Darko Knez Instrumentalna dediščina Glasbila in glasbeni avtomati iz zbirke Narodnega muzeja Slovenije Instrumentalna dediščina Instrumental Heritage Instrumental Heritage Musical Instruments and Music 35,00 € Machines from the Collection of the Darko Knez Darko National Museum of Slovenia 2 Darko Knez Instrumentalna dediščina Glasbila in glasbeni avtomati iz zbirke Narodnega muzeja Slovenije Instrumental Heritage Musical Instruments and Music Machines from the Collection of the National Museum of Slovenia Ljubljana 2017 4 Darko Knez 8 Instrumentalna dediščina. Glasbila in glasbeni avtomati iz zbirke Narodnega muzeja Slovenije 10 Uvod 12 Zbirka glasbil in glasbenih avtomatov Oddelka za zgodovino in uporabno umetnost Narodnega Muzeja Slovenije 18 Dosedanje raziskovanje 22 Zbiranje glasbenih inštrumentov 26 Glasbila KAZALO KAZALO 28 Delitev glasbil po načinu igranja 32 Strunska glasbila 34 Godala 34 Goslarstvo 38 Violina 70 Violončelo (ali čelo) 72 Gúsle 76 Glasbila s tipkami 78 Orgle 92 Klavikord 106 Klavir 106 Andrej Bitenc (Andreas Wittenz), ljubljanski izdelovalec klavirjev 114 Bitenčevi klavirji 156 Harmonika 162 Brenkala 164 Citre 190 Pihala 190 Flavta 196 Klarinet 202 Dude 208 Trobila 5 CONTENTS Darko Knez 9 Instrument Heritage. Musical Instruments and Music Machines from the Collection of the National Museum of Slovenia 11 Introduction 13 Collection of Musical Instruments and Music Machines of the Department of History And Applied Arts in the National Museum of Slovenia 19 Research Up to Now 23 Collecting Musical Instruments 27 Musical Instruments 29 Categorisation of Musical Instruments According to the Mode of Playing 33 Stringed Instruments 35 Bowed Stringed Instruments 35 Lutherie 39 Violin 71 Violoncello (or cello) 73 Gúsle 77 Keyboard Musical Instruments 79 Organ 93 Clavichord 107 Piano 107 Andrej Bitenc (Andreas Wittenz), piano maker from Ljubljana 115 The Pianos of Andrej Bitenc 157 Accordion 163 Plucked String Instruments 165 Zither 191 Woodwind Instruments 191 Flute 197 Clarinet 6 210 Trobila – rog 220 Tolkala 238 Elektroakustični inštrumenti 242 Glasbeni avtomati 264 Razno 270 Sklep Irma Langus Hribar 274 Glasbila: konserviranje – restavriranje in hranjenje zbirke v KAZALO KAZALO Narodnem muzeju Slovenije Katja Kavkler 302 Analiza površinskih premazov izbranih strunskih glasbil 326 Viri in literatura 335 Imensko kazalo avtorjev, izdelovalcev in uporabnikov glasbil 7 CONTENTS 203 Bagpipes 209 Brass Instruments 211 Brass Instruments – Horn 221 Percussion 239 Electroacoustic Musical Instruments 243 Music Machines 265 Miscellaneous 271 Conclusion Irma Langus Hribar 275 Musical Instruments: Conservation and Restoration of the Collection Kept In the National Museum of Slovenia Katja Kavkler 303 Analysis of Surface Coatings on Selected String Instruments 326 Resources and Bibliography 335 The Name Index of Authors, Producers and Users of Musical Instruments 8 Darko Knez Darko Instrumentalna dediščina Glasbila in glasbeni avtomati iz zbirke Narodnega muzeja Slovenije „Glasba daje dušo vesolju, krila razumu, polet domišljiji in življenje vsemu.“ Platon 9 Darko Knez Darko Instrumental Heritage Musical Instruments and Music Machines from the Collection of the National Museum of Slovenia “Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” Plato 10 UVOD V publikaciji predstavljamo Zbirko glasbil in glasbenih avtomatov, ki jih hrani Oddelek za zgodovino in uporabno umetnost Narodnega muzeja Slovenije. Zbirka obsega obdobje od 17. stoletja do sodobnosti. Glasbila smo v tej publikaciji razdelili po načinu igranja, pri tem pa, kolikor je to bilo mogoče, upoštevali kronološko razvrstitev. Imenu glasbila sledijo osnovni standardni muzeološki podatki, ki opredeljujejo glasbeni inštrument, v tem vrstnem redu: izdelovalec predmeta, kraj izdelave, leto izdelave, materiali, iz katerih je inštrument izdelan, mere predmeta oziroma delov predmeta, signatura, če je na glasbilu, vir pridobitve, provenienca oziroma kdo je inštrument uporabljal, restavrator, ki je glasbilo restavriral ter letnica restavriranja, objava predmeta, literatura, analogije, fotografija in opis glasbila. Tukaj objavljeno gradivo, ki je bilo desetletja večinoma skrito v depojih, je kot materialni vir namenjeno nadaljnjemu preučevanju. 