Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 The iH lltop Digital Archive 2-1-2002 The iH lltop 2-1-2002 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_0010 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 2-1-2002" (2002). The Hilltop: 2000 - 2010. 52. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_0010/52 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - ---------:-- ~---------------~----- ILLTOP The Student Voice of Howard University VOLUME 85, NO. 32 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2002 Time for L.I.V.E. Hosts Meeting for Prospective Candidates More than 30 Pick Up Applications for Student Government Positions Change 8 \ CORLY C UNNI ....G II,\I spoke on their office and wha1 was required ot them. Campus Editor "Don'1 apply for the job ir your are 1101 commined, and do 001 have 1he time," ,aid At e~ander. Studems in1eres1ed in running for orlice in running for Echoing the Arts and Science Pres1den1. Brown said, " office were able 10 pick up elec1ions packe1s, which con• You hnve 10 be will ing to put 111 1ime and a 101 of work. You tnined rules and regula1ions. pe1i1ions. and 01her informa- also need experience. without i1 you could end up embar• 1ion 1ha1 rela1es 10 1he various elec1ion positions. rn,sing yourselr." L.I. V.F.. chairs began by outlining the HUSA and trus1ee Elec1ions chairs also explained thai 1he various grndua1e candida1e quali fica1ions for elec1ions positions. Studenis schools, which had previous done their own election, would must submit petitions that represen15 percent of the studcn1 be included in this year's general elecuons. These elec­ population. pny a $250 security deposil. S1uden1s must tions, as well as 1he other individual college elections, will also ha\"e a campaign manager and a 2.0 GPA. be ,pearhead by local ele~tions chair, appointed in each The HUSA general Assembly had previously proposed school. Local elections chairs will report directly 10 the 1ha1 1he GPA requiremen1 be raised, but because of its con• general chairs and their current school board. Staff Column stitutional roundation 1hey were 001 able implemen1 the pro­ Afler submining their elections paeke1s, candidates will posal. be verified by the office of s1uden1 activities. Campaign New to this years imercst meeting were guest speakers managers will 1hen meet with the elections chairs to discu\S Photo B} \1c-lJ.mc ,c-.hi:tt from the current s1udent government enlities. Arts and Sci­ elections policy as ii relates to their campnign. Kluilfanl llnlkrr; ro-el«1lons di.,irs hand; 001 appliattion>. ne thing I have realized a, ence Execu1ive President Anna Alexander, HUSA Presi• Official campaigning will begm at 8pm on Friday Febru• Editor-in-Chier, is how dent, Stefanie Brown, and UGSA rep, Cameron Trimble all ary 8th. Onothing changes. Over the years. from working as an cdi1or and covering this campus, I have noticed tha1 there are the same Abdullah Defects campaigns during elec1ions season, Cha-Ching same acronyms standing for student platforms thai they don't always com­ From Bison plete. Truthfully, there is the same old Bison Racks up all the Dough with Outside and look to The Hilllop, 100. Veteran Guard to Focus I lhmk 1his might represe111 a prob­ lem. People are way 100 comfortable University Scholarships On Personal Issues on campus. We are in our comfort zones and we don·1 wam to get out or BY J o:.. nn ,N C. S1\1s took the helm and pro• 1hem. As much as I love Howard, I Lire & Style Editor duced 1his show ror I 112 B, Au.l :, Pmn1 1. II can'I help but notice how everything is years. and 1hen the real Sports Edi1or based on this legacy and that tradition he's 1101 on any of the fun began for her. and how we have done things in the Universi1y's big pos1er Jes,ica wa, put 10 the Another era of Howard University ,port, ha.s come past. boards around campus, going her Junior year. Her 10 an end. a., men\ basketball guard Ah Abdullah has This says to me that there needs 10 but she's making news course load began 10 reque,1ed an indefin11e lea\"e of absence from the be some kind of shirt or change. There nonetheless. But if you increase, and 1he radio sta• 1eam. an absence 1ha1 will most likely