po ition . Plan minor party members joined 190 The pietUl'es showed plainly that t oft C I W F" ht rl'obal1ly from til<' Amt'l'ieUll Democrats acalnst the senate bill; the devastation is sUl'pasi ng even JO oa age Ig baS(' on Amchitkll island 233 187 Republica.ns nnd seven Demo- the highest hopes expressed earl- IlIlllticlil lIIilt's to thC' southeast, crats supported it. ier, The nctlon, climaxing a four 1t1'C LJomhil1g lh (Ill my wh 11- Parts of Kassel, an aircraft, U­ Ickes' Note to Lewis month bottle, left the future of \'('1' Beat Hiller, bont, tank and artillery manufac­ w(,8thl'l' 1)(,l'mit .. pay-as-you go taxation In dOubt, turing lown 35 miles downstream 'nsists Upon UMW SICILY 3. Despite smt Japanese resist­ but Chairman George ot lhe senate from the rapidly emptying Edel' ance and the 'hazards of Opern­ finance committee voiced confi­ Recognition of Board Sc." 01 .II" .. tion among the uncharted, snow­ darn, arc tinder water. dence Q senate-house conference capped mountains of ALtu, the Then' Japs The Inundation apparently WASHINGTON (AP) - Any committee can devise a bill that extended widely Into the sur· 10 50 casuallties among our troops have Mr. Roosevelt would approve. contract settling the coal mine dis­ . been light. Allied Strategists roundinc s 0 It coal coun try, pute "must have the approval of '-- -- "The Ruml plan is dead," said where synthetic gasoline plants ANCIENT SICILY, colonized by Greell seafarers In 735 B. C., ma.y be the stepping tone used by united Great sienl!lcance was attached Chairman Doughton ot the tax- the war labor board," Secretary here to American seizure of the Still Plan to Beat have been built recently to help Ickes informed John L, Lewis nllljons forces In thetr contlng Invasion of Illtler's Fortres Europe, epa rated from the "toe" of the I framing house ways and means feed the German war maeTdne, italian boot-shaped mainland only by the narrow trait of Me~ si na . Icily-which was annexed by Italy heights south of Holtz bay, Frorn European Axis First committee. "We have kllled it, last night in a 1lat reiteration of positions thel'e our troops are b - Kassel itsell is regarded as of President Roosevelt's Jnsiltence In 1861-1Ie8 but 88 mites northeast of Tunisia. now completely in the hands of allies, As long as Franklin Roosevelt 19 such importance that the RA:F has lIeved able to pour heavy fire into WASHINGTON (AP) _ De- president of the United States 'jt that Lewis musL recognize the the Japanese cnmp on the coastal concentrated bombing a t t a c k s lowlands rimmlng Holtz bay. struction or the European axiS still will stay dead!' there at least ten limes. Th e town WLB. At United Nations Food Conference-- Ickes addressed a letter to the Facts on Battle I the first objective of allied stra- In debate, Dou,hton (0 .. N,C,) is a key for rail links to Coblenz, United Mine Workers chief alter a had described the skip-a-year b11l The story of the bottle thus far tegy, inlormed persons l'eported Frankfort, Munich, LeipzIg, Dres­ co nferen ~e with Jal1les F. Byrnes, I as "to taxatfon what heresy is to den and Berlin and some of these economic stabilization director and F.D.RB Stresses Imporlance of Food was told by in two naval com- ye terday, and there will be no true Bible religion." Mr. Roose­ lines as well as their power sta­ William H. Davis, WLB chairman. munlques and by Secretary Knox shiH to concentrate forces al!ainat velt last night put congres~ on tions and brid8es are completely Ickes, who as tuels administrat­ • ...-_____________________________________.,.__--:------------- -., Iorat athe press communiques conference al.$o, The reported second Japan 4,I1tll Qermany hllll been notice he would veto lhe measure. submerged. " or is boss of the coal mines under The president said the senate-ap­ Although tile wa.ter still is lovernment operatipl'!s, made ,it ne.w aiJ" .plaws Bga.mst · the Japa- smashed, proved bill would transIer much Minimum .NutritiOR l1ese in the cl!nh'aj end lQuth Pa- The critlclsm by Senator Chand- . ll.ol\fl~~ ooih -l~ JlrCllt PJ) In Pialn -thar 'hl!· .... m undertake no cWc ' - ler (D-Ky,) ot Great Briuun's pari of the burden ot war costs from the Edel' dam, the plc~ures showed collective bargaining conferences OPA Cancels Grade Labeling Requirement the large Income groups to the t~at the floodcrest has passed the -and that any contract reached In A~my Liberator bombers on a'in the Pacific wor and ot Russia'~ middle and low income groups, Must Be Provided round trip flight of than failure to enter it, as well as his upper L'eaches, leaving many ot the negotiations must have . the ap­ I'nor~ Republicans denied these ~onte n ­ For' 43 Pack of Canned Fruits, Vegetables 2,000 structure's installations in s1It~ proval of the war labor board, mlles !~om their base lit demand tha~ the hiah comrnqnd tlons. strewn rUins. whosl! authority Lewis has defied, Society Must Meet Midway raided enemy-held Wake turn the weight of nllled ml'ht Yesterday's action came on a The northern section of the re­ In New York, Lewis, after read­ WASHINGTON (AP)- The of-.
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