“ YOUNG ISRAEL OF HOLLYWOOD-FT. LAUDERDALE Rabbi Yosef Weinstock, Senior Rabbi Rabbi Adam Frieberg, Assistant Rabbi Rabbi Edward Davis, Rabbi Emeritus & Sephardic Minyan Rabbi David Lasko, President 3291 Stirling Road, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 954-966-7877 email: [email protected] www.yih.org Rosh HaShanah 1 & 2 Tishrei 5781 Shabbat September 19, 2020 Sunday September 20, 2020 L'Shanah tovah teekatev v'taychatem May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year OUR YIH FAMILY…. Mazal Tov: Rose & Rami Ovadia and family on the marriage of Jacob & Michal Ovadia and to the Mizrahi family and Amselem family and Shabbot family Nora & Matthew Teltser on the engagement of their daughter Samantha to Michael Ackerstein of Brookline, MA, son of Joan & Joe Ackerstein of Newton, MA Mati & Elana Grauer on the birth of their son Miles Emanuel (Moshe Emmanuel) Mitch & Mia Slugh on the birth of their daughter, and to grandparents Stuart & Janice Slugh and Jeffrey & Susan Sava Welcome New Members: David & Chaya Salamon David & Michelle Roisman Dany & Binyamina Zahavi OUR IDF LONE SOLDIERS Eitan Ben-Aharon, Emma Frank, Lauren Friedman, Zev Goldberg, Sara Shulamit Klein, Noa Markovitz, Nathaniel Melnitsky, Phoebe Zucker [Please contact the shul office to add a name to this list] REFUAH SHLEIMAH Cholim: Binyamin Simcha ben Adina Minya (Binny Ciment), David HaKohen ben Esther (Lev Kandinov’s father), Israel ben Rachel Leah (Izzy Sabo-Chanan Sabo’s father), Melech Yonah ben Gittel (Jonathan Kalish's father), Moshe ben Masha (Craig Barany), Netanel Elan ben Shayna Tzipporah (wounded IDF soldier), Shmuel ben Leah, Solomon ben Solika (Solomon Perez-Ilana Melnitsky’s father), Yehuda Arieh ben Mindla (Philippe Leiberman’s father), Yitzchak Chanoch ben Chana (nephew of Vanessa Shamah and Lauren Davis), Yitzchak Mendel ben Sarah Baila (Sammy Shapiro's father), Yoseph Benyamin ben Cochava (Ralph Sharaby’s son), Yussel ben Hinda Leah (Joel Bofshever-Dorie Ehrenreich’s father) Cholot: Ahuva bat Friedel, Batya bat Sara, Chana Ety bat Zirel Libah, Devora bat Sheina Baila, Esther Shayna bat Nechama Mintza (Isabella Zummo's mother), Feiga Necha bat Pessel (Fay Lerner), Masha bat Ruth (Marcia Chonchol-Craig Barany’s mother), Nechama Chaya bat Sima (Mimi Jankovits' mother), Rivka bat Sarah, Rivkah Chaya bat Devora (Reva Shapiro, daughter of Debbie & Sammy Shapiro), Rivka bat Elka Libe (Mark Langer's sister), Sara Leah bat Rochel (Cynthia Lynn Haber-Cheryl Hamburg’s sister), Sara Leah bat Bracha (Stacey Deutsch), Sara bat Aviva (Eliana Lifshultz), Shira Raizel Esther bat Mina Zosha (Ruth Messer’s granddaughter), Yocheved bat Tzril (Joan Niad), Yocheved bat Henya Sheindel (Jessica Schultz) Please contact the office if someone on this list has, Baruch Hashem, recovered. 2 We wish you and your loved ones a healthy and happy New Year! We hope that your High Holidays are meaningful, even as they may be different than past years. Our synagogue is the center of Jewish life in Hollywood and our budget depends on the generosity of you, our supporters and friends. The Kol Nidrei Appeal is our largest fundraiser of the year and enables us to continue to operate and maintain our shul. The Kol Nidre Appeal committee is working hard to reach every one of our members. Please be courteous to your solicitors, as they volunteer their time to help our shul. If you have already contributed we thank you for your continued support. Your generous response demonstrates your identification with the mission and impact of our shul. Many of our past supporters have been financially impacted by the global pandemic. Please consider increasing your pledge, if you are able to do so. We ask everyone who benefits from our shul to make a meaningful contribution to ensure our continued viability as the central address of Torah, Tefila and Chesed for over 600 families. Please help us reach our goal of raising $300,000 with 100% participation from our membership at this most important time of the year. Pledges can be made by calling the shul office or online at www.yih.org/kolnidre5781 3 Friday, September 18 Erev Rosh Hashanah 7:02pm Light Yom Tov Candles 7:10pm Mincha/Maariv Open Seating Shul or Club or Tent Shabbat, September 19 First Day Rosh Hashanah Morning Service Please only attend your assigned minyan 7:00am Shacharit / Mussaf Shul 7:00am Shacharit / Mussaf Club 7:30am Shacharit / Mussaf Tent 8:30am Shacharit /Mussaf Sephardic Minyan Club downstairs 10:00am Shacharit / Mussaf Shul 10:00am Shacharit / Mussaf Club 10:00am Shacharit / Mussaf Beit Midrash Evening Service 7:00pm Mincha/Shiur/Maariv Open Seating Shul or Club or Tent 7:00pm Mincha/Shiur/Maariv Sephardic Minyan Club downstairs After 7:59pm Light