O THE Special - Homecoming Issue WELCOME ALUMNI l. XXXVII Vo GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1952 No. 16 Bulldogs Sponsor Homecoming Dance Omicron Delta Kappa Elects Two By Maurice Brewster, Jr. Recently selected for member- ship in Omicron Delta Kappa, Na- Music By Ambassadors; tional Leadership Honor Society, were Dan Blitch and Pete Silas. ANAK To Tap Members Although these new members quali- fied last spring, they could not be By Marvin Gechman elected until this fall due to the The annual Georgia Tech Homecoming Dance, sponsored by the lateness of the Student Council's Bulldog Club, will be held Saturday night, October 25, in the Tech gym. election of officers in May. Music will be furnished from eight to twelve by The Ambassadors Dan Blitch has been on the Stu- and several other highlights will also take place during the evening. dent Council for four years and is One of the high points of inter- president this year, is Secretary est during the dance will be the stick. All Bullpups will be wearing of ANAK, vice-President of traditional ANAK tapping cere- a sign on their back signifying the fact that they are a Bullpup, their Koseme, Alpha Phi Mu (Industrial mony. ANAK, the highest honor- name, and the organization they Engineering fraternity), Ramblin' ary organization on the campus, represent. In case they are visual- Reck Club (four years), Student semi-annually selects the outstand- ly unnoticed, their presence will be Trial Board, N.S.A. National Con- ing campus leaders in an impres- magnified by the sound of barks. gress delegate, assistant treasurer sive ceremony which everyone looks of A.T.O. fraternity, Georgia Tech forward to. In addition, the winner Twice a year each fraternity elects a man to the Bulldog Club. Athletic Board, Dean list. of The Ugliest Man on the Campus Competition will be officially an- The twenty-six Bullpups being ini- Pete Silas is captain of the nounced. The Ambassadors, who tiated this Fall and the organiza- basketball team (lettered two will furnish the orchestration for tion they represent are: Karl Fran- years), is Vices-President of the the evening, are an outstanding or- kel, Alpha Epsilon Pi; Cochran Student Council, Chairman of the The new Tech library, costing over 2 million dollars, will have ganization although they are not Scott, Kappa Alpha; Jimmy Dre- Trial Board, member of ANAK, a capacity of 450,000 volumes. too well known. The group is new, ger, Chi Phi; John Bobo, Beta The- member of the Ramblin' Reck Club, but not inexperienced, for it con- ta Pi; Marvin Perlman, Tau Epsilon has been on the Dean's List, mem- sists primarily of former members Phi; Blair Minick, Phi Gamma Del- ber of Phi Delta Theta Social Fra-0 Construction Under Way of the best bands in the country ta; Ralph Sellers, Pi Kappa Alpha; ternity, member of Koseme, Lieu- who formed this group while in the Bill Morrison, Kappa Sigma: Bill tenant Colonel in ROTC. For New Campus Librar armed service. The attire for the Landis, Theta Chi; Joe Mole, Lamb- Omicron Delta Kappa was found- evening is officially semi-formal, da Chi Alpha; John Dugger, Sigma ed on December 3, 1914 at Wash- For some time Georgia Tech has been engaged in a vast building but it should be made clear that Phi • Epsilon; Frank Hodges, Phi ington and Lee University by a program. This project has seen the rise of the Textile building and the the usual dress for this occasion Kappa Tau; Harry Rollens, Chi Psi; group of student and faculty lead- modern Research building in the past 6 years. Most recently, it has leans heavily toward the informal. Cy Grimshaw, Tau Kappa Epsilon; seen the completion of the Architecture building and work on the Tom Hayes, Theta Xi; Dick Find- ers. The society has threee main A very conspicuous attraction Library and the addition of a new ley, Phi Delta Theta; John Roller, goals: first, to recognize men who during the dance will be the pres- lounge to the College Inn. affected by government restrictions Independent Student Organization; have done outstanding work in col- on vital materials. ence of the Bullpups who are the lege activities ; second, to help The new library, for which Henry Dozier, Delta Sigma Phi; The building itself is built along pledges of the Bulldog Club. They mould the sentiments of the in- ground was broken last spring, is George Renaldi, Sigma- Nu; Gene the lines of simplicity and utili- will be easily discernable due to stitution by bringing together the expected to cost $2,028,000. De- Hoffman, Phi Kappa Sigma; Ber- tarian beauty. The main building their unusual attire which includes: most representative men in all signed in the same. contemporary nie Hamling, Sigma Chi; Oscar Hef- located off Fourth St. is 3 stories a derby, tuxedo