INAUGURAL CONFERENCE 2 TO 3 SEPTEMBER 2010 HOFBURG · VIENNA “From Vision to Reality: A New and Holistic Approach to Fighting Corruption” List of Participants September 3rd, 2010 States AfghAnistAn Abdul M. ShoogufAn, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Afghanistan - Vienna Mohammad Yama Aini, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Afghanistan - Vienna AlbAniA Basha LuLZiM, Minister of interior, Ministry of interior Avenir PekA, Deputy Minister, Ministry of interior helena Papa, Coordinator/inspector Department of internal, Administrative Control and Anti-Co, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania Vili MinARoLLi, Ambassador of the Republic of Albania, Albanian embassy AlgeriA Taous feRoukhi, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Algeria Zohra Zerara, Counsellor, Algerian embassy in Vienna AndorrA Maria Ubach fonT, Chargé d’affaires a.i., Permanent Mission Andorra to the un, Ministry of foreign Affairs Marta Salvat, Special envoy on Policy and Security issues, Ministry of foreign Affairs AngolA Jacinto Rangel Lopes Cordeiro neTo, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Angola Dulce goMeS, first Secretary, Permanent Mission Angola ArgentinA eugenio Maria CuRiA, Ambassador Ariel Walter gonZALeZ, Counsellor ArmeniA Ashot hovakiMiAn, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Armenia to oSCe, un Angela BAghdasaryan, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Armenia to oSCe, un Lusine Davtyan, Second Secretary, embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Austria AustrAliA Simon MAMouneY, Second Secretary, Australian embassy IACA InternatIonal antI-corruptIon academy – VIenna 2010 1 AustriA Maria fekTeR, Minister of the interior, federal Ministry of the interior Michael SPinDeLeggeR, Minister for european and international Affairs, federal Ministry for european and international Affairs Claudia BAnDion-OrtneR, Minister of Justice, Ministry of Justice Michael kLoiBMüLLeR, head of the Minister’s office, federal Ministry of the interior Jochen DAnningeR, head of the Minister’s office, federal Ministry for european and international Affairs Johannes RehuLkA, Member of Cabinet, Ministry of Justice hermann feineR, Director-general iV (Services and Supervision), federal Ministry of the interior elisabeth TiChY-fisslbeRgeR, Director-general, Ministry for european and international Affairs helmut BöCk, Permanent Representative to the unoV, Member of the Steering Committee (iACA), federal Ministry for european and international Affairs Josef BoSinA, Director general, Ministry of Justice georg KathRein, Director general, Ministry of Justice Johann BRiegeR, Director, Member of the Steering Committee (iACA), Ministry for european and international Affairs Martin kReuTneR, Chairman Steering Committee & Transition Team, iACA ingrid SonnLeiTneR, Director for european and international Affairs, Ministry of Justice Barbara SChRoTTeR, head of Department of international Affairs, federal Ministry of the interior AZerbAiJAn Ali huSeYnoV, head of Legal Affairs Committee, Member of Anti-Corruption Commission, Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan Javid NasiRoV, Second Secretary, embassy of Azerbaijan/PM to the 10th Vienna namig ASgARoV/ASkeRoV, Deputy general Prosecutor, general Prosecutor’s office kamran ALiYeV, head of Anti-Corruption Department, general Prosecutor’s office inam kARiMoV, Secretary of the Anti-Corruption Commission, Anti-Corruption Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan belARUS Vadim PisareViCh, Counsellor, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Belarus to the un in Vienna BELGIUM frank ReCkeR, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Belgium in Vienna Pete De RoeCk, Auditor-general for integrity Policy, Bureau for Administrative ethics and Deontology Wilfried PfeffeR, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Belgium Skander Nasra, Attaché, Permanent Mission of Belgium Thierry giLLiS, Member, general inspection of the Local and Regional Police Amandine PekeL, Assistant, Permanent Mission of Belgium benin Jean Baptiste eLiAS, Président, l’observatoire de lutte contre la Corruption du Benin bhutAn neten ZAngMo, Chairperson, Anti-Corruption Commission BOLIViA (PLURINAtionAl STAte of) nardi Suxo iTurry, Minister of institutional Transparency and fight Against the Corruption, Ministry of institutional Transparency and fight Against the Corruption Maria Beatriz SouViRon, Ambassador, Bolivian embassy in united kingdom Ricardo Javier MartíneZ CovarruBias, Chargé d’Affaires a.i., Permanent Mission of the Plurinational State of Bolivia Veronica ARevalo SChoeDL, functionary of the Bolivian embassy, Permanent Mission of the Plurinational State of Bolivia Maria Victoria MonTALVo De PINNEGGER, Permanent Mission of the Plurinational State of Bolivia BOSNIA and herZEGOVinA Mijo