the link' june 8 , 2010' thelinknewspaper.ca/news news 03 contents Defederation denied • news Concordia pilots plagiarism National lobby group won't recognize results of CSU March referendum prevention program • features How independent media is drawing the world around us fringe arts A corporate-free music festival turns ten III literary arts Turning words into art four minutes to midnight sports Lebanon's Awada holds rookie standing with Impact II opinions Draw Muhammad Day raises some radical heat ~LiNK .., ~ .., f ,\ ~ T r" ,,~ r f ~ Volume 31, Issue 01 editorial: (514) 848-2424 Tuesday, June 8, 2010 ext. 7405 arts: (514) 848-2424 ext. Concord ia University 5813 Ha ll Bu ilding. Room H-649 ads: (514) 848-2 424 ext. 1455 de MaisooneLNe Blvd. W. 8682 Montreal. Quebec H3G 1MB fax : (514) 848--4540 business: (514) 848--7406 ed ilor-i n-ch iel photo ed itor JUSTIN GIOVANNETII RILEY SPARKS news ed itor graph ics e1:J itor CHRISTOPHER CURTIS OPEN featu res ed itor managing ed itor CSU President Prince Ralph Osei and delegations from two other Quebec student unions saw their referendums to leave the CFS rejected at the lobby group's ADAM KOVAC LAURA BEESTON annual general meeting. PHOTO JUSTIN GIOVANNETTI fringe arls edilof layout manager ASHLEY OPHEIM JULIA WOLFE literary arts ed itor onl ine e1:J itor EMMA HEALEY OPEN • CHRISTOPHER CURTIS assembly. So now we'll just have from the CFS," said Osei. The CSU abided by rules sports editor business manager to lawyer-up and see what hap­ In February the CFS sent the approved by the British Columbia ALEX DI PIETRO RACHEL BOUCHER op inions ed itor di str ibuti on The Concordia Student Union pens." CSU a memorandum claiming the Supreme Court after Vancouver­ CLAY HEMMERICH ROBERT OESMARAIS will have to lawyer-up. After 72 per cent of Concordia John Molson School of Business­ based Kwantlen College-now copy ed itor DAVID KAUFMANN DIEGO PELAEZ GAETZ ad designer On May 28, the CSU called for voters cast their ballots against along with the Engineering and Kwantlen University-attempted student press liaison AOAM NORRIS a motion to have their referen­ continued membership in the CFS Computer Science faculties-had to defederate in March 2008, OPEN dum to defederate from the during the student union's gener­ not paid membership fees since eventually leading to a court The Link is published every Tuesday during the Canadian Federation of Students al election in March, the CSU's 1998. The CSU responded by pro­ showdown. academic year by the Link Publication Society recognized by the national lobby legal council advised them to take ducing a fax from 1998 proving Two other Quebec student Inc . Content is independent of the University and student associations (EGA, GASA, ASFA, FASA, group at its annual general meet­ their referendum results to the that neither of these faculties had unions made their way to Ottawa GSU). Editorial policy is set by an elected board as provided for in The Link's constitution . Any ing in Ottawa. national lobby group's annual voted to join the CFS and noting along with Concordia with the student is welcome to work on The Link and CFS chairperson Katherine general meeting. that the JMSB and Engineering hope of having their own defeder­ become a voting staff member. The Link is a member of Canadian Un iversity Press and Presse Giroux-Bougard shot the motion Osei, CSU VP External & faculty only became CFS mem­ ation referendums recognized. Un iversitaire Independante du Quebec. Material appearing in The Link may not be reproduced down immediately, ruling it out of Projects Adrien Severyns and a bers in 2007. McGill University's Post Graduate without prior wri tten perm ission from The Link. Letters to the editor are welcome. All letters order. CSU President Prince delegation of elected CSU execu­ "We don't owe them any Student Society and Concordia's 400 words or less will be printed, space permit­ Ralph Osei then challenged the tives made their way to Ottawa on money, they have no evidence to Graduate Student Association ting_ Letters dead line is Friday at 4 p.m. The Link reserves the right to edit letters for clarity motion but was promptly defeat­ May 25 to have Concordia's refer­ back that claim up, said voted to part ways with the CFS in and length and refuse those deemed racist, sex­ ist, homophobic, xenophobic, libellOUS, or other­ ed, temporarily ending another endum results recognized by the Severyns. "What happened at the March and April, respectively. wise contrary to The LinKs statement of princi­ chapter in the nine month conflict CFS. After initially being turned assembly was undemocratic, plain The PGSS ended up leaving the ples. Board of Directors 2010-2011: Matthew Gore, between the CSU and CFS. aside, the