Residential T ravel Plan Statement Fyfield Business Park, Chipping Ongar, Essex Prepared for Bovis Homes Limited by Stuart Michael Associates Limited February 2017 Coombe House Coombe Square Thatcham Berkshire RG19 4JF T: 01635 867711 F: 01635 861715 SMA Ref: 5595/TPS E: [email protected] W: www.stuartmichael.co.uk Issue Status: DRAFT DOCUMENT CONTROL Project Fyfield Business Park, Chipping Ongar, Essex Job No. 5595 Document Title Residential Travel Plan Statement N:\Admin Project\5500 to 5599\5595 - Chipping Ongar Travel Plan\Reports\5595 - File Location Chipping Ongar TPS.doc Prepared by Claire Harrison Date 09.02.2017 Reviewed by Martin Ohrland Date 22.02.2017 Approved by Martin Ohrland Date 22.02.2017 Document Issue Description / Changes Revised by Date Draft For Clients Consideration 24.02.2017 COPYRIGHT The copyright for this document rests with Stuart Michael Associates Limited. Copyright for documents and other published sources of information prepared by others and used in the document may rest with others. The contents, in whole or in part, of this document are restricted for use by the client and Stuart Michael Associates Limited in connection with the project in accordance with the terms of engagement. Stuart Michael Associates Limited accepts no liability or responsibility for use of this document for purposes other than those originally intended. Third parties relying on the contents of the document do so at their own risk. No part of the contents of this document may be copied from any digital viewing system maintained to provide access for public scrutiny or any other source without written permission from the Company Secretary of Stuart Michael Associates Limited. © Stuart Michael Associates Limited 2017 Stuart Michael Associates Ltd. Registered in England and Wales. Registration Number: 3739154 Registered Office: Coombe House, Coombe Square, Thatcham, Berkshire RG19 4JF. Telephone: 01635 867711 Facsimile: 01635 861715. 5595 Fyfield Business Park, Chipping Ongar, Essex Residential Travel Plan Statement Bovis Homes Limited CONTENTS SECTIONS PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 3 2.0 PLANNING POLICY AND GUIDANCE 6 3.0 THE DEVELOPMENT AND ACCESSIBLITY 8 4.0 AIM AND OBJECTIVES 15 5.0 TRAVEL PLAN MEASURES AND COMMUNICATION STRATEGY 16 6.0 MANAGEMENT OF THE TRAVEL PLAN 22 FIGURES Figure 1.1 Site Location & Local Highway Network Plan Figure 3.1 Accessibility Plan Figure 3.2 PROW and Walking Facilities Figure 3.3 Existing Bus Services APPENDICES Appendix 1 Site Plan STUART MICHAEL ASSOCIATES 1 5595 Fyfield Business Park, Chipping Ongar, Essex Residential Travel Plan Statement Bovis Homes Limited ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CIHT Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation DfT Department for Transport ECC Essex County Council EFDC Epping Forest District Council GTA Guidance on Transport Assessment LHA Local Highway Authority MFS Manual for Streets NPPF National Planning Policy Framework PPG Planning Practice Guidance SMA Stuart Michael Associates TA Transport Assessment TP Travel Plan STUART MICHAEL ASSOCIATES 2 5595 Fyfield Business Park, Chipping Ongar, Essex Residential Travel Plan Statement Bovis Homes Limited 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Residential Travel Plan Statement (RTPS), hereafter referred to as the Travel Plan, has been prepared by Stuart Michael Associates Limited (SMA) following granting of Outline Planning Consent (application no: EPF/3006/14) for residential development on land at Fyfield Business Park in Chipping Ongar (the site), located within Essex. The site location is shown on Figure 1.1 . 1.2 Planning consent has been granted for 105; two, three, four and five bedroom; residential dwellings, of which 42% will be affordable units (44 dwellings), access and public open space (including childrens play areas) and associated parking on-site infrastructure. A site masterplan is contained in Appendix 1 . 1.3 The site-wide proposal for Fyfield Business Park will provide a small retail unit (140 sqm), two sports pitches and will retain the existing café and crèche and 4,622 sqm of B1 office floorspace. 1.4 SMA has been appointed by Bovis Homes Limited (the Developer) to prepare the Final Travel Plan Statement for the residential development and to provide and implement the Residential Travel Information Packs, in line with Planning Condition 15, to help promote a sustainable development, which encourages use of modes other than private car. 1.5 Planning Condition 15 states: Prior to first occupation of the proposed development, the Developer shall be responsible for the provision and implementation of a Residential Travel Information Pack for sustainable transport, approved by Essex County Council, to include six one day travel vouchers for use with the relevant local public transport operator . Site Description 1.6 The development is located at Fyfield Business Park, on the B184, Fyfield Road, approximately 1,300 metres north of Chipping Ongar (B184, Fyfield Road / A414, Chelmsford Road roundabout). 