MARSHALLHELD LOWELL GIVES IN SLAYING OF and ALTO SOLO FITTING HONOR OFFICER KNAPP VOLUME XXXX LOWELL. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1932 NO. 2 NATION'S DEAD TWO LOWELL SCHOOL BOYS TRIBUTE BEGINS WITH ME- AND OTHER WITNESSES Thousands Bow at the Bier Memorial Day Parade Here 35 Years Ago LEDGER MORIAL SERMON SUNDAY AT MAKE POSITIVE IDENTIFI- ST. MARYS CHURCH — PA- CATION—(i ALLOW AY PLEADS of Charles A. Knapp ENTRIES RADE. ADDRESS AND DEC- GUILTY — SCH ERR AND OPEN BASEBALL All that is mortal of Charles Greenville, Belding. Caledonia ORATION OF GRAVES ON GOLDBERG TO FACE TRIAL Pithy Points Picked l p and A. Knapp rests in Oakwood. parti MONDAY Pally Put By Our Peripa- Friends by the hundreds, yes, with their colors. thousands, attended the funeral Sheriff Kelley, Prosecutor SEASON SUNDAY Two Lowell High School boys, tetic Pencil Pusher Jonkman and other county offi- Willium Uoylon, 15, who lives services at the First iM. E. church i St. Mary's Catholic church was cials came and paid their re- with his grandmother on Fallns- list Friday, where they heard the jcrowded to capacity last Sunday T MAY BE well to call at- thoughtful sermon and eulogy. s|)ects. WILL BATTLE FAST MUSKE-1 {morning when citizens gathered burg-rd., and Edward DeVries, tenlton to the fact that tot ac- by the pastor, Rev. R. W. Merrill, Members of the Grand Rapids' for the memoriiil services in hon- 15, who lives with his parents on tive and prompt cooperation CON GREYHOUNDS AT REC- I then sorrowfully wended their police force to the number of 75 or of our country's patriotic dead. Vergennes-rd., have furnished to of the hundreds of citizens who in a body attended the services REATION PARK AT 3 O'CLOC K date the most damaging evidence way to Oakwood where the mili- \ fine sermon appropriate to the participated in the hunt for the at the church and at the ceme- as to the identification of the tary salute was fired in honor of i occasion was delivered by the bandits was doubtless an import- tery. —FANS WILL WITNESS BIG Grand Hapids bank bandit who a brave officer who had given his Rev. Fr. J. F. Drew of Grand Rap- ant factor in their early capture. Sixteen members of the 14th LEAGUE BASE BALU-BAND fired the shot which caused the life for the protection of societ lids. who was presented by the From their hiding places the « . - V' Cavalry with whom he served as death of Deputy C. A. Knapp of The minister said "earth to earth, y* ILL FURNISH MUSIC. local pastor, the Rev. Fr. Jewel. bandits could see that they were a sargeant for 2^ years on the Lowell as he was halting the car dust to dust, ashes to ashes." Taps Members of the local Legion pool being pursued and that to at- Mexican Border paid honor to containing the bandits. were sounded—a truly befitting with the colors marched to the tempt to get away was useless. departed comrade by their pres- Wm. Uoylon says he saw the honor to one who had served his Fete Fineis' Colored Giants*I churth in a body and with them They remained hidden the while ence. driver of the car drou his right country faithfully. who have been going at a fast were veterans of the SiNinish- the net was being drawn tighter. School children and students of hand from the wheel, that it camr An airplane overhead strewed clip, will inaugurate the home | American war and the half-dozen the High School—from the first up clutching a revolver which flowers to the breeze. season here Sunday at Recreation i survivors living here of the great VERY CRIMINAL goes armed grade to the highest—and their park at 3.-00 p. m. IjisI year the Civil War. All of the veterans oc- he fired at Knapp. who fell from The Governor of the common- but a law-abiding citizen teachers, each with a flag in hand, Giants did no' start until July.j cupied seats which had been re- his motorcycle to the pavement. wealth of Michigan, absent in has to go through red tape formed a line stretching from the but were able to win 41 out of 51 served for them in the front of The bov has identified uMarshall E Washington, sent a personal rep- 1 0 h ,umn rn to obtain a revolver to carry for church to the cemetery, and as as the driver of the car. Young games played. This season they 'r." Iu »?i? ir ^ Morse, at that time com- the church. A large choir fur- his protection. resentative in the person of Os- the hearse with its body passed 0 DeVries, who was with Boylon at have played II games and won | , P* l^»well. The color nished splendid muslc. car G. Olander. director of pub- by, the flags carried were low- 10. I 'Hirers m the picture are Hiram Aldrich and O. D. Rolf. The fifth • rw..