"XVTI, No. HILLSIDE, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE. 19, 1941 PRICE FIVE CENTS" glit O n Receive Engineer Degrees List 2 3 3 Enraged Resident lou le 2 9 In A rm ed Must G o -S ervices Shoots 6 Youths Retired Singer Employe jefete Reluctantly Agree Will Regulate 113 Called Under Selective Had Been Taunted By; To Removal Of Boys Previously Traffic Signal Service; New Call Set Sale Of Cream * For Wednesday TWO SUFFER SEVERE ATE DEMANDS FIRST HILLSIDE Health Board Moves To GUNSHOT WOUNDS- TOWNSHIP ACT TEACHER CALLEp Provide Restriction wiai atrocious , .assault llside gave up its fight with the Same As For Milk 14-yefer-old Edward I^way~-Depar^ Hlfialfia has been given credit for WWBT Jh, M 1041 Fairview place, lyrntor Vehicle Department Asidents la the army, navy, 'JOSEPHINE LAZARICK FLORENCE McCLURfi —i-rspar-allon- Qi-ftn-si-dfeafiee regu­ J u n lfc h ig tt school sday night over the traffic light marina corps and coast' guard, as lating mla nf 1-t-pnm tn .stores; was Imphs, with a 16 gauge j. j. Weston He now-impassable Bloy street of May 16, according to fesnofia*©* New Jersey State Teaciiers Ooi- urday... Degrees of... Bachelor of authorized Tuesday night by fee shotgun yesterday, Adolph Benitz, section, of Route 29. mer.; to 5h9 local Dralt Board. So lege, of Newark, awarded degrees Science In educatlon were av/arded Board .of - Health. “Health Officer if 1221 Woodraff avenue, th is' tibr Vehicle Commissioner Ar-- far the tovfflatfip . lias Inducted to two Hillside girls at the annual to Jpsophlne. M. Laaarlok, of 1305 Samuel M, Jowitt said cream is sold S 5 m WES I f 1 f0r Qrand J«y W. Magee wrote th a t he had through aelectlve service 113 men, Gurd avenue, and to Florence E. loose by many stores, taking the i that the highway department making .-the total for - the 1940-41 commencement exercises held"8at- MoOhfre, of 123 James street. cream from cans and placing it.in Benitz pleaded not guilty before ssmpleted a sidewalk on the year so far 233. containers as customers order it. Recorder Ellsworth j. sterner^ side of the new- overpass west Next Wednesday morning eleven Jowitt said 'sale of milk in this a p e s said he h ad to hold him lpy. street,, O young men wifi depart for tae Tren­ form - is already . prohibited and S B JfiS- turn fee matter view of the completion.of the o ton fnduoticn station under tire Largest High School urged the move concerning cream 0V li10 ^ Pi’0Becut9r,s office, which separation and construction fourteenth call. Hillside-was asked as a 1 precautionary measure lor. fee would set the amcrimt ol ball. - ■ sidewalks on both sides of the to .provide 13 men, put two last sake of sanitary handling. Other morning was reported srpass,” Magee w rote,, “there is mfitiite. eliminations force the group municipalities. regulate fee sale of General Hospital aa in longer need for the operation of to proceed two short. Class Is Graduated crcum. ; Township Attorney Emil A. fair condition. ,'Physicians yester- existing Traffic control signal oay removed about 30 ttoy pefiety. In Next Call otic exercises, the flag salutq led by Herrlgei will prepare the Ordinance. iroin^we boyfi body, most of them ms intersectiOin-^; Supplementary Education Michael J. Joyce complained that The group scheduled as of yester­ Albert Issler, s. G. A, president, from Cffe- Intestines. Ha received a Threatens Legal Action Stressed By Speakers and singing of “America,” closed a neighbor fit Oakwood avenue was day to go Includes: Order No. 1781, converting a one-family dwelling blood transfusion yesterday and added: “Therefore,- unless the Frank A. Beifus, 21, of 391 Harvard trie program. The class then moved several bipod donors were prepared iciais of Hillside forthwith dis- avenue, 'a volunteer; Order No, 664, that they have acquitted into trie recessional to the time of into .a’ two-family home. Plumbing if necessary today to give additional ts operation and have Fraaflyn Herbert Drake, 23, of 1513 themselvqs well lh their-preparation •the school ‘Alma Mater. S Inspector Hugo W. Bobertz said piood to him. There appeared to loved from the right of way of- Maple avenue; No.' 671, John Paul for facing the world, 282 members plumbing changes had been made p o m m change In his condition State Highway, It .will bft neoas- Barlok, 29, of 250 Ryan street; No, of the largest graduating olass of but Indicated he did not consider it over night, that the Motor Vehicle Depart- 705, Aobert W. 'Minchfn, 26, of 1533 •Hlllslde-Elgh :Sehcol -received- -diplo­ a move-for a iwo-famiiy house, not - - Reported In ”g.QQ.d” condition fthia cooperation with the State mARTHUR L. KREBS m Munn avenue; - No. 726, Albert mas last night a t the eighteenth an­ permitted m the area by the zoh- morning In st. Elizabeth's Hospital, GEORGE PERSAK, JR, Awards Given lng ordlnaaoe.