.VSG is nick — nee page 2; PLAYBOY An interview with the Dean on "The letter to CAMPUS, under "Letters;" KXOIIUH" of Allegheny professors to KAIJ's "Identity Crinis," on page .1; foreign territories. More of Paul Bristo Allegheny's gopher-diggers, on sports in CAMPUS midterm special, and of page. John Jones. Film Festival plans, also . Vol. XC, No. 24 The Allegheny College Campus Allegheny College Meadville, Pa. Friday, April 28, 1967 Dean McKean To Leave For OFFICERS CHOSEN FOR FRATERNITIES New Post As Girls' Headmaster Fraternity officers for 1967-68 Allegheny lost her ten-year Dean of Students last week to have been elected. The following an exclusive Episcopalian-affiliated Michigan academy for girls, slates were released to the Campus: Kingswood School, Cranbrook, Bloomfield Hills. Dean John R. Alpha Chi Rho: Kevin Cox, '69, O. McKean will serve as headmaster there, according to Samuel president; Tom Boland, '68, vice- E. MacArthur, chairman of the school's board of directors. president; Mike Ritchie, '69, treas- Dr. McKean succeeds Marion E. Goodale, fourth head- urer. Delta Tau Delta: Norm Le- mistress of the six-year board- vine, '68, president; Rick Ziegler, Dr. Harold Taylor strikes a ing and day school for girls, degree in home economics from '68, vice-president; Dick Caird, '68, stylish pose as he advises his who leaves Cranbrook this July Farmington State College in Maine, treasurer. and taught her subject in Houlton, Ford Chapel audience last Satur- 31 after 17 year as headmis- Phi Delta Theta: George Taaffe, Me. Mrs. McKean also served as a day NOT to pose! (Full coverage tress. '68, president; Jake Lesswing, '69, home economist for the Extension of ASG's Symposium in the CAM- • McKean's appointment be- vice-president; Bill DeWitt, '68, Division of Cornell while her hus- PUS special.) comes effective August 1. He will treasurer. Phi Kappa Psi: Dave band studied personnel, American be the first headmaster in the Ostroth, '68, president; Ron Mark- history, and educational philosophy 1 school's 38-year history, MacArthur ham, '69, vice-president; Blaine at that institution. observed. He received his BA de- Myers, '68, treasurer. Sigma Alpha gree in history from the College of Dr. and Mrs. McKean will live in Epsilon: Jay Anthony, '68, presi- William and Mary (Williamsburg, an official residence at Kingswood Dean John R. O. McKean dent; Pete Goff, '69, vice-president; Va.) In 1956, McKean was granted with their two daughters, Janet, 9, Jim Bryan, '68, treasurer. his Master of Education degree — and Annalise, 6, "who are expected American Association of University and in 1961 he won his Doctor of to attend Brookside School Cran- Theta Chi: Doug Dayton, '68, Women, and has been active in the president; Jim Fernandes, '69, vice- Education degree, both from Cor- ' brook," according to Board of Di- League of Women Voters in Mead- nell University. rectors Chairman MacArthur. president; John Brandon, '68, treas- ville. Both are communicants of the urer. Phi Gamma Delta has not yet • McKean is a member of the From 1952 to 1953 he taught an- Episcopal church. announced new officers. cient history and biology at Landon National Association of Student School for Boys, a private country- Personnel Administrators; past day school in Bethesda, Maryland. president of the Pennsylvania Asso- Off-Campus Housing Allegheny presents a FESTI- The following year he was a teach- ciation of Student Personnel Ad- All sophomore and junior men VAL OF CONTEMPORARY er of English and social studies in ministrators, and a member of the who would like to live in off-campus MUSIC, featuring the works of Homer School, Homer, New York. Direct Descendents of the Signers housing next year are to apply in NED ROREM in Ford Memorial The new headmaster's wife, Ruth of the Declaration of Independence, the Dean of Students' office by Chapel Wednesday, May 3, and Composer Ned Rorem MacDonald McKean, is also an ed- Phi Delta Kappa and Kappa Sigma. May 5, according to RAB repre- Friday, May 5 at 8:15 p.m. (story below, left) ucator. She graduated with a BA Mrs. McKean is a member of the sentatives. Contemporary Music Festival Curricula Changes Made "Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory" marks and new courses, includ- ing physics and astronomy for non-science majors, constitute Scheduled For This Week academic innovations for next year. For a week, starting Monday, May 1, Allegheny will pre- ..,-.,— ' In a recent CAMPUS interview, Dean of Instruction Helm- sent a Contemporary Music Festival, featuring composer Ned U reich YOUR MONEY WENT... stated that, starting the fall term, juniors and seniors may Rorem. On Tuesday evening in Ford Chapel Mr. Rorem will give elect one S-U course a year outside their major field. The num- an informal lecture and answer questions. Wednesday evening ' Anyone concerned about apparent ber of students admitted on he will present a concert, assisted by Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Neu- "lack of concern" on campus should this basis will be