kReSiC, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Security Mira BAgARiC, Deputy Minister’s head of the Cabinet, Ministry of Security ivica DRonJiC, Minister Counsellor and Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Bosnia to un & oSCe Dajana StajiC, finance and Administrative Assistant, Regional Anti-Corruption initiative - Secretariat IACA InternatIonal antI-corruptIon academy – VIenna 2010 2 botswAnA Peter gRegory, Deputy Director - operations, Directorate on Corruption and economic Crime Anele Dudu nCuBe, Senior Assistant Director, Directorate on Corruption and economic Crime brAZil Julio Cezar ZeLneR gonçalveZ, Permanent Representative of Brazil to the international organizations in Vienna, Permanent Mission Brazil Luiz Augusto FragA Navarro De BRiTT, Deputy Minister, office of the Comptroller general of Brazil eduardo da Costa Farias, Minister-Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission Brazil felipe fLoReS PinTo, Alternate Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission Brazil Roberta SoLiS RiBeiRo, international Affairs Advisor, office of the Comptroller general of Brazil Luis Augusto FragA Navarro, investigator, office of the Comptroller general felipe MenDeS LoPeS, executive, getulio Vargas foundation BRUNEI dARUSSAlAm omar RAhMAn, Permanent Secretary, Prime Minister’s office Meraj AhMAD, Acting Assistant Director, Anti-Corruption Bureau hadanan MohD YuSof, Chief Special investigator, Anti-Corruption Bureau MD Redwan RAhMAn, Chief Special investigator, Anti-Corruption Bureau Swee kiang Ang, Director, Anti-Corruption Bureau Juanda RashiD, Senior Special Duty officer, Prime Minister’s office Md. Zulhilmi oMAR ALi, Administrative officer Special grade, Prime Minister’s office BULGAriA Margarita Stefanova PoPova, Minister of Justice, Ministry of Justice Daniela ilieva Masheva, Deputy Minister of Justice, Ministry of Justice Veselin Borislavov VuChkoV, Deputy Minister of interior of the Republic of Bulgaria, Ministry of interior of the Republic of Bulgaria Zlatko DiMiTRoV, Director of international and eu Law Department Veneta MoMCheva, Chargé d’Affaires and Minister Plenipotentiary, embassy of Bulgaria in Vienna ognyan ChAMPoeV, Minister Plenipotentiary Svilen iLieV, Minister Plenipotentiary Parissa Serafimova PoPnikoLova, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Bulgaria in Vienna Veselin AngeLoV, Second Secretary Milen ivanov DiMiTRoV, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Bulgaria to the un and oSCe in Vienna Milcho MilcheV, Liaison officer of Ministry of interior of the Republic of Bulgaria in Austria, Ministry of interior of the Republic of Bulgaria elena Stefanova VasiLeva, expert, Ministry of interior burKinA fASO Salif DiALLo, Ambassador, Permanent Mission kouka Pierre TAPSoba, Auditor, high Supervisory Authority of the State Bibata SAnou ALi, Counsellor, embassy of Burkina faso henri Bruno Bessin, general Auditor, high Supervisory Authority of the State CAnAdA John BARReTT, Ambassador, embassy of Canada Shawn Caza, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Canada to the international organizations in Vienna Peter CAhiLL, first Secretary, Permanent Mission of Canada to the international organizations in Vienna Dennis CoLe, first Secretary (immigration), embassy of Canada CAPe Verde Marisa helena Do nascimento MoraiS, Minister of Justice, Ministry of Justice fernanda Baptista Silva Mosso MARqueS, executive Secretary of Drug Combat Commission, Ministry of Justice hercules do nascimento CRuZ, Charge d’Affaires, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Cape Verde Lisete neVeS, Prosecutor, Ministry of Justice IACA InternatIonal antI-corruptIon academy – VIenna 2010 3 Chile Alfredo Alejandro LABBÉ, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Chilean Ministry of foreign Affairs francisco J. BeRguÑo, Counsellor, Chilean Ministry of foreign Affairs Cristóbal B. oRTiZ, Second Secretary, Chilean Ministry of foreign Affairs ChinA Yueren gu, Deputy Director-general, Ministry of Supervision of China, general Affairs office Pingman hAn, Supervisor, general office of national Bureau of Corruption Prevention of China Zhijun Wu, Supervisor, office of foreign Affairs, Ministry of Supervision of China xueqing Liu, Director, Beijing Training Centre, Ministry of Supervision of China Yong Zhu, first Secretary, Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of foreign Affairs of China qinmin Shen, Third Secretary, Chinese Permanent Mission to un (Vienna) Jiawen WAng, officer, Research Centre on integrity and ethics, Ministry of Supervision of China COLOMBIA Martha isabel Castaneda CurveLo, Deputy inspector general, office of the inspector general of Colombia / Procuraduria Jorge humberto Ojeda Bueno, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Colombia howell Ricardo quMinbaya MoraleS, Minister Counsellor, Chargé
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