THE EVOLUTION OF KÂNÛNNÂME WRITING IN THE 16TH AND 17TH CENTURY-OTTOMAN EMPIRE: A COMPARISON OF KÂNÛN-İ „OSMÂNÎ OF BAYEZĠD II AND KÂNÛNNÂME-İ CEDÎD A Master‟s Thesis by FATMA GÜL KARAGÖZ Department Of History Bilkent University Ankara September 2010 THE EVOLUTION OF KÂNÛNNÂME WRITING IN THE 16TH AND 17TH CENTURY-OTTOMAN EMPIRE: A COMPARISON OF KÂNÛN-İ „OSMÂNÎ OF BAYEZĠD II AND KÂNÛNNÂME-İ CEDÎD The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University by FATMA GÜL KARAGÖZ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS in THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY BILKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA September 2010 I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in History. --------------------------- Prof. Dr. Halil Ġnalcık Supervisor I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in History. --------------------------- Prof. Dr. Evgeni R. Radushev Examining Committee Member I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in History. --------------------------- Prof. Dr. Bahaeddin Yediyıldız Examining Committee Member Approval of the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences --------------------------- Prof. Dr. Erdal Erel Director ABSTRACT THE EVOLUTION OF KÂNÛNNÂME WRITING IN THE 16TH AND 17TH CENTURY-OTTOMAN EMPIRE: A COMPARISON OF KÂNÛN-İ OSMÂNÎ OF BAYEZĠD II AND KÂNÛNNÂME-İ CEDÎD Karagöz, Fatma Gül M.A., Department of History Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Halil Ġnalcık September 2010 This thesis aims to analyze the changes in the concept of kânûnnâme in the Ottoman Empire from the 16th till the late 17th century. The kânûnnâme, an „urfî code of laws issued by the authority of the sultan, is one of the key factors in order to understand the nature of the Ottoman Law. By the late 17th century, the word kânûnnâme gained a new definition with the inclusion of the şer„î law. The kânûnnâme of Bayezid II, is an example of the urf„î law. However, after the times of Bayezid II, the field of urf„î law, especially the land law, was going to be explained by the terms of şerʻî law. Kânûnnâme-i Cedîd is most likely an example of a land code which combines urf„î law and şer„î law. This thesis aims the fulfillment of three objectives: This first objective is to analyze the technical and legal aspects of the kânûnnâmes written from the times of iii Bayezid II till 1674 which is the date of fermân included in the end of many versions of Kânûnnâme-i Cedîd. The possible reasons behind this evolution will be examined in this part. Second object is to compare the Kânûnnâme of Bayezid II and Kânûnnâme-i Cedîd in order to understand the practical result of the evolution. The third object is to find the most faithful version of Kânûnnâme-i Cedîd by an attempt of édition critique. Keywords: Kânûn, Kânûnnâme, ‘Urf, Şer‘, Bayezid II, Ahmed I, Kânûnnâme-i Cedîd iv ÖZET 16. VE 17. YÜZYIL OSMANLI ĠMPARATORLUĞU‟NDA KÂNÛNNÂME YAZIMININ GELĠġĠMĠ: II. BAYEZĠD‟ĠN KÂNÛN-İ OSMÂNÎSĠ ĠLE KÂNÛNNÂME-İ CEDÎD‟ĠN MUKAYESESĠ Karagöz, Fatma Gül Yüksek Lisans, Tarih Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Halil Ġnalcık Eylül 2010 Bu tez, Osmanlı Ġmparatorluğu‟nda 16. yüzyıldan geç 17. yüzyıla kânûnnâme kavramındaki değiĢimleri incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. PadiĢahın yetkisi ile çıkarılan örfî bir kanunu ifade eden kânûnnâme, Osmanlı Hukuku‟nun yapısını anlayabilmek için gerekli anahtarlardan biridir. 17. yüzyıla doğru, kânûnnâme kelimesi, şerî hukuku da içeren yeni bir tanım kazanmıĢtır. II. Bayezid‟in kânûnnâmesi „örfî hukukun bir örneğidir. Ancak, II. Bayezid Dönemi‟nde sonra, „örfî hukuk alanı, özellikle toprak hukuku, şerî hukuk terimleriyle açıklanmaya baĢlanmıĢtır. Kânûnnâme-i Cedîd „örfî hukuk ve şer„î hukuku bir araya getiren bir toprak kanunu olarak tanımlanmaya yakındır. v Bu tez üç amacı gerçekleĢtirmeyi hedeflemektedir. Ġlk olarak II. Bayezid Dönemi‟nden Kânûnnâme-i Cedîd‟in pek çok nüshasında en sonda yer alan fermânın tarihi olan 1674 yılına kadar yapılmıĢ olan kânûnnâmelerin teknik ve hukukî yönleri değerlendirilecektir. Kânûnnâme kavramındaki değiĢimin sebepleri bu Ģekilde incelenecektir. Ġkinci olarak, II. Bayezid‟in Kânûnnâmesi ile Kânûnnâme-i Cedîd arasında bir karĢılaĢtırma yapılarak bu değiĢimin sonuçları incelenecektir. Üçüncü amaç ise bir metin tenkidi denemesi ile Kânûnnâme-i Cedîd‟in aslına en sadık nüshasını tespit etmeye çalıĢmak olacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kânûn, Kânûnnâme, „Örf, ġer„, Bayezid II, Ahmed I, Kânûnnâme-i Cedîd vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Halil Ġnalcık. He proposed me this subject and he generously shared his vast knowledge, his experience and his