limited in spired the program's initiation. rath, Mr! and Mrs. Robert Lynn, Dr. Wright North and Janet be glad to hear that the Religious most classes and enrollment Faculty response has been favor- Fee, a senior music major. legheny is made possible under Activities Committee voted at its will be primarily on a first- able and many courses are open Friday, a concert by the Al- the William Preston Beazall Fund, last meeting to donate $150.00 to come, first-served basis. Individual for S-U in each department. Though freed of concern regard- legheny Choir and Choral with established to present distin- the Day Care Center in Meadville, departments choose the courses in Mr. Rorem conducting is plan- $200.00 to the Ecumenical Institute ing discrete grade distinctions, guished artists on campus. the program. ned. Some of Rorem's own compo- Known as "the best living song in Chicago, $100.00 to the Commit- students will be expected to com- "Exploration" into new fields sitions will be presented. composer" Ned Rorem is a well- tee of Responsibility, and $400.00 to plete satisfactorily all course de- • All performances are at 8:15 traveled, much honored man. Prizes the NAACP's legal defense fund. without grade competition' in- (See COURSES, page 2) in Ford Chapel. awarded his music include the This money represents recent Sun- Soloists for the Friday evening Gershwin Memorial Award (1948) day Chapel offerings. concert will be William Bly, Susan for the "best published song of Similar contributions have been Community Fair Opens, Bobo, Elizabeth Emmert, William 1948;" he was honored by the Music made during the year, according to Kammann, Sharon Kelts, Willa Library Association; Lili Boulanger committeewoman Marianne Spitz- Nemetz and Lynn Roberts. Accom- (See ROREM, page S) form '68. panists will be Cynthia Ball, Re- Aids Foreign Students becca Borthwick, Donna Roberts, Allegheny's first Community Fair will be sponsored from Nancy Moyers Ross, Dorothy Smith 1 to 6 p.m. May 13 by the Foreign Student Fund Drive Com- and Mr. Lynn at the organ. FREE WORLD LECTURE mittee. Sponsored by the Huidekoper-Kidder Fund, the final lec- Its first fund drives, in the late 50's, were expressions of The choir and chorale will sing ture in the "Free World" series will be delivered at Allegheny faculty-student cooperation. After last year's successful com- I Corinthians 13. by Richard N. Gardner, Professor of Law and International Re- munity-college open house, the Fund Drive Committee is ask- During the week, Mr. Rorem lations at Columbia University. Gardner is former Deputy As- ing area merchants to partici- will meet with classes and con- sistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs. pate in the fair. John McKean. Area bands, a style duct rehearsals. His visit to Al- His discourse on "U.S. Foreign Policy, Today and Tomor- Space in the Fieldhouse will show, and numerous "skits" are row," will be delivered before be sold to merchants who wish planned — including Dick Buh- a Ford Chapel audience, Tues- to construct display booths from rendorf's puppets. day, May 9. men's and women's clothing stores, as well as from Meadville art, music Also there is a possibility that • Well-known for his "broad and sporting goods stores. pony rides will be provided for chil- international outlook and stimulat- • Students dressed as clowns dren, the CAMPUS learned shortly ing practical vision," Dr. Gardner will advertise the fair in Meadville before presstime. frequently finds his working days in an attempt to generate commun- The Foreign Student Fund Drive taken up with duties ranging from ity interest and support. Committee, an organ of ASG, raises service to the United Nations and Besides the town merchants' money to augment the foreign stu- professorial tasks at Columbia to booths, all sororities, fraterni- dent fund. This year's goal is $1,600. government assignments in Wash- ties, and the Independents will Last term's variety show was ington. He recently served as Senior also be represented. Highlight- sponsored by the Committee. This Advisor to US Ambassador to the ing the fair will be the annual term's Fair replaces the annual UN Arthur J. Goldberg. rains of music are in the air a- auction, featuring barker Dean Carnival which was held last year. round Bentley this week—as are In November, 1965, he headed speeches, rumors of sports car a panel on population control for rallies, and community fairs. The the White House Conference on mid-term special of CAMPUS International Cooperation. He SINFONIETTA PRESENTS CONCERT next week includes coverage of a was still in his early thirties when Dr. Richard Gardner Allegheny Sinfonietta will present its second concert of the film festival at Kent State — and he went to Washington in 1961 year Sunday, April 30, at 4:00 p.m., when Ford Chapel will ring plans for an upcoming festival to serve as Deputy Assistant Sec- keeping and disarmament policy; with "the rousing Tancredi Overture by Gioacchino Rossini," ac- here.
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