MOST URGENT G.E. TO THE LOK SABHA - 2019 Bv E-mail / Speed Post OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER, TELANGANA GENERAL ADMTN|STRAT|ON (ELECTTONS) DEPARTMENT 5th Floor, Buddha Bhavan, MCH Building, Ranigunj Road, Secunderabad -500003 Memo No.675'l/Elecs.A/2O1 9-26 Dated:30-06-2021 Sub : - Elections - General Elections to the Lok Sabha - 2019 - Election Expenses accounts of 68 numbers of defaulted candidates contested from 04-Nizamabad Parliamentary Constituency - Disqualification Orders of the Election Commission dated. 23-06-2021 published in Telangana Gazette No. 25 dated. 26-06-2021 - Copy forwarded for usage in future elections by the ROs and other election related officials - Regarding. Ref : - 1 .Election Commisiion of lndia Order No. 76/TEL -HP/SOU3/2019, dated. 23-06-2021. 2.This office Memo No. 6751/Elecs.tu2019-20 dated. 25-06-202'laddressed to the Commissioner of Printing, Stationary & Stores Purchase, Telangana State, Hyderabad. 3.Telangana Gazette No. 25, dt. 26-06-2021 . -0o0- Copy of Telangana Gazette Part -V Extraordinary No. 25, dated. 26-06-2021 in reference 3'd cited in which Election Commission of lndia Orders dated. 23-06-2021 disqualifying 68 numbers of defaulted candidates under Section 10A of the Representation of People Act, 1951 contested from O4-Nizamabad Parliamentary Constituency during the General Elections to the House of People - 2019 has been published, is sent herewith to all the Collectors & District Election Officers including the Commissioner, GHMC & District Election Officer, Hyderabad district with a request to provide the same to all the Returning Officers of Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies and other election related officials under their jurisdiction for reference and usage in all the forthcoming elections and also to upload the matter in the district portal for public view. ' DT.SHASHANKGOEL CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER & E.O.SPL. CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To 1. All the District Collectors & District Election Officers (w.e.) 2.The Commissioner, GHMC & District Election Officer, Hyderabad district (w.e.) Cop to: 1. Shri Avinash Kumar, Secretary, E.C.l., Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road' New Delhi - 110001 for favour of kind information with reference to the Commission's Order No. 76/TEL-HP/SOU3/20 1 9, dated. 23-06-2021 . 2. Shri Sanjay Kumar, Under Secretary, E.C.l., Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001. 3. Spare -1. //FORWARDED: :BY ORDER// N OFFICER SECTo- RN.I. No. TELMUL/2016/73158. I Price : {. 90-00. IISE No. 105112020-2022. o RIGIITTO IN FO RIIATIO t{ Beronoea eas $gd$t THE TELANGANA GAZETTE PAREV EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 251 HYDERABAD, SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 202T. STATUTORY NOTIFICATIONS OF THE ELECTION COMMISSION OF IIIDIA AND OTHER ELECTION NOTIFICATIONS NOTF'IC,IUONS BY GOVERNMENT OTTICE OF THE CHIEF ELECTORAL OTT'ICER, TELAI\GANA GENERAL ADMIMSTRATION DEPARTMENT (ELEC'I!9N$ ELECTION . EXPENSES ACCOTJNTS OF CONTESTED CANDIDATES . DISQUALIFICATION ORDERS TINDER SECTION IOA OF THE R.P.ACT, 1951 VIDE COMMISSION'S ORDERS DATED 23.06.202I IN RESPECT OF 68 CONTESTED CANDIDATES FROM O4.NZAMABAD PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCY FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION TO THE LOK SABHA 2019. [Memo No.6751/ElecsAX20I9-20, Olfice of the Chief ElecToral Offcer, Telangano, 25t Jane,2021J. The following Orders of the Election Commission of Indi4 Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-l 10001, Dated 23d June,2021,02 Asailta 1943 (Saka) is republished:- ORDER No. 76ITELHPiSOU3/2019:- WHEREAS, the General Election for 04-Nizamabad Parliamentary Constituency of Telangana, 2019 was announced by the Election Commission of tndia vide Press Note No. ECI/PNI23/2019 dated 106 March,20l9;and IVIIEREAS, as per Section 78 ofthe Representation ofthe People Ac! 1951, every contesting candidate has to lodge a true copy of his accormt ofelection expenses within 30 days with the concemed District Election OfficeB from the date ofelection ofthe retumed candidate; and WIIEREAS, the result of the election for 04-Nizamabad Parliamentary Constituency was declared by the Retuming Officer on 23d May, 2019 and hence the last date for lodging the account of Election Expenses was 22d lune,2019; and WHEREAS, as per the report dated 256June, 2019 submitted by the District Election Officer, Nizamabad District, Telangan4 Are Sayanna, a contesting candidate from O4-Nizamabad Parliamentary Constituency of Lok Sabah - 201 9 from Telangana has failed to lodge account of election expenses, as required under law; and tl1 G-314t1. 