CSU were given the and simple. But I can't say we did­ general assembly empty after they Matthew Brett. Jake Stevens, Clare Raspopow, Mathieu Bia rd, Dale Corley; non-voting members: The next confrontation floor at the meeting's final day of n't expect it." tried and failed to pass a motion Rachel Boucher, Justin Giovannetti. Typesetting by The Link. Prin ting by between both parties will likely plenary. Their motion was called Prior to the referendum, Osei ratifying their withdrawal from Tra nscontinental. take place in a courtroom. out of order because Giroux­ said the issue of unpaid dues had the lobby group. Concordia's TH IS WEEK'S CONTRIBUTORS "We won a referendum to Bougard alleged the CSU had over not been mentioned as a requisite Graduate Student Association Elaine Ball, John Batt, Mathieu Biard. Emily Kai Bock, Nick Bostick, Stefan Christoff, ginger coons, Faiz Imam, R. Brian defederate from the CFS," said $1,000,000 in unpaid member­ part of the referendum procedure. weren't allowed to attend the Hastie, Mitra Kaboli, Zoi Kilakos. Vivien leung, Scott Nagao. Christopher Olson, Hugo Pilon-larose, Gaul Porat, Jamie Osei. "They won't recognize it. ship fees. "The CSU followed the referen­ meeting. Pimental, Cla re Raspopow, Shawna Satz, Oz Veysel ­ Demirtas, Natasha Young, Andrew Zoellier They prepped their members to "[Giroux-Bougard] basically dum procedures correctly," said The CFS could not be reached vote against us at the general told us we had to buy our freedom Osei. for comment. cOlIer by Oz Veysel -Demirtas 04 news the link· june 8, 20lO • thelinknewsgager.ca/news 50 cent Montrealers unite against Israeli flotilla attack raise on Protesters across Canada call for end to Gaza blockade minimum wage Still pays less than poverty line Finance minister Raymond Bachand • JUSTIN GIOVANNETTI Quebec's minimum wage increased by 50 cents on May 1, as the province's 320,000 lowest paid workers will now make $9.50 an hour. Despite rising at nearly three times the rate of infla­ tion since the wage was set at $7.30 an hour in 2003, a 40- hour work week at the new minimum wage would still pay less than Canada's poverty line. Quebec's minimum wage is now the third highest in Canada. "Students aren't too excited by the increase," said Jonathan Elston, the coordi­ Chadi Marouf addresses a crowd of hundreds at Montreal's Old Port. PHOTO FAil IMAM nator for the Concordia Student Union's Off-Campus • CHRISTOPHER CURTIS Marouf began his address to multi-ethnic crowd heard supports a country that isolates Housing and Job Bank. "They the crowd by announcing that speeches from local activists, and oppresses the Palestinian get excited with the possibility Hundreds of Montrealers the Israeli government had inter­ artists and trade union represen­ people." of a job that pays $16 an hour, marched through the city's rainy cepted the Rachel Corrie-anoth­ tatives. The march coincided The 54,000 members of the but when they are working five streets on June 5 to protest the er aid ship bound for Gaza-just with protests in Quebec City, Canadian Union of Postal hours a week at $10 an hour, Israeli Navy's lethal attack on a hours before the protest. Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary, Workers also threw their support that's $50." Gaza-bound aid ship a week earlier. "The Israeli occupation says Winnipeg, Vancouver and behind the June 5 protests. "What can you do with "We are going to launch a big­ that this blockade is justified by Victoria. Speakers then called for a $50?" ger flotilla in the next few security reasons," said Chadi "It's an issue that touches boycott of Israeli products, eco­ Quebecers would need to weeks," said protest organizer Marouf of Palestinian and everybody," said Marouf. "It's nomic sanctions against Israel earn at least $11.09 an hour to Laith Marouf, addressing the Jewish Unity Montreal. ''I'll tell not about Palestine versus Israel, and the safe return of those earn a living wage above the crowd on Sainte-Catherine Street you what security is. The Israeli it's about what's right and what's detained on the aid ship-includ­ poverty line, according to through a megaphone. "[We'll government has a list of items wrong. What Israel is doing to ing Concordia graduate Abbas AI Statistics Canada. Despite not launch] 50, 60, 100 ships. We'll forbidden from entering Gaza. the Palestinians is not strictly a Lawatti, who was on the flotilla earning a living wage, a work­ break the siege of Gaza." Let me read from this list: sage, punishment against [Palestine's blogging for Gulf News, a Dubai­ er being paid the minimum On May 31, while still in inter­ cumin, cilantro, coriander, jam, governing party] Hamas.
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