-qThe m atter was re­ ;hway Department institute pro- DONALD L FABER (above) Joseph Ralblok, 22, of. 95 Schley nual commencement exercises. Ray- Elizabeth, was William Mullican, 13,. legal proceedings; Unless X am THEODORE SCHNEIDER (shove) street,. Newark; No,.782, Michael mond p. King, president of the ferred1 to Building Inspector Charles 1637 Franklin street, who liras receipt, of a communication* from Four young m enfrom HiUsifie Andrpw McDonald, 24, of 26 Qda- Board of Education, presented the ick by pellets In the abdomen : |g j g ^ _ Truofiion, h o n o rs '' sngi- H.S. Students pert cor.cerr.mg fee. status of fee ^ew^hipr-6©mmitt®e--advdsirig. ,e—a*»ong th«---16-t-griwimt8».-to, Jiaatlng. -soaiaty a t ,-to4-«jlege,._He beck avenue, . : diplomas..' and right leg. I-Iis condition yes- complied with this order reieive tfieir degrees, from the New­ - Twe-hcnor-students delivered brief house. terdfiyjjitas gonsidered- fa.jrr 1___ was a member o: the Newark Tech­ No. 734; Harry Theodore Zinzer, Todds Tor t)efen«e iwo weeks I shall proceed. , The ark College jof Engtieerlng Friday nical School fraternity and was On 21, of 47 Mertz avenue; No. 738 -talks, Miss Rosamond Van, Poznak, Moving-Up Exercises Are The other fpur boys steuck by .the M || June 30, evening a t the Mutual Benefit life whops topic was- “The Forward.Look f The- State Department of Healti-. barrage of flylnjr ammunition, and the N. T. S. varsity basketball team. Richard Nelson Qullzer, 24, of 884 urged feat -fee board join wife" it in rownship Attorney Emil A. Herri- Insurance Company auditorium at Krebs was a member of the Phi Puree street; No. 748 Hiober-t Law­ of Youtii," and Paul, Coble, who Held; Student Leaders dio received treatment at-. St.; Eliza- told the Township Committee Newark. They are Ronald. L. Faber, spoke on "Training for Tomorrow.”. encouraging motion picture houses |eth's Hosprtal and were released, Delta Mu fraternity and' v;as sec* rence • Thnoney, 24, of 249 Clark Receive Recognition to show a short picture outlining doubted' Hillside. could win its of. 570. Yftls ft»®uej Tbifeodore A. refary-treasurer of .feg Flying Club,: street; No. 7«,. Robert Braunschwle- Rehabilitation Needed if BBSfi'd oh'tKeTiafigei'S' 'tO'pedes--' ■Schneider, of —S-lfi .Bcso&n.—ft-i-emie: Persak -and- Sshneidw - were mem- Van Pognak. ^feld 'Bigre . lg suggestions \for foods with high Four Released -g0Pr'3i,--ef 10-7 S ^ a h t steeefe and No, .'Mufiz,.fdc,a-Jia[isty.uf scholastic., B«6ltlan(>|-Vri«4fec.,io,.]iafe-sfltfe-4». ,ans which officials have charged Arthur l L-Krebs, -of 237 Befieview •bers of tlm Newark SSohfilaMi-SohWol; 750, '-Joseph J. Michel,'25, of ’229 I need for a’ program of' rehabilita­ and athletic fectivltlfes outstand­ Gfteaoe; iffrof 670-Bi3clianan-- terrace, and George Persak, Jr., of tion for younger Boys'and'girls of fenso measures, -Jowitt was .tfireoted treet, pellet In tlie right leg; Wil­ ;ye resultedr-from the division ' of fraternity; Sohneider was a ! mem* Silver avenue. ' to- contact ' :the- Mayfair, Theatre e highway and creation of the 1595 Clinton place. her of the varsity basketball team Immediate post-high school age and ing work were 'presented' yesterday iam p r fi® four received their bachelor of Hist Teacher those a few years older for- placing morning at the Senior High School's concerning a showing of the Aim ■ N g i f l erpass some distance away from o f * the Newark TeChnRal School at the local theatre, oy street. N.He said the courlis science degrees In mechanical engi­ and was president of his class la Mlaohln Is the first sohool teacher [them properly In occupations. She closing assembly, when the annual man, x% of 1500 Liberty avenue, neering. to come under, the draft- In Hlhsl-de. Jowitt reported the. following con­ wounds in the neck., right leg and joably would uphold -the state in his senior.year. All four were mem­ said additional. years of training, “Moving Up jhjjjcises’’ were held. While a t the. Jj6W£rk College of He Is a manual training Instructor compulsory attendance a t schools tagious diseases for . fee’ month of hip, and Richard Kugelmann, 18, dispute with a., municipality. bers of the American Society of May: German measles 79, measles Phe pommittee agreed to give in, Erigiieeriiig Faber was a member Mechanical Engineers. .In (he high school. The Board of [or more vocational training may be - Albert Iasler, retiring president 'of; of 1419 Hlawatlia avenue, struck nove the light, but ordered Town- Education so fa r has reached no the fiMfis.
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