RIDE? S Ardcliaffmsialice. Ther

RIDE? S Ardcliaffmsialice. Ther

f;. l e r s I; ^ i Boucax. : PaW COCK. ■NO. 3 0 2 1 iISLSS? M. »#C ««srtor. \ r, S3EPTEMBE R 11, 1915. HBJBFBOfTE ..M ,,, AX),:HA8TIN08. {■ iin. } ON E P EN N Y sy am oant for OMk. cu’sTcLOTHJNG aM f lankHf. CoitaiDi. au<i 1X09.1 iOid Gold. 6ilr«r : pirompt remittaBo«. Summer Wear wiH rlequire that r putcPaoen eaubot <U» INISH |wMch is ithe HALL MARK of our wbirk A l^ SerftaW fieglv V Ectabiiabed JZt Tajia 3iE Y * LtDok^ V IULA, BAT. •'AHpS, will gtT« . boat teotl^niBo'ft, and Child. ic N otices. JE?rAllKL lUDRESS. of ererr d ^ xlionk Hhuold be m i NOTICE OF BEMOTAL. Kll St. Iieonardt. P to Uiaianoe no (jrAiETY T h e a t r e , H a s t in x is . •R. A br a m , f .r.c .o ., -ad Ies’ Establishments. (Orgntttfi of the Ghuroh of St. Mary StwT'Ofdh^Sei^. Bluaifr: MU H \V noti-LVM' of 13m Organ, I Pianoterte and Siagint. ' 'i ^ lir.l.ltlt Mbi MR. C. £ . SCCflT. •B- liayxDony. and OompoaitieD, etc., hae reanored^to 4, ST. [EI,EN’B PABK liOiU). HASTINGS, wh«e NTT BOROUGH OF HASTING^ MICHAEL'S PKSTABATaMT t OPEN'S at .111-1 frm- pLEICTRICALj & RTipLES FOR I EI.. I'll lICXil OKB'I ^ will •«ramc hie ProfeMioiial dnbee ba MOND^*. EDUCATION COMMITTEE. SCHOOL. a t ?!s3 SK PT O -tEU 79Uj. ^ ^ rtOJIA,'’ iNATcnnAY:. s>) ITEMBEU rtfh , ^and . IJB. BAM alM Ttfite pnpila « i their owa Be^i* j^ UNDS CBtiENTLY NEEDED fiir oarryiag on, and 3ik CH ARLES ROAD. If 74.-., K ll I'KNWlM’S VCCE?S of theI HiARHiAl Rl- - (^ianuty good A~i • -I dance. for the further exteneio-u of, THE 'WORE OF THE m e r i c A m overuuient rejectiona.^ 5S KKKW IX- Kor t< for le^ae, apply to Dr. Abram, at OMBAlRT SfiHOOL UPPER ST. L.KGNARDR4>N«BA. 9d C’cj., AahtOKL__ vig a lo re "CHTBCH ARMY RECREATION TENTS and TOTS PriociluJ: JOSS AMT TATIOB. kie, in jpicbdid 0 RAND O p s ’ A C o m p a n y in the TAriouB campe. '' B ^ I T A M M I A l 6T. H E L E N S. j Iliwbp<i<^e» ^'orn^B . flu ’ Now Opera Head M istrw s; MISS N. CLARK.^iB A. TheJSchool will o,.ea oo WcdoeedeT. September SR — ___ _*l* ’UHPAiy, MATibtKK: .Contributions will be thankfnny roceired by the Hon. ror Fruepectue .apply (o the FrinoipdL X dngle «tou6 dvunond .4.NO J •itClU'.Vv' FrHxTlXU:.’v*ri V, Th(. Er.'r Popnliit O] Local Sccrctariee— S0UND, GENERAL EDUCATION f. r GirM'Drii icatbi (inioraotVedj. War ! m | is. C harles S trickland 10 to It rsaxi of ago, wifb pn-vision of H‘Xt) booke, i any time.—U«ifee and f •• -riiK hiuiE-tiiAN tiinL.:’ d.. St. Leonaids.. —tc4A I.All'H-lST •OMl’AN'Y E V ER SP MRS.; RYLE, Astatiottery and tram tokeiirs at u low iuclm^ive fee, uudjsr •T t! 2a\STlMlj»S. <Tl OHCUKBTRAo of 35. {NEB ABRAM). ROAD, ST LEO 4R D S < PH ' >NE h902. Board j of Edocatiou'e Uesnlatious. SotKor b^thSy KTLEHEN’ s ESTABUlSIUaBKTa. GiLAfeSKS, b& t Qtiality I i! ■ - ME. bERBERT RYLE, | aituatod on tram route. Ligbt.. large, airy cl^s-nxmia, gL;ial]Kuld tipring clip; MiixpAY iKPTKMBKll i.shta and' e I Pi^oiyt, .