Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Casco Bay Weekly (1989) Casco Bay Weekly 6-8-1989 Casco Bay Weekly : 8 June 1989 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/cbw_1989 Recommended Citation "Casco Bay Weekly : 8 June 1989" (1989). Casco Bay Weekly (1989). 23. http://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/cbw_1989/23 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Casco Bay Weekly at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Casco Bay Weekly (1989) by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. JUNE 8, 1989 FREE The Maine Island Trail STORY by Wayne Curtis PHOTOS by Tonee Harbert fanfare, Casco Bay has become the starting begins in the protected point of the Maine Island Trail, a 32S-mile LaUer day Eskimos are paddling up waterway that winds up the coast to Ma­ waters of Casco Bay- Casco Bay in roto-molded polyethylene chias. Billed as a watery Appaiachian Trail, and Kevlar boats loaded with point-and­ it permits kayakers and other small-boat but unprepared boaters click cameras and freeze-dried food. On owners to island-hop along the shaggy Portland's Commercial Street, their fringe of northeasternmost United States, arrive quickly at the center brightly colored, narrow kayaks rest atop much the way A.T. hikers can traverse the foreign cars like mobile missiles in search East Coast's mountain spine. of a stormy debate over ?f a launch pad. Some fear that the Maine Island Trail wilderness access. Casco Bay, and the entire Maine coast, will hasten crowding and congestion in the is becoming a mecca for sea kayakers. islands. But a number of advocates for the Beyond the singular allure of Maine's trail say that it won't be the destruction of 3,000 coastal islands, there's a reason that the Maine islands - but their salvation. the kayakers are coming here. With little CONTINUED on page 8 UPDATES page 2 LISTINGS page 14 WEIRD NEWS page 3 EATS page 18 TALK page4 SPORT page 20 VIEWS page 6' CLASSIFIEDS page 21 COVER pageS PUZZLE page 23 ART SEEN page 10 POOK page 23 CALENDAR page 12 A ticket to ride. Old Port Festival schedule. See page 4 Creative studio space. See page 16 See page 10 June 8, 1989 3 2 Casco Bay Weekly THE WEEK IN BRIEF: S.D. Warren pays for pollution The S.D. Warren paper mill in Westbrook has reached a legal agreement with the Natural Resources Defense Council, which sued the mill in January over wastewater violations. The mill has agreed to pay the national environmental group $15,000 for court costs and to pay a minimum $2500 fine for any violations of its water license during the corning year. Although the mill is sup­ posed to monitor its own wastewater and report its own viola­ tions, the NRDC will also monitor the water for one year. The NRDC suit pushed the state to sue as well, resulting in fines of $98,500 in February. Tourist office scores staffers .I The Portland Convention and Visitors Bureau will take over staffing of the tourist information office, which was left staff-less two weeks ago. The Chamber of Commerce, which laid off its Southern Yellow Pine information staff, will continue to pay the rent, light and tele­ phone bills; the Cily of Portland will give the bureau $15,000. The Join the Rugged hardwood Is easy to operate and has tbree positions for great revenue shortage that led to the lay-offs has only been addressed versatility. Also available in queen sizes. In stock. New Generation of Brown with to the extent that a charge will be ~ssessed on display space for Cboose from the largest selection of futons, futon frames and covers Matthew DIPierro straddles his sewer-swamped forest. pamphlets. "To get through the tourist season - that is the imme­ The Best Deal in Town on two of 'the in New England. Futon mattresses from $89.00 to $279.<\0. diate goa\," said Trudy McNully, visitors bureau director. hottest cars around! Take your pick and 621 Forest Avenue near Woodfords Comer, Portland, Maine drive home a Grand Am or Calais today! 