INGATESTONE GARDEN CENTRE, ESSEX DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT PREPARED BY PEGASUS DESIGN ON BEHALF OR REDROW HOMES LTD P17_0783_9C | NOVEMBER 2017 DRAFT Pegasus Design “THE GOVERNMENT ATTACHES GREAT IMPORTANCE TO THE DESIGN OF THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT. GOOD DESIGN IS A KEY ASPECT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, IS INDIVISIBLE FROM GOOD PLANNING, AND SHOULD CONTRIBUTE POSITIVELY TO MAKING PLACES BETTER FOR PEOPLE.” (PARA. 56, NPPF 2012). CONTENTS PAGE 5 PAGE 9 PAGE 41 INTRODUCTION ASSESSMENT INVOLVEMENT & EVOLUTION PAGE 47 PAGE 53 PAGE 73 DESIGN DESIGN SUMMARY PRINCIPLES PROPOSALS NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT IS DESIGNED TO BE VIEWED AS A3 DOUBLE SIDED Pegasus Design Pegasus Design Pegasus House Querns Business Centre Whitworth Road Cirencester GL7 1RT www.pegasusgroup.co.uk I T 01285 641717 I F 01285 642348 Prepared by Pegasus Design Pegasus Urban Design is part of Pegasus Group Ltd Prepared on behalf of Redrow Homes Ltd. November 2017 Project code P17-0783 COPYRIGHT The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Pegasus Planning Group Ltd. Crown copyright. All rights reserved, Licence number 100042093. SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 6 INGATESTONE GARDEN CENTRE, ESSEX | DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE OF THE STATEMENT 1.1 This Statement has been prepared by Pegasus Urban (c) explain the policy adopted as to access, and 1.6 This document achieves this within the following Design on behalf of Redrow Homes Ltd (the developer) how policies relating to access in relevant local sections: to accompany the outline planning application for development documents have been taken into account; Section 1: Introduction – outlines the purpose of the residential development for up to 110 dwellings, open (d) state what, if any, consultation has been undertaken document; space and associated infrastructure at Ingatestone on issues relating to access to the development and Garden Centre. Section 2: Assessment – considers the site and its what account has been taken of the outcome of any surroundings in terms of the physical, social and 1.2 This statement has been prepared in accordance such consultation; and planning context; with Article 9 of the Town and Country Planning (e) explain how specific issues which might affect (Development Management Procedure) (England) Section 3: Design Principles and Sustainable access to the development have been addressed.” Order 2015, which requires certain applications to be Structuring – presentation of the design principles that accompanied by a Design and Access Statement. 1.5 The more recently published government white paper have been derived from a combination of Government ‘Fixing our broken housing market’ (February 2017) Policy and site assessment; 1.3 The purpose of this statement is to explain; also seeks to reinforce the importance of design Section 4: Involvement and Evolution – outlines the stating: “ how the proposed development is a suitable stakeholder consultation undertaken, as well as its key response to the site and its setting and “ (1.44) We want to ensure that communities can findings and design evolution; demonstrate that it can be adequately accessed influence the design of what gets built in their Section 5: Design Proposals – presentation of the by prospective users” (para. 34, Planning area. Local people want new developments to design proposals including uses and amount proposed, Practice Guidance ID 26-034-20140306, March reflect their views about how their communities access arrangements, layout of the development, scale 2014). should evolve, whether it is in keeping with of buildings, landscaping treatments and appearance. 1.4 The Town and Country Planning (Development the traditional character of their area or a Section 6: Summary Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 also beautiful contemporary design that adds to the states the following requirements: existing built environment. Good design is also 1.7 This statement should be read in conjunction with the Outline Planning Application and its accompanying “(2) An application for planning permission to which fundamental to creating healthy and attractive documents including the Planning Statement, this paragraph applies must, except where paragraph places where people genuinely want to live, Transport Assessment, Ecology Assessment, (4) applies, be accompanied by a statement (“a design and which can cater for all members of the Landscape Assessment, Flood Risk Assessment, and access statement”) about: community, young or old.” Sustainability Assessment, and Statement of (a) the design principles and concepts that have been “ (1.45) 73 per cent of people say they would Community Involvement. applied to the development; and support