Index 2 - Index Name 3 - X 4 - Item 5 - Cosmopolis or 6 - Page 7 - Text Extant No All Articles 0001 Cosmopolis #02 1 The VIE Vision (Mazirian, Die Domaänen von Koryphon, Bodissy, F. Herbert, Azimov, S. Lem, Bradbury, Twain, Stevenson, Dickens, Balzac), p1, Paul Rhoads. All Articles 0002 Cosmopolis #02 4 The New Textual Integrity Principles (Palace of Love, Star King, Killing Machine), p4, Alun Hughes All Articles 0003 Cosmopolis #02 7 Response to Paul Rhoads’ Vision of the VIE, p7, Alun Hughes VIE Proj 0001 Cosmopolis #02 15 The VIE Vision, p1, Paul Rhoads. VIE Proj 0002 Cosmopolis #02 25 Response to ‘VIE Vision’, p7, Alun Hughes VIE Text Integrity 0001 Cosmopolis #02 37 The New Textual Integrity Principles, p4. Alun Hughes All Articles 0004 Cosmopolis #03 4 The Font in Question, p4, Paul Rhoads All Articles 0005 Cosmopolis #03 5 Is Vance a Science Fiction Author? ( Narnia, The Wizard of Oz, H.G. Wells, 1984, Brave New World, Martian Chronicles, Dune, Wodehouse, Praxiteles, Michelangelo, Tolkein, H.C. Anderson, Dunsany, Ovid, Dante, Gogol, Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Balzac, Thackery, Niven, Aldiss, Clark), p5, Paul Rhoads Format and Font 0001 Cosmopolis #03 21 The Font in Question, p4, Paul Rhoads Literary (By Author) 0029 Paul Rhoads Cosmopolis #03 35 Is Vance a Science Fiction Author?, p5 Literary 0001 Cosmopolis #03 35 Is Vance a Science Fiction Author?, p5, Paul Rhoads All Articles 0006 Cosmopolis #04 5 What Sort of Artist is Jack Vance? (The Domains of Koryphon, The Killing Machine, Lyonesse, Poussin, Tiepolo, Goya), p5, Paul Rhoads Pfifle 0001 Cosmopolis #04 30 Planet of Retribution (story), p1, George Rhoads Literary (By Author) 0030 Cosmopolis #04 35 What sort of Artist is Jack Vance?, p5 Literary 0002 Cosmopolis #04 35 What Sort of Artist is Jack Vance?, p5, Paul Rhoads All Articles 0007 Cosmopolis #05 3 Textual Integrity—Will Anyone Notice the Difference? (The Augmented Agent, Dead Ahead, The Dragon Masters, The World Between, The Moon Moth, The Narrow Land, Gold and Iron, Cugel the Clever, The Pleasant Grove Murders, The Fox Valley Murders, The House on Lily Street, The View from Chickweeds Window, Ecce and Old Earth), p3, Alun Hughes All Articles 0008 Cosmopolis #05 5 Some Reactions to Critical Appreciations (Science Fiction, Anthropology, Boy’s Stories, Vance heroines, Science and Soft Science, Languages of Pao, Dragon Master, Cadwal, Durdane, Dragon Masters, Rhialto the Marvellous, Houses of Iszm, Marune, Republic, Gulliver, Solaris, Werther, Machiavelli, Dan Simmons, Tom Shippey, A. Sisley, Titian, R.L. Stevenson, Melville, Twain, J. London, J. Austen, Machiavelli, Van Vogt), p5, Paul Rhoads All Articles 0009 Cosmopolis #05 15 What is Science Fiction? (The Moon Moth, The Last Castle, The Gate to Woman’s Country, Engine Summer, Circus World, The Physics of Imortality, Azimov), p15, Bob Lacovara Literary (By Author) 0019 Bob Lacovara Cosmopolis #05 25 What is Science Fiction?, p15 Literary 0004 Cosmopolis #05 25 What is Science Fiction?, p15, Bob Lacovara Literary (By Author) 0031 Cosmopolis #05 41 Some Reactions to Critical Appreciations, p5 Literary 0003 Cosmopolis #05 41 Some Reactions to Critical Appreciations, p5, Paul Rhoads VIE