1.7 The development is bound by the B184, Fyfield Road / Ongar Road along the western boundary of the site. To the north are offices, which are part of Fyfield Business Park, including a café and a crèche. To the south and east of the site is farmland. STUART MICHAEL ASSOCIATES 3 5595 Fyfield Business Park, Chipping Ongar, Essex Residential Travel Plan Statement Bovis Homes Limited 1.8 The site will be accessed via a new three-arm roundabout to the north of the existing priority controlled junction along the B184, Fyfield Road. This access solution was agreed as part of the consented scheme, which would see the existing priority controlled T-junction closed, albeit retained for access to two cottages, known as Boarded Barns Cottages, and as an emergency access to the proposed residential development. 1.9 The proposed development makes provision for pedestrians by including a pedestrian link from the site into Chipping Ongar to the south. This facility will be an approximately 700m long and generally 2m wide footway alongside the B184, Fyfield Road. There are sections which will be less than 2m wide due to physical constraints and the limit of the public highway. ( Figure 3.2 ). 1.10 Chipping Ongar has a number of local facilities located within 2km walking distance south of the site. This includes Ongar Primary School, The Ongar Academy, Ongar Health Centre, Ongar Leisure Centre, a Nisa convenience store, a restaurant and a fish-and-chips take-away shop. The Travel Plan 1.11 Moving into a new home provides an opportunity to establish new patterns of travel behaviour from the outset. The implementation of the Travel Plan aims to deliver a number of measures to ensure there is priority towards making new developments sustainable from the outset. 1.12 A series of measures will be implemented by the TPC and promoted to residents. These will encourage and incentivise sustainable travel choices, notably through the distribution of a Travel Information Pack (TIP). The TIP provides a key source of communication with residents, providing an overview of all available travel options, route maps and promotional measures. 1.13 This Travel Plan Statement has been prepared with reference to Essex County Councils (ECC) Guidance Notes for Residential Travel Plan for New Residential Developments. Reference has also been made to wider national guidance, best practice and SMAs extensive experience in the preparation and implementation of Travel Plans. STUART MICHAEL ASSOCIATES 4 5595 Fyfield Business Park, Chipping Ongar, Essex Residential Travel Plan Statement Bovis Homes Limited Assessment Methodology 1.14 In preparation of this Travel Plan document, the following methodology has been undertaken: Desktop research of national and local policy requirements; Assessment of the current and proposed infrastructure works to facilitate travel on foot, cycle and public transport to/from the development; A review of existing public transport provision, timetable information, bus routes and rail services; Consideration of appropriate measures in encourage modal shift away from the private car and towards the use of foot, cycle and public transport. 1.15 The remainder of this document sets out the strategy for the delivery of the various Travel Plan measures to be implemented. This strategy aims to raise awareness of the sustainable travel choices available to residents to encourage a shift from single occupancy car use. STUART MICHAEL ASSOCIATES 5 5595 Fyfield Business Park, Chipping Ongar, Essex Residential Travel Plan Statement Bovis Homes Limited 2.0 PLANNING POLICY AND GUIDANCE 2.1 As a consequence of the increasing pressures on the transport network and a national focus on climate change the Government has identified the need for sustainable development. By definition Sustainable development seeks to achieve, Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (ref: The Brundtland Commission, 1987). 2.2 New developments present the opportunity to change existing travel patterns and behaviours, with Travel Plans acting as an important mechanism to assist with promoting sustainable travel patterns from new developments. 2.3 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), March 2012, is centred on a presumption in favour of sustainable development (ref: para 14) seeking to deliver development that meets the needs of the local area. 2.4 The NPPF considers that transport policies have an important role to play in facilitating sustainable development
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