the building of more homes if well (b) how issues relating to access to the development designed and in keeping with their local area. have been dealt with. (National Housing and Planning Advice Unit (3) A design and access statement must: (2010) Public Attitudes to Housing).” (a) explain the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the development; (b) demonstrate the steps taken to appraise the context of the development and how the design of the development takes that context into account; INGATESTONE GARDEN CENTRE, ESSEX | DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT 7 SECTION 2 ASSESSMENT DESIGN RELEVANT PLANNING POLICY 2.1 Government guidance in the form of the National 2.4 However, the NPPF goes on to state at paragraph 60 2.7 Whilst the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that there that: and the subsequent publication of Planning Policy is a presumption in favour of sustainable development “ Planning policies and decisions should not Guidance (March 2014) has replaced the Planning and a core principle in support of this is to: attempt to impose architectural styles of Policy Statements the following design guidance documents are still relevant to creating good design: “ Always seek to secure high quality design and particular tastes and they should not stifle a good standard of amenity for all existing and innovation, originality or initiative through • Manual for Streets 1 & 2 (DOT/DCLG 2007/2010); future occupants of land and buildings” unsubstantiated requirement to conform to • Building for Life 12 (Cabe at the Design Council, (para 17, point 4, NPPF 2012) certain development forms or styles. It is Design for Homes and the Home Builders Federation, 2012) and 2.2 The NPPF sets out the Government’s commitment to however, proper to seek to promote or reinforce good design, within Section 7 ‘Requiring Good Design’: local distinctiveness”. • Design and Access Statements – How to write, read and use them (CABE 2006). “ The Government attaches great importance to 2.5 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Section the design of the built environment. Good design 8: Promoting healthier communities, recognises is a key aspect of sustainable development, that access to high quality open spaces and is indivisible from good planning, and should opportunities for sport and recreation can make an contribute positively to making places better for important contribution to the health and well-being of people.” communities. 2.6 National guidance in the form of Planning Practice “ It is important to plan positively for the Guidance, published in March 2014 further reinforces achievement of high quality and inclusive the NPPF’s commitment to requiring good design by design for all development, including individual stating: buildings, public and private spaces and wider “ Achieving good design is about creating places, area development schemes.” buildings, or spaces that work well for everyone, (para. 56 & 57, NPPF 2012). look good, last well, and will adapt to the needs 2.3 Section 7 of the NPPF, seeks to promote more of future generations. sustainable development by requiring developers to address the following: Good design responds in a practical and creative • Add to the overall quality of the area; way to both the function and identity of a place” • Establish a strong sense of place; (para 001, Planning Practice Guidance, ID 26- • Optimise the use of land and placing an importance 001-20140306, March 2014). on high quality design; • Respond to the local character and history; • Create safe and accessible environments; and • Are visually attractive with good architecture and appropriate landscaping. 10 INGATESTONE GARDEN CENTRE, ESSEX | DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT SECTION 2 ASSESSMENT LOCAL PLANNING GUIDANCE BRENTWOOD LOCAL PLAN • The proposal should not give rise to the net loss of 2.12 Policy H14 Housing Density – states that the a residential unit (except as provided for in policy council will expect any proposal for new residential 2.8 The Brentwood Replacement Local Plan was formally tc19). development to be of an appropriate density that adopted by the Council on 25 August 2005. The plan • The proposal would not have an unacceptable makes efficient use of land. Residential densities provides a comprehensive statement of land use detrimental impact on health, the environment or will be expected to be no less than 30 dwellings policies and proposals for the Borough. This is the amenity due to the release of pollutants to land, per hectare net unless the special character of the Borough’s current development plan until replaced water or air (including noise, fumes, vibration, surrounding area determines that such densities by the emerging Local Development Plan. The main smells,
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