Text Integrity 0002 Cosmopolis #05 54 Textual Integrity, Will Anyone Notice the Difference?, p3, Alun Hughes All Articles 0010 Cosmopolis #06 2 The Question of Format, p2, Andreas Irle All Articles 0011 Cosmopolis #06 3 Tract: On Typography, p3, Joel Anderson All Articles 0014 Cosmopolis #06 4 VIE Statistics (Vocabulary analysis, Defoe, Hardy, London, Wodehouse, Poe, Scott, Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance), p4, Koen Vyverman All Articles 0013 Cosmopolis #06 6 The VIE Font: Amiante and the History of Typography, p6, Paul Rhoads All Articles 0012 Cosmopolis #06 12 Quoins, Typman & Frisket, p12, John Foley All Articles 0015 Cosmopolis #06 13 The Gastric Imperitive, p13, George Rhoads All Articles 0016 Cosmopolis #06 15 Is Jack Vance a Science Fiction Writer?, p15, Andy Gilham All Articles 0017 Cosmopolis #06 16 The Trouble with Science Fiction (reply to Gilham), p16, Paul Rhoads Format and Font 0003 Cosmopolis #06 21 Tract: On Typography, p3, Joel Anderson Format and Font 0002 Cosmopolis #06 23 The Question of Format, p2, Andreas Irle Format and Font 0004 Cosmopolis #06 25 Quoins, Typman & Frisket, p12, John Foley Pfifle 0002 Cosmopolis #06 30 The Gastric Imperative (poem), p13 George Rhoads Literary (By Author) 0032 Cosmopolis #06 33 The Trouble with Science Fiction, p16 VIE Text Integrity 0003 Cosmopolis #06 37 VIE Statistics (vocabulary analysis), p4, Koen Vyverman Literary (By Author) 0014 Andy Gilham Cosmopolis #06 40 Is Jack Vance a Science Fiction Writer?, p15 Literary 0005 Cosmopolis #06 40 Is Jack Vance a Science Fiction Writer?, p15, Andy Gilham Literary 0006 Cosmopolis #06 51 The Trouble with Science Fiction (Reply to Gilham), p16, Paul Rhoads Format and Font 0005 Cosmopolis #06 52 The VIE Font: Amiante and the History of Typography, p6, Paul Rhoads All Articles 0018 Cosmopolis #06 zz / Related comments: Lee Lewis (Araminta Station, Lyonesse, Mazirian), Bob Lacovara (Cadwal, Moon Moth), David Hecht (Sail 25, Gift of Gab, Ullward’s Retreat, Dodkin’s Job, Brave New World, 1984, How Few Remain ((Harry Turtledove)), Stars and Stripes Forever ((Harry Harrison)), H.G. Wells, J. Verne, Asimov) Literary 0007 Cosmopolis #06 zz / Related Comments: Lee Lewis, Bob Lacovara, David Hecht Literary (By Author) 0021 Lee Lewis Cosmopolis #06 zz / The Trouble with Science Fiction Literary (By Author) 0020 Cosmopolis #06 zz / The Trouble with Science Fiction Literary (By Author) 0015 David Hecht Cosmopolis #06 zz / The Trouble with Science Fiction comments All Articles 0019 Cosmopolis #07 1 A Studied Whimsy (Lyonesse), p1, Timothy Virkkala Story Title 0107 Lyonesse Trilogy Cosmopolis #07 1 A Studied Whimsy, p1, Timothy Virkkala All Articles 0021 Cosmopolis #07 2 Textual Criticism & the VIE: Approches to Textual Restoration (Fox Valley Murders, Mazirian the Magician, Cugel the Clever, The World Thinker, I’ll Build Your Dream Castle, The Anome, Emphyrio, Clarges, Abercrombie Station, The Augmented Agent, The Magnificent Showboats…, Gold and Iron, Wyst, The Man in the Cage, The Languages of Pao, The House on Lily Street, The View from Chickweed’s Window, Vandals of the Void, Bad Ronald, Tschai, The Dragon Masters, Nopalgarth, The Last Castle, Dark Ocean, The Houses