E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRSTSESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2005 No. 31 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was in a global war against terrorism, we possible leadership, the finest training, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- have military forces deployed around and up-to-date and working equipment, pore (Mr. PORTER). the world, and we are involved in two protective armor body, and vehicle f shooting wars in Iraq and in Afghani- armor. We in Congress have a duty to stan. These deployments and these con- ensure that they have all the tools DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER flicts are putting a terrible strain on they need to succeed on the battlefield. PRO TEMPORE our military, on our troops, on our We also have a duty to provide for The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- equipment, on our military families, their families while they are deployed fore the House the following commu- on our defense budget, and on our na- in service to our great Nation. We have nication from the Speaker: tional economy. a duty to take care of the families of WASHINGTON, DC, I believe we will overcome these those who are killed and those who are March 15, 2005. challenges because we have the great- wounded. I hereby appoint the Honorable JON C. POR- est treasure in the world, our service Mr. Speaker, we also have a duty to TER to act as Speaker pro tempore on this men and women, who are selflessly our citizen soldiers, members of the day. serving around the globe on behalf of National Guard, members of the Re- J. DENNIS HASTERT, serve, who also make such extraor- Speaker of the House of Representatives. this great Nation. They are the key to the war on terrorism, more than any dinary sacrifices. They not only serve f our country beside their active-duty doctrine or system. Their effort and counterparts, but they also do so at MORNING HOUR DEBATES sacrifice will make ultimate victory considerable sacrifice back home. Be- for us in the war on terror, and in Iraq The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- cause they have jobs in their commu- and Afghanistan, possible. ant to the order of the House of Janu- nities, oftentimes they give up these Unfortunately, the two most people- ary 4, 2005, the Chair will now recog- jobs and ask someone else to pick up intensive services, the Army and the nize Members from lists submitted by the slack created by their absence. Marine Corps, are last in line for fund- the majority and minority leaders for Moreover, while they are deployed, morning hour debates. The Chair will ing from the Defense Department. For their families are entitled to benefits, alternate recognition between the par- example, the fiscal year 2006 budget re- but it is often hard for families to use ties, with each party limited to 25 min- quest for the Army, not counting these benefits because so many of them utes, and each Member other than the money that may be added in the sup- do not live close to military facilities. majority and the minority leaders and plemental, actually declined by some Finally, Mr. Speaker, we Democrats the minority whip limited to 5 minutes $300 million relative to last year’s believe we have an obligation to our each, but in no event shall debate con- level. Veterans, whether it is allowing them tinue beyond 9:50 a.m. Mr. Speaker, it is incredible to think to receive full retired pay in addition The Chair recognizes the gentleman that this administration would actu- to VA disability compensation, allow- from Missouri (Mr. SKELTON) for 5 min- ally reduce funding for the Army, the ing their survivors to receive both So- utes. service with the most people and the cial Security and Survivor Benefit f most equipment in Iraq and Afghani- Plan benefits, or allowing their sur- stan, in a time of war. Even if the vivors to receive Dependency and In- HOUSE DEMOCRATS SPEAK OUT amount for the Army is ultimately in- demnity Compensation in addition to ON NATIONAL SECURITY creased because of supplemental appro- VA benefits. We have an obligation to Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise priations, what kind of signal does this make sure they know that America ap- this morning, along with my colleague, send our troops, who are literally put- preciates their patriotism and is will- the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. RYAN), ting their lives on the line, when the ing to recognize their sacrifices. to talk about how House Democrats administration asks for fewer funds for America should know that Demo- feel about national security. It may their service? Our servicemen and crats unanimously take these respon- seem obvious to say we Democrats sup- women deserve better. sibilities very, very seriously. The sup- port our troops and support a strong I know I speak for all House Demo- plemental appropriation bill, which we national defense, but I want to offer crats in saying we support our troops, will pass later this week, will have today a more detailed explanation of but what is more important for every- overwhelming bipartisan support. That where we stand and why. one to understand is that supporting is evidence of the commitment that we These are challenging and difficult the troops is more than just a bumper on this side of the aisle have in sup- times for our country. We are engaged sticker. It means giving them the best porting our troops. But I want to be b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1423 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:42 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H15MR5.REC H15MR5 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H1424 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 15, 2005 clear. While Democrats support a The Air Force, Mr. Speaker, is pro- NATIONAL BIKE SUMMIT strong military and support using our jecting a $3 billion deficit in its oper- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- military when necessary, we do not ations and maintenance budget for fis- ant to the order of the House of Janu- support squandering it. cal year 2006. Navy leaders directed ary 4, 2005, the gentleman from Oregon My concern, Mr. Speaker, is that we their regional commands to absorb a (Mr. BLUMENAUER) is recognized during are starting to see visible signs of $300 million reduction in base oper- morning hour debates for 5 minutes. strain in our military. I do not want to ating funds as a result of the war costs. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, we see it break. My colleague, the gen- The Army’s shortfall in base operating come to the well of the House often to tleman from Ohio (Mr. RYAN), will support is projected to be $1.2 billion. speak of weighty and contentious speak to these issues momentarily. Mr. Speaker, forcing the military issues. This morning, I speak on an im- The bottom line, Mr. Speaker, is that services to absorb costs of this mag- portant but a lighter note, because this all Members should support our men nitude is important for several reasons. week we have hundreds of cyclists from and women in uniform, we should not The budget request for our military all over America who are coming to deploy them wantonly, and we should services is not adequate for war and Capitol Hill as part of the National Bi- give them the compensation, recogni- general operation. We are about to pass cycle Summit. tion, and tools they, as well as their a 2005 supplemental and we will need a Fifty-seven million Americans ride families, need and deserve. I know I 2006 supplemental. bicycles every year. Thirty-three mil- speak for all Democrats in saying we Democrats believe the administra- lion rode bikes in the last month. And honor their service. tion should be honest with the Amer- on a daily basis there are approxi- f ican people about the real cost of the mately one-half million bicycle com- war. Is the administration doing every- muters. HOUSE DEMOCRATS SUPPORT OUR The bicycle industry is an important TROOPS thing it can to address equipment shortages, personal protective gear and part of our economy. There are over The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the armored vehicles for the troops? 6,000 bicycle shops, 2,000 companies ant to the order of the House of Janu- Figures in this budget suggest that the that deal with bicycle manufacturing, ary 4, 2005, the gentleman from Ohio Department of Defense may be robbing and tens of thousands of employees. (Mr. RYAN) is recognized during morn- Peter to pay Paul. There is a large and emerging industry ing hour debates for 5 minutes. of bicycle tourism. Yet there is a sig- Does the administration have a plan Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I nificant area of difficulty that the cy- for success in Iraq and to pay the costs would like to start off by thanking the clists will bring to Capitol Hill plead- of this war? Repeated supplementals is gentleman from Missouri (Mr. SKEL- ing their case. Half the Americans are no way to go about doing this coun- TON), our leader on the House Com- not satisfied with their cycling envi- try’s business.
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