11 INTRODUCTION This publication presents the Collection of Musical Instruments and Music Boxes held at the Department of History and Applied Arts. The collection spans the period from the 17th century to the modern age. For the purposes of this publication we have categorised instruments according to the way they are played. Within each category we followed chronological classification as much as possible. The name of an instrument was followed by the basic standard museology data, which defines instruments in the following order: the maker of the musical instrument, the place and year of manufacture, the materials the instrument is made from, the measurements of the instrument or its parts, the signature (if present) on the instrument, details of how or from whom the instrument was obtained for the museum, the instrument’s provenance (that is, who used to play it), the name of the restoration specialist who restored it and the year of restoration, and the publications, literature, analogies, photograph and description of the instrument. The material presented in this publication has been hidden in the museum depots for decades and as material source it is intended for use in future research. 12 ZBIRKA GLASBIL IN GLASBENIH AVTOMATOV ODDELKA ZA ZGODOVINO IN UPORABNO UMETNOST NARODNEGA MUZEJA SLOVENIJE Čeprav so zbirke Deželnega muzeja za Kranjsko začele nastajati takoj po ustanovitvi muzeja leta 1821,1 je bil Kulturnozgodovinski oddelek (danes Oddelek za zgodovino in uporabno umetnost Narodnega muzeja Slovenije) formalno ustanovljen šele leta 1946. Zbiralna politika je bila določena v ustanovnih aktih Deželnega muzeja za Kranjsko. Okrog leta 1830 je bil poudarek na zbiranju predmetov sodobne obrtne in industrijske proizvodnje. Leta 1885 je muzej pridobil izjemno pomembno zbirko, in sicer volilo Viktorja Smoleta. Naslednja večja pridobitev je zbirka sodobne umetne obrti, ki jo je muzeju podarila avstrijska država leta 1908. Leta 1929 je bila odkupljena Grebenčeva zbirka. V tridesetih letih 20. stoletja je tedanji ravnatelj Narodnega muzeja Josip Mal na dražbah inventarja nekaterih slovenskih gradov (Turn pri Velenju, Strahlova graščina v Stari Loki, Szaparyjev grad v Murski Soboti, Puchenstein pri Dravogradu in drugi) odkupil številne predmete, med katerimi je bilo tudi nekaj glasbenih inštrumentov. Tako je dr. Mal kot močna intelektualna osebnost s svojim vsestranskim zanimanjem in skrbjo za muzeološki razvoj pripomogel k razvoju novih zbirk in oddelkov znotraj muzeja. Začetni fond Zbirke glasbil je nastajal z odkupi in darili posa­ meznikov, med katerimi zasledimo tudi znane osebnosti slovenske zgodovine, ki jih bomo omenili v nadaljevanju. Prvo strokovno obdelavo muzejskih inštrumentov v Narodnem muzeju Slovenije je opravila prva kustodinja za Zbirko glasbil 1 Leta 1821 so Kranjski deželni stanovi sprejeli odločitev o ustanovitvi deželnega muzeja, imenovanega Kranjski stanovski muzej (Krainisch Ständisches Museum). Skrb zanj je prevzela Kranjska kmetijska družba. Prve prostore je dobil muzej v Pogačnikovi hiši v Salendrovi ulici. Leta 1826 je cesar Franc I. odobril ustanovitev muzeja in določi, naj se imenuje deželni muzej: Deželni muzej za Kranjsko (Krainisches Landesmuseum). Arhiv Narodnega muzeja Slovenije. COLLECTION OF MUSICAL 13 INSTRUMENTS AND MUSIC MACHINES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY AND APPLIED ARTS AT THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF SLOVENIA The Regional Museum of Carniola began building its collections right after it was first established in 1821.1 However, the Culture and History Department (today the Department of History and Applied Arts) was formally established only in 1946. The policies of collection practice were set in the constitutional document of the Regional Museum of Carniola. In the 1830s the museum focused on collecting objects of contemporary craft as well as those of industrial production. In 1885 the museum obtained an important collection, a bequest by Viktor Smole. The next of the museum’s bigger acquisitions was a collection of contemporary applied arts, donated by the Austrian state in 1908. In 1929 the museum bought the Oton Grebenc collection. In the 1930s the National Museum director Josip Mal bought numerous objects at the auctions of the inventories of several Slovenian castles (Turn near Velenje, Strahl Castle in Stara Loka, Szapary castle in Murska Sobota, Puchenstein castle in Dravograd and others). Among them there were also several musical instruments. Mal was an incredible intellectual, his versatile interests combined with his concern for museological development contributed to the growth of collections and departments within the museum. The Collection of Musical Instruments was started with acquisitions and bequests from individuals, including several well­known personalities from Slovenian history, who we will refer to later on in this text. 1 In 1821 the Carniolan Provincial Estates made a decision to establish a regional museum to be named the Carniolan Provincial Museum (Krainisch Ständisches Museum). The Carniolan Farming Society took over the responsibility for the museum and the first premises were set up in Pogačnik House on Salendrova Street in Ljubljana. In 1826 Emperor Francis I
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