871-0578 Satisfaction Guaranleed Exit6B off Route 295 South Portlanders sue over flood Refugee English program nixed 'Includes all applicable factory rebates The spending cap may have stemmed the tide of same as when they started, if not better," said Scrambling under a tax cap threat and a squashed budget, the and dealer incentives for qualified buyers. rising taxes in South Portland, but it's also flooded DiPierro. "It's a thousand times worse." The chief Portland School Committee has axed, among other things, the ..pontiae FU10N FuRNISHINGS two acres of forest. Matthew and Thelma DiPierro engineer for South Portland, Ed Reedman, agreed. program thatteaches preschool refugee children English. Federal :: , Oldsmobile of Thornton Heights are suing the Cily of South "We're probably back to conditions that existed in funds that ran the program for three yearsdisappcared this year; • 284-4555 Portland for damages to their land. It was taken by the 1920s," he said. Reedman said more than $1 774-4311 the school committee decided not to spend $65,000 to continue it. Rt.1 Saco ME eminent domain for a sewer project, which was millionisneeded to hook up the stormwatercollec­ The program, which served as a na tional model, taught English to halted due to lack of funds. tion pipes to an outlet pipe in the ocean. Thatfigure 120 children from 171anguage groups during the three years, and '1t's like a pond down there," Matt DiPierro doesn't fit into the spending cap. always had a waiting list, said Grace Studley, director of bilingual said. "Water covers an area of two acres, and it's "It is our intention, as soon as funds are avail­ education in the Portland schools. Studley said money will be four feet deep. Old trees are faUing over due to able, to extend the new pipe to Cash Comer," said sought from local businesses to continue the program. Also cut loosened roots. It's a mess." Reedman, at which point the old pipe could be was a career education program at the middle schoolleve\, three The sewer project, begun in January, was in­ unplugged. The two lines could then work sepa­ high school English teachers and the teacher of the small engine tended to stop ground water from seeping into the rately, with the sewerpipescarrying sanitary sewage repairprogram at Portland Regional Vocational Technical Center. sewage and stormwater system through fractured to the treatment plant, and the old pipes draining clay pipe. The DiPierro's land was one of three stormwater into Casco Bay. properties the city took by eminent domain in DiPierrohasspentcloseto$2000inlawyer'sfces Seabrook arrest fest order to install new fiberglass pipe. ina Cumberland Counly Su peri or Court appeal for In the biggest Seabrook arrest fest since 1977, 627 people Trees werecuttomake room for equipment, and damages he said resulted from the city's eminent clambered over the fence at the New Hampshire nuclear power a new line was laid. As new pipe was been installed domain action. The cily has offered him sums of plant June 4, only to be carried away by police. On Monday, June the old pipe was plugged, leaving stormwater no $2500 and $3000, which he refused. He is seeking at 5 another 107 people were arrested for blocking the gateways to place togo. least $4000 and removal of the water. the plant. Many people were arrested multiple times, said Seab­ Thatwould have been temporary. Butasa result "I wouldn't settle for$10,000 if they don'tgetrid rook police. The protests mark the beginning of low-level testing of the spending cap approved in November, the of the water," he said. at Seabrook after a plagued 13 years of construction. construction wascutshort. The section of stormwa­ Steven Fletcher, attorney for South Portland, ter drainage pipe on DiPierro's property hasn't said the city's position is that there has been a net , been routed to the Cash Comer discharge point. benefit to the DiPierro properly, and that an ease­ Gay pride; Senate shame The rainthatfalls on the DiPierro'sland stays there. ment already existed for the old pipes. He said he's Hundreds of people marched for gay and lesbian pride in "They guaranteed (the property) would be the hopeful the case can be settled out of court. Portland three days after the Maine Senate killed the gay rights I Breit Walker bill. Even after the House had amended the bill to clarify that its passage would grant no special privileges to gays and lesbians, · .. When your rent money could be used to buy your own home. the Senate refused to add gays and lesbians to those protected by the Maine Human Rights Act, turning the bill down on May 31. It · .. When Showcase has the most affordable homes in the state. Train travel advocates assemble would have outlawed discrimination in areas of housing, jobs, Train travel in Maine chugged forward May 31 said. "Rail gives us not only a cleaner environ­ credit and public accommodations. · .. When Showcase has the best financing plans for home buyers. when a group of rail fans announced the forma­ ment, it also costs less." He said a diesel train can On June 3 hundreds of people marched through Portland in a tion of TrainRiders Northeast. The group will be move people two toiour times farther per gallon "Pride March," encouraging people to persevere in the quest for · .
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