INDEX The Opinion: 6 Sports: 9 Obituaries: 11 Classifieds: 14 Notices: 15 REGISTERLOCAL NEWS ❙ LOCAL STORIES ❙ LOCAL ADVERTISERS A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ www.turley.com October 7, 2020 ❙ Vol. 78, No. 22 www.register.turley.com NEWSLINE Encompass Health Board of Health closes two bars over COVID rules honors employees SEE PAGE 3 LPS teams up with Walgreens to prevent flu outbreak Turley Publications staff photos by Jonah Snowden El Cid, located on 1002 East St., Ludlow. By Jonah Snowden 24 to close the El Cid on East [email protected] Street and The Lighthouse on Sewall Street. El Cid has since SEE PAGE 4 LUDLOW – Ludlow’s re-opened. Board of Health closed two Crete said the reason behind local bars recently because the closures was based on the Election Day is Near they were not following proto- decision by Massachusetts Gov. cols put in place to combat the Charlie Baker that bars cannot SEE PAGE 5 COVID-19 epidemic, town offi- open until Phase 4 of the state’s cials said last week. IN SPORTS Town Health Agent Andrea Please see BARS CLOSED, Crete made the decision Sept. Page 7 The Lighthouse, located on 108 Sewall St., Ludlow. Lions ready for new season Tips from LFD for Fire Prevention Week Hi - it’s nice LUDLOW - Fire Preven- tion Week ends Oct. 10 and the to meet you! Ludlow Fire Department would Well, hello! like to remind everyone this My name is Mike Harrison year’s theme is “Serve up Fire and I’d like to take this opportu- Safety in the Kitchen.” nity to intro- Kitchen fires are the leading duce myself cause of home fires, and unat- as the new tended cooking is the leading editor of cause of kitchen fires. With your local more people home due to the newspaper. pandemic, everyone is cooking First, I want more and the No. 1 ingredient to say how you need every time you’re SEE PAGE 9 happy I am cooking is safety. Fire is fast, to be here. dark and hot. You only have Making a REGION one to three minutes to escape new home in such a historic, pic- most fires, so you must be pre- turesque, and friendly region of Dakin Humane Society pared to leave quickly. presenting porch portraits Massachusetts with the love of Most fires are preventable, my life and her two teenage boys Ludlow Fire Chief Ryan M. would have been fine enough. To SPRINGFIELD – Dakin Humane Pease says. Take some time Society is offering Pioneer Valley also land a position with Turley residents the opportunity to pose during Fire Prevention Week Publications, which is unyield- for Porch Portraits, a professional to learn how to serve up fire Courtesy photo Fire Prevention Week ends Oct. 10. Shown here (from left) are ingly committed to community at-home photography session safety in the kitchen. Here journalism, was the icing on the with their pets on their porches or are tips from the Ludlow Fire Ludlow Fire Chief Ryan M. Pease, Jim Codding and Jason Codding. doorways from Oct. 17 to 25. Jason is a Ludlow firefighter and Jim, his dad, carved the Smokey cake. Please see FIRE PREVENTION Bear figure they are shown with from a log donated by firefighter Please see HARRISON, Page 8 SEE PAGE 12 Page 7 Ethan Dubois. Fast mortgage applications, fast closings. Ready. Set. Loan. From application to closing, move as fast as you need with a PeoplesBank mortgage. Apply now at bankatpeoples.com/mortgage. NMLS#644060 Member FDIC/Member DIF Ready. Set. Loan. ◗ Page 2 ❙ October 7, 2020 ❙ The Register The Register ❙ October 7, 2020 ❙ Page 3 ◗ THE BEST FRESH LUDLOW FOR FALL FUN! Randall’s Best Ever Encompass Health honors Scarecrow Contest Create Your Own Winning Scarecrow career-enhancing employees OCTOBER 17TH & 18TH $3,000 in Cash Prizes Including 5 Charity Matches TWO ENTRY Youth up to Age 12; CLASSES: Adults 12 and Older FIVE WINNING CATEGORIES: Best Overall, Scariest, Most Original, Most Traditional and Funniest 20 DIFFERENT PRIZES, PLUS 10 CHARITY MATCHES! Bring Your Entry to the Greenhouse by End of Day Sat., October 17th with Judging on Sun., October 18th OcWORKSHOPStober Fall Fun Outside in the Garden Center SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS & COLUMBUS DAY 11AM – 5PM SCARECROW MAKING Courtesy Photo (Back Row) L to R Nick Rizas, Therapy Manager, Physical therapy, Margaret Cantinas, Nurse Manager, Dina Slayton, WORKSHOP RNT, Tammy Goulet‑Warren, OTA, John Hunt, MA, CCC‑SLP, CEO, Cidalia Vital, RN, PhD, CNO, Alina Nisar, RNT. (Front Make Your Own Row) L to R Ana Rodriguez, RNT, Shorai Nyawuziyo, RNT, Elizabeth Gil, RNT II, Julie Bugeau, OTR/L, Deborah Carney, Life Size Scarecrow OTR/L, DTO. Missing: Oksana Derevyanchuk, RNT, Amylynn Flechsig, RNT, Lynda Njoku, RNT, Tyler O’Brien, RNT, Yaitzaenid Serrano, RNT, Elzbieta Ethier, RRT. We Provide All The Materials “Make It Here” or By Jonah Snowden “It’s not just something we do and nity to develop your skills and give Buy a Kit to Make at Home [email protected] forget about. We want it to live on, back even more to the patients that so those people are always remem- we treat,” Rizas said. Pumpkin Decorating LUDLOW – Recently, Encom- bered for what they did here.” Newly appointed Registered Workshop pass Health Rehabilitation Hospital Hunt said the recognition is ap- Nurse Technician II Elizabeth Gil, We Provide the Pumpkins of Western Massachusetts honored preciated. who was also honored for her pro- a group of hardworking, career-en- “People like to be recognized gression on the RNT career ladder, & Decorations hancing employees through its sec- for the hard work they do,” he said. is taking on different responsibilities “Make It Here”or ond annual “Garden of Growth” “It’s not that they’re looking for it, to satisfy the requirements of the Buy a Kit to Make at Home event. but when you recognize them, they program she enrolled in. She said Limited Workshop Spaces Available The event honors Encompass greatly appreciate that, especially she’s grateful for the recognition On A First Come - First Serve Basis staff who have taken the initia- during a rough time. 2020 has been and the opportunities provided by Workshop Spaces Are Socially Distanced tive to further their careers through challenging for us in so many ways, Encompass Health. Masks Required continuing education and real-time especially in healthcare, and these “I’m very happy, excited and training. folks show up to work every day very honored,” Gil said, adding that Randall’s John R. Hunt, CEO of Encom- and do an incredible job under some she is looking forward to pursuing pass, said the company values its very stressful circumstances and we “more career opportunities.” Pumpkin Decorating Contest employees “very highly for the greatly appreciate that.” Chief Nursing Officer Cidalia OCTOBER 24TH & 25TH work that they do” helping people Physical Therapy Manager Vital said “The RNTs are the back- “who’ve been put in very challeng- Nick Rizas, who was honored for bone of patient experience. Their JUMBO HARDY MUMS$ 99 ing situations, whether it’s a stroke stepping up his certification from role is critical to ensuring patients 8-inch In Fabulous Fall Colors pots or brain injury.” Clinician 1 to Clinician 2, said he have their needs met. 6 He said it’s important to make appreciates the support he and his To learn more about the services sure these staff members know how colleagues receive when it comes provided by Encompass Health, lo- much Encompass appreciates them. to furthering their education and cated on 222 State St., visit its web- Pumpkins! Pumpkins! “Garden of Growth was to honor gaining more experience within an site at encompasshealth.com or call these clinicians,” Hunt said. “acute rehab setting.” 413-308-3300. In the Garden of Growth, locat- That support also translates into ed in the hospital’s courtyard, each an even high- FALL FLAVORS selected employee has a plant and er level of care NEW CROP marble plaque in their honor. for patients, he LOCAL MAC, MACOUN $ 99 “We wanted to show our thanks said. 5 lb. Tote to them by putting this Garden of “It’s a won- or CORTLAND APPLES Bags Growth in the courtyard,” said Hunt. derful opportu- 4 Apple Cider Donuts, Fresh Sweet Cider, Fresh Baked Pumpkin Gary J. Nielan, M.D. Kimberly J. Martins, M.D. Pies, Muffins & MORE Francesca M. Bajaj, M.D. Priya S. Malik, M.D. Thirza C. Lareau, M.D. Deanna Tocco, M.D. Randall’s Farm & Greenhouse Annual Amy C. Kasper, M.D. Jonathan Rosenstein, M.D. Kimberly A. Dewey, M.D. Ellen McCormack, M.D. CORN MAZE and Pumpkin Picking Rebecca Gurney, C.N.P. is PostPoned Until 2021 Due To Massachusetts COVID-19 Pediatric Regulations & Guidelines & Adolescent ALWAYS FRESH AT AutoAuto Home LifeLife Business Business Medicine is pleased to announce that 73334 Chestnut Chapin Street Street Ellen Ludlow,Suite MA 104 McCormack, M.D. has joined our staff. (413)Ludlow, 583- 8358 MA (413) 583-8358 2207 Boston Road 35 Turkey Hill Road Wilbraham Belchertown 631 CENTER ST. Route 21 Mass Tpke Exit 7 LUDLOW • 589-7071 • www.randallsfarm.net (413) 599-1201 • Fax: (413) 596-2940 OPEN EVERY DAY 7AM - 8PM Protecting Families Since 1924 www.pamcares.com Find us on Facebook and YouTube ◗ Page 4 ❙ October 7, 2020 ❙ The Register LPS teams up with Walgreens to prevent flu outbreak LUDLOW — The arrival of fall not only brings cooler weather and colorful foliage – it’s also a reminder that flu season will quickly be upon us. In an effort to be proactive and sup- port LPS families, a flu clinic was of- fered Sept.
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