be permanent ncc-Js to be one student leader (or know her, you know her 1ion·s expecta11on~ rrom according Abdullah more than one l. 1hat stnnds out, who story. This is the s1ory of Jessica John• her became even more Abdullah, a ftfth•)C.'U' senior. made his request a will be mnnvauve .md show 1he cam• ~on. bindrng. ·· I needed help,'' fev. da), after Howard\ lo,, at Hampton Uni,er,ity pus something 1h.11 will mo,e us all. Her ,ecrel re\'Caled ,he \s the girt Johnson ,aid. She chose t\>O week, ago. ,\ccordmg to Frankie Allen. Strow u, n thtn{. w ha,en't ,een ,~hc.1t ,l .me.I f,'Cu:<J r, <lnty Ho\\anl',roen·, ba,ketball 1ea,n·, bead cnarh, Abdul• before. Please' on her book,. aml her lab cited ~on;iJ 1rea-on,. name!) ,, de,IJ'C 10 concen• Thal is why I ho!>!! next year\ defining moment. her tr.tie on his Muslim faith and ,1udie,. a, the impe1u, HUSA admi111sim1ion is totally differ• Feature choice, of pro,pccth·c col• for his dep,1r1ur., from the tc.,m . em from this year's or any recent ones leges. "I began 10 ,.rile "11", JUsl ,ome personal i"ue,. 11\ 1101 all about we have seen. I hope nex1 year's slu• thnt walked onto this campus with more for the Metro Forum (a ba,ke1ba11:· Allen ,aid. "\\'hen \\C ialked, It was den1 tru,1ecs .Ire different and are than Sl00.000 in scholarship money, local paper)."' Johnson said maybe 95 percent p.,rsonal concern, and the re,1 ba,­ allowed 10 be wi1hou1 ·•compromising but hos e\"Ol\"ed in her three semes1ers a, ,he humbly turned O\"Cr ketball. He said he did nut want 10 be a di,1mction to any clause 1hey migh1 have 10 the as a woman or movement and purpose. her resume. the team," Allen ,aid. "He ju,t need, a break. Some­ board." "I know whn1 I wan1," said Johnson, a Wi1h high \Chool dawn­ ume, you can be <o in\"Ol\'ed m somethmg )OU need And next )Car\ Hilhop, I hope, sophomore public relations major from ing and the brink of col• 10 lake ,ome mne olC look, nollnng hke this year We get Jacl..son. 'Tenn. aware bu1 humble of all lege on the horizon. Howe\"er, the New Jersey na1i\'c ,md 1ha1 his dec1• caught up Ill what past .1dnuni,1rJlions her blc"ing,. fohn,on beg.in 10 be s1on ha,·e done ,md we are alr..iid or change 11 blcss.-:J w11h other gr.rnd Phi 10 <•oun " \,t ~,1,.a fotur;on Her secret began durmg her 7 ' grade Thal i, dangerous for The Hilltop and oppor1un11ie, Talk show I ltr" anl l,' nh ~N t~ Sophomore J ,..,..Jen JohitfotlO. Jotu'"",n t.~mt"d year in Junior high school. Johnson mon: th;.111 100.000 in ~a"hiJh every one el\C on campu, v. ho rears ~iam, would be no used her creative love for drama 10 send ,1rangers 10 Juhn,on who chnnge. a message to some of her close friends I hope the design i, different and would {!Cl one or the b1gge,1 ,urpnse, Mecca wllh a great sense of Vahda11on. that were facing some tough decisions. With all of 1ho,e achieveinen1,. one 1hm the ,mlf does 1101 ,tic~ 10 1md1• She produced and wrote a play utled during her senior }car. Oxygen Medin, owned by Oprah Winfrey, appointed would 1hink J<>hn<on ,mutd 1ake the 1ion. The Hilhop ts going 10 begin the ··No Way Out" which told a lrue slory Jessica n, a "Point Of View·· Journalis1. bacl.. ,ea1. but she rem,nns in the dn• change 1his semester. As nlway, your or gang violence. When producing the Jessica's inOuence, now had cro;.-;ed \"Cr's side. lier 1wo parents, both edu• criticism is welcome. pin), Johmon enlis1ed 1he help or 1101 O\"er the airwaves 10 prim. and now to cmors, ha\"e molded 1he roundauon of This rront page column is one or 1he profe"ional actors. bu1 ac1ual gang the lube. She wa, responsible for pro­ this woman of vision. Jessica saw her ,mull change, the paper is making. It members as ac10rs. She took her pro ducing segment ,ho\\\ on many issues latest vi"''" while al Howard. She will be a semi- v.eekly feature for Hill· duct,on to the pulpi1 where ii wa.< per• pert111e111 10 youn)! women began to do work,hup, di local hi{th lop editors Each column editors will formed .,t her church and then culmi• Al the same time Je"ica was keeping ,chool, on hov. to get scholarship dol• comment on campus, v.orld and na10-J with a tour of other cities and national i"ues.
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