of Iszm), p2, Alun Hughes Story Title 0028 Cadwal Chronicles Cosmopolis #07 6 Reflections on the Cadwal Chronicles, p6, Paul Rhoads All Articles 0026 Cosmopolis #07 6 Reflections on The Cadwal Chronicles, p6, Paul Rhoads All Articles 0022 Cosmopolis #07 8 Vancian Punctuation (Wyst, The Murth), p8, Paul Rhoads Story Title 0003 Alastor Cosmopolis #07 8 Vancian Punctuation, p8. Paul Rhoads Story Title 0156 Rhialto the Marvellous Cosmopolis #07 8 Vancian Punctuation, p8. Paul Rhoads All Articles 0020 Cosmopolis #07 9 Anti-Science Fiction Redux (Coup de Grace, Sail 25, Tschai, Durdane, Clarges, The Dragon Masters, The Gift of Gab, Ullward’s Retreat, Dodkin’s Job, Brave New World, 1984), p9, Paul Rhoads All Articles 0024 Cosmopolis #07 10 Anti-Amiante, p10, Richard Anderson All Articles 0023 Cosmopolis #07 10 VIE Format Introduction (Format Sample: Trullion), p10, Joel Anderson VIE Text Integrity 0007 Cosmopolis #07 11 OCR Errors, p22, Chris Corley All Articles 0025 Cosmopolis #07 11 Response to Anti-Amiante, p11, Paul Rhoads Format and Font 0007 Cosmopolis #07 13 Anti-Amiante, p10, Richard Anderson Literary (By Author) 0137 Timothy Verkkala Cosmopolis #07 17 A Studied Whimsy, p1 All Articles 0027 Cosmopolis #07 19 Reading Versus Proofreading, p19, Steve Sherman All Articles 0028 Cosmopolis #07 22 OCR Errors, p22, Chris Corley Format and Font 0008 Cosmopolis #07 25 Response to Anti-Amiante, p11, Paul Rhoads Literary (By Author) 0033 Cosmopolis #07 27 Anti-Science Fiction Redux, p9 Literary 0009 Cosmopolis #07 27 Anti-Science Fiction Redux, p9, Paul Rhoads Literary 0008 Cosmopolis #07 28 A Studied Whimsy (Lyonesse), p1, Timothy Virkkala File: C:\Users\Wil Ceron\BOOKS\AUTHORS\Vance, Jack\FOREVERNESS INTERNET SITE\Cosmopolis and Extant\000 Index Cosmopolis and Extant 20190603 1123 / Printed: 2020-09-26 / Sheet Index / Page: 1 - 16 / Index 2 - Index Name 3 - X 4 - Item 5 - Cosmopolis or 6 - Page 7 - Text Extant No VIE Text Integrity 0006 Cosmopolis #07 28 Reading Versus Proofreading, p19, Steve Sherman VIE Text Integrity 0005 Cosmopolis #07 35 Vancian Punctuation (Wyst, Murthe), p8. Paul Rhoads Literary (By Author) 0034 Cosmopolis #07 37 Reflections on The Cadwal Chronicles, p6 Literary 0010 Cosmopolis #07 37 Reflections on The Cadwal Chronicles, p6, Paul Rhoads Format and Font 0006 Cosmopolis #07 39 VIE Format Introduction (early sample), p10, Joel Anderson VIE Text Integrity 0004 Cosmopolis #07 64 Textual Criticism & the VIE (approaches to textual restoration), p2, Alun Hughes Format and Font 0009 Cosmopolis #07 zz / Amiante Controversy, Russ Wilcox, John Ashmead, Richard Anderson, Jeff Anderson, Format and Font 0010 Cosmopolis #07 zz / Bob Lacovara, Andy Gilham, Paul Rhoads All Articles 0029 Cosmopolis #07 zz / Letters: Reaction to Amiante: Russ Wilcox, John Ashmead, Richard Anderson, Jeff Anderson, Bob Lacovara, Andy Gilham, Paul Rhoads ZZ Cosmopolis #08 zz / zz All Articles 0030 Cosmopolis #09 3 Typography (font comparisons and sizes), p3, Paul Rhoads All Articles 0031 Cosmopolis #09 6 Double Digitization, p6, Richard Chandler, Paul Rhoads All Articles 0032 Cosmopolis #09 11 Are Subscribers Customers?, p11, Paul Rhoads VIE Text
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