archives with me and he helped me with his valuable recommendations. I especially owe him my thanks for showing me the importance of analyzing the facts with a wide perspective. I would also like to thank Prof. Dr. Evgeni Radushev of Bilkent University and Prof. Dr. Bahaeddin Yediyıldız of Hacettepe University for their helpful comments about my thesis. I would like to thank to the directors and the personnel of Süleymaniye Library in Ġstanbul, Turkish National Society Library in Ankara and Koyunoğlu Museum Library in Konya. They helped me for finding the necessary materials of my thesis and they made the process of writing of my thesis easier. My studies at Bilkent University were very productive because of the valuable teachings I have received from Prof. Dr. Özer Ergenç, Dr. Eugenia Kermeli and Dr. Oktay Özel. Each of them have a different yet an important impression upon me during my education and I am grateful to them for that. I would like to thank Dr. Fatih Bayram of Fatih University for helping me on the transliteration part of my thesis. I also have to thank to the staff of Bilkent University Department of History, Eser Sunar, Birsen Çınar and to especially to Nebahat Simin who is no more working at Bilkent. vii My life at Ankara became much more enjoyable (and sometimes tolerable) because of my classmates and friends. Between my classmates I have to give my special thanks to Elvin Otman who is always ready to help, and Gizem KaĢoturacak, whose observations upon people is almost every time correct for their moral and technical support. I would also like to thank to AyĢegül Avcı who, in the last four years is not tired from trying to show me that a different way of thinking upon certan matters is possible and understandable to. Also, I would like to IĢık Demirakın, Harun Yeni and Veysel ġimĢek, the three members of “Fantastic Four” whose support and friendships are valuable to me. I owe very much to my family who has always been supportive about my “adventure of Ankara”. I would also thank to my “three sisters” from high school and “three sisters” from the college at Ġstanbul, who supported my nerves, my intolerance and my absence from events during this study. Finally, I would like to express my thanks to my teachers, my colleagues and my friends at BahçeĢehir University Faculty of Law for creating a pleasant atmosphere of work. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ........................................................................................... iii ÖZET ....................................................................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................... vii TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................... ix CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ......................................................... 1 CHAPTER II: 16TH CENTURY KÂNÛNNÂME WRITING PART I: THE ROOTS OF A MYTH ........................................................... 12 2.1 Kanun-i Osmani of Bayezid II ........................................................................ 16 2.2 The codifications of Selim I ............................................................................ 35 2.3 The Codifications of Süleyman I ................................................................... 46 CHAPTER III: 16TH CENTURY KÂNÛNNÂME WRITING PART 2: LAW IN THE TIMES OF CHANGE ............................................ 59 3.1 The legacy of a father: Law in the times of Selim II...................................... 64 3.2 The end of an era ............................................................................................. 74 CHAPTER IV: 17TH CENTURY KÂNÛNNÂME WRITING: LAW IN THE TIMES OF CRISIS ............................................................... 90 4.1 Law at the times of Ahmed I ........................................................................... 95 4.2 Law and Consolidation of the Power from the times of Ahmed I till late 17th Century…………………………………………………………………………104 4.3 Kânûnnâme-i Cedîd....................................................................................... 113 CHAPTER V: A COMPARISON OF KAVÂNÎN-Ġ „ÖRFĠYYE-Ġ OSMANÎ AND KÂNÛNNÂME-Ġ CEDÎD ....................................... 123 5.1 Transfer of mîrî land‟s disposition by “inheritance” ..................................... 127 5.2 Legal protection of mîrî land in Kânûnnâme-i Cedîd ................................... 138 ix 5.3 Other Regulations .......................................................................................... 144 CHAPTER VI: CONCLUSION ....................................................... 150 BIBLIOGRAPHY
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