HERITAGE INVESTIGATIONS HERITAGE SURVEY OF THE MURRAY RIVERLANDS (REGION 5- SOUTH AUSTRALIA) PART TWO 2. D.C. BERRI ITEM IDENTIFICATION SHEETS Prepared for the Heritage Conservation Branch of the Department of Environment and Planning by John Dallwitz and Susan Marsden of Heritage Investigations, assisted by Peter Donovan of Donovan and Associates. Adelaide 1984. Funded under the National Estate Financial Assistance Programme 1982/83 and 1983/84. l:'.KU..J t;L".l' South HERITAGE SURVEY HERITAGE SURVEY REGION Australian Item Ref. No. 4 Her i tage ITEM IDENTIFICATION SHEET Act ITEM NAME: Office Use 1978-80 Group of Cottages ITEM No. Former or other DOCKET No. HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE LOCATION Address Sturt Highway The group of seven cottages is of particular historical significance because of its association with the Loveday Town near Berri Prisoner of War Camp. The cottages were part of this Postcode camp and were moved to this site to house workers of Section the Berri Winery, when the Prisoner- of- War Camp was Hundred dismantled after the Second Horld ~var . They are simple County gal vanised iron buildings, \-lhich retain much of their L .G .A. Berri original form despite some additions. Though removed S.H.P . Region 5 from their. original site, ·the cottages retain much of A.M.G. Ref. 7029-I II their significance. 54 45770 620680 (For information about the Loveday Prisoner of War Camp SUBJECT see District Council of Barmera item no . 28) . 2.2 3 . 4 PERIOD State Study Ar ea 1941-p resent TYPE OF ITEH REFERENCES LAND Natural feature Woolmer, The Barmera story . .. , p . 71 c:J Historical site c:J Historical Gdn. c:J BUILDING ~ STRUCTURE c:J PHYSICAL CONDITION Verbal George Woolmer, 1983 Archival photographs PHOTOGRAPH Film No . 803 Negative No. 14 STATUS Direction of vie\-1 to NE Reg. of State Her. Items Reg. D Interim L 0 Nominated D National Estate Reg. D Proposed L D National Trust CL D RL r.=J FileD Other ..-! GO. ..-! ..-!. RECOMMENDATION (A) State[]] B) LocalO PREPARED BY HERI'l'AGE INVESTIGATIONS Date: 1983 .P KUJ .1:::1..:'1' HERITAGE SURVEY REGION 5 Item Ref. No. 4(a) L.G.A. Berri No. 803 12 view to w 803 Negative No. 13 Direction of view to N Film No. 803 Negative No. 15 Direction of view to NW South HERITAGE SURVEY HERITAGE SURVEY REGION 5 Australian Item Ref. No. 11 He ritage ITEM IDENTIFICATION SHEET Act ITEM NAME: Row of Palms Office Use 1978-80 ITEM No. Former or other DOCKET No. HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE LOCATION This row of tall, \o~ell established palms i s of considerable Address Sturt Highway significance, and is similar to those planted at Barmera Town Berri and Renmark . The palms which were originally planted at Postcode Renmark were the idea of the Chaffey Brothers in an attempt Section to improve the amenity of the area. Those at Berri and Hundred Barmera were p lanted in the 1920s as a result of .Government County initiative. They are particularl y interestipg because L.G.A. Berri they were brought from a now- deserted pastoral station - S .H .P. Region 5 Lake Harry Station - situated thirty- two kilometres north­ A.M. G. Ref. 7029-III east of Maree. This station had , for a time , been used as 54 46230 620620 a Government experimental date plantation, and camel breeding station. This row of palms is a rare illustration SUBJECT of this early Government initiative. 1.4 The palms form a landmark on the highway entrance to Berri . They are typical of the formal use of palms which was once common throughout the State . PERIOD State Study Area 1906-1940 TYPE OF ITEH REFERENCES LAND Natural feature c:J Litchfiel d , Maree ... , p. 95 Historical site c:J His torical Gdn . (10 BUILDING c:J STRUCTURE c:J PHYSICAL CONDITION Verbal George t-7oolmer , 1983 Archival photographs PHOTOGRAPH Film No. 803 Negative No. 8 STATUS Direction of view to w Reg . of State Her. Items Reg . D Interim L D Nominated 0 National Estate Reg. D Proposed L D National Trust CL D RL r::J File 0 Other ...... co. 1/') N ......... ""~ RECOMMENDATION U) H H LocalO INVESTIGATIONS South HERITAGE SURVEY HERITAGE SURVEY REGION Australian Item Ref. No. 19 Heritage ITEM IDENTIFICATION SHEET Act ITEt-1 NAME: Water Tower Office Use 1978-80 ITEH No. Former or other DOCKET No. HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE LOCATION Address Vaughan Terrae The water tower \'las built in 1922 . It has a 50 , 000 gallon capacity , which is twice that of the tower at Cobdogla. Town Berri It is historically significant because of its Postcode identification with the development of the township of Section Berri, and also because many similar water towers in Hundred the region have since been demolished. Thus it is a County rare example of the type of water tower which was once L.G.A . Berri common ~n the region - and in South Australia generally. S .H. P. Region 5 A.M .G. Ref. 7029- III 54 46300 620630 SUBJECT 4 . 