2 TELANGANA G AZET-IE EXTRAORDINARY lPart - V IYIIEREAS, on the basis ofthe said report of the District Election Ofiicer, a Show-Cause notice No. 76ITEL- HPl20l9/04, dated 066 July, 2020 was issued under sub rule (5) of Rule 89 of the Conduct of Election Rules, 196l by the Election Commission of lndia to Are Sayanna, for not lodging ofaccount of Election Expenses; and WHEREAS, through the above said Show Cause Notice and under sub rule (6) of Rule 89 ofthe Conduct of Election Rules, 1961, Are Sayanna was directed to submit representation in writing to the Commission explaining the reason for not lodging the account and also to lodge account of election expenses with the District Election Officer, Nizamabad within 20 days from the date ofreceipt ofthe notice; and WHEREAS, the District Electic,n Oflicer, Nizamabad, has reported that the said notice was served to Are Sayanna on 19-08-2020; and WHEREAS, the District Election Officer, Nizamabad in his supplementary report, dated l9-06-2021 reported that Are Sayanna, has not submitted any representation or a statement ofcorrect account ofelection expenses, duly signed along with original vouchers etc, Further, after receipt of the said notice, Are Sayanna has neitlrer furnished any reason nor explanation to the Election Commission of India, for failwe to lodge the account as prescribed under law; and WHEREAS, Section 10 A of the Representation ofthe People Act, l95l provides that:- "If the Election Commission is satisfied that a person- a) has failed to lodge an account of election expenses, ieithin the time and in the manner required by or under this Act, and (b) has no good reason or justification for the failure, the Election Commission shall, by order published in the Oficial Gazette, declare him to be disqualified and any such person shall be disqualilied for a period of three years from the date of the order.": WHEREAS, on the basis of facts and available records, the Commission is satisfied that Are Sayanna has failed to lodge account ofelection expenses and has no good reason orjustification for the failure to do so; and NOW TIIERX,FORE, in pursuance of Section l0A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, the Election C,ommission of India hereby declares Are Sayenna, resident of- H.No. 2-l I, Munipally Mllage, Jakranpally Mandal, Nizamabad Disrict and a contesting candidate from 04-Nizamabad Parliamentary Constituency of the State of Telangana in the General Election to Lok Sabh4 20 I 9, to be disqualified for being chosen as and for being a member of either House of Parliament or rhe Legislative Assembly or legislative Council ofa State or Union Territory for a period of three yean from the date of this order. To, Shri/Smt/Km.Ms. Are Sayanna, IlNo.2-l 1, Mmipally Village, Jakranpally Mandal, Nizamabad Dstlcl-503224. The following Orders of the Election Commission of Indi4 Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, NewDelhi-l10001, Dal€d 23'd June,2021,02Asadhe 1943 (Saka) is republished:- ORDER No. 76|TELHP/SOU3/2019:- WIIEREAS, the General Election for 04-Nizamabad Parliamenrary Constituency of Telanganq 2019 was announced by the Election Commission of India vide Press Note No. ECU PN/23l2019 dated 106 Marclu 2019; and WHEREAS, as per Section 78 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, every contesting candidate has to lodge a tue copy of his account ofelection expenses within 30 days with the concemed District Election Officer, from t}e darc ofelection ofthe retumed candidate; and WHEREASi the result of the election for 04-Nizamabad Parliamentary Constituency was declared by the Retuming Officer on 23d May,2019 and hence the last date for lodging the accormt of Election Experses was 22 June,20l9; and Iune 26,2021) TELANGANA GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY J WHEREAS, as per the report dated 256 June, 2019 submitted by the District Election Officer, Nizamabad District, Telangana, Adamala Ravindhar Reddy, a contesting candidate from 04-Nizamabad Parliamentary Constituency of Lok Sabah - 2019 from Telangana has failed 10 lodge account ofelection expenses, as required under law; and WHEREAS, on the basis of the said report of the District Election Officer, a Show-Cause notice No. 76ITEL- HP/2019/04, dated 06d July,2020 was issued undersub rule (5) of Rule 89 of the Conduct of ElectionRules. l96l by the Election Commission of India to Adamala Ravindhar Reddy, for not lodging of account of Election Expenses; and WHEREAS, tkough the above said Show Cause Notice and under sub rule (6) of Rule 89 ofthe Conduct of Election Rules, 1961, Adamala Ravindhar Reddy, was dhected to submit representation in writing tothe Commission explaining the reason for not lodging the account and also to lodge account ofelection exp€nses with the District Election Officer, Nizamabad within 20 days from the date ofreceipt ofthe notice; and WHEREAS, the District Election Officer, Nizamabad, has reported that the said notice was served to Adamala Ravindhar Reddy on 1E-0&2020; and WHEREAS, the District Election Ofiicer, Nizamabad in his supplementary report, dated 19-06-2021 reported that Adrmala Ravindhar Reddy, has not submitted any representation or a statemcnt ofcorrect account ofelection expenses, duly signed along with original vouchers etc, Further, after receipt of the said notice, Adamala Ravindhar Reddy has neither fumished any reason nor explanation to the Election Commission of lndi4 for failure to lodge the account as prescribed under law; and WHEREAS, Section l0 A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 provides that:- "If the Election Commission is satisfied that a pelson- a) has failed to lodge an account of election expenses, within the time and in the manner required by or under this Acl, and (b) has no good reason or juslification for the failure.
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