Equipm ent R equirem ents: Boating in Mashpee Personal Flotation D evices- R ules and R egulations • A LL boats, canoes, and kayaks m ust have a Coast G uard Updated 2005 approved w earable life preserver, or buoyant vest, for Boat operators are expected each person on board. to know and abide by these rules • Boats 16 feet or longer m ust also have one T ype IV throw able life buoy (a boat cushion m ay be used). as w ell as all other applicable law s and regulations. • In canoes, life vests M US T be w orn from S eptem ber 15 to M ay 15. • Children 12 and under M US T w ear life vests at all tim es. Fire Extinguishers- • Required on all m echanically propelled boats, including personal w atercraft, and all enclosed boats, but not open outboard boats less than 26 feet long. Light- • If operated at night, a bright w hite light aft is required to show all around the horizon. • Lights or a com bined light forw ard show ing green to starboard and red to port is required. S ound D evices- • A ll m otorboats shall carry a horn, w histle, bell, or other sound device. O ther Equipm ent- • A ll m otorboats shall carry, an anchor, line, bailer, paddle, and flashlight or lantern. S ki Boats- • M ust have a ladder or steps or sim ilar m eans so a person can be taken from the w ater. Boat Cushions- A ll m otorized boats, including personal • Personal floatation devices m ust now be w earable. w atercraft, m ust have registration num bers visible Boat cushions no longer qualify, but are O K as the and a registration certificate on board at all tim es. T ype IV throw able floatation device as long as they are in good condition. S ee the M assachusetts Boater’s G uide for added details. N ote: S ailboards are considered sea vessels and are required to obey all law s pertaining to vessels. 1 2 O perators: • 8 o person under 12 years of age m ay operate a m otorboat unless accom panied and supervised by a com petent person 18 years of age or older. D ivers and D iving: • O perators betw een 12 and 15 years old m ust have • A nyone skin or scuba diving shall display a red a valid state “boating safety certificate” from the diver’s flag at least 12 inches square w ith a departm ent of fisheries, w ildlife, and environm ental diagonal w hite stripe on a float holding the flag law enforcem ent in their possession w hen boating. upright and high enough to be seen from passing A bandonm ent: boats. T he diver m ust stay w ithin 150 feet of the flag and float or tow it w hile subm erged and • N o vessel, m ooring, or other object shall be surface near it. abandoned, sunk, or otherw ise placed w here it m ay constitute a danger to navigation. S peeding: • A ny vessel so placed m ay be rem oved by the • S peed shall be S LO W , N O W A KE w ithin 150 feet H arborm aster, after due notice, at the expense of of shore, sw im areas, bathers, divers, posted the ow ner. areas, vessels propelled by m eans other than • Call the H arborm aster at 508-539-1450 if you see m otors, vessels not under w ay or docking, and a sunken or abandoned boat. m ooring areas. Moorings: • N o vessel on ponds in M ashpee m ay exceed 45 m .p.h. surface speed. • T he location, type, and adequacy of every m ooring • O n ponds, speed shall not exceed “slow , no w ake” m ust be approved by the H arborm aster before from 1 hour after sunset until 1 hour before placem ent and m ust be registered annually by M ay 1. sunrise, except on M ashpee-W akeby Pond. • A ny m ooring m ay be inspected, rem oved, or • H eadw ay speed only w ithin 300 feet of a relocated w henever the safety of other vessels or shoreline used as a bathing area (state law ). properties or optim al use of the area requires such • O ckw ay B ay is very shallow —US E CA UT IO N . an action. • T he follow ing are “slow , no w ake” areas all year: • Each buoy shall be painted w hite w ith a blue band G reat River, Little River, W aquoit Bay entrance, and the ow ner’s m ooring num bers m ust be clearly M ashpee R iver, S im on’s N arrow s (S antuit River), visible at all tim es. Popponesset Creek, entrance to Popponesset Bay, • W inter buoys (sticks) m ust be rem oved by narrow s betw een M ashpee and W akeby Ponds. M ay 31. 4 3 Pollution: D rinking: A aquoit B ay and its T ributaries are a federal B oating under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other N o D ischarge A rea! controlled substances carries stiff penalties **For your convenience, there are pum p-out facilities com parable to driving under the influence. (Channel 9) at Little R iver B oat Y ard, Edw ards B oat Y ard in For exam ple: Falm outh, and the M ashpee pum pout boat goes to -A drunken boater w ill lose his or her m otor vehicle Popponesset B ay once a w eek during the season.** license if convicted or upon refusal to take a breath analysis test. -A n operator is considered to be drunk w ith a blood alcohol level of .08% . -A first tim e conviction results in loss of m otor vehicle license for 45 days to one year and includes a fine up to $ 1000 and up to a 2¹ year jail sentence. • In M ashpee, the discharge or disposal of oil, dead fish -R epeat m otor vehicle and boating offenses have a w aste, debris or sew age in the w aters, shores, or cum ulative effect, and both can go on a person’s record. foreshores is prohibited. -A t the discretion of the D irector of M arine Law • T here also is a “pooper-scooper” bylaw , so PLEA S E Enforcem ent, the Certificate of N um ber of the boat clean up after your pet to preserve w ater quality. registration m ay be revoked in addition to revocation of • Federal law prohibits dum ping plastic in any w aters. a m otor vehicle license. • T he fine for littering is $ 50. -A ppeals, m otions for new trials, or exceptions are Enforcem ent and Penalties: prohibited from staying the revocation of any m otor • M ashpee tow n bylaw s as w ell as state and federal vehicle license or Certificate of N um ber. rules governing the use of w aterw ays w ill be strictly Mashpee enforces these state law s!!! enforced by the H arborm aster (508-539-1450) and his assistants, the M ashpee Police (508-539-1480), the M assachusetts Environm ental Police O fficers, and the Coast G uard. • T ow n of M ashpee enforcem ent officers have full authority and m ay issue w arnings or citations as needed. • V iolations of M ashpee bylaw s carry a fine of $ 50 for the first offense and $ 100 for second and subsequent offenses. V iolations of state law carry fines of up to $ 500. V iolators also risk having their registrations suspended. 6 5 - ater S kiing and Boating S afety T ips Personal W atercraft: W hile underw ay: • 8 O . A LLO W ED w ithin 150 feet of shore, 1. Look out for bathers, other boats, and debris. bathers, sw im areas, divers, piers, docks, 2. R educe speed in crow ded or narrow areas. floats, or boats, including areas posted as 3. Pass to the left (port) of red buoys w hen “6 M PH ,” “N o W ake,” “S low , N o W ake,” returning from the ocean. R em em ber: “S w im A rea,” etc. “R ed on R ight R eturning.” • S ki starts and stops are N O T perm itted 4 D o not leave large w akes in crow ded areas. from shore unless an area has been 5 D o not overload your boat; have floatation designated by the tow n. devices handy. • A life vest M US T be w orn by anyone in a 6 R em ain seated and avoid horseplay. personal w atercraft or being tow ed by a boat. 7 Inform som eone on shore of w here you are going • A n observer at least 12 years old m ust be and w hen you plan to return. on board facing each w ater skiier. 8. V entilate bilges before starting engine. • T he follow ing applies to freshw ater ponds 9. Check your equipm ent—be sure that you have w ith the exception of M asphee-W akeby Pond: everything and that it is in good condition. W ater skiing and personal w atercraft are 10. W atch the w eather—if you see clouds form ing or the perm itted only betw een 10 a.m . and 7 p.m . w ind begins to pick up, head for shore.
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