9 PERIOD State Study Area 1906-1940 TYPE OF ITEM ~FERENCES LAND Natural feature c:J Historical s ite C:: Historical Gdn. C:: BUILDING C:: STRUCTURE ~ PHYSICAL CONDITION Verbal Don Cornish & David Mack, 1983 Archival photographs PHOTOGRAPH Film No. 803 Negative No. 7 STATUS Direction of view to NE Reg . of State Her. Items Reg . D Interim L C Nominated D National Estate Reg. D Proposed L C National Trust CL D R~ CJ FileC r-i 00. Lfl N ........ '<3' ~ U) H H LocalO HERITAGE INVESTIGATIONS 1983 South HERITAGE SURVEY HERITAGE SURVEY REGION Australian Item Ref. No • 20 Heritage ITEM IDENTIFICATION SHEET Act ITEM NA.lllE: Former Irrigation Office Office Use 1978-80 ITEM No. Former or other DOCKET No. HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE The Beri Beri (Berri) district was one LOCATION of the earliest of the irrigation schemes on the upper Address Wilson St . started by the Irrigation and P.eclamation Department for the Town Berri So uth Australian Government in 1909. In 1911 the first Postcode blocks were allotted and the t own of Berri was proclaimed. Section This building is the most hist orically significant in Berri. Hundred I t was cons tructed by the I r r.iga tion Departme nt in 1917 for County use as the irrigation office and residence, ?nd the admin­ L .G .A . Berri i s tration of the Irrigation area was carried out from there S.H.P. Region 5 until new offices were built in 1981. A.M.G. Ref . 7029-III The building was also used as a 54 46320 620590 District Cl erk ' s residence until 1960. This i s one of the earlies t surviving SUBJECT solid construction bui ldings erec ted in Be rri. Its arch­ it~ctural detailing wa s common i n Adelaide but it displays 4.9 a degree o f workmanship which was not common then in Berri ' s residential buildings. While its wide verandahs on three sides indicat e the architect ' s response to local conditions, the plan itself is identical to that of the irrigation off PERIOD and residence built at the Pompoota Soldiers Settlement State Training Farm c.l916. Both are constructed of locall y quarried stone with brick quoins and chimneys. (See also D. C. Mannum item no. 14) . Study Area 1906-1940 TYPE OF ITE?-1 REFERENCES LAND Natural feature C: National Trust 3213 Historical site C: Riverla nd Regiona l Cu lturnl 'f'rus t Co rre sponde nce, 1984. Historical Gdn. C:: BUILDING C[: STRUCTURE C:: PHYSICAL CONDITION Verbal Archival photographs PHOTOGRAPH Film No. 802 Negative No. 15 STATUS Direction of view to N Reg. of State Her. Items Reg. D Interim r.. C: Nominated D National Estate Reg. D Proposed I.. C National Trust CL D RL a File[! Other M co. M M. If) N ""''~ RECOMMENDATION Cl.l H H (A) State0 LocalO PREPARED BY HERITAGE INVESTIGATIONS Date: 1983 1:'1:\VvJ:.\.. J. South HERITAGE SURVEY HERITAGE SURVEY REGION Au stralian Item Ref. No. 22 Heritage ITEM IDENTIFICATION SHEET Act ITEM NAME: Pump Office Use 1978-80 ITEM No. Former or other DOCKET No. HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE LOCATION Th i s three cylinder steam driven pump is historically Address Riverside Ave . significant because of its identification with the Town Berri devel opment of Berri , and reflects the essence of Postcode settl ement along the Murray which was dependent upon Section irrigation. The pump was built by the firm of A. Thompson Hundred & Co. of Castlemaine in Victoria and was installed County 400 metres downstream from its present site ~n 1921 . L.G.A. Berri It remained in service until 1959 , and from then until S . H.P . Region 5 1968 was used as a standby.unit. In 1968 it was given A.M.G. Ref. 7029-III to the National Trust of South Australia. 54 46370 620570 SUBJECT 4.9 PERIOD State Study Area 1906-1940 TYPE OF ITEI-1 REFERENCES LAND Natural feature C:: Historical site C:: Historical Gdn. C:: BUILDING C:: STRUCTURE (:[ PHYSICAL CONDITION Ve rbal Don Cornish , 1983 Archival s PHOTOGRAPH Film No. 802 Negative No. 14 STATUS Direction of view to s Reg. of State Her. Items Reg. D Interim L C: Nominated D National Estate Reg. D Proposed L C National Trust CL D RL 0 FileC Other rl CXl. rl rl. Ill N ~ '~ REC0Mr>1ENDAT I ON (J) H H ) LocalO HERITAGE INVESTIGATI ONS 1983 .
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