-. the time, has corroborated the lic safety. Decoration Day ered in respect. The Muskegon Greyhounds will ft011.!.1? R B'Bov'"". while next inordei story and has also identified Mar- HATEVER reward is of- Lowell paused Monday to pay fered for the capture of Hundreds of Charlie's buddies A veritable mountain of flow- bring a strong team here to face if .u Vik . « 1 is impossible at this late il shall as the man who did the honor to the Nation's brave de- W the bank bandits should in the World War were there, his ers from friends and organiza- the Giants. Several former league n.. Hn w1"1'.?'br!!ve "IT But six ^ar e left with us shooting. Marshall had previous- Bo l n fenders who offered their lives go to the widow of Charles A. own Legion Post of which he was tions testified to the grief of all players will appear in the line-up. tv • TT > f ' Merntt Sayles. Robert Cheyne. EEdwi n Fallas. ly been named bv other witnesses that the Republic might live, free Knapp. The giving of his life a charter member and a Past and exemplified the sympathy Frank Secovy. a youngster whol Rogers and Lee hdson. as the driver of the "get-away" land united. Ruusiness places furnished the information that Commander—the four Legion felt for the grief-stricken widow, hfts been with the St. Louis Car- — car. Posts of Grand Hapids, the Hock- were closed and hundreds of led to their capture. the aged mother and other rela- dinals two springs will be in w n, . Galloway Pleads Guilty ford, ifaslings, Ionia. Saranac, tives. former residents returned to pay center field. The WesterhotT /Vorea Men to Ride homage. Walter Galloway, who was ap- brothers who have starred in iHAT there shall be no mis- I The exercises of the day began preheaged several miles north of semi-pro games for a number of Strand to Show carriage of justice in the Cheese Club Goat with the formation of the parade l^well Within a couple of hours years will be here. Honk Kam- meting of just punishmc at 10 o'clock at the West Side following the robbery and who T maard. the hard hitting first base- to the cowardly members of the was brought to the Lowell jail Find Gim Used The Cheese Club of Grand Rap- park. The line of march, pre- COUNTY FIELD man was with the Milwaukee Sinclair Picture ng of bank robbers who slew ceded i»\ the National Colon swl where he was held for a lime team of the American Association ids will be in lx)well Saturday 8larles A. Knapp in the dis- "Armn-cmiii," comprising the American Legion before being taken to the county n for an important event in local charg of his duty is the wish, for several years. r '"a'slerpiece Im |' ii j„ vq ,| hundreds of jail, on Saturday pleaded guilty to history. n( r K UU f hope and prayer of every resi- The Giants have practically the history. We hardly think that of Sinclair Lewis, the only Ameri- the armed robbery charge and is By Bank Bandit$& TRACK MEET arrving a dent of the slain officer's home same team as last year with a the word '(.heese'refers to the can author to win the Nobel fl.,. men awaiting sentence. motion picture """ """ "T .•'•'•v present- community. We know nothing few additions making it stronger. candidates who will be initialed Prize, comes as a motion oicture .'i .... I; .J. Henry (Baldy) Marshall, and Gun Cartridges are Found Near- n 0 c u S of the intricacies of the pro- Senor Juan Padrone who defeat-j' ' ' b membership as those to the Strand theatre this Sundav ' V"!v. ' vi'ior'II!!. |'.f'Vh.. ru-ii Woi- Jack Scherr, who were captured who ceedings of criminal law but to by Where Deputy Found the HERE FRIDAY ed the Cardinals and Athletics ?re to ride the fMat on this and Monday. Three of the fore.!nMi: i„ the line of m.rrh TW near Smyrna on the morning fol- our mind all of the members of Money. last season is back with the team "^asion comprise some of the most plau-rs of the speakinu vv^. vJrri.. T» i! ' lowing the tragedy, and Louis that gang of bank robbers are Goldberg, whose car was used by each and severally guilty of mur- LARGER ATTENDANCE THAN two other bandits, were arraigned From Belding Banner-News: der.
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