\ccompa.\ccompani<it and boprano Vocalfct, two jimg« balls, single devka, 'Science Laboratooy, oroupi .and th e chatfie ,K- ■ |>aturd^y 43. Sedlebcombe Rnadi South, eooktiiy; roooM. three asphalt tennia courts, boek^, iV, 0i)ticiun’a, 16» Loq. T\ e s i 4 e 8 e n g a gtEMENTS e for At Homed, Concert*, St. Leonard*. kiidietl {ball, badminton, etc. Hot luueb at a amah HOLHWOOl) SCIOOI. U>45 etrj UHoeiTM* or Twtd pupiia for Piano, Violin, charge)^ Stall al! giaduates bolding Teae'hmg Diplom a. 'w ief: X i Gh t l V at 6.30 & 8.^5. jUarp, (irgau. Singing and T b ^ ry .of MuAic. | Syiitra^ie Preparation for London .Matricul.ition, Uav^r- BEXHILL-ON-SEA. aity, l^ a l and Entranco Scbolarebip Examinatton, £x- Headmirtert UB. A. F. BRTAN. B.A.. leleri Loel* I MONrf ,Ti:.\V K \R K R T ' eellenti ancoeeaea j CLES-WANTEO. (Proiirlct 'r «>f th*' M mijn Rouse, Paru»,. 4, dT. HELENS PABE KOAU. HASTINGS. Ji£6iBt«d by a Strong Staff of ffTiriitnrof I’trow iiU iJ*u tiicat Loudon Siu-cerA M r * V a l M a r r i o t t I m D n e Proapeotus, etc., from the Head Mirtraaa or the Clerk ' Masters. to tbq Governors, 16. Wvl'iusUju Square, Haetinpk I Claremont, JJESUM E8 LESSONIS in Violin Playing, otoL UED.\BATION for the UnlTarrttijBa,. praf«aiaaiL haUllof .■ ‘‘ JjE M oulin . R o u g e ’ P PublicL uuuv Sahoote,aviiMwin, rtc.ru... Speaielo^ewwi tE i ■ ' !> / fACE P ier S t . L eo nards, TUESDAY, SE PT E M B E E 21et. | Bilu^ual I. to Mckern Laagnagee, Ohenieal and Xply Ito Meeara. Oitmor LET ; aGanlilLilind Associatiotn Ltd. to rr. Oywnagimn, etc. T he Seboed U II* «ini B artiiiga.________jtc70 [Ject .fmiii flic Lftndon r u Pict‘*^MJ..!y f t M»n:«er: EUWAKO TAN BIKN-E. For Torrea addr^as—*' IN^RPORArEDi 1 ^ Thii Hastii |s and Si . Leenardi 'grevaac ol-seseB*..-eMnk-- pper' Bridge«txeot. Ca^ t here it diiivvu «rowi(k)d lki«b)Ce for mootliri .p id a t ' :T ^ s ' atUkcM. At vuirei r i f t I ill. Uty of gent.’» clothing; iMOMJVAUIS to the 1’AV Now FROM l’ABl$ 25. TKVENSET ROAD, A DV|\NCES frofti ;g[s tjiBWSiriM % iSrsottai or plhelr Security, re* iiei’ Cbliega, ' j' Hlustraed prospeeto* pa clotiiea, booia».ete.( HASTINiiS. C/or^eouH Omvee and originel aONn. SBPTKMBKK 13th. 9t 8 and 'WHDNES- l1Ay.!l^’ElI>A\^ s At u r i j '*: I ST. LEONAB08*ON413A. DANB BOAD and CUMREUIiAND GABOENS. jgoo^ ioiwarded,. a4 . I'tf.d’.K Uf-Ii. -------- ----------- l i , a t 3 - ayaBle By instalmi^nts upon folloi ing terms: LE0NAEDS4JMEA. f . ITDTliE. pianos ornS- ‘•riVK t.'ENTKN'I'E CORDIALK” 'X «to..