coat, red shirt, yel- ner, Delta Tau Delta; Bill Parker, phases of college life; third, to style as the architecture building, high and shaped_ roughly like an H. low tie, white pants, a pair of un- Alpha Tau Omega; George Ruppi- bring together members of the it contains 100,000 sq. ft. and has The cross-bar is a one story open matched socks, sneakers, and a nicker, Pi Kappa Phi; Tom Mus- faculty and student body on a basis shelves for 450,000 volumes, per- iodicals, and newspaper. The li- terrace while the opposite sides cooked hot dog at the end of a (Continued on page 2) of common interest and under- contain class-rooms, labs, and lec- standing. brary will be ready for use by next June, according • to present ture halls. This architectural struc- Membership in ODK is based on construction rates. The library, al- ture, built at a cost of one million outstanding leadership a b i l i t y. ways the nucleus of the college, dollars, contains many new fea- Gala Weekend Festivities Candidates must rank scholastical- is a key in the present expansion tures. In addition to a large audi- ly in the highest thirty-five percent program. torium, the building itself has a Scheduled For Tech Alumni of their class and must have The Architecture building, which well shelved library of reference interests in at least three of the was dedicated last Sept. 20, is books, and two exhibition rooms For four Classes of years gone by at Tech, Homecoming, 1952 following fields: scholarship, pub- built along modern, contemporary where students may display their has a special meaning. This is the year of their Class reunions, and lications, athletics, social and re- architectural lines. Ground for this models and sketches. Besides these special parties have been planned by these Classes to supplement the ligious affairs, campus gogyernment, building was broken a year ago features, the edifice sports a roof regular Homecoming schedule. Reunions are planned for the Classes of (Continued on page 2) 1922, 1927, 1932, and 1942. (Continued on page 12) and construction . was only slightly Park, J. V. Patrick, Percy Perkins, Class of 1922 0. Rankin and Joe Singer make The class of 1922 will hold their V. Who's Who Around Tech reunion party at the Biltmore up the committee responsible for Hotel immediately following the planning this reunion. Tech-Vandy game. Members of the Class of 1932 reunion committee are Dean George The '32 class is planning a din- Council Selects Campus Leaders Griffin, C. D. LeBey, Al Rose, Dick ner-dance to be held at the East Garlington, Oscar C. Davis, Robert Lake Country Club tonight. Festiv- Thirty-one outstanding Georgia Tech seniors have been elected to J. Dean Davidson, Lithonia, Ga.; T. (Bobby) Jones, Arlie Hitt, Jir- ities will get underway at 7:30 p.m. "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges." Edward N. Braun, Augusta, Ga.; oud Jones, Jimmy D'Arcy, Stanley with cocktails, followed by the din- The Student Council based their selection on the leadership and parti- Donald C. Bogue, St. Petersburg, Simpson, Henry Granger and Judy ner scheduled to start at 8:30. At- cipation in student activities shown by these men throughout their Fla.; James D. Blitch, Statesboro, Harlan, all of Atlanta and A. R. lantans on the reunion committee Ga.; Benjamin C. Bishop, Jr., college years here at Tech. Flowers of Birmingham, Ala., T. include Randy Whitfield, Dan Mc- James F. Watson, Atlanta, Ga.; Greenville, S. C.; Paul Berg, Co- M. Barnhart of Charlotte and Ful- Keever, Bob Alford, Lewis Barnes, "Who's Who" was organized in Cecil J. Silas, Miami, Fla.; Gus G. lumbus, Ga.; Thomas L. Alnutt, Jr., ton Webb of Coral Gables, Fla. Roy Brewer, Eugene Clary, Harry 1934-1935. It is a national organi- Randolph, Mayfield, Ky.; Richard Cartersville, Ga.; Gordon M. Al- Class of 1927 Dewar, J. E. Fain, Jack Glenn, zation that recognizes distinguished D. Neal, Columbus, Ga.; George A. bury, Jr., Miami, Fla.; Dennis Car- The Grill Room, of the Atlanta Ernest ,Harrison, Bill Horne, Jr., students throughout America for Morris, Jr., Vicksburg, Miss.; Har- lin, Jr., Birmingham, Ala.; George Athletic Club will be the scene, of Hubert Joiner, Stewart McGinty, their schOlarship, leadership, coop- old C. McKenzie, Jr., Atlanta, Ga.; W. Adams, Thomaston, Ga.; Rich- the "silver" reunion party of the Paul McLarty, Albert Patton, Leon- eration in educational and extra- Joel G. King, Jr., Jackson, Miss.; ard L. Clement, Atlanta, Ga.; Roy Class of 1927. This party will also ard Robinson, Bill Rocker, Jack curricular activities, general citi- Joe W. Jernigan, Chattanooga, W. Reach, Waycross, Ga.; John H. get underway immediately follow- Smoot and Dick Whitehead.
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