Yom Tov Candles Sunday, September 20 Second Day Rosh Hashanah Morning Service Please only attend your assigned minyan 7:00am Shacharit/Shofar/Mussaf Shul 7:00am Shacharit/Shofar/Mussaf Club 7:30am Shacharit/Shofar/Mussaf Tent 8:30am Shacharit/Shofar/Mussaf Sephardic Minyan Club downstairs 10:00am Shacharit/Shofar/Mussaf Shul 10:00am Shacharit/Shofar/Mussaf Club 10:00am Shacharit/Shofar/Mussaf Beit Midrash Evening Service 7:00pm Mincha/Shiur/Maariv Open Seating Shul or Club or Tent 7:00pm Mincha/Shiur/Maariv Sephardic Minyan Club downstairs 7:58pm Yom Tov ends 4 Location Time Shofar Blower 4141 N. 41 Street 11:00 AM Avi Ciment Arapahoe-3312 SW 57th Place 11:00 AM Stan Frohlinger 5140 N. 36 Court- backyard 11:00 AM Eli Hagler 3611 North 33rd Terrace 11:00 AM Shaya Gutleizer 3960 North 39th Avenue 11:30 AM Avial Raab Hollywood Oaks East-5633 Live Oak Terrace 12:00 PM Marc Morse Hollywood Oaks West-5561 Oakview Terrace 1:00 PM Danny Hoisman Mara Giulanti Park 1:30 PM Marc Eisenman Arapahoe- 3350 SW 57th Place 2:15 PM Marc Eisenman Oakridge Park 3:00 PM Rabbi Shmaya Wax 3351 North 40th Street 3:00 PM Joey Betesh 4709 N. 39th Street- Woods of Emerald Hills 3:30 PM Maish Staiman Fairways Parking Lot right outside the clubhouse door 3:30 PM Dani Bengio Oakridge Park 4:00 PM Rabbi Shmaya Wax 4001 N. 45th Ave 4:00 PM Rabbi Davis 3500 N. 52nd Ave 4:00 PM Levi Kahane Shul 5:00 PM Zach Schenker Hollywood Oaks East-5633 Live Oak Terrace 5:00 PM Marc Morse Oakridge Park 5:00 PM Rabbi Shmaya Wax Oakridge Park 6:00 PM Rabbi Shmaya Wax 5 Shabbat/Yom Tov Safety, Security & First Aid First Aid AED (Automated External Defibrillator), wheelchairs, oxygen, reflector belts for visibility (from the OU), and other equipment in closet next to Social Hall. Additional wheelchair is in the entry to the women’s bathroom. Rain Ponchos are available in both bathrooms. Security Crossing schedule: Stirling Road at SW 33rd Avenue Friday 5:30-8:30pm Shabbat 6:45am-1:45pm & 5:45-8:45pm Sunday 6:45am-1:30pm & 5:30-8:30pm When crossing Stirling Road, make sure to always wait until cars stop by the light before crossing and only cross at the cross walk. Jaywalking is extremely dangerous (& illegal). Monday, September 21 Fast of Gedaliah 6:00pm Fast Begins 6:00, 7:00 & 8:00am Shacharit 6:55pm Minchah 7:53pm Fast Ends WEEKDAY DAILY MINYANIM Tues.-Fri. Sept. 22-25 Minchah/Maariv: 7:05pm (one Minyan only) Shacharit beginning with Selichot: 6:00, 7:00, & 8:00 am SHABBAT SHUVA September 26 Candle lighting 6:54pm Shabbat ends 7:51pm 6 D’var Torah : Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Two Ideas from the Rosh Hashanah Torah Readings The Torah reading for the first day of Rosh Hashanah starts that Hashem remembered Sarah enabling her to conceive a child. The pasuk begins with the letter vav which Chazal understand to mean that it is connected with the previous story: when Avraham prayed for the healing of Avimelech and his household. Our Rabbis understand this vav as indicating that Hashem remembered Sarah even before Avimelech was cured in the merit of Avraham’s prayers. The Gemara in Baba Kamma 92a learns from here that anyone that seeks Divine mercy for his friend and he himself is in need of the same thing, then Hashem will first accept his prayers before having mercy on his friend. Since Avraham prayed for healing for someone else, he and his wife were granted healing first. This teaching highlights the importance and effectiveness of prayer on behalf of someone else. Later in today’s Torah reading we read how Hagar and Yishmael were sent away from Avraham’s household and got lost in the desert. Although Hagar prayed for her son, the Torah says that Hashem heard the voice of Yismael. From here the Midrash Rabbah learns that the prayer of a sick person is more effective than that of someone praying on their behalf. One can ask: Why wasn’t Hagar’s prayer accepted just as Avraham’s prayer was accepted? Rav Avigdor Nebenzahl explains that this seeming contradiction emphasizes a fundamental principle when it comes to prayer: “Rachmana Liba Ba’I” Hashem desires the heart. Everything depends on the intention and sincerity that we instill into our tefillot. The Torah itself hints to the fact that Hagar did not believe that her prayers would be effective as she says, “Let me not see the death of the child.” On Rosh Hashana we must appreciate the importance of tefillah and truly believe in the effectiveness of prayers recited with sincerity and intention that emanates from the heart. In the Torah reading for the second day of Rosh Hashanah we read that Avraham came down from Har HaMoriya, and hears about his brother Nachor's family and of the birth of Rivka.
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