> and trade atocka £ 5 ,12 ijrtenthly paym ents of 10 epilllngs r 2 t, 12 m onthly pejiym ents of £2 Patron. THE LpED BISHOP OF CHIGHESTE^. HASTINGS GRAMMAS SCMOOL. rte TWICE NIGHTLY. 1 nof9 oppu at 6.1.‘* and 8.30.«> R utland R^rrington, nail o t large quantkiEe; n cWmam of Council: SIR W. MACKWOBTH^ yolktetODA —tc2.52 ~"T IJ0l^E It 6.5C. SEC tiN It HO-lJSE paym ents of £ |5 j And longor peria ^5: 1 ; at R46. H astings jPiER C o m pa n y . fi|$0,12 m onthly lU. YOUNG. K-C.S.L M.A.. J.P. j ' IT U R E ” piunoe, orna. ayden offin TOtheij amo'amounts in [proportion. Principal: MISS C. e-jE. BATTTE (Final Hontjur eto., ^ and trade atocka Mcia1 Rruo*: h irer Cufl and Or.'h^tra Stallfi ;C* H C , :»4aia«|t«r! P. R BA;^r.0W . U .A-. B j R uaU o r large q a a n tititt; ! J)re«« IU:-n'-e. E p p 'r (.'iTi-io lO'.-niTp; limited • v r OTIC'K IS Ill-JBEBY GIVEN th at tire School; jof Ni^tural ScicucA, O xford: -Late A<aictast And a Oamp»'i7 of Star Artibte. in a mueir.al aii^ Special:ial Iterms!iterms [forfor IdansIc on [approved securities Mistrees of the Clapham Hi^b School for Oirl». Londow; U Edlkeatonow tcbg A U . MAY JIEr KEbKr EI». 1.41 .ADJOURNED • EXTRAORDINARY is: 5th Battaiiott Bbyal Boaex BeflaMi i Come<^F Entertainment,' <cu<;h ae ia ueoally only to j Late Lectxuer University l/ London Goldnaitb^e College. k of F U lN iT U B E 'ox fBESERVEP SKATS ]’ strilh, *:s. Vpper (fircle I lie wit nflwed in a Lc.fldjon Theatre. f AIEETING OF .SHASF.HOLDBRS will be CaP or write to the !j)ranchi Manager—• WILLIAM A. WI: 50N . rehaeed, for eaah; bed ■d lyt. hi. (iuUcry, Ai The' Begulat Staff iDcludva:~ [ 6d., 2a., Is., 6>i No Pie; TOlLj. No booking held in the PAVlI-lON on the PIER on 99. QUEEN’S RD. HASltlNGS M ISS ICOLDW ELL (Fimal Honours, Oxford, in Hietbiry, bUabed ftnn are in tba THURSDAY, the 30th Day of SEPTEMB ER. Willb O zforl Teacher'e Diploioal. in tj^ diatrioi—Call or at 11.30 o’clock in the forenoon, when Office hours 7 to ^ p.m . j Saturdays l o t o i . m i s s " BINDLEY (Final Honoars, Oxford, Englia^. Acting Headmastor: ^BEV. Ti J. THOBBinor* d>, Hiiatioga. , t<<9 i——— — su ss 1 FLEMING.. B.A..B.A., London (with London Tjo LL.D., Chrlrt a Oollaige, Camhgidde. nowhere to* ‘UNDAT. S E P tE M B E R 19th, at 5 and 8 - the foUowintt Resolution will he ag-ain pro-: CMr’a Diploma). ii; tttofjtw large: nbole ii H astings P ier. posed, viz. IC tsa Ib URPOUD aiigber Ortifleate. N.P.U.). I joall or aend« S «* MADAm e B. ALEXANDKU, A.JLC.bL, L.BJLM., .- h ^ a s , j flenenilj M;t'iia2"r| MU. C:HAK-irfiS HAWKEi. i S aPELLNIIKOFF I " That the Mtetihff approves of [the Piano. Harmony, and Sinrlng. Lar^e Staff of. Ssi^esteoiBd r deMriptioD wanted— ^home_ submitted by the DirectoTsl for MISS Ih e LEN MACGREGOa-Violio.

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