APRIL 1957 50~ A - I A J ti ^ / -^- FINEST IN THE IEARMS FIELD I CROW> ARt I- I WHY AMERICAN TARGETS SHOOTERS LOST THE OLYMPICS 7MM MAUSER CARBINE v gum. good. This model, seldom seen on the market, is a bonn tide collector's item. Our exclusive import. All milled parts. .308 CALIBER MAUSER RIFLES! S49.95 SMITH & WESSON 038 REVOLVER ACTION.. .GENUINE WALNUT STOCK. We are proud to offer the eonidfly Rfblwd WW hunters and shooters of America the much desired short action 7MM Mexi- I1 Iwv- BY special and can Mauser rifle famous in its own rightÑbu now rerifled and rechambered to bxclusive imoort. a email cum- the popular game-killing.308 Winchester caliber hy one of America's finest barrel makers. tity of theseoriginalguns, dlin Very Guaranteed outside excellent bores perfect. Stocks are beautifully grained walnut. 308 Winchester 3ood Cond areavailable This six-shot land gun ii'm excellent Lome protectioq andb ;y;i;g yon. b~;l;&yri&m& fi(~;~~$~pf~~;hyayw~g!yto;;flp$~g;;d*py~~ancetweapon. wonderful for camcituc trips. 6" 1 Bbl. length, '28l/4". 6:shot Mauser bolt action. Do not wait to buy this perfect big game rifle. Bbii fixedsights. Selli new today for $62. Here Supply limite, s a value in a standard firearm which you will  never see main. .38 S&W ammunition available Enclose sinned statement "Am not alien, never convicted of crime of violence, am not-under - - indictment or fugitive, am 21 or over." Mass., Mo Mich N. Y N. J., N. C R. I Chicago, Omaha. New Orleans, require permits - enclose with order. TO'ORDER send check, cash or .45 COLT AUTOMATICS $39.95 M.O. Send 1/3 deposit on G.O.D.'s. Pistols shipped R.R. expr F.O.B. Pasadena collect. Calif. resid. order thru local dealer only. 10-day money-back &rantee. USED VERY GOOD COND. Brand mw $44.50. The official H sidearm of the U.S. Army, made to ,MODERN SPORTING AMMUNITION MADE BY REMINGTON, WINCHESTER highest gov't. specifications. This pistol^-( This is the Reminuton Rolling Block single shot military rifle in is the most powerful and popular auto- ¥ matic ever developed. Mfd. by Remiuston. V rifles 72%c:i'A!f%Ee %EZorYit%'~ Ze2Lth2e~~~?r2%% Ithaca. A 74.50 value. Our exclusive import American big camk oursare clean and well kept. Guaranteed seirviceable. 80" obtained from friendly foreign country. Lim- ' barrel. An outstanding value in shooting pleasure at this low price. ited supply - now available -absolutely used. VERY GOOD CONDITION,' 10-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. Magazine in- cluded. Extra magazines $1.50 each. .45 I ANTIQUl 11MM REMINGTON ROLLING BLOCK RIFLE ACP ammo. 50 rds. $2.50 GUARANTEED GOOD CONDITION $12.95 ' .-- ' NATO CONVERSION ALLOWS RELEASE- Patented May 3, 1864. The granddaddy of American full metallic cartridge military rifles. Beautifully kept, guaranteed serviceable. Barrel SSVa". As an authentic antique an impressive -F-piece over your fireplace or on den wall. Brought back to the U.S. after being stored in heavy grease possibly for 75 years. We completely de-grease BRITISH 1- and oil lightly. - ARMY RIFLES . FRENCH MI874 GRAS fie-*# I from Chassepot Needle Fire. 11 MM Bolt Action Single Shot. Serviceable cond. ENFIELD MOWL P17 ACTIONS 30/06 ENFIELD BARRELED ACTIONS $32.50 $25.00 IDEAL FOR BARRELING TO NEW 458 WIN. MAGNUM1 Genuine original Model 1917 (30-06) actions. First of these available for many months. This excellent American made action will also accommodate these calibers: ORIGINAL ENFIELD BARRELSÑVER GOOD CONDITIONÑAmerica 22-260, 220 Swift, 250-3000, 267.R., 267 R. Imp., made SO/O5 Cal. Barreled actions as iftsued (ruaranteed in Vow Cnod Cnnditinn. 270,- 7MM, 300 Sav., 308, 30-06, 30-06 Imp., 36 Rem., 35 Make your own sporter in the most popular U.S. caliber withoutadditionalguniiiithi&. Protected Whelen, 35 Whelen Imp. Experts consider Enfield actions most sights, blade front, peep rear, calibrated to 1600 yards. Six shot, bolt action. A very special purchase desirable for conversion to Magnum cartridges. Actions, as is- allows us to offer these at the lowest price ever placed on a first quality barreled action. Supply li~nited. sued, in Very Good Condition. $26.00. BARRELED ENFIELD ACTIONSÑ'Barrele to any caliber listed above except magnums, using new Buhmiller or Apex barrels' . .. $67.50. 0308 & 30106 CAL. MAUSER BARRELED ACTIONS $4230 M98- MAUSER ACTIONS 525.00-- - - Short Small -- SHORT MEXICAN SMALL PIKE M98 - ' 1 Ma,&r RING MODEL 98 tlon BçT*l to .308 Win. FOR 244 REM., 2.43 WIN., Cal. with Brand Now Oris- Stamdad MS8 Mauur Action Barreled to 30/06 .358 WINCHESTER. Ideal for Inal 4-Groovo SpMlal 22" Cal. with Brand Now Orlglnal 4-Groove Specla1 rebarreling to the new 6MM S~rlnitfiçl Barn1 $42.50 22" Smrinitfiçl Baml 842.50 calibers 243 Win., .244 Rem. U-7 ............................ The choice of experts for re- FOR LICIT-WEIGHT~SPORTERSÑA~UC~ purchase of these fine Springfield -barrels POWERFUL - barreling to the latest big game caliber .358 means a big; bargain for you! These famous actions with all milled parts barreled to today's two Win. Also for the following calibers: 22-260, most popular calibers test fired headspaced less sights, at a fabulously low cost. Ideal for light- 220 Swift, 250-8000, 257 R., 257 R. Imp-, 7 weight powerful sporting rifles.'~up~l~limited. Satisfaction guaranteed. MM, 300 Sav.. 308. 35 Rem. Made in Mexico for the 7MM cartridge. Small rings, heavy receiver wall. Small barrel thread. Imported from Qornuny These are true 98 actions. Cock on upstroke. Have a third luff. Postwar Mamufactur* MADE lN DAMASCUS etc. All milled parts. Dated 1930-36. Mauser precision work- Imported by us MOSLEM manship. Condition used, very good, $25.00. BARRELED AC- DRESS DAGGER direct from Da- DAGGERS TIONS In any of the above calibers. usimr above action, in the (AIR FORCE mascus. Syria. white, less sights, cut, crowned, contoured~test fired, chambered OF THE Hand-forged and ' and headspaced. We use Buhmiller or Apex barrels. This is short- GERMAN REICH) $5095 . I-,-; hand polished $4.95 est, lizhtent, strongest military action these calibers. $55.00. postpaid 4 I steel blade, postpaid Brand new, World War 11's most rare curved in tradi- complete and prized souveni-the .dress dagger tional Arab style. with sheath of officer's in Hitler's Nazi Air Forth This is a dress or court-type AMMUNITION BARGAINS recreated in fine steel with minute accu- dagger in the 'fashion of the NEW SHIPMENTÑSUPPL LIMITED.. .RUSSIAN RIFLE 7 62 racy. Ivory-like handle, silver cord wrap- scimitar. 9Vzm overall. Substan- MM. Softnose hunting ammo 160JET for deer bear and N ker. ped, swastika pommel luftwaffe eagle tial and serviceable. Blade edged big game, 20 1-36.. $2.95.303 6.41,.MILITARY TARGETAM- and swastika guard. 10" fine solitucen both sides and engraved "Syr- MO 100 rds $7.50 For S.M.L.E. 303 Cal. Softnose hunting blade, 15'/a overall. A must for every ia." Engraved in patterns over . Y--- ,,f-- --"?n çft.--. ..---."" .a9 ax den and wall collectkm. No sheaths. 10- 2000 years old. Damascene'steel SPRINGFIELD '08 front firing pins. new.. ppd. .. 3 for $1.00. day money-back guarantee. Sorry no has been famous since Roman Springtield '03 firing pin rods with cocking piece,. used, ppd., C.0.D.k Add 8.0~per knife for US:. times. Cast braes hilt and sheath each.. 3Oc. 8MM MAUSER AMMO.. .PER 100 rds. $7.50. A.P.O. & F.P.O. ainkil. 9 engraved both sides, inlaidgrips. Attention Mauser Owners: This is the original German ammo de- signed for your fun. Use it for maximum accuracy and velocity. This SMM 17.92MM) full Jacketed Mauser ammo mfu. in Cer- T~ORDER:Send check, cash or M.O. for C.O.D. send Vs or more deposit on all orders All rifles many to strict military specifications. (Purchased co~mercially actions, ammo shipped R R Express charges collect F 0 B Pasad Edged weapons sent postpaid: Calif. reaid. add 4% state 10-day money-back all itçbuDealers inquire., would cost you $20 per 100 rds.) Our bulk price is $73.50 '&. on per case of 1500 rds Cannot accept orders under 100 rds 45 LONG COLT ~MMOÑCommercia brand new lead bullets, brass case. American primed. Can be 'reloaded. 100 rds. .. $8.50, .46 A.C.P. ammo. 50 rdl.. $2.50. NOTE: All ammo must befihipped R.R. Express (charges col- lect). F.O.B. Pasadena. Ordering in large quantities ten& to >-L--.I--%-- ---A- look for this sign when you buy your next handgun You can rely on a Registered Colt Dealer .:forunexcelled quality and expert advice Registered Colt Dealers are a select group of retail For Colt's has a traditional pride in manufacture merchants hand picked by Colt's itself from many that has never been matched in the industry and many applicants. Their contact with Colt's is has long been appreciated by the armed services, direct-there are no intervening middlemen. They law enforcement officers, serious target shooters are trained and serviced by Colt field experts and and sportsmen. All parts are drop forged, machined their every word is backed to the hilt by the and heat-treated. And all critical parts are hand- factory. This close, direct relationship between fitted. Select a Colt pistol or revolver and you manufacturer and dealer-unique in the firearms become the owner of a shooting arm made by industry-means that only when you buy a Colt master craftsmen-a dependable, accurate hand